qqextcoeff <- function(fitted, estim = "ST", marge = "emp",
xlab = "Semi-Empirical", ylab = "Model", ...){
if (!any("maxstab" %in% class(fitted)))
stop("This functin is only available for 'maxstab' objects")
data <- fitted$data
coord <- fitted$coord
ext.coeff <- fitted$ext.coeff
if (fitted$iso){
dist <- distance(coord)
exco.mod <- ext.coeff(dist)
else {
dist <- distance(coord, vec = TRUE)
exco.mod <- apply(dist, 1, ext.coeff)
exco.emp <- fitextcoeff(data, coord, plot = FALSE, estim = estim,
marge = marge)$ext.coeff[,"ext.coeff"]
plot(exco.emp, exco.mod, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
abline(0, 1)
qqgev <- function(fitted, xlab, ylab, ...){
data <- fitted$data <- ncol(data)
gev.param <- t(apply(data, 2, gevmle))
pred <- predict(fitted)
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- c(expression(mu[MLE]), expression(sigma[MLE]), expression(xi[MLE]))
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- c(expression(mu[Model]), expression(sigma[Model]), expression(xi[Model]))
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
if (length(unique(pred[,"loc"])) != 1){
xlim <- ylim <- range(c(gev.param[,"loc"], pred[,"loc"]))
plot(gev.param[,"loc"], pred[,"loc"], xlab = xlab[1], ylab = ylab[1], ...,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
abline(0, 1)
hist(gev.param[,"loc"], xlab = xlab[1], main = "")
axis(3, at = pred[1, "loc"], labels = ylab[1])
if (length(unique(pred[,"scale"])) !=1){
xlim <- ylim <- range(c(gev.param[,"scale"], pred[,"scale"]))
plot(gev.param[,"scale"], pred[,"scale"], xlab = xlab[2], ylab = ylab[2],
..., xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
abline(0, 1)
hist(gev.param[,"scale"], xlab = xlab[2], main = "")
axis(3, at = pred[1, "scale"], labels = ylab[2])
if (length(unique(pred[,"shape"])) != 1){
xlim <- ylim <- range(c(gev.param[,"shape"], pred[,"shape"]))
plot(gev.param[,"shape"], pred[,"shape"], xlab = xlab[3], ylab = ylab[3],
..., xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
abline(0, 1)
hist(gev.param[,"shape"], xlab = xlab[3], main = "")
axis(3, at = pred[1, "shape"], labels = ylab[3])
plot.copula <- function(x, ..., sites){ <- ncol(x$data)
n.obs <- nrow(x$data)
##The graph is as follows :
## The diagonal are return level plots
## The upper part is the extremal coeff. function
## The lower one is qq plots on max for pairs
## The two remaining plots are hist. of pairwise distance and location map
if (missing(sites))
sites <- sample(, 4)
else if (length(sites) != 4)
stop("'sites' must have length 4")
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
layout(matrix(c(1,6,7,9,13,2,8,10,5,5,3,11,5,5,12,4), 4))
par(mar = c(4,4,1,0.5))
## Return level plots
##covariates <- cbind(x$coord[sites,], x$marg.cov[sites,,drop=FALSE])
##gev.param <- predict(x, covariates, std.err = FALSE)[,c("loc", "scale", "shape")]
gev.param <- predict(x, std.err = FALSE)[sites, c("loc", "scale", "shape")]
for (i in 1:4){
boot <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1000, ncol = n.obs)
loc <- gev.param[i,1]
scale <- gev.param[i,2]
shape <- gev.param[i,3]
probs <- 1:n.obs / (n.obs + 1)
for (j in 1:1000)
boot[j,] <- sort(rgev(n.obs, loc, scale, shape))
ci <- apply(boot, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
matplot(1 / (1 - probs), t(ci), pch ="-", col = 1,
xlab = "Return Period", ylab = "Return level", log = "x")
fun <- function(T) qgev(1 - 1/T, loc, scale, shape)
curve(fun, from = 1.001, to = 100, add = TRUE)
points(1 / (1 - probs), sort(x$data[,sites[i]]))
fmadogram(x$data, x$coord, which = "ext", col = "lightgrey")
fmadogram(fitted = x, which = "ext", add = TRUE, n.bins =
##Pairwise maxima on the Gumbel scale
model <- x$model
DoF <- x$par["DoF"]
nugget <- x$par["nugget"]
range <- x$par["range"]
smooth <- x$par["smooth"]
sim.copula <- rcopula(n.obs * 1000, x$coord[sites,], x$copula, x$cov.mod,
nugget = nugget, range = range, smooth = smooth, DoF = DoF)
sim.copula <- array(log(sim.copula), c(n.obs, 1000, 4))
gumb <- log(apply(x$data[,sites], 2, gev2frech, emp = TRUE))
##Plot of the pairwise maxima
for (i in 1:3){
