
Defines functions SCEoptim sceDefaults

Documented in SCEoptim

# ToDo: fix default value for tolsteps under details 
# copied from the hydromad package (https://github.com/floybix/hydromad) Version: 0.9-15
# URL: http://hydromad.catchment.org/
# licence:  GPL (>= 2)
# author: Felix Andrews

## Translated from MATLAB to R
## and substantially revised by Felix Andrews <felix@nfrac.org>
## 2009-08-18

## Changed sampling scheme of parents from each complex;
## convergence criteria; memory efficiency; initial sampling; etc.

# Copyright (C) 2006 Brecht Donckels, BIOMATH, brecht.donckels@ugent.be
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
# USA.

## Originally based on code by Qingyun Duan, 16 May 2005
## http://www.mathworks.com.au/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7671

## NOTE: keep this in sync with the help page!

sceDefaults <- function()
  list(ncomplex = 5,           ## number of complexes
       cce.iter = NA,          ## number of iteration in inner loop (CCE algorithm)
       fnscale = 1,            ## function scaling factor (set to -1 for maximisation)
       elitism = 1,            ## controls amount of weighting in sampling towards the better parameter sets
       initsample = "latin",   ## sampling scheme for initial values -- "latin" or "random"
       reltol = 1e-5,          ## convergence threshold: relative improvement factor required in an SCE iteration
       tolsteps = 20,           ## number of iterations within reltol to confirm convergence
       maxit = 10000,          ## maximum number of iterations
       maxeval = Inf,          ## maximum number of function evaluations
       maxtime = Inf,          ## maximum duration of optimization in seconds
       returnpop = FALSE,      ## whether to return populations from all iterations
       trace = 0,              ## level of user feedback
       REPORT = 1) ## number of iterations between reports when trace >= 1

#' @title Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE) optimisation.
#' @description  Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE) optimisation. Designed to have a similar interface to the standard \code{\link{optim}} function.\cr The function is copied from the hydromad package (\url{https://github.com/floybix/hydromad/})
#' @usage SCEoptim(FUN, par, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, control = list(), ...)
#' @param FUN function to optimise (to minimise by default), or the name of one. This should return a scalar numeric value.
#' @param  par a numeric vector of initial parameter values.
#' @param  lower lower bounds on the parameters. Should be the same length as \code{par} and as \code{upper}, or length 1 if a bound applies to all parameters.
#' @param  upper upper bounds on the parameters. Should be the same length as \code{par} and as \code{lower}, or length 1 if a bound applies to all parameters.
#' @param  control a list of options as in \code{optim()}, see Details.
#' @param  \dots further arguments passed to \code{FUN}
#' @details This is an evolutionary algorithm combined with a simplex algorithm. \cr
#' \cr
#' Options can be given in the list \code{control}, in the same way as with \code{\link{optim}}:
#' \cr
#' \describe{ \item{ncomplex}{ number of complexes. Defaults to
#' \code{5}.  } \item{cce.iter}{ number of iteration in inner loop (CCE
#' algorithm).  Defaults to \code{NA}, in which case it is taken as \code{2 *
#' NDIM + 1}, as recommended by Duan et al (1994).  } \item{fnscale}{
#' function scaling factor (set to -1 for a maximisation problem).  By default
#' it is a minimisation problem.  } \item{elitism}{ influences sampling
#' of parents from each complex. Duan et al (1992) describe a 'trapezoidal'
#' (i.e. linear weighting) scheme, which corresponds to \code{elitism = 1}.
#' Higher values give more weight towards the better parameter sets.  Defaults
#' to \code{1}.  } \item{initsample}{ sampling scheme for initial
#' values: "latin" (hypercube) or "random".  Defaults to \code{"latin"}.  }
#' \item{reltol}{ \code{reltol} is the convergence threshold: relative
#' improvement factor required in an SCE iteration (in same sense as
#' \code{optim}), and defaults to \code{1e-5}.
#' }\item{tolsteps}{
#' \code{tolsteps} is the number of iterations where the improvement is within
#' \code{reltol} required to confirm convergence. This defaults to \code{20}.  }
#' \item{maxit}{ maximum number of iterations. Defaults to
#' \code{10000}.  } \item{maxeval}{ maximum number of function
#' evaluations. Defaults to \code{Inf}.  } \item{maxtime}{ maximum
#' duration of optimization in seconds. Defaults to \code{Inf}.  }
#' \item{returnpop}{ whether to return populations (parameter sets)
#' from all iterations. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.  } \item{trace}{ an
#' integer specifying the level of user feedback. Defaults to \code{0}.  }
#' \item{REPORT}{ number of iterations between reports when trace >= 1.
#' Defaults to \code{1}.  } }

