
Defines functions stamppConvert

Documented in stamppConvert

#' Import and Convert
#' Imports biallelic AB formated or allele A frequency genotype data. If the data is in imported in biallelic AB format this function also converts it to allele frequencies
#' @param genotype.file the genotype input file. This should be a R matrix object or a file path for a csv file containing the genotype data in either bialleleic AB format or allele 'A' frequency format, or a genlight object containing genotype data
#' @param type the type of file the genotype data is being imported from; "csv" = comma seperated file, "r" = data frame in the R workspace, "genlight" = genlight object.
#' @return An object of class data.frame which contains allele frequency data for use in other StAMPP functions
#' @examples
#' # Import example data into the R workspace
#' data(potato.mini, package="StAMPP")
#' # Convert to allele frequencies
#' potato.freq <- stamppConvert(potato.mini, "r")
#' @author Luke Pembleton <luke.pembleton at agriculture.vic.gov.au>
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
stamppConvert <- function(genotype.file, type="csv"){

  if(type=="csv" | type=="r"){ #import genotype data from csv file or R workspace

      geno <- read.csv(genotype.file)  #import from csv file
      geno <- genotype.file #import from R workspace

    totalind <- nrow(geno) #number of individuals
    nloc <- ncol(geno)-4 #number of loci/markers

    pops <- unique(geno[,2]) #population names
    npops <- length(pops) #number of populations

    pop.num <- vector(length=totalind) #create vector of population ID numbers

    for (i in 1:totalind){
      pop.num[i]=which(geno[i,2]==pops) #assign population ID numbers to individuals

    format <- geno[,4] #genotype format

    ploidy <- geno[,3] #ploidy levels

    geno <- cbind(geno[,1:2], pop.num, ploidy, format, geno[,5:(4+nloc)]) #combine genotype data with labels to form stampp geno file

    ab.geno <- subset(geno, geno[,5]=="BiA") #subset individuals with AB coded genotypes
    nind.ab.geno <- length(ab.geno[,2])

    freq.geno <- subset(geno, geno[,5]=="freq") #subset individuals with genotypes stored as allele frequencies
    nind.freq.geno <- length(freq.geno[,2])

    if(nind.ab.geno > 0){

      tmp <- ab.geno[,-c(1:5)]
      tmp <- gsub("-9", "", as.matrix(tmp), fixed=TRUE)
      tmp.a <- gsub("B", "", as.matrix(tmp), fixed=TRUE)
      tmp.a <- nchar(as.matrix(tmp.a))
      tmp.b <- gsub("A", "", as.matrix(tmp), fixed=TRUE)
      tmp.b <- nchar(as.matrix(tmp.b))

      res <- matrix(NA, nrow=nind.ab.geno, ncol=nloc)

      for(i in 1:nloc){

      rm(tmp.a, tmp.b, tmp)

      ab.geno.pt1 <- as.data.frame(ab.geno[,c(1:5)], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      ab.geno.pt2 <- as.data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      ab.geno <- cbind(ab.geno.pt1, ab.geno.pt2)

      rm(ab.geno.pt2, ab.geno.pt1, res)


    freq.geno.pt1 <- freq.geno[,c(1:5)]
    freq.geno.pt2 <- as.matrix(freq.geno[,-c(1:5)])
    freq.geno <- cbind(freq.geno.pt1, freq.geno.pt2)

    comb.geno <- rbind(ab.geno, freq.geno)
    rm(ab.geno, freq.geno, geno)


    comb.geno <- comb.geno[ order(comb.geno[,3]),]




    geno2 <- genotype.file

    geno <- as.matrix(geno2) #extract genotype data from genlight object

    sample <- row.names(geno) #individual names
    pop.names <- pop(geno2) #population names
    ploidy <- ploidy(geno2) #ploidy level
    geno=geno*(1/ploidy) #convert genotype data (number of allele B) to precentage allele frequency
    format <- vector(length=length(geno[,1]))

    pops <- unique(pop.names) #population names

    pop.num <- vector(length=length(geno[,1])) #create vector of population ID numbers

    for (i in 1:length(geno[,1])){
      pop.num[i]=which(pop.names[i]==pops) #assign population ID numbers to individuals

    genoLHS <- as.data.frame(cbind(sample, pop.names, pop.num, ploidy, format), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    geno <- cbind(genoLHS, geno) #combine genotype data with labels to form stampp geno file







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StAMPP documentation built on Aug. 8, 2021, 9:07 a.m.