for (j in (i+1):4){
pair.max <- sort(apply(gumb[,c(i, j)], 1, max))
sim.pair.max <- apply(pmax(sim.copula[,,i], sim.copula[,,j]), 2, sort)
dummy <- rowMeans(sim.pair.max)
ci <- apply(sim.pair.max, 1, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
matplot(dummy, t(ci), pch = "-", col = 1, , xlab = "Model",
ylab = "Observed")
points(dummy, pair.max)
abline(0, 1)
h <- distance(x$coord[sites[c(i,j)],])
legend("bottomright", paste("h =", round(h, 2)), bty = "n")
##Plot of the blockwise maxima
block.max <- sort(apply(gumb, 1, max))
sim.block.max <- sim.copula[,,1]
for (i in 2:4)
sim.block.max <- pmax(sim.block.max, sim.copula[,,i])
sim.block.max <- apply(sim.block.max, 2, sort)
dummy <- rowMeans(sim.block.max)
ci <- apply(sim.block.max, 1, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
matplot(dummy, t(ci), pch = "-", col = 1, xlab = "Model", ylab = "Observed")
points(dummy, block.max)
abline(0, 1)
##Plot of the locations - identifying the one selected
plot(x$coord, type = "n")
points(x$coord[sites,], pch = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), col = "blue")
plot.maxstab <- function(x, ..., sites){ <- ncol(x$data)
##The graph is as follows :
## The diagonal are return level plots
## The upper part is the extremal coeff. function
## The lower one is qq plots on max for pairs
## The two remaining plots are hist. of pairwise distance and location map
if (missing(sites))
sites <- sample(, 4)
else if (length(sites) != 4)
stop("'sites' must have length 4")
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
layout(matrix(c(1,6,7,9,13,2,8,10,5,5,3,11,5,5,12,4), 4))
par(mar = c(4,4,1,0.5))
## Return level plots
##covariates <- cbind(x$coord[sites,], x$marg.cov[sites,,drop=FALSE])
##gev.param <- predict(x, covariates, std.err = FALSE)[,c("loc", "scale", "shape")]
gev.param <- predict(x, std.err = FALSE)[sites, c("loc", "scale", "shape")]
for (i in 1:4){
n.obs <- length(na.omit(x$data[,sites[i]]))## usefull since
## missing values are
## now allowed
boot <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1000, ncol = n.obs)
loc <- gev.param[i,1]
scale <- gev.param[i,2]
shape <- gev.param[i,3]
probs <- 1:n.obs / (n.obs + 1)
boot <- matrix(rgev(n.obs * 1000, loc, scale, shape), nrow = 1000, ncol = n.obs)
boot <- apply(boot, 1, sort)
ci <- apply(boot, 1, quantile, prob = c(0.025, 0.975))
matplot(1 / (1 - probs), t(ci), pch = "-", col = 1,
xlab = "Return Period", ylab = "Return level", log = "x")
fun <- function(T) qgev(1 - 1/T, loc, scale, shape)
curve(fun, from = 1.001, to = 100, add = TRUE)
points(1 / (1 - probs), sort(x$data[,sites[i]]))
fmadogram(x$data, x$coord, which = "ext", col = "lightgrey")
fmadogram(fitted = x, which = "ext", add = TRUE, n.bins =
##Pairwise maxima on the Gumbel scale
n.obs <- nrow(x$data[,sites])
model <- x$model
notimplemented <- FALSE
if (model == "Smith"){
cov11 <- x$par["cov11"]
cov12 <- x$par["cov12"]
cov22 <- x$par["cov22"]
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, x$coord[sites,], "gauss",
cov11 = cov11, cov12 = cov12, cov22 = cov22)
else if (model == "Schlather"){
nugget <- x$par["nugget"]
range <- x$par["range"]
smooth <- x$par["smooth"]
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, x$coord[sites,], x$cov.mod,
nugget = nugget, range = range, smooth = smooth)
else if (model == "Geometric"){
sigma2 <- x$par["sigma2"]
nugget <- x$par["nugget"]
range <- x$par["range"]
smooth <- x$par["smooth"]
cov.mod <- paste("g", x$cov.mod, sep = "")
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, x$coord[sites,], cov.mod,
sigma2 = sigma2, nugget = nugget, range = range,
smooth = smooth)
else if (model == "Brown-Resnick"){
range <- x$par["range"]
smooth <- x$par["smooth"]
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, x$coord[sites,], "brown",
range = range, smooth = smooth)
else if (model == "Extremal-t"){
DoF <- x$par["DoF"]
nugget <- x$par["nugget"]
range <- x$par["range"]
smooth <- x$par["smooth"]
cov.mod <- paste("t", x$cov.mod, sep = "")
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, x$coord[sites,], cov.mod,
DoF = DoF, nugget = nugget, range = range,
