
Defines functions gen_tec_doc

#' @title Generate from a template or modify a STICS tec xml_document
#' @param xml_doc an xml_document object (created from an ini file)
#' @param param_table a table (df, tibble) containing parameters to use
#' @param stics_version the STICS files version to use (optional,
#' default to latest). Only used if xml_doc = NULL.
#' @param dict List of correspondence between given parameter names and
#' STICS internal names.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (for example, coming from a call
#' from gen_tec_xml using a na_values argument)
#' @return an invisible xml_document object or a list of
#' @importFrom tidyselect where
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(readxl)
#' download_usm_xl(
#'   file = "inputs_stics_example.xlsx",
#'   dest_dir = "/path/to/dest/dir"
#' )
#' xl_path <- file.path("/path/to/dest/dir", "inputs_stics_example.xlsx")
#' tec_param_df <- read_excel(xl_path, sheet = "Tec")
#' tec_doc <- gen_tec_doc(param_table = tec_param_df)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
gen_tec_doc <- function(xml_doc = NULL,
                        param_table = NULL,
                        stics_version = "latest",
                        dict = NULL,
                        ...) {

  dot_args <- list(...)
  dot_args_names <- names(dot_args)

  na_values <- NA
  if ("na_values" %in% dot_args_names) na_values <- dot_args$na_values

  # check/get version
  stics_version <- get_xml_stics_version(
    stics_version = stics_version,
    xml_doc = xml_doc

  # getting a default xml template
  if (base::is.null(xml_doc)) {
    xml_doc <- get_xml_base_doc("tec", stics_version = stics_version)

  # Nothing to do
  if (base::is.null(param_table)) {

  # managing several doc generation based upon the lines number in param_table
  lines_nb <- dim(param_table)[1]
  if (lines_nb > 1) {
    xml_docs <- apply(
      param_table, 1,
      function(x) {
          xml_doc = clone_xml_doc(xml_doc),
          param_table = as.data.frame(t(x),
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          stics_version = stics_version,
          dict = dict,
          na_values = na_values


  gen_error <- FALSE

  param_table <- param_table %>%
    dplyr::select(where(function(x) !is.na(x)) &
                    where(function(x) {
                      c <- x != "NA"
                      if (is.na(c)) c <- TRUE


  # TODO : Avoid making conversion at each call !!!!!!
  # getting values of params declared in the table
  table_params <- get_params_from_table(
    params_table = param_table,
    xml_doc = xml_doc, dict = dict

  table_names <- names(table_params)

  # Checking parameters names
  # doc param names
  doc_params <- get_params_from_doc(xml_doc)

  # getting unknown param names
  unknown_param <- setdiff(unlist(table_names), unlist(doc_params))

  # temporary select for avoiding errors
  unknown_idx <- table_names %in% unknown_param

  # Updating param names and table
  if (any(unknown_idx)) {
    # Message for unknown parameters
      paste(table_params[unknown_idx], collapse = ", "),
      ": unknown parameters !"
    table_params <- table_params[!unknown_idx]
    table_names <- names(table_params)

  vec_idx <- unlist(lapply(
    function(x) length(grep(pattern = "_[0-9]*$", names(x))) > 0
  ), use.names = FALSE)

  scal_names <- table_names[!vec_idx]
  vec_names <- table_names[vec_idx]

  # Setting scalar parameters values
  for (scal_name in scal_names) {
    set_param_value(xml_doc, scal_name, table_params[[scal_name]])

  # Setting vector parameters
  # Special case for cutting:
  # treating first julfauche or tempfauche, bc other
  # sibling parameters have common names : hautcoupe,
  # lairesiduel, msresiduel, anitcoupe
  # Choice between tempfauche and julfauche
  # 1-Checking if "codemodfauche" exists in table_params
  # 2- Getting the right mode fauche parameter name
  # 3- Excluding the other one from names vector
  if ("codemodfauche" %in% table_names) {
    code <- table_params[["codemodfauche"]]

    if (code == "2") {
      rmmodfauche <- "tempfauche"
    } else if (code == "3") {
      rmmodfauche <- "julfauche"
    } else {
      rmmodfauche <- NULL
    vec_names <- setdiff(vec_names, rmmodfauche)

