#' Identify SNVs located in a specified pathway
#' @param markerDF A data frame containing SNV data. See details.
#' @param pathwayDF A data frame containing pathway data. See details.
#' @return A dataframe with the same format as \code{markerDF}, but with a variable \code{pathwaySNV} marked FALSE for all variants located outside exons in \code{pathwayDF}, or with derived allele frequency greater than \code{carrier_prob}.
#' @keywords internal
identify_pathwaySNVs <- function(markerDF, pathwayDF){
if (is.null(markerDF$pathwaySNV)) {
markerDF$pathwaySNV <- TRUE
#Mark pathwaySNV FALSE for any variants that do not fall
#within the exons catalouged in pathwayDF
markerDF <-, lapply(unique(markerDF$chrom), function(x){
identify_pathwayRVs_byChrom(pathwayDF[pathwayDF$chrom == x, ],
markerDF[markerDF$chrom == x, ])
#' Identify variants located in a defined pathway
#' @param path_by_chrom The pathway data for the chromosome under consideration
#' @param marker_map_by_chrom The marker_map for the chromosome under consideration
#' @return marker_map_by_chrom with pathwaySNV identified
#' @keywords internal
identify_pathwayRVs_byChrom <- function(path_by_chrom, marker_map_by_chrom){
if(nrow(path_by_chrom) == 0){
# if pathway does not include any data for this chromosome
# then none of the SNVs on this chrom are in the pathway
marker_map_by_chrom$pathwaySNV <- FALSE
} else {
#since we will want to include variants that occur at the first base pair
#location, subtracting 1 from start positions
#Similarly, since we want the first mutation in marker_map_by_chrom
#to have a bin, subtracting 1 from this position
if(min(marker_map_by_chrom$position) != min(path_by_chrom$exonStart)){
cbreaks <- sort(c((min(marker_map_by_chrom$position) - 1),
(path_by_chrom$exonStart - 1),
keep_bins <- seq(2, length(cbreaks) - 1, by = 2)
} else {
cbreaks = sort(c((path_by_chrom$exonStart - 1),
keep_bins <- seq(1, length(cbreaks) - 1, by = 2)
stop("Expecting non-overlapping exonStart and exonEnd positions. \n Please combine overlapping segments into a single entry.")}
marker_map_by_chrom$pathwaySNV <- cut(marker_map_by_chrom$position,
breaks = cbreaks,
labels = FALSE)
marker_map_by_chrom$pathwaySNV <- marker_map_by_chrom$pathwaySNV %in% keep_bins
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