smooth = smooth)
if (notimplemented){
for (i in 1:7){
plot(0, 0, type = "n", bty = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
text(0, 0, "Not implemented")
else {
sim.maxstab <- array(log(sim.maxstab), c(n.obs, 1000, 4))
for (i in 1:4){ <- which($data[,sites[i]]))
sim.maxstab[,,i] <- NA
gumb <- log(apply(x$data[,sites], 2, gev2frech, emp = TRUE))
##Plot of the pairwise maxima
for (i in 1:3){
for (j in (i+1):4){
pair.max <- sort(apply(gumb[,c(i, j)], 1, max))##NA are discarded
sim.pair.max <- apply(pmax(sim.maxstab[,,i], sim.maxstab[,,j]), 2, sort)
dummy <- rowMeans(sim.pair.max)
ci <- apply(sim.pair.max, 1, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
matplot(dummy, t(ci), pch = "-", col = 1, , xlab = "Model",
ylab = "Observed")
points(dummy, pair.max)
abline(0, 1)
h <- distance(x$coord[sites[c(i,j)],])
legend("bottomright", paste("h =", round(h, 2)), bty = "n")
##Plot of the blockwise maxima
block.max <- sort(apply(gumb, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE))
##block.max[!is.finite(block.max)] <- NA
sim.block.max <- sim.maxstab[,,1]
for (i in 2:4)
sim.block.max <- pmax(sim.block.max, sim.maxstab[,,i], na.rm = TRUE)
sim.block.max <- apply(sim.block.max, 2, sort, na.last = NA)
dummy <- rowMeans(sim.block.max)
ci <- apply(sim.block.max, 1, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
matplot(dummy, t(ci), pch = "-", col = 1, xlab = "Model", ylab = "Observed")
points(dummy, block.max)
abline(0, 1)
##Plot of the locations - identifying the one selected
plot(x$coord, type = "n")
points(x$coord[sites,], pch = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), col = "blue")
.qqmaxtupple <- function(fitted, tupple.size = 2, n.plots = 6){
n.obs <- nrow(fitted$data) <- ncol(fitted$data)
model <- fitted$model
tupples <- apply(replicate(n.plots, sample(, tupple.size)), 2, sort)
sites <- unique(as.numeric(tupples))
coord <- fitted$coord[sites,]
if (model == "Smith"){
cov11 <- fitted$par["cov11"]
cov12 <- fitted$par["cov12"]
cov22 <- fitted$par["cov22"]
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, coord, "gauss",
cov11 = cov11, cov12 = cov12, cov22 = cov22)
else if (model == "Schlather"){
nugget <- fitted$par["nugget"]
range <- fitted$par["range"]
smooth <- fitted$par["smooth"]
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, coord, fitted$cov.mod,
nugget = nugget, range = range, smooth = smooth)
else if (model == "Geometric"){
sigma2 <- fitted$par["sigma2"]
nugget <- fitted$par["nugget"]
range <- fitted$par["range"]
smooth <- fitted$par["smooth"]
cov.mod <- paste("g", fitted$cov.mod, sep = "")
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, coord, cov.mod,
sigma2 = sigma2, nugget = nugget, range = range,
smooth = smooth)
else if (model == "Brown-Resnick"){
range <- fitted$par["range"]
smooth <- fitted$par["smooth"]
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, coord, "brown",
range = range, smooth = smooth)
else if (model == "Extremal-t"){
DoF <- fitted$par["DoF"]
nugget <- fitted$par["nugget"]
range <- fitted$par["range"]
smooth <- fitted$par["smooth"]
cov.mod <- paste("t", fitted$cov.mod, sep = "")
sim.maxstab <- rmaxstab(n.obs * 1000, coord, cov.mod,
DoF = DoF, nugget = nugget, range = range,
smooth = smooth)
sim.maxstab <- array(log(sim.maxstab), c(n.obs, 1000, length(sites)))
for (i in 1:length(sites)){ <- which($data[,sites[i]]))
sim.maxstab[,,i] <- NA
gumb <- log(apply(fitted$data[,sites], 2, gev2frech, emp = TRUE))
##Plot of the tupple maxima
for (i in 1:n.plots){
tupple <- tupples[,i]
idx <- order(unique(c(tupple, tupples[,-i])))
tupple.max <- sort(apply(gumb[,idx], 1, max))##NA are discarded
sim.tupple.max <- apply(apply(sim.maxstab[,,idx], c(1,2), max), 2, sort)
dummy <- rowMeans(sim.tupple.max)
ci <- apply(sim.tupple.max, 1, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
matplot(dummy, t(ci), pch = "-", col = 1, , xlab = "Model", ylab = "Observed")
points(dummy, tupple.max)
abline(0, 1)
legend("bottomright", paste(c("Stations: ", sort(tupple)), collapse = " "), bty = "n")
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