  # Case of thinning: removing parameters
  # if codeclaircie is set to 1
  if ("codeclaircie" %in% table_names) {
    if (table_params[["codeclaircie"]] == "1") {
      vec_names <- setdiff(vec_names, c("juleclair", "nbinfloecl"))

  for (par_name in vec_names) {
    nb_par <- get_param_number(xml_doc, par_name)
    param_values <- table_params[[par_name]]

    # If the nodes number is already matching
    # or a previous pass in the else condition
    # added needed nodes number for the parameter or set of.
    nb_values <- length(param_values)
    if ((nb_values > 0) && nb_par == nb_values) {
                      param_name = par_name,
                      param_value = param_values
    } else {
      if (nb_par > 0) {
        # Removing all existing intervention nodes
        # in order to add new ones and set parameters values
        xpath_node <- get_param_type(
          xml_doc = xml_doc,
          param_name = par_name

        # The parameter is a simple one as <param ...> in xml file
        # directly attached to a <formalisme...> parent, so the formalisme
        # node cannot be removed. Consistency error between the
        # values detected in the parameters table and the param type
        # in the xml file.
        if (XML::xmlName(XML::xmlParent(get_nodes(
        )[[1]])) == "formalisme") {
          gen_error <- TRUE
            "The parameter", par_name,
            "is unique in the original xml file,",
            "and not attached to \"intervention\"\n"
          message(paste0("Multiple values are present in input table,",
                         " check consistency with formalism definition !\n"))
          message("The treatment for this parameter has aborted.\n")

        # Removing existing nodes, for creating new set of
        # after that
          xml_doc = xml_doc,
          param_name = par_name

      # Generating an "intervention" node containing par_name in colonne nom
      # attribute
      # Cloning "ta_entete" node, from the current xml_doc
      # renaming it and reusing it for intervention nodes creation
      op_node <- XML::xmlClone(get_nodes(
        paste0("//ta_entete[colonne[@nom='", par_name, "']]")
      XML::xmlName(op_node) <- "intervention"

      # Getting needed nodes number and formalism or choice
      # to which they are to be attached
      nodes_nb <- length(param_values)
      par_form <- get_param_formalisms(xml_doc = xml_doc, par_name)

      if (base::is.null(par_form)) {
        message(paste("Error: formalism for:", par_name))

      # General case, linked to formalisms
      parent_path <- get_param_type(xml_doc, "ta", "formalisme", par_form)$xpath
      parent_name <- par_form

      # Specific cases linked to options/choix
      # for getting parent path of intervention nodes to create
      # specific "choix" path to be calculated
      cut_idx <- c("tempfauche", "julfauche") %in% par_name
      choix <- c("calendar in degree days", "calendar in days")
      if (any(cut_idx)) {
        parent_name <- choix[cut_idx]
        parent_path <- get_param_type(xml_doc, "ta", "choix", parent_name)$xpath

      # specific "option" calculation
      is_thin <- par_name %in% c("juleclair", "nbinfloecl")
      if (is_thin) {
        parent_name <- "thinning"

        parent_path <- get_param_type(xml_doc, "ta", "choix", parent_name)$xpath

      # Adding needed nodes : nodes_nb
        xml_doc = xml_doc,
        new_node = op_node,
        nodes_nb = nodes_nb,
        parent_path = parent_path

      # Setting values for all the concerned intervention nodes
        xml_doc = xml_doc,
        param_name = par_name,
        param_value = param_values

      # Finally fixing nb_interventions
        xml_doc = xml_doc,
        param_name = "nb_interventions",
        param_value = nodes_nb,
        parent_name = parent_name

  if (gen_error) {
    xml_doc <- NULL


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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.