
Defines functions agree_np

Documented in agree_np

#' @title Nonparametric Test for Limits of Agreement
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' `agree_np` A non-parametric approach to limits of agreement.
#' The hypothesis test is based on binomial proportions within the maximal allowable differences, and the limits are calculated with quantile regression.
#' @param x Name of column with first measurement.
#' @param y Name of other column with the other measurement to compare to the first.
#' @param id Column with subject identifier with samples are taken in replicates.
#' @param data Data frame with all data.
#' @param conf.level the confidence level required. Default is 95%.
#' @param agree.level the agreement level required. Default is 95%. The proportion of data that should lie between the thresholds, for 95% limits of agreement this should be 0.95.
#' @param delta The threshold below which methods agree/can be considered equivalent and this argument is required. Equivalence Bound for Agreement or Maximal Allowable Difference.
#' @param prop_bias Logical indicator (TRUE/FALSE) of whether proportional bias should be considered for the limits of agreement calculations.
#' @param TOST Logical indicator (TRUE/FALSE) of whether to use two one-tailed tests for the limits of agreement. Default is TRUE.
#' @return Returns simple_agree object with the results of the agreement analysis.
#'   - `loa`: A data frame of the limits of agreement.
#'   - `agree`: A data frame of the binomial proportion of results in agreement.
#'   - `h0_test`: Decision from hypothesis test.
#'   - `qr_mod`: The quantile regression model.
#'   - `call`: The matched call
#' @examples
#' data('reps')
#' agree_np(x = "x", y = "y", id = "id", data = reps, delta = 2)
#' @section References:
#' Bland, J. M., & Altman, D. G. (1999). Measuring agreement in method comparison studies. In Statistical Methods in Medical Research (Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 135–160).
#' SAGE Publications.
#' \doi{10.1177/096228029900800204}
#' @importFrom stats binom.test binomial confint glm median setNames quantile
#' @import quantreg
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na pivot_longer
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export

agree_np <- function(x,
                     id = NULL,
                     delta = NULL,
                     prop_bias = FALSE,
                     TOST = TRUE,
                     agree.level = .95,
                     conf.level = .95){
  if(TOST == TRUE) {
    conf2 = 1 - (1 - conf.level) * 2
  } else {
    conf2 = conf.level
  agree.l = 1 - (1 - agree.level) / 2
  agree.u = (1 - agree.level) / 2

  stopifnot(!is.null(delta) && is.numeric(delta) && delta > 0)

    df = data %>%
      select(all_of(id),all_of(x),all_of(y)) %>%
      rename(id = all_of(id),
             x = all_of(x),
             y = all_of(y)) %>%
      select(id,x,y) %>%
  } else {
    df = data %>%
      select(all_of(x),all_of(y)) %>%
      rename(x = all_of(x),
             y = all_of(y)) %>%
    df$id = as.factor(1)
    df = df %>%


  df$mean = (df$x+df$y)/2
  df$delta = (df$x-df$y)
  dbound = delta
    df_glm1 = df
    df_glm1 = df_glm1 %>%
      mutate(success = ifelse(abs(delta) <= dbound,
             failure = ifelse(abs(delta) > dbound,

    df_glm = df_glm1 %>%
      group_by(id) %>%
      summarize(x = mean(x),
                y = mean(y),
                success = sum(success),
                failure = sum(failure))

    df_glm = df
    df_glm = df_glm %>%
      mutate(success = ifelse(abs(delta) <= dbound,
             failure = ifelse(abs(delta) > dbound,

  if(sum(df_glm$failure) == 0){
    message("All values within delta bounds. Confidence intervals hypothesis test likely bogus.")
    test = binom.test(sum(df_glm$success), sum(df_glm$success))
    df_agree = data.frame(
      row.names = paste0("% within ", dbound),
      agreement = test$estimate,
      lower.ci = test$conf.int[1],
      upper.ci = test$conf.int[2]
    rej <- df_agree$lower.ci >= agree.level
    rej_text = "don't reject h0"
    if (rej == TRUE) {
      rej_text = "reject h0"
  } else{

  glm_mod = glm(cbind(success,failure) ~ 1,
                data = df_glm,
                family = binomial)
  glm_emm = as.data.frame(confint(emmeans(glm_mod, ~1,
                                          type = "response"),
                                  level = conf.level))
  df_agree = data.frame(agreement = glm_emm$prob,
                        lower.ci = glm_emm$asymp.LCL,
                        upper.ci = glm_emm$asymp.UCL,
                        row.names = paste0("% within ", dbound))
  rej <- glm_emm$asymp.LCL >= agree.level
  rej_text = "don't reject h0"
  if (rej == TRUE) {
    rej_text = "reject h0"

