
Defines functions defStormsDataset getDataFromCsvFile getDataFromNcdfFile checkInputsdefStormsDataset convertVariables atm2pa psi2pa mb2pa b2pa nm2km kmh2ms mph2ms knt2ms

Documented in defStormsDataset

# Unit conversion functions#

# For msw
knt2ms <- function(x) {
  return(x * knt2msC)

mph2ms <- function(x) {
  return(x * mph2msC)

kmh2ms <- function(x) {
  return(x * kmh2msC)

# For rmw
nm2km <- function(x) {
  return(x * nm2kmC)

# For pressure
b2pa <- function(x) {
  return(x * b2paC)

mb2pa <- function(x) {
  return(x * mb2paC)

psi2pa <- function(x) {
  return(x * psi2paC)

atm2pa <- function(x) {
  return(x * atm2paC)

#' Convert variable in the correct metric in the dataset
#' @noRd
#' @param data database generated with either getDataFromNcdfFile or
#' getDataFromCsvFile
#' @param unitConversion named character vector (Cf defStormsDatabase)
#' @return data with converted variables
convertVariables <- function(data, unitConversion){
  # Maximum sustained wind
  if (unitConversion["msw"] == "mph2ms") {
    data$msw <- mph2ms(data$msw)
  } else if (unitConversion["msw"] == "knt2ms") {
    data$msw <- knt2ms(data$msw)
  } else if (unitConversion["msw"] == "kmh2ms") {
    data$msw <- kmh2ms(data$msw)
  # Radius of maximum wind
  if ("rmw" %in% names(data)) {
    if (unitConversion["rmw"] == "nm2km") {
      data$rmw <- nm2km(data$rmw)
  # Pressure
  if ("pressure" %in% names(data)) {
    if (unitConversion["pressure"] == "mb2pa") {
      data$pressure <- mb2pa(data$pressure)
    } else if (unitConversion["pressure"] == "b2pa") {
      data$pressure <- b2pa(data$pressure)
    } else if (unitConversion["pressure"] == "psi2pa") {
      data$pressure <- psi2pa(data$pressure)
    } else if (unitConversion["pressure"] == "atm2pa") {
      data$pressure <- atm2pa(data$pressure)
  # Pressure
  if ("poci" %in% names(data)) {
    if (unitConversion["poci"] == "mb2pa") {
      data$poci <- mb2pa(data$poci)
    } else if (unitConversion["poci"] == "b2pa") {
      data$poci <- b2pa(data$poci)
    } else if (unitConversion["poci"] == "psi2pa") {
      data$poci <- psi2pa(data$poci)
    } else if (unitConversion["poci"] == "atm2pa") {
      data$poci <- atm2pa(data$poci)

# Class #

#' stormsDataset
#' Choose the database to use within the package's functions
#' @slot filename character. Name of the database to load. Must be either a netcdf or a csv file
#' @slot fields named character vector. Dictionary that provides all the name of
#' dimensions to extract from the netcdf database (See `Details`)
#' @slot basin character. Basin name to filter the database within its
#' boundaries. It must be either
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `"NA"`: North Atlantic
#'   \item `"SA"`: South Atlantic
#'   \item `"EP"`: Eastern North Pacific
#'   \item `"WP"`: Western North Pacific
#'   \item `"SP"`: South Pacific
#'   \item `"SI"`: South India
#'   \item `"NI"`: North India
#'   \item `"None"`: No particular basin
#' }
#' @slot seasons numeric vector. Range of calendar years to filter storms. For
#'   cyclones that formed in one year and dissipated in the following year, the
#'   latter should be used
#' @slot database list of 6 to 9 slots depending on the fields input. Each slot
#' is either a 1D array of dimension (number of storms) for `names` and
#' `seasons` fields, or a 2D array of dimension
#' (Maximum number of observations:number of storms), for the remaining fields
#' which are `isoTime`, `lon`, `lat`, `msw`, `rmw`, `pressure`, `poci`
#' @details
#' The fields input must provide at least 6 mandatory fields (and at most 10) in
#' order to benefit from all the functionalities of this package:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item A field `names`: which dimension contains the names of storms
#'         in the netcdf database
#'   \item A field `seasons`: which dimension contains the cyclonic
#'         seasons of storms in the netcdf database
#'   \item A field `isoTime`: which dimension contains the ISO times of
#'         each (3 or 6 hourly) observations for all storms in the database
#'   \item A field `lon`: which dimension contains the longitude
#'         coordinates of each observations for all storms in
#'         the netcdf database
#'   \item A field `lat`: which dimension contains the latitude
#'         coordinates of each observations for all storms in
#'         the netcdf database
#'   \item A field `msw`: which dimension contains the maximum sustained
#'         wind speed of each observations for all storms in the netcdf
#'         database
#' }
#' The following fields are optional but highly recommended:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A field `basin`: which dimension contains the basin location of
#'        storms in the netcdf database. Used to filter the storms in the netcdf
#'        database
#'  \item A field `rmw`: which dimension contains the radius of maximum
#'        wind speed of each observations for all storms in the netcdf
#'        database (See spatialBehaviour, temporalBehaviour)
#' }
#' Finally these following fields are optional but mandatory to perform Holland
#' model (See `spatialBehaviour`, `temporalBehaviour`)
#' \itemize{
#'   \item A field `pressure`: which dimension contains the pressure
#'         in the eye for of each observations for all storms in the netcdf
#'         database
#'   \item A field `poci`: which dimension contains the Pressure at the
#'         Outermost Closed Isobar for of each observations for all storms
#'         in the nectdf database
#' }
#' Default value is set according to the most relevant dimensions of IBTrACS
#' databases:
#' `fields = c(basin = "basin", names = "name", seasons = "season", isoTime = "iso_time",
#' lon = "usa_lon", lat = "usa_lat", msw = "usa_wind", rmw = "usa_rmw", pressure = "usa_pres",
#' poci = "usa_poci")`
#' @export
stormsDataset <- methods::setClass(
  slots = c(
    filename = "character",
    fields = "character",
    basin = "character",
    seasons = "numeric",
    database = "list"

