#' @rdname spatialGEV_fit
#' @export
spatialGEV_model <- function(data, locs, random = c("a", "ab", "abs"),
method = c("laplace", "maxsmooth"),
init_param, reparam_s,
kernel = c("spde", "matern", "exp"),
X_a = NULL, X_b = NULL, X_s = NULL, nu = 1,
s_prior = NULL, beta_prior = NULL,
matern_pc_prior = NULL,
sp_thres = -1, ignore_random = FALSE,
mesh_extra_init = list(a=0, log_b=-1, s=0.001),
...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
random <- parse_random(random)
out_data <- parse_data(data, locs = locs, random = random, method = method)
## y <- data_out$y
## loc_ind <- data_out$loc_ind
reparam_s <- parse_reparam_s(reparam_s, random = random)
kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
#------ Prepare data input for TMB -------------
data <- list(model = parse_model(random = random,
kernel = kernel, method = method),
reparam_s = reparam_s)
if(method == "laplace") {
data <- c(data, list(y = out_data$y))
} else if(method == "maxsmooth") {
data <- c(data,
list(obs = out_data$random_est,
cov_obs = out_data$random_var,
reparam_s = reparam_s))
if(kernel %in% c("exp", "matern")) {
out_kernel <- parse_kernel_basic(locs = locs,
X_a = X_a, X_b = X_b, X_s = X_s)
data <- c(data,
list(loc_ind = out_data$loc_ind-1,
design_mat_a = out_kernel$X_a,
design_mat_b = out_kernel$X_b,
design_mat_s = out_kernel$X_s,
dist_mat = out_kernel$dist_mat,
sp_thres = sp_thres))
if(kernel == "matern") data$nu <- nu
} else if(kernel == "spde") {
out_kernel <- parse_kernel_spde(locs = locs, X_a = X_a, X_b = X_b, X_s,
loc_ind = out_data$loc_ind,
init_param = init_param, random = random,
mesh_extra_init = mesh_extra_init, ...)
# It is ok to have the additional element design_mat_b in the list
# even when it is not used in the TMB template
data <- c(data,
list(loc_ind = out_kernel$loc_ind-1,
design_mat_a = out_kernel$X_a,
design_mat_b = out_kernel$X_b,
design_mat_s = out_kernel$X_s,
spde = out_kernel$spde,
nu = nu))
init_param <- out_kernel$init_param
############# Priors #####################
out_priors <- parse_priors(random = random, kernel = kernel,
s_prior = s_prior,
beta_prior = beta_prior,
matern_pc_prior = matern_pc_prior)
data <- c(data, out_priors)
#------ End: prepare data input for TMB ----------------
if(ignore_random) {
random <- NULL
} else {
random <- names(random)[random]
# If using Gumbel, make sure s is not being estimated
map <- list()
if (reparam_s == 0L) {
map <- list(s = factor(NA))
out <- list(data = data, parameters = init_param, random = random, map = map)
if(kernel == "spde") out$mesh <- out_kernel$mesh
#' @noRd
#' @return For `method == "laplace"`, a list with elements `y`, `loc_ind`. For `method == "maxsmooth"`, a list with elements `random_est`, `random_var`, `loc_ind`.
parse_data <- function(data, locs, random,
method = c("laplace", "maxsmooth")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
n_loc <- nrow(locs)
n_par <- sum(random)
if(method == "laplace") {
y <- data
if(!is.list(y) ||
!all(sapply(y, is.numeric))) {
stop("For `method == 'laplace', `data must be a numeric list.")
} else if(length(y) != n_loc) {
stop("For `method == 'laplace', must have `length(data) == nrow(locs)`.")
## n_loc <- length(y)
n_obs <- sapply(y, length)
y <- unlist(y)
loc_ind <- rep(1:n_loc, times=n_obs) # location ind associated with each obs
out <- list(y = y, loc_ind = loc_ind)
} else if(method == "maxsmooth") {
if(!all(c("est", "var") %in% names(data)) ||
!is.numeric(data$est) ||
!is.numeric(data$var)) {
stop("For `method == 'maxsmooth'`, `data` must be a list with named elements 'est' and 'var'.")
} else if(!isTRUE(all(dim(data$est) == c(n_loc, n_par)))) {
stop("Incorrect dimensions for `data$est`.")
} else if(!isTRUE(all(dim(data$var) == c(n_par, n_par, n_loc)))) {
stop("Incorrect dimensions for `data$var`.")
out <- list(random_est = t(data$est),
random_var = matrix(data$var, n_par, n_par * n_loc),
loc_ind = 1:n_loc)
#' @noRd
#' @return A logical with names `a`, `log_b`, `s`.
parse_random <- function(random = c("a", "ab", "abs")) {
random <- match.arg(random)
if (!(random %in% c("a", "ab", "abs"))) {
stop("Argument random must be either 'a', 'ab', or 'abs'.")
c(a = random %in% c("a", "ab", "abs"),
log_b = random %in% c("ab", "abs"),
s = random %in% "abs")
#' @noRd
#' @details FIXME: Better naming convention for TMB files.
parse_model <- function(random, kernel, method) {
param_names <- paste0(c("a", "b", "s")[random], collapse = "")
model <- paste("model",
sep = "_")
if(method == "maxsmooth") model <- paste0(model, "_maxsmooth")
#' @noRd
#' @return An integer between 1 and 4.
parse_reparam_s <- function(reparam_s, random) {
if(reparam_s == "zero") {
reparam_s <- as.integer(0)
if (random["s"]) stop("When s is a random effect, reparam_s cannot be zero.")
