
Defines functions create_betas_acl2bcl apply_threshold create_output create_rlatent create_distribution create_linear_predictor check_betas check_intercepts check_xformula check_correlation_matrix check_ncategories check_cluster_size

check_cluster_size <- function(cluster_size) {
  if (all.equal(cluster_size, as.integer(cluster_size)) != TRUE |
    cluster_size < 2) {
    stop("'clsize' must be a positive integer greater than or equal to two")

check_ncategories <- function(categories_no) {
  if (!is.numeric(categories_no) | categories_no < 3) {
    stop("'ncategories' must be numeric greater or equal to three")
  if (all.equal(categories_no, as.integer(categories_no)) != TRUE) {
    stop("'ncategories' must be a positive integer")

check_correlation_matrix <- function(correlation_matrix, cluster_size, rfctn,
                                     categories_no = NULL) {
  if (!is.numeric(correlation_matrix)) {
    stop("'cor_matrix' must be numeric")
  if (!is.matrix(correlation_matrix)) {
    stop("'cor_matrix' must be a matrix")
  if (rfctn == "rbin" | rfctn == "rmult.clm") {
    if (ncol(correlation_matrix) != cluster_size |
      nrow(correlation_matrix) != cluster_size) {
        "'cor.matrix' must be a ", cluster_size, "x", cluster_size, " matrix"
  } else {
    ncateg2 <- ifelse(
      rfctn == "rmult.bcl", categories_no, categories_no - 1
    dimcor <- cluster_size * ncateg2
    if (ncol(correlation_matrix) != dimcor |
      nrow(correlation_matrix) != dimcor) {
      stop("'cor_matrix' must be a ", dimcor, "x", dimcor, " matrix")
    for (i in 1:cluster_size) {
      diag_index <- 1:ncateg2 + (i - 1) * ncateg2
      correlation_matrix[diag_index, diag_index] <- diag(1, ncateg2)
  if (!isSymmetric(correlation_matrix)) {
    stop("'cor_matrix' must be a symmetric matrix")
  if (any(diag(correlation_matrix) != 1)) {
    stop("the diagonal elements of 'cor_matrix' must be one")
  if (any(correlation_matrix > 1) | any(correlation_matrix < -1)) {
    stop("all the elements of 'cor_matrix' must be on [-1,1]")
  correlation_matrix_eigen <- eigen(
    symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE
  if (any(correlation_matrix_eigen$values <= 0)) {
    stop("'cor_matrix' must be positive definite")

check_xformula <- function(xformula) {
  linear_predictor_formula <- stats::as.formula(xformula)
  if (length(paste0(attr(stats::terms(linear_predictor_formula),
                         "variables"))) == 1) {
    stop("No covariates were found in 'formula' ")
  if (attr(stats::terms(linear_predictor_formula), "intercept") == 0) {
    linear_predictor_formula <- stats::update(linear_predictor_formula, ~ . + 1)

# nolint start
check_intercepts <- function(intercepts, cluster_size, rfctn,
                             sample_size = NULL) {
  if (!is.numeric(intercepts)) {
    stop("'intercepts' must be numeric")
  if (any(is.infinite(intercepts))) {
    stop("'intercepts' must not be Inf or -Inf")
  if (rfctn == "rbin") {
    if (!(is.vector(intercepts) & !is.list(intercepts))) {
      stop("'intercepts' must be a vector")
    if (length(intercepts) == 1) {
      intercepts <- rep(intercepts, cluster_size)
    if (length(intercepts) != cluster_size) {
        "'intercepts' must have either one or ", cluster_size,
        " elements"
    intercepts <- cbind(-Inf, intercepts, Inf)
  } else {
    if (!(is.vector(intercepts) & !is.list(intercepts)) &
      !is.matrix(intercepts)) {
      stop("'intercepts' must be a vector or a matrix")
    if (is.vector(intercepts) & !is.list(intercepts)) {
      if (length(intercepts) == 1) {
        stop("'intercepts' must have at least 2 elements")
      if (rfctn == "rmult.clm" & any(diff(intercepts) <= 0)) {
        stop("'intercepts' must be increasing")
      categories_no <- length(intercepts) + 1
      if (rfctn == "rmult.clm") {
        intercepts <- matrix(intercepts, cluster_size, categories_no - 1, TRUE)
        intercepts <- cbind(-Inf, intercepts, Inf)
      } else if (rfctn == "rmult.crm") {
        intercepts <- matrix(
          intercepts, sample_size, cluster_size * (categories_no - 1), TRUE
      } else {
        intercepts <- matrix(intercepts, cluster_size, categories_no - 1, TRUE)
    } else {
      categories_no <- ncol(intercepts) + 1
      if (rfctn == "rmult.clm") {
        intercepts <- cbind(-Inf, intercepts, Inf)
        for (i in 1:cluster_size) {
          if (any(diff(intercepts[i, ]) <= 0)) {
            stop("'intercepts' must be increasing at each row")
      } else if (rfctn == "rmult.crm") {
        categories_no <- ncol(intercepts) + 1
        intercepts <- matrix(
          t(intercepts), sample_size, cluster_size * (categories_no - 1), TRUE
      } else {
        categories_no <- ncol(intercepts) + 1
        intercepts <- matrix(intercepts, cluster_size, categories_no - 1, TRUE)
# nolint end