# Helper functions#

#' check inputs for defStormsDataset function
#' @noRd
#' @param filename character
#' @param sep character
#' @param fields character vector
#' @param basin character
#' @param seasons numeric vector
#' @param unitConversion character vector
#' @param notNamed character
#' @param verbose numeric
#' @return NULL
checkInputsdefStormsDataset <- function(filename, sep, fields, basin, seasons, unitConversion, notNamed, verbose) {
  # Checking filename input
  stopifnot("filename is missing" = !missing(filename))
  stopifnot("filename must be character" = identical(class(filename), "character"))
  stopifnot("filename must be length one" = length(filename) == 1)
  # Checking sep input
    stopifnot("sep must be character" = identical(class(sep), "character"))
    stopifnot("sep must be length one" = length(sep) == 1)
  # Checking extension
  splitedFilename <- strsplit(filename, "\\.")[[1]]
  extension <- splitedFilename[length(splitedFilename)]
  stopifnot("filename must be either a NetCDF (.nc) or a CSV (.csv) file" = extension %in% c("nc", "csv"))
  # Checking fields input
  stopifnot("fields must be character" = identical(class(fields), "character"))
  stopifnot("unitConversion must be character" = identical(class(unitConversion), "character"))
  # Mandatory fields
  stopifnot("No 'names' selection in fields" = "names" %in% names(fields))
  stopifnot("No 'seasons' selection in fields" = "seasons" %in% names(fields))
  stopifnot("No 'isoTime' selection in fields" = "isoTime" %in% names(fields))
  stopifnot("No 'lon' selection in fields" = "lon" %in% names(fields))
  stopifnot("No 'lat' selection in fields" = "lat" %in% names(fields))
  stopifnot("No 'msw' selection in fields" = "msw" %in% names(fields))
  stopifnot("No unit conversion directive for 'msw' selection in unitConversion" = "msw" %in% names(unitConversion))
    "Invalid unitConversion directive for 'msw'" =
      unitConversion["msw"] %in% c("None", "mph2ms", "knt2ms", "kmh2ms")
  # Optional fields
  if (("basin" %in% names(fields)) && is.null(basin)) {
    warning("No basin argument specified. StormR will work as expected
             but cannot use basin filtering for speed-up when collecting data")
  } else if (!("basin" %in% names(fields)) && !is.null(basin)) {
    stop("No basin field in `fields` input specified. StormR will work as
          expected but cannot use basin filtering for speed-up when collecting data")
  if (!("rmw" %in% names(fields))) {
    warning("No 'rmw' selection in fields, use empirical_rmw = TRUE for the forthcoming computations")
  } else {
    stopifnot("No unit conversion directive for 'rmw' selection in unitConversion" = "rmw" %in% names(unitConversion))
    stopifnot("Invalid unitConversion directive for 'msw'" = unitConversion["rmw"] %in% c("None", "nm2km"))
  if (!("pressure" %in% names(fields))) {
    warning("No 'pressure' selection in fields, Cannot use Holland method for the forthcoming computations")
  } else {
      "No unit conversion directive for 'pressure' selection in unitConversion" =
        "pressure" %in% names(unitConversion)
      "Invalid unitConversion directive for 'msw'" =
        unitConversion["pressure"] %in% c("None", "b2pa", "mb2pa", "psi2pa", "atm2pa")
  if (!("poci" %in% names(fields))) {
    warning("No 'poci' selection in fields,  Cannot use Holland method for the forthcoming computations")
  } else {
      "No unit conversion directive for 'poci' selection in unitConversion" =
        "poci" %in% names(unitConversion)
    stopifnot("Invalid unitConversion directive for 'msw'" = unitConversion["poci"]
              %in% c("None", "b2pa", "mb2pa", "psi2pa", "atm2pa"))
  # Checking basin input
  if (!is.null(basin)) {
    stopifnot("basin must be character" = identical(class(basin), "character"))
    stopifnot("basin must be length one" = length(basin) == 1)
      "Invalid basin input, must be either 'NA', 'SA', 'EP', 'WP', 'SP', 'SI', or 'NI'" =
        basin %in% c("NA", "SA", "EP", "WP", "SP", "SI", "NI")
  # Checking seasons input
  stopifnot("seasons must be numeric" = identical(class(seasons), "numeric"))
  stopifnot("seasons must be a range of calendar year" = length(seasons) == 2 & seasons[1] <= seasons[2])
  # Checking notNamed input 
  stopifnot("notNamed must be a character" = identical(class(notNamed), "character"))
  stopifnot("notNamed must be length one " = length(notNamed) == 1)