#' @return a list of class \code{"SCEoptim"}.\item{par}{ optimal parameter
#' set.} \item{value}{ value of objective function at optimal point.}
#' \item{convergence}{ code, where 0 indicates successful covergence. }
#' \item{message}{ (non-)convergence message. } \item{counts}{ number of
#' function evaluations. } \item{iterations}{ number of iterations of the CCE
#' algorithm. } \item{time}{ number of seconds taken. } \item{POP.FIT.ALL}{
#' objective function values from each iteration in a matrix.  }
#' \item{BESTMEM.ALL}{ best parameter set from each iteration in a matrix.  }
#' \item{POP.ALL}{ if \code{(control$returnpop = TRUE)}, the parameter sets
#' from each iteration are returned in a three dimensional array.  }
#' \item{control}{ the list of options settings in effect. }
#' @author
#' This code is copied from the hydromad package \cr
#' \cr
#' \url{https://github.com/floybix/hydromad/} \cr
#' \url{http://hydromad.catchment.org/} \cr
#' \cr
#' and written from Felix Andrews \email{felix@@nfrac.org} \cr
#' \cr
#' who adapted, and substantially revised it, from Brecht Donckels' MATLAB code,
#' which was in turn adapted from Qingyun Duan's MATLAB code: \cr
#' \cr
#' @seealso \code{\link{optim}}, \pkg{DEoptim} package, \pkg{rgenoud} package
#' @references Qingyun Duan, Soroosh Sorooshian and Vijai Gupta (1992). Effective and Efficient Global Optimization for Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Models \emph{Water Resources Research} 28(4), pp. 1015-1031.
#' @references Qingyun Duan, Soroosh Sorooshian and Vijai Gupta (1994).  Optimal use of the SCE-UA global optimization method for calibrating watershed models, \emph{Journal of Hydrology} 158, pp. 265-284.
#' @keywords optimize
#' @importFrom utils head modifyList
#' @importFrom stats ppoints runif
#' @examples
#' ## reproduced from help("optim")
#' ## Rosenbrock Banana function
#' Rosenbrock <- function(x){
#'   x1 <- x[1]
#'   x2 <- x[2]
#'   100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
#' }
#' #lower <- c(-10,-10)
#' #upper <- -lower
#' ans <- SCEoptim(Rosenbrock, c(-1.2,1), control = list(trace = 1))
#' str(ans)
#' ## 'Wild' function, global minimum at about -15.81515
#' Wild <- function(x)
#'   10*sin(0.3*x)*sin(1.3*x^2) + 0.00001*x^4 + 0.2*x+80
#' ans <- SCEoptim(Wild, 0, lower = -50, upper = 50,
#'                 control = list(trace = 1))
#' ans$par
#' @export

SCEoptim <- function(FUN, par,
                     lower = -Inf, upper = Inf,
                     control = list(), ...)
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  stopifnot(length(par) > 0)
  ## allow `lower` or `upper` to apply to all parameters
  if (length(lower) == 1)
    lower <- rep(lower, length = length(par))
  if (length(upper) == 1)
    upper <- rep(upper, length = length(par))
  stopifnot(length(lower) == length(par))
  stopifnot(length(upper) == length(par))

  ## determine number of variables to be optimized
  NDIM <- length(par)

  ## update default options with supplied options
  control <- modifyList(sceDefaults(), control)
  isValid <- names(control) %in% names(sceDefaults())
  if (any(!isValid))
    stop("unrecognised options: ",

  returnpop <- control$returnpop
  trace <- control$trace
  nCOMPLEXES <- control$ncomplex
  CCEITER <- control$cce.iter
  MAXIT <- control$maxit
  MAXEVAL <- control$maxeval

  ## recommended number of CCE steps in Duan et al 1994:
  if (is.na(CCEITER))
    CCEITER <- 2 * NDIM + 1

  if (is.finite(MAXEVAL)) {
    ## upper bound on number of iterations to reach MAXEVAL
    MAXIT <- min(MAXIT, ceiling(MAXEVAL / (nCOMPLEXES * CCEITER)))

  ## define number of points in each complex

  ## define number of points in each simplex

  ## define total number of points

  ## initialize counters
  funevals <- 0

  costFunction <- function(FUN, par, ...)
    ## check lower and upper bounds
    i <- which(par < lower)
    if (any(i)) {
      i <- i[1]
      return( 1e12 + (lower[i] - par[i]) * 1e6 )
    i <- which(par > upper)
    if (any(i)) {
      i <- i[1]
      return( 1e12 + (par[i] - upper[i]) * 1e6 )
    funevals <<- funevals + 1
    result <- FUN(par, ...) * control$fnscale
    if (is.na(result))
      result <- 1e12

  simplexStep <- function(P, FAC)
    ## Extrapolates by a factor FAC through the face of the simplex across from
    ## the highest (i.e. worst) point.
    worst <- nPOINTS_SIMPLEX
    centr <- apply(P[-worst,,drop=FALSE], 2, mean)
    newpar <- centr*(1-FAC) + P[worst,]*FAC

