#' Sightability estimate of ratio with variance components estimator from Wong
#' (1996)
#' Estimates population ratio, with variance estimated using Wong's (1996)
#' estimator. This function will usually be called by Sight.Est,Ratio()
#' function (but see details).
#' This function is called by Sight.Est.Ratio, but may also be called directly
#' by the user (e.g., in cases where the original sightability [test trial] data
#' are not available, but the parameters and var/cov matrix from the logistic
#' regression model is available in the literature).
#' @param numerator,denominator Number of animals in numerator and denominator
#' of each independently sighted group
#' @param srates Vector of plot-level sampling probabilities (same dimension as
#' \code{total}).
#' @param nh Number of sample plots in each stratum
#' @param Nh Number of population plots in each stratum
#' @param stratum Stratum identifiers (associated with the independently
#' observed animal groups)
#' @param subunit Plot ID (associated with the independently observed animal
#' groups)
#' @param covars Matrix of sightability covariates (associated with the
#' independently observed animal groups)
#' @param beta Logistic regression parameter estimates (from fitted
#' sightability model)
#' @param varbeta Estimated variance-covariance matrix for the logistic
#' regression parameter estimates (from fitted sightability model)
#' @param smat Estimated variance-covariance matrix for the inflation factors
#' (1/probability of detection). This is an n.animal x n.animal matrix, and is
#' usually calculated within the Wong.est function. Non-null values can be
#' passed to the function (e.g., if a bootstrap is used to estimate uncertainty
#' due to the estimated detection parameters).
#' @return \item{ratio.hat}{Sightability estimate of ratio, ratio^}
#' \item{Vartot}{Estimated variance of ratio^} \item{VarSamp, VarSight,
#' VarMod}{Estimated variance component due to sampling, sightability, model are
#' set to NA}
#' @author Carl James Schwarz
#' @seealso \code{\link{Sight.Est.Ratio}}, \code{\link{SS.est.Ratio}}
#' @references Rice CG, Jenkins KJ, Chang WY (2009). Sightability Model for
#' Mountain Goats." The Journal of Wildlife Management, 73(3), 468- 478.
#' Steinhorst, R. K., and M.D. Samuel. (1989). Sightability adjustment methods
#' for aerial surveys of wildlife populations. Biometrics 45:415-425.
#' Wong, C. (1996). Population size estimation using the modified
#' Horvitz-Thompson estimator with estimated sighting probabilities.
#' Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA.
#' @keywords methods
#' @export Wong.est.Ratio
Wong.est.Ratio <-
function(numerator, denominator, srates, nh, Nh, stratum, subunit, covars, beta, varbeta, smat=NULL){
# estimates the ratio of the numerator/denominator and variance using Wong (1996) results
# Questions to
# Arguments (the first five should have one observation for each individual in the obs. dataset
# numerator = total number of animals in the observed group for the numerator of the ratio
# denominator = total number of animals in the observed group for the denominator of the ratio
# srates = sampling rate for the stratum (for each observed animal)
# nh = number of sampled units in each stratum
# Nh = number of population units in each stratum
# stratum = stratum identifier
# Subunit = subunit identifier
# covars = matrix of covariates used in the sightability model
# beta = vector of parameter estimates from logistic model
# varbeta = var/cov matrix for above parameter estimates
# smat = variance covariance matrix of estimated inflation factors (theta)
version <- "2020-06-01"
# Check on length of vector arguments
if(length(numerator) != length(denominator))stop("Numerator and Denominator must be equal length")
n <- length(numerator)
if(length(srates) != n) {stop("Srates vector needs to be same dimension as numerator and denomiantor vectors")}
if(length(stratum) != n) {stop("Stratum vector needs to be same dimension as numerator and denominator vectors")}
if(length(srates) != n) {stop("Subunit vector needs to be same dimension as numerator and denominator vectors")}
# Form xmatrix
xdata <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1, n), covars))
ncovars <- dim(xdata)
if(ncovars[1] != n) {stop("Covariate matrix needs to be same length as numerator and denominator vectors")}
# Make sure beta is a matrix of dim ncovar x 1
beta <- matrix(beta, length(beta), 1)
if (length(beta) != ncovars[2]){stop("Covars matrix must have same number of columns as the Beta vector")}
# Estimate theta for each animal in each group = 1/prob(detection)
theta <- 1+exp(-xdata%*%beta-diag(xdata%*%varbeta%*%t(xdata))/2)
# Xie = prob. detection = 1/ theta
xie <- 1/theta
# Point estimate for the numerator and denomiator variables using the Wong.est routines
numerator.hat <- Wong.est(numerator, srates, nh, Nh, stratum, subunit, covars, beta, varbeta, smat=NULL)