  # Checking verbose input
  stopifnot("verbose must be numeric" = identical(class(verbose), "numeric"))
  stopifnot("verbose must length 1" = length(verbose) == 1)
  stopifnot("verbose must be either 0, 1" = verbose %in% c(0, 1))

#' Load database when filename is a NetCDF
#' (CF defStormsDataset for additional informations about parameters)
#' @noRd
#' @param filename character
#' @param fields named character vecor
#' @param basin character
#' @param seasons numeric vector
#' @param unitConversion named character vector
#' @param notNamed character for not named storms
#' @param verbose numeric
#' @return list of arrays
getDataFromNcdfFile <- function(filename, fields, basin, seasons, unitConversion, notNamed, verbose){
  if (verbose) {
    cat("=== Loading data  ===\nOpen database... ")
  dataBase <- ncdf4::nc_open(filename)
  if (verbose) {
    cat(filename, "opened\nCollecting data ...\n")
  lon <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["lon"])
  season <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["seasons"])
  names <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["names"])
  row <- dim(lon)[1] 
  # Remove notNamed storms
  ind <- which(!(names %in% notNamed))
  # Filter by season
  indS <- which(season %in% seq(seasons[1], seasons[2], 1))
  ind <- intersect(ind, indS)
  len <- length(ind)
  if (!is.null(basin)) {
    # Filter by basin ID
    basins <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["basin"])
    indB <- which(basins[1, ] == basin)
    ind <- intersect(ind, indB)
    len <- length(ind)
  # Collect data
  data <- list(
    names = names[ind],
    seasons = season[ind],
    isotimes = array(ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["isoTime"])[, ind],
                     dim = c(row, len)
    longitude = array(ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["lon"])[, ind],
                      dim = c(row, len)
    latitude = array(ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["lat"])[, ind],
                     dim = c(row, len)
    msw = array(ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["msw"])[, ind], dim = c(row, len))
  # Sort by Date
  o <- order(data$isotimes[1, ])
  data$names <- data$names[o]
  data$seasons <- data$seasons[o]
  data$isotimes <- data$isotimes[, o]
  data$longitude <- data$longitude[, o]
  data$latitude <- data$latitude[, o]
  data$msw <- data$msw[, o]
  if ("rmw" %in% names(fields)) {
    data$rmw <- array(ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["rmw"])[, ind], dim = c(row, len))
    data$rmw <- data$rmw[, o]
  if ("pressure" %in% names(fields)) {
    data$pressure <- array(ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["pressure"])[, ind], dim = c(row, len))
    data$pressure <- data$pressure[, o]
  if ("poci" %in% names(fields)) {
    data$poci <- array(ncdf4::ncvar_get(dataBase, fields["poci"])[, ind], dim = c(row, len))
    data$poci <- data$poci[, o]