  ## initialize population matrix
  POPULATION <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow = nPOINTS, ncol = NDIM)
  if (!is.null(names(par)))
    colnames(POPULATION) <- names(par)
  POP.FITNESS <- numeric(length = nPOINTS)
  POPULATION[1,] <- par

  ## generate initial parameter values by random uniform sampling
  finitelower <- ifelse(is.infinite(lower), -(abs(par)+2)*5, lower)
  finiteupper <- ifelse(is.infinite(upper), +(abs(par)+2)*5, upper)
  if (control$initsample == "latin") {
    for (i in 1:NDIM) {
      tmp <- seq(finitelower[i], finiteupper[i], length = nPOINTS-1)
      tmp <- jitter(tmp, factor = 2)
      tmp <- pmax(finitelower[i], pmin(finiteupper[i], tmp))
      POPULATION[-1,i] <- sample(tmp)
  } else {
    for (i in 1:NDIM)
      POPULATION[-1,i] <- runif(nPOINTS-1, finitelower[i], finiteupper[i])

  ## only store all iterations if requested -- could be big!
  if (!is.finite(MAXIT)) {
    MAXIT <- 10000
    warning("setting maximum iterations to 10000")
  if (returnpop) {
    POP.ALL <- array(as.numeric(NA), dim = c(nPOINTS, NDIM, MAXIT))
    if (!is.null(names(par)))
      dimnames(POP.ALL)[[2]] <- names(par)
  POP.FIT.ALL <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), ncol = nPOINTS, nrow = MAXIT)
  BESTMEM.ALL <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), ncol = NDIM, nrow = MAXIT)
  if (!is.null(names(par)))
    colnames(BESTMEM.ALL) <- names(par)

  ## the output object
  obj <- list()
  class(obj) <- c("SCEoptim", class(obj))
  obj$call <- match.call()
  obj$control <- control


  ## initialize timer
  tic <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
  toc <- 0

  ## calculate cost for each point in initial population
  for (i in 1:nPOINTS)
    POP.FITNESS[i] <- costFunction(FUN, POPULATION[i,], ...)

  ## sort the population in order of increasing function values
  idx <- order(POP.FITNESS)

  ## store one previous iteration only

  if (returnpop) {

  ## store best solution from last two iterations
  prevBestVals <- rep(Inf, control$tolsteps)
  prevBestVals[1] <- POP.FITNESS[1]

  ## for each iteration...
  i <- 0
  while (i < MAXIT) {

    i <- i + 1

    ## The population matrix POPULATION will now be rearranged into complexes.

    ## For each complex ...
    for (j in 1:nCOMPLEXES) {

      ## construct j-th complex from POPULATION

      k1 <- 1:nPOINTS_COMPLEX
      k2 <- (k1-1) * nCOMPLEXES + j

      COMPLEX <- POP.PREV[k2,,drop=FALSE]

      ## Each complex evolves a number of steps according to the competitive
      ## complex evolution (CCE) algorithm as described in Duan et al. (1992).
      ## Therefore, a number of 'parents' are selected from each complex which
      ## form a simplex. The selection of the parents is done so that the better
      ## points in the complex have a higher probability to be selected as a
      ## parent. The paper of Duan et al. (1992) describes how a trapezoidal
      ## probability distribution can be used for this purpose.

      for (k in 1:CCEITER) {

        ## select simplex by sampling the complex

        ## sample points with "trapezoidal" i.e. linear probability
        weights <- rev(ppoints(nPOINTS_COMPLEX))
        ## 'elitism' parameter can give more weight to the better results:
        weights <- weights ^ control$elitism
        LOCATION <- sample(seq(1,nPOINTS_COMPLEX), size = nPOINTS_SIMPLEX,
                           prob = weights)

        LOCATION <- sort(LOCATION)

        ## construct the simplex

        worst <- nPOINTS_SIMPLEX

        ## generate new point for simplex

        ## first extrapolate by a factor -1 through the face of the simplex
        ## across from the high point,i.e.,reflect the simplex from the high point
        parRef <- simplexStep(SIMPLEX, FAC = -1)
        fitRef <- costFunction(FUN, parRef, ...)