  # Quantile reg ------
  if(prop_bias == FALSE){
    quan_mod = suppressWarnings({rq(formula =  delta ~ 1,
                                     data = df,
                                     tau = c(agree.u,.5,agree.l))})
    quan_mod2 = rq(formula =  delta ~ mean,
                  data = df,
                  tau = c(agree.u,.5,agree.l))
    #rq_obj = suppressWarnings(quantreg::summary.rq(quan_mod2, se = "boot"))
    #co <- as.data.frame(rq_obj[["coefficients"]])
    #tidy.rq(quan_mod2, se.type = "boot")
    rq_summary <- suppressWarnings(summary.rqs(quan_mod2,
                                                         se ="boot",
                                                         alpha = 1 - conf.level))
    df_test = data.frame()

    for(i in 1:length(rq_summary)){
      temp = process_rq(rq_summary[[i]])
      df_test = rbind(df_test,temp)
    df_test = df_test[c(4),]
    if(df_test$p.value < (1-conf.level)){
      warning("Evidence of proportional bias. Consider setting prop_bias to TRUE.")

    quan_coef_med =  suppressWarnings(summary.rqs(quan_mod,
                                                        se =
                                                        alpha = 1 - conf.level))

    quan_coef_lim =  suppressWarnings(summary.rqs(quan_mod,
                                                        se =
                                                        alpha = 1 - conf2))
    df_coef = data.frame()
    for(i in 1:length(quan_coef_med)){
      temp = process_rq(quan_coef_med[[i]],
                        conf.int =  TRUE,
                        conf.level = conf.level)
      df_coef = rbind(df_coef,temp)

    df_coef2 = data.frame()
    for(i in 1:length(quan_coef_lim)){
      temp = process_rq(quan_coef_lim[[i]],
                        conf.int =  TRUE,
                        conf.level = conf.level)
      df_coef2 = rbind(df_coef,temp)
    df_coeff = data.frame(estimate = df_coef$estimate,
                         lower.ci = c(df_coef2$conf.low[1],
                         upper.ci = c(df_coef2$conf.high[1],
                         ci.level = c(conf2,
    rownames(df_coeff) = c("Lower LoA", "Bias", "Upper LoA")
  } else {
    quan_mod = rq(formula =  delta ~ mean,
                   data = df,
                   tau = c(agree.u,.5,agree.l))
    minavg = min(df$mean)
    medavg = median(df$mean)
    maxavg = max(df$mean)
    ref_med = ref_grid(quan_mod, se = "boot",
                    tau = .5,
                    at = list(mean = c(minavg,medavg,maxavg)))
    # set se to bootstrapped
    #summary(quan_mod, se = "boot", covariance = TRUE)
    quan_emm_med = as.data.frame(confint(emmeans(ref_med,
                           ~ mean), level = conf.level))
    quan_emm_med$at = paste0("Bias @ ",signif(quan_emm_med$mean,3))
    df_coef_med = data.frame(row.names = quan_emm_med$at,
                             estimate = quan_emm_med$emmean,
                             lower.ci = quan_emm_med$lower.CL,
                             upper.ci = quan_emm_med$upper.CL)
    df_coef_med$ci.level = conf.level
    ref_lloa = ref_grid(quan_mod, se = "boot",
                       tau = agree.u,
                       at = list(mean = c(minavg,medavg,maxavg)))
    # set se to bootstrapped
    #summary(quan_mod, se = "boot", covariance = TRUE)
    quan_emm_lloa = as.data.frame(confint(emmeans(ref_lloa,
                                                 ~ mean), level = conf2))
    quan_emm_lloa$at = paste0("Lower LoA @ ", signif(quan_emm_lloa$mean,3))
    df_coef_lloa = data.frame(row.names = quan_emm_lloa$at,
                             estimate = quan_emm_lloa$emmean,
                             lower.ci = quan_emm_lloa$lower.CL,
                             upper.ci = quan_emm_lloa$upper.CL)
    df_coef_lloa$ci.level = conf2

    ref_uloa = ref_grid(quan_mod, se = "boot",
                        tau = agree.l,
                        at = list(mean = c(minavg,medavg,maxavg)))
    # set se to bootstrapped
    #summary(quan_mod, se = "boot", covariance = TRUE)
    quan_emm_uloa = as.data.frame(confint(emmeans(ref_uloa,
                                                  ~ mean), level = conf2))
    quan_emm_uloa$at = paste0("Upper LoA @ ", signif(quan_emm_uloa$mean,3))
    df_coef_uloa = data.frame(row.names = quan_emm_uloa$at,
                              estimate = quan_emm_uloa$emmean,
                              lower.ci = quan_emm_uloa$lower.CL,
                              upper.ci = quan_emm_uloa$upper.CL)
    df_coef_uloa$ci.level = conf2
    df_coeff = rbind(df_coef_lloa,


  ## Save LoA ----
  df_loa = df_coeff

  # Save call----
  # function name will be: as.character(call2[[1]])
  lm_mod = list(call = list(formula = as.formula(df$y~df$x)))
  call2 = match.call()
    call2$agree.level = agree.level

    call2$conf.level = conf.level

    call2$prop_bias = prop_bias

    call2$TOST = TOST
  call2$lm_mod = lm_mod
  # Return Results ----

  structure(list(loa = df_loa,
                 agree = df_agree,
                 h0_test = rej_text,
                 qr_mod = quan_mod,
                 call = call2),
            class = "simple_agree")


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