check_betas <- function(betas, cluster_size) {
  if (!(is.vector(betas) & !is.list(betas)) & !is.matrix(betas)) {
    stop("'betas' must be a vector or a matrix")
  if (!is.numeric(betas)) {
    stop("'betas' must be numeric")
  if (is.vector(betas) & !is.list(betas)) {
    betas <- rep(betas, cluster_size)
  } else {
    if (nrow(betas) != cluster_size) {
      stop("The number of rows in 'betas' should be equal to 'clsize'")
    betas <- c(t(betas))

create_linear_predictor <- function(betas, cluster_size,
                                    linear_predictor_formula, xdata, rfctn,
                                    categories_no = NULL) {
  xmat <- stats::model.matrix(linear_predictor_formula, data = xdata)
  if (rfctn == "rmult.bcl") {
    xmat <- apply(xmat, 2, function(x) rep(x, each = categories_no))
    if (length(betas) != (cluster_size * categories_no * ncol(xmat))) {
      stop("The length of 'betas' does not match with the provided covariates")
    } # nolint
  } else {
    xmat <- matrix(xmat[, -1], ncol = ncol(xmat) - 1)
    if (length(betas) != (cluster_size) * ncol(xmat)) {
      stop("The length of 'betas' does not match with the number of covariates")
    } # nolint
  linear_predictor <- matrix(betas,
    nrow = nrow(xmat), ncol = ncol(xmat),
    byrow = TRUE
  ) * xmat
  if (rfctn == "rmult.bcl") {
    linear_predictor <- matrix(
      ncol = categories_no * cluster_size,
      byrow = TRUE
  } else {
    linear_predictor <- matrix(
      ncol = cluster_size, byrow = TRUE

create_distribution <- function(link) {
  if (length(link) != 1) {
    stop("The length of 'link' must be one")
  links <- c("probit", "logit", "cloglog", "cauchit", "identity")
  if (!is.element(link, links)) {
    stop("'link' must be 'probit', 'logit', 'cloglog', 'cauchit' and/or
  distr <- switch(
    link, probit = "qnorm", logit = "qlogis", cloglog = "qgumbel",
    cauchit = "qcauchy", identity = "qunif"

create_rlatent <- function(simulated_latent_variables, sample_size, link,
                           cluster_size, correlation_matrix,
                           rfctn, categories_no = NULL) {
  if (is.null(simulated_latent_variables)) {
    distr <- create_distribution(link)
    correlation_matrix <- check_correlation_matrix(
      correlation_matrix, cluster_size, rfctn, categories_no
    simulated_latent_variables <- rnorta(
      sample_size, correlation_matrix, rep(distr, nrow(correlation_matrix))
    if (distr == "qgumbel" & rfctn != "rmult.bcl") {
      simulated_latent_variables <- -simulated_latent_variables
  } else {
    if (!is.matrix(simulated_latent_variables)) {
      stop("'rlatent' must be a matrix")
    if (!is.numeric(simulated_latent_variables)) {
      stop("'rlatent' must be numeric")
    if (rfctn == "rbin" | rfctn == "rmult.clm") {
      ncol_rlatent <- cluster_size
    } else if (rfctn == "rmult.bcl") {
      ncol_rlatent <- cluster_size * categories_no
    } else {
      ncol_rlatent <- cluster_size * (categories_no - 1)
    if (nrow(simulated_latent_variables) != sample_size |
      ncol(simulated_latent_variables) != ncol_rlatent) {
      stop("'rlatent' must be a ", sample_size, "x", ncol_rlatent, " matrix")
    } # nolint
    correlation_matrix <- NULL
    simulated_latent_variables <- simulated_latent_variables