} else if (reparam_s == "positive") {
reparam_s <- as.integer(1)
} else if (reparam_s == "negative") {
reparam_s <- as.integer(2)
} else if (reparam_s == "unconstrained") {
reparam_s <- as.integer(3)
} else {
stop("Argument reparam_s must be one of 'zero', 'unconstrained', 'positive', or 'negative'.")
#' @noRd
#' @return For `kernel %in% c("exp", "matern")`. A list with elements `X_a`, `X_b`, `X_s`, `dist_mat`.
parse_kernel_basic <- function(locs, X_a, X_b, X_s) {
n_loc <- nrow(locs)
# Default design matrices
if(is.null(X_a)) X_a <- matrix(1, nrow=n_loc, ncol=1)
if(is.null(X_b)) X_b <- matrix(1, nrow=n_loc, ncol=1)
if(is.null(X_s)) X_s <- matrix(1, nrow=n_loc, ncol=1)
dist_mat <- as.matrix(stats::dist(locs))
out <- list(X_a = X_a, X_b = X_b, X_s = X_s, dist_mat = dist_mat)
#' @noRd
#' @return A list with elements `X_a`, `X_b`, `X_s`, `spde`.
parse_kernel_spde <- function(locs, X_a, X_b, X_s,
init_param, random, mesh_extra_init, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Please install package 'INLA' if using 'kernel='spde''.")
mesh_args <- list(...)
is.null(mesh_args$max.n))) {
# if none of the above is specified, use our default
mesh <- INLA::inla.mesh.2d(locs, max.edge=2)
} else {
mesh <- INLA::inla.mesh.2d(locs, ...)
spde <- (INLA::inla.spde2.matern(mesh)$param.inla)[c("M0", "M1", "M2")]
n_s <- nrow(spde$M0) # number of mesh triangles created by INLA
meshidxloc <- as.integer(mesh$idx$loc)
out <- lapply(list(X_a = X_a, X_b = X_b, X_s = X_s), function(X) {
if (is.null(X)) {
# Default design matrices to provide to the data list
X <- matrix(1, nrow=n_s, ncol=1)
} else {
# Expand the current design matrix using 0s due to
# the additional triangles in the mesh
X_temp <- matrix(0, nrow=n_s, ncol=ncol(X))
X_temp[,1] <- 1
X_temp[meshidxloc,] <- X
X <- X_temp
out$spde <- spde
out$mesh <- mesh
# expand init_param due to extra location points introduced by mesh
for(nm in names(random)[random]) {
param_new <- rep(mesh_extra_init[[nm]], n_s)
param_new[meshidxloc] <- init_param[[nm]]
init_param[[nm]] <- param_new
out$init_param <- init_param
out$loc_ind <- meshidxloc[loc_ind]
#' @noRd
#' @return A list with all prior elements.
parse_priors <- function(random, kernel,
s_prior, beta_prior, matern_pc_prior) {
prior_list <- list()
if(!random["s"]) {
# specify a normal prior on s if s is a fixed effect
if(is.null(s_prior)) {
s_prior <- c(9999, 9999)
prior_list$s_mean <- s_prior[1]
prior_list$s_sd <- s_prior[2]
# Optionally specify normal priors on betas
if(is.null(beta_prior)) {
prior_list$beta_prior <- as.integer(0)
prior_list$beta_a_prior <- c(0,500)
prior_list$beta_b_prior <- c(0,500)
prior_list$beta_s_prior <- c(0,500)
} else if (is.list(beta_prior)) {
prior_list$beta_prior <- as.integer(1)
prior_list$beta_a_prior <- beta_prior$beta_a
prior_list$beta_b_prior <- beta_prior$beta_b
prior_list$beta_s_prior <- beta_prior$beta_s
} else {
stop("Check beta_prior.")
# Optionally specify PC priors on Matern
if(kernel %in% c("matern", "spde")) {
if(!is.null(matern_pc_prior) && !is.list(matern_pc_prior)) {
stop("Check matern_pc_prior: must be a named list with names one or more of
`matern_a`, `matern_b`, or `matern_s`, and the elements must be provided using the
`matern_pc_prior()` function.")
for(par in c("a", "b", "s")) {
# names of list elements wrt par
par_pc_prior <- paste0(par, "_pc_prior")
range_par_prior <- paste0("range_", par, "_prior")
sigma_par_prior <- paste0("sigma_", par, "_prior")
matern_par <- paste0("matern_", par)
# create prior
prior_list[[par_pc_prior]] <- as.integer(0)
prior_list[[range_par_prior]] <- c(1e5, 0.9)
prior_list[[sigma_par_prior]] <- c(2, 0.1)
if(!is.null(matern_pc_prior[[matern_par]])) {
if(inherits(matern_pc_prior[[matern_par]], "PC_prior")) {
prior_list[[par_pc_prior]] <- as.integer(1)
prior_list[[range_par_prior]] <- matern_pc_prior[[matern_par]]$range_prior
prior_list[[sigma_par_prior]] <- matern_pc_prior[[matern_par]]$sigma_prior
} else {
stop(paste0("`matern_pc_prior$", matern_par,
"` must be created with `matern_pc_prior()`."))
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