
Defines functions mcStewart

Documented in mcStewart

#' @title Stewart Potentials Parallel
#' @name mcStewart
#' @description This function computes Stewart potentials using parallel 
#' computation. 
#' @param knownpts sp or sf object; this is the set of known observations to 
#' estimate the potentials from.
#' @param unknownpts sp or sf object; this is the set of unknown units for which 
#' the function computes the estimates. Not used when \code{resolution} is set 
#' up. (optional)
#' @param varname character; name of the variable in the \code{knownpts} dataframe 
#' from which potentials are computed. Quantitative variable with no negative values. 
#' @param typefct character; spatial interaction function. Options are "pareto" 
#' (means power law) or "exponential".
#' If "pareto" the interaction is defined as: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta).
#' If "exponential" the interaction is defined as: 
#' exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta).
#' The alpha parameter is computed from parameters given by the user 
#' (\code{beta} and \code{span}).
#' @param span numeric; distance where the density of probability of the spatial 
#' interaction function equals 0.5.
#' @param beta numeric; impedance factor for the spatial interaction function.  
#' @param resolution numeric; resolution of the output SpatialPointsDataFrame
#'  (in map units). If resolution is not set, the grid will contain around 7250 
#'  points. (optional)
#' @param mask sp or sf object; the spatial extent of this object is used to 
#' create the regularly spaced points output. (optional)
#' @param cl numeric; number of clusters. By default cl is determined using 
#' \code{parallel::detectCores()}.
#' @param size numeric; mcStewart splits unknownpts in chunks, size indicates 
#' the size of each chunks.
#' @param longlat	logical; if FALSE, Euclidean distance, if TRUE Great Circle 
#' (WGS84 ellipsoid) distance.
#' @details The parallel implementation splits potentials computations along 
#' chunks of unknownpts (or chunks of the grid defined using resolution).
#' @param returnclass "sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object.
#' @return Point object with the computed potentials in a new field 
#' named \code{OUTPUT}. 
#' @seealso \link{stewart}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(require(cartography)){
#'   nuts3.spdf@data <- nuts3.df
#'   t1 <- system.time(
#'     s1 <- stewart(knownpts = nuts3.spdf,resolution = 40000,
#'                   varname = "pop2008",
#'                   typefct = "exponential", span = 100000,
#'                   beta = 3, mask = nuts3.spdf, returnclass = "sf")
#'   )
#'   t2 <- system.time(
#'     s2 <- mcStewart(knownpts = nuts3.spdf, resolution = 40000,
#'                     varname = "pop2008",
#'                     typefct = "exponential", span = 100000,
#'                     beta = 3, mask = nuts3.spdf, cl = 3, size = 500, 
#'                     returnclass = "sf")
#'   )
#'   identical(s1, s2)
#'   cat("Elapsed time\n", "stewart:", t1[3], "\n mcStewart:",t2[3])
#'   iso <- isopoly(x = s2, 
#'                  breaks = c(0,1000000,2000000, 5000000, 10000000, 20000000, 
#'                             200004342),
#'                  mask = nuts3.spdf, returnclass = "sf")
#'   # cartography
#'   opar <- par(mar = c(0,0,1.2,0))
#'   bks <- sort(unique(c(iso$min, iso$max)))
#'   choroLayer(x = iso, var = "center", breaks = bks, border = NA,
#'              legend.title.txt = "pop")
#'   layoutLayer("potential population", "","", scale = NULL)
#'   par(opar)
#' }
#' }
#' @import sp
#' @import raster
#' @export
mcStewart <- function(knownpts, unknownpts,
                      typefct = "exponential",
                      span, beta, resolution,
                      mask, cl, size = 1000, 
                      longlat = TRUE, returnclass="sp"){
  # Check libraries
  if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("'parallel' package needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("'foreach' package needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("'doParallel' package needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  # data prep
  if(is(knownpts, "Spatial")){knownpts <- st_as_sf(knownpts)}
  if (!missing(unknownpts)){  
    if(is(unknownpts, "Spatial")){unknownpts <- st_as_sf(unknownpts)}
      mask <- knownpts
    } else {
      if(is(mask, "Spatial")){unknownpts <- st_as_sf(mask)}
    unknownpts <- CreateGrid(w = mask, resolution = resolution, 
                             returnclass = "sf") 
  unknownpts2 <- unknownpts
  # polygon mngmnt
  if(!is(st_geometry(knownpts), "sfc_POINT")){
    st_geometry(knownpts) <- st_centroid(st_geometry(knownpts), 
                                         of_largest_polygon = TRUE)
  if(!is(st_geometry(unknownpts2), "sfc_POINT")){
    st_geometry(unknownpts2) <- st_centroid(st_geometry(unknownpts2), 
                                           of_largest_polygon = TRUE)
  # launch multiple cores
  if (missing(cl)){
    cl <- parallel::detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cl)
  # sequence to split unknowpts
  sequence <- unique(c(seq(1,nrow(unknownpts2), size),nrow(unknownpts2)+1))
  lseq <- length(sequence)-1
  # split unknownpts and put it on a list
  ml <- list()
  for  (i in 1:lseq){
    ml[[i]] <- unknownpts2[(sequence[i]):(sequence[i+1]-1),]
  ls <- foreach::`%dopar%`(foreach::foreach(i = ml, 
                                            .packages = c('SpatialPosition'),
                                            .combine = rbind, .inorder = FALSE), 
                             mat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = knownpts,
                                                     unknownpts = i,
                                                     bypassctrl = TRUE, 
                                                     longlat = longlat)
                             st <- stewart(knownpts = knownpts,
                                           unknownpts = i,
                                           matdist = mat,
                                           typefct = typefct,
                                           span = span, beta = beta,
                                           varname = varname, 
                                           returnclass = "sf")
  unknownpts$OUTPUT <- ls$OUTPUT
  if(returnclass=="sp"){unknownpts <- as(unknownpts, "Spatial")}

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SpatialPosition documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:07 p.m.