create_output <- function(simulated_responses, sample_size, cluster_size,
                          simulated_latent_variables, linear_predictor_formula,
                          xdata, rfctn, categories_no = NULL) {
  y <- c(t(simulated_responses))
  id <- rep(1:sample_size, each = cluster_size)
  time <- rep(1:cluster_size, sample_size)
  rownames(simulated_responses) <- rownames(simulated_latent_variables) <-
    paste("i", 1:sample_size, sep = "=")
  colnames(simulated_responses) <- paste("t", 1:cluster_size, sep = "=")
  colnames(simulated_latent_variables) <-
    if (rfctn == "rbin" | rfctn == "rmult.clm") {
      paste("t", 1:cluster_size, sep = "=")
    } else if (rfctn == "rmult.bcl") {
      paste("t=", rep(1:cluster_size, each = categories_no), " & j=",
        rep(1:categories_no, cluster_size),
        sep = ""
    } else {
      paste("t=", rep(1:cluster_size, each = categories_no - 1),
        " & j=", rep(1:(categories_no - 1), cluster_size),
        sep = ""
  sim_model_frame <- stats::model.frame(
    formula = linear_predictor_formula, data = xdata
  simdata <- data.frame(y, get_all_vars(formula = linear_predictor_formula,
                                        data = xdata), id, time)
    Ysim = simulated_responses, simdata = simdata,
    rlatent = simulated_latent_variables

apply_threshold <- function(linear_predictor, simulated_latent_variables,
                            cluster_size, rfctn, intercepts = NULL,
                            categories_no = NULL) {
  sample_size <- nrow(linear_predictor)
  if (rfctn == "rmult.clm" | rfctn == "rmult.crm") {
    u_sim <- simulated_latent_variables - linear_predictor
  } else {
    u_sim <- simulated_latent_variables + linear_predictor
  if (rfctn == "rbin") {
    simulated_responses <- matrix(0, sample_size, cluster_size)
    for (i in 1:cluster_size) {
      simulated_responses[, i] <-
          u_sim[, i] - 2 * linear_predictor[, i], intercepts[i, ],
          labels = FALSE
    simulated_responses <- 2 - simulated_responses
  } else if (rfctn == "rmult.bcl") {
    u_sim <- matrix(
      as.vector(t(u_sim)), cluster_size * sample_size, categories_no, TRUE
    simulated_responses <- apply(u_sim, 1, which.max)
    simulated_responses <- matrix(
      ncol = cluster_size, byrow = TRUE
  } else if (rfctn == "rmult.clm") {
    simulated_responses <- matrix(0, sample_size, cluster_size)
    for (i in 1:cluster_size) {
      simulated_responses[, i] <- cut(
        u_sim[, i], intercepts[i, ],
        labels = FALSE
  } else {
    simulated_responses <- matrix(
      as.numeric(t(u_sim <= intercepts)),
      sample_size * cluster_size, categories_no - 1, TRUE
    for (i in 1:(categories_no - 1)) {
      simulated_responses[, i] <- ifelse(
        simulated_responses[, i] == 1, i, categories_no
    simulated_responses <- apply(simulated_responses, 1, min)
    simulated_responses <- matrix(
      simulated_responses, sample_size, cluster_size, TRUE

create_betas_acl2bcl <- function(intercepts = intercepts,
                                 categories_no = categories_no, betas = betas) {
  intercepts_bcl <- t(apply(intercepts, 1, function(z) rev(cumsum(rev(z)))))
  cluster_size <- nrow(intercepts)
  dim_betas <- length(betas) / cluster_size
  betas_matrix <- matrix(betas, cluster_size, dim_betas, TRUE)
  betas_matrix_bcl <- t(apply(betas_matrix, 1, function(z)
    rep(categories_no - seq(categories_no - 1), each = length(z)) * z))
  betas_bcl <- matrix(
    0, cluster_size, categories_no - 1 + ncol(betas_matrix_bcl)
  for (i in seq(categories_no - 1)) {
    betas_bcl[, ((i - 1) * (dim_betas + 1) + 1):(i * (dim_betas + 1))] <-
        intercepts_bcl[, i],
        betas_matrix_bcl[, ((i - 1) * (dim_betas) + 1):(i * (dim_betas))]
  betas_bcl <- cbind(betas_bcl, matrix(0, cluster_size, dim_betas + 1))

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SimCorMultRes documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:34 p.m.