denominator.hat <- Wong.est(denominator, srates, nh, Nh, stratum, subunit, covars, beta, varbeta, smat=NULL)
ratio.hat <- as.numeric(numerator.hat$est["tau.hat"] /denominator.hat$est["tau.hat"]) # strip off attributes
#------------------------- Now, compute the variance of the ratio ----------------------------------
# This requires calculation of Cov(theta^[ij], theta^[i'j']) (see Wong 1996)
# So, start by calculating variance covariance matrix of theta values = smat (below)
nxdata <- nrow(xdata)
sm3 <- matrix(0, nxdata, nxdata) # holder for some of the terms in the expression for smat
if(is.null(smat)){ #Variance/covariance matrix of smat not supplied by user
# Use asymptotic estimate based on log-normal assumption (of SS and Wong)
# Do as much of the matrix multiplication outside of loop as possible
xb <- xdata%*%beta # X'beta
xbb <- kronecker(xb, t(xb), FUN = "+") # x1+x2
xvarbeta <- xdata%*%varbeta%*%t(xdata) # X Sig X
for(i in 1:nxdata){
for(j in i:nxdata){
xtemp1 <- as.vector(xdata[i, ], mode = "numeric")
xtemp2 <- as.vector(xdata[j, ], mode = "numeric")
xtot <- t(xtemp1+xtemp2)
sm3[i, j] <- sm3[j, i] <- xtot%*%varbeta%*%t(xtot)/2
smat <- exp(-xbb-sm3)*(exp(xvarbeta)-1)
#------------------------ End Calculation of Cov matrix ------------------------------------------------
# Get various quantities read
# Calculate MKs and pks (MKs = corrected totals by subunit, pks = sampling rate for the subunit)
# We need to adjust the numerator and denominator variables for sightability
MKs <- rowsum(numerator*denominator*theta, subunit)
pks <- tapply(srates,subunit, unique)
nk <- length(pks)
# Turn MKs and pks into matrices with 1 columns
MKs <- matrix(MKs, length(MKs), 1)
pks <- matrix(pks, length(pks), 1)
# get information at the subunit level
first.subunit <- !duplicated(subunit) <- data.frame(subunit =subunit[first.subunit],
stratum =stratum[first.subunit],
#---------------------- Calculate covariance of numerator and denominator total
# Refer to equation 2.4.6 of Wong(1996)
# Term1 = produce of the totals
E2.4.6.t1 <- as.numeric(numerator.hat$est["tau.hat"] * denominator.hat$est["tau.hat"])
# Term 2 <- component due to sampling
E2.4.6.t2 <- sum(MKs / pks)
# term 3 - within subunit terms. We loop over the subunits
# The stratum vector has values from 1:nstrata from the calling function
E2.4.6.t3 <- 0
for(i.subunit in 1:nrow({
i.subunit.val =$subunit[i.subunit]
i.index <- (1:length(subunit))[subunit==i.subunit.val] # which elements belong to this subunit
cross.num.denom <- outer(numerator[i.index], denominator[i.index], FUN="*")
cross.theta <- outer(theta [i.index], theta [i.index], FUN="*")
temp <- cross.num.denom*(-smat[i.index,i.index]+cross.theta)
diag(temp) <- 0 # we only want the off diagonal terms
E2.4.6.t3 <- E2.4.6.t3 + sum(temp)/$stratum.srate[i.subunit]
# term 4 - across subunit terms
E2.4.6.t4 <- 0
for(i.subunit in 1:nrow({
i.subunit.val =$subunit[i.subunit]
i.index <- (1:length(stratum))[subunit==i.subunit.val] # which elements belong to this stratum
for(j.subunit in 1:nrow({
j.subunit.val =$subunit[j.subunit]
j.index <- (1:length(stratum))[subunit==j.subunit.val] # which elements belong to this stratum
if(i.subunit != j.subunit){
cross.num.denom <- outer(numerator[i.index], denominator[j.index], FUN="*")
cross.theta <- outer(theta [i.index], theta [j.index], FUN="*")
temp <- cross.num.denom*(-smat[i.index,j.index]+cross.theta)
pij <- ifelse($stratum[i.subunit]$stratum[j.subunit]
# subunits from same stratum are not indepent since sampling is without replacement
# subunits from different strata are selected independently
,nh[$stratum[i.subunit]]/Nh[$stratum[i.subunit]]* # different strata independent selection
E2.4.6.t4 <- E2.4.6.t4 + sum(temp)/pij
# Now, add then all toegher
# I think that there is an error in Wong's thesis in 2.4.5 and it should read
cov.nhat.dhat <- E2.4.6.t1 - (E2.4.6.t2 + E2.4.6.t3 + E2.4.6.t4)
# rather than
# cov.nhat.dhat <- E2.4.6.t1 + (E2.4.6.t2 + E2.4.6.t3 + E2.4.6.t4)
# now add together the variance components
# see Equation 2.4.4 of Wong(1996)
VarRatio <- as.numeric(ratio.hat^2*(
numerator.hat $est["VarTot"]/numerator.hat $est["tau.hat"]^2 +
denominator.hat$est["VarTot"]/denominator.hat$est["tau.hat"]^2 -
2*cov.nhat.dhat / numerator.hat $est["tau.hat"] /denominator.hat$est["tau.hat"])
# we don't separate out the variance components due to sightability and model but see the num/denom variables
out <- c(ratio.hat=ratio.hat,
VarSamp = NA,
VarSight= NA,
VarMod = NA)
out2 <- NULL
out2$est <- out
out2$var.method = "Wong"
out2$numerator <- numerator.hat
out2$denominator <- denominator.hat
out2$cov.nhat.dhat.components <- data.frame(E2.4.6.t1, E2.4.6.t2, E2.4.6.t3, E2.4.6.t4,cov.nhat.dhat )
out2$version <- version
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