        ## check the result
        if (fitRef <= SIMPLEX_FITNESS[1]) {
          ## gives a result better than the best point,so try an additional
          ## extrapolation by a factor 2
          parRefEx <- simplexStep(SIMPLEX, FAC = -2)
          fitRefEx <- costFunction(FUN, parRefEx, ...)
          if (fitRefEx < fitRef) {
            SIMPLEX[worst,] <- parRefEx
            SIMPLEX_FITNESS[worst] <- fitRefEx
            ALGOSTEP <- 'reflection and expansion'
          } else {
            SIMPLEX[worst,] <- parRef
            SIMPLEX_FITNESS[worst] <- fitRef
            ALGOSTEP <- 'reflection'
        } else if (fitRef >= SIMPLEX_FITNESS[worst-1]) {
          ## the reflected point is worse than the second-highest, so look
          ## for an intermediate lower point, i.e., do a one-dimensional
          ## contraction
          parCon <- simplexStep(SIMPLEX, FAC = -0.5)
          fitCon <- costFunction(FUN, parCon, ...)
          if (fitCon < SIMPLEX_FITNESS[worst]) {
            SIMPLEX[worst,] <- parCon
            SIMPLEX_FITNESS[worst] <- fitCon
            ALGOSTEP <- 'one dimensional contraction'
          } else {
            ## can't seem to get rid of that high point, so better contract
            ## around the lowest (best) point
            SIMPLEX <- (SIMPLEX + rep(SIMPLEX[1,], each=nPOINTS_SIMPLEX)) / 2
            for (k in 2:NDIM)
              SIMPLEX_FITNESS[k] <- costFunction(FUN, SIMPLEX[k,], ...)
            ALGOSTEP <- 'multiple contraction'
        } else {
          ## if better than second-highest point, use this point
          SIMPLEX[worst,] <- parRef
          SIMPLEX_FITNESS[worst] <- fitRef
          ALGOSTEP <- 'reflection'

        if (trace >= 3) {

        ## replace the simplex into the complex

        ## sort the complex
        idx <- order(COMPLEX_FITNESS)
        COMPLEX <- COMPLEX[idx,,drop=FALSE]

      ## replace the complex back into the population

    ## At this point, the population was divided in several complexes, each of which
    ## underwent a number of iteration of the simplex (Metropolis) algorithm. Now,
    ## the points in the population are sorted, the termination criteria are checked
    ## and output is given on the screen if requested.

    ## sort the population
    idx <- order(POP.FITNESS)
    if (returnpop) {
      POP.ALL[,,i] <- POPULATION

    curBest <- POP.FITNESS[1]

    ## end the optimization if one of the stopping criteria is met

    prevBestVals <- c(curBest, head(prevBestVals, -1))
    reltol <- control$reltol
    if (all(abs(diff(prevBestVals)) <= reltol * (abs(curBest)+reltol))) {
      EXITMSG <- 'Change in solution over [tolsteps] less than specified tolerance (reltol).'
      EXITFLAG <- 0

    ## give user feedback on screen if requested
    if (trace >= 1) {
      if (i == 1) {
        message(' Nr Iter Nr Fun Eval Current best function Current worst function')
      if ((i %% control$REPORT == 0) || (!is.na(EXITFLAG)))
        message(sprintf(' %5.0f %5.0f %12.6g %12.6g',
                        i, funevals, min(POP.FITNESS), max(POP.FITNESS)))
        if (trace >= 2)
          message("parameters: ", toString(signif(POPULATION[1,], 3)))

    if (!is.na(EXITFLAG))

    if ((i >= control$maxit) || (funevals >= control$maxeval)) {
      EXITMSG <- 'Maximum number of function evaluations or iterations reached.'
      EXITFLAG <- 1

    toc <- as.numeric(Sys.time()) - tic
    if (toc > control$maxtime) {
      EXITMSG <- 'Exceeded maximum time.'
      EXITFLAG <- 2

    ## go to next iteration
  if (trace >= 1)

  ## return solution
  obj$par <- POPULATION[1,]
  obj$value <- POP.FITNESS[1]
  obj$convergence <- EXITFLAG
  obj$message <- EXITMSG

  ## store number of function evaluations
  obj$counts <- funevals
  ## store number of iterations
  obj$iterations <- i
  ## store the amount of time taken
  obj$time <- toc

  if (returnpop) {
    ## store information on the population at each iteration
    obj$POP.ALL <- POP.ALL[,,1:i]
    dimnames(obj$POP.ALL)[[3]] <- paste("iteration", 1:i)
  obj$POP.FIT.ALL <- POP.FIT.ALL[1:i,]
  obj$FUN <- FUN

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