sparse.tscgm.bic <-
function(penalty=c("scad","lasso"),T=T, n=n, p=p, q=q, xty=xty, xtx=xtx, yty=yty,
xtxt=xtxt, xtx2=xtx2, yty2=yty2, lam1=lam1, lam2=lam2,
optimality = c("NULL", "bic","bic_ext","bic_mod","aic","gic"),
###Determining the tuning or penalty parameter
lam.vec.1 = lam1
lam.vec.2 = lam2
lamR =length( lam.vec.1)*length(lam.vec.2)
BICh = matrix(NA,lamR,1)
lam1h = matrix(NA,lamR,1)
lam2h = matrix(NA,lamR,1)
penalty = match.arg(penalty)
uv <- 0
for(u in 1:length(lam.vec.1)){
for(v in 1:length(lam.vec.2)){
uv <- uv+1
outscad_s <- compute.sparse.tscgm(penalty=penalty, T=T, n=n, p=p, q=q, xty=xty, xtx=xtx, yty=yty,
xtxt=xtxt, xtx2=xtx2, yty2=yty2, lam1=lam.vec.1[u], lam2=lam.vec.2[v],
optimality = "NULL", setting=setting)
PO = outscad_s$theta
PB = outscad_s$gamma
# a = as.matrix(PO)
# ZeroIndex = which(a==0, arr.ind=TRUE) ## Select the path of zeros
# if(dim(ZeroIndex)[1] != 0) { #break("Stop")
# WS = (yty - t(xty) %*% PB - t(PB) %*% xty + t(PB) %*% xtx %*% PB)/(n*T)
# out4 = glasso(WS, rho = 0, zero = ZeroIndex) ##Compute un-penalized estimastion
# }
# else {
WS = (yty - t(xty) %*% PB - t(PB) %*% xty + t(PB) %*% xtx %*% PB)/(n*T)
# out4 = glasso(WS, rho = 0) ##Compute un-penalized estimastion
# }
#lik1 = determinant( out4$wi)$modulus[1]
#lik2 <- sum(diag( out4$wi %*% WS))##min
lik1 = determinant(PO)$modulus[1]
lik2 <- sum(diag( PO %*% WS))##min
###Number of nonzero entries
pdO = sum(sum(PO !=0))
pdB = sum(sum(PB !=0))
# pena1 = sum(sum(abs(wt*PO)))
# pena2 = sum(sum(abs(wt1*PB)))
LLk <- (n*T/2)*(lik1-lik2) #- pena1 - pena2 #(n*T/2)*
LLk0 <- (n*T/2)*(-lik2) #- pena2
###BIC caclulation
if(optimality == "bic"){
BICh[uv,1] <- -2*LLk + (log(n*T))*(pdO/2 + q + pdB)
else if(optimality == "bic_ext"){
BICh[uv,1] <- -2*LLk + (log(n*T))*(pdO/2 + q +pdB) + (pdO/2 + q + pdB)*4*0.5*log(q+p)
else if(optimality == "bic_mod"){
BICh[uv,1] <- -2*LLk + log(n*T)*(pdO/2 + q +pdB) *log(log(q + p))
else if(optimality == "aic") {
BICh[uv,1] <- -2*LLk + 2*(pdO/2 + q +pdB)
else if(optimality == "gic"){
BICh[uv,1] <- -2*LLk + log(log(n*T))*(pdO/2 + q +pdB) *log(q + p)
lam1h[uv,1] <- lam.vec.1[u]
lam2h[uv,1] <- lam.vec.2[v]
res.scad <- cbind(lam1h, lam2h, BICh)
### Determining the minimum Bic and optimal penalty parameter
#bicm <- min(res.scad[,3], na.rm = TRUE)
# for(rr in 1:lamR){
# if(res.scad[rr,3]==bicm){
# lam1.opt <- res.scad[rr,1]
# lam2.opt <- res.scad[rr,2]
# }
bicid <- which.min(res.scad[,3])
lam1.opt <- res.scad[bicid,1]
lam2.opt <- res.scad[bicid,2]
bicm <- res.scad[bicid,3]
tmp.out= compute.sparse.tscgm(penalty=penalty,T=T, n=n, p=p, q=q, xty=xty, xtx=xtx, yty=yty,
xtxt=xtxt, xtx2=xtx2, yty2=yty2, lam1=lam1.opt, lam2=lam2.opt,
optimality = "NULL", setting=setting)
best.B = tmp.out$gamma
best.theta = tmp.out$theta
#Level of Sparsity
d.gamma <- tmp.out$gamma
diag(d.gamma) <- 0
s.gamma = sum( abs(d.gamma) > 0 )/(p^2)
d.theta <- tmp.out$theta
diag(d.theta) <- 0
s.theta = (0.5*sum( abs(d.theta) > 0 ))/(0.5*q*(q-1))
tun.ic <- res.scad
lam1s <- lam.vec.1
lam2s <- lam.vec.2
min.ic <- bicm
colnames(tun.ic) <- c("Lambda1", "Lambda2","IC")
return(list(gamma=best.B, theta=best.theta, lam1.opt=lam1.opt, lam2.opt=lam2.opt,
lam1.seq=lam1s, lam2.seq=lam2s,
min.ic=min.ic, tun.ic=tun.ic, s.gamma=s.gamma, s.theta=s.theta))
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