#' Load database when filename is a CSV
#' (CF defStormsDataset for additional informations about parameters)
#' @noRd
#' @param filename character
#' @param sep character. separator for the csv file in input
#' @param fields named character vecor
#' @param basin character
#' @param seasons numeric vector
#' @param unitConversion named character vector
#' @param notNamed character for not named storms
#' @param verbose numeric
#' @return list of arrays
getDataFromCsvFile <- function(filename, sep, fields, basin, seasons, unitConversion, notNamed, verbose){
  if (verbose) {
    cat("=== Loading data  ===\nOpen database... ")
    sep = ","
  dataBase <- utils::read.csv(file = filename, sep = sep)
  if (verbose) {
    cat(filename, "opened\nCollecting data ...\n")
  # Extract columns
  filter <- which(colnames(dataBase) %in% fields)
  dataBaseFiltered <- dataBase[, filter]
  # Remove sub header
  dataBaseFiltered <- dataBase[2:dim(dataBaseFiltered)[1], filter]
  # Remove notNamed storms
  filter <- which(!(dataBaseFiltered[,fields["names"]] %in% notNamed))
  dataBaseFiltered <- dataBaseFiltered[filter,]
  # Remove NA lon-lat row
  filter <- which(!is.na(dataBaseFiltered[,fields["lon"]]) & !is.na(dataBaseFiltered[,fields["lat"]]))
  dataBaseFiltered <- dataBaseFiltered[filter,]
  # Filter by season
  filter <- which(as.numeric(dataBaseFiltered[,fields["seasons"]]) >= seasons[1] & as.numeric(dataBaseFiltered[,fields["seasons"]]) <= seasons[2])
  dataBaseFiltered <- dataBaseFiltered[filter,]
  # Filter by basin
    filter <- which(dataBaseFiltered[,fields["basin"]] == basin)
    dataBaseFiltered <- dataBaseFiltered[filter,]
  # Get dimensions
  stormNames <- dataBaseFiltered[,fields["names"]] 
  stormSeasons <- dataBaseFiltered[,fields["seasons"]]
  sid <- paste0(stormNames, stormSeasons)

  # Do the following code to replace table function
  k <- 0
  actualStorm <- sid[1]
  countObs <- c()
  names <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(sid)){
    if(sid[i] != actualStorm){
      countObs <- c(countObs, k)
      names <- c(names, actualStorm)
      actualStorm <- sid[i]
      k <- 1
      k = k + 1
  countObs <- c(countObs, k)
  names <- c(names, sid[length(t)])
  names(countObs) <- names
  # Do not work anymore without sid field
  # sid <- dataBaseFiltered[,fields["sid"]]
  # countObs <- table(sid) # count of observation by storm
  row <- max(countObs) # maximum number of rows
  len <- length(unique(sid)) # number of unique storm in csv
  cumulativeIndex <- cumsum(countObs) # starting points for each storm in csv
  # Initialize template structure
  templateArray = array(NaN, dim=c(row,len))
  # Mandatory fields
  data <- list(
    names = array(NaN, dim=len),
    seasons = array(NaN, dim=len),
    isotimes = templateArray,
    longitude = templateArray,
    latitude = templateArray,
    msw = templateArray
  if("rmw" %in% names(fields)){
    data$rmw <- templateArray
  if("pressure" %in% names(fields)){
    data$pressure <- templateArray
  if("poci" %in% names(fields)){
    data$poci <- templateArray
  for(i in 1:len){
    # Get rows observations boundaries
      start = cumulativeIndex[i-1] + 1
      start = 1
    end = cumulativeIndex[i]
    # Fill data
    data$names[i] <- dataBaseFiltered[start, fields["names"]]
    data$seasons[i] <- as.numeric(dataBaseFiltered[start, fields["seasons"]])
    data$isotimes[,i] <- c(dataBaseFiltered[start:end, fields["isoTime"]], rep(NaN, row-countObs[i]))
    data$longitude[,i] <- as.numeric(c(dataBaseFiltered[start:end, fields["lon"]], rep(NaN, row-countObs[i])))
    data$latitude[,i] <- as.numeric(c(dataBaseFiltered[start:end, fields["lat"]], rep(NaN, row-countObs[i])))
    data$msw[,i] <- as.numeric(c(dataBaseFiltered[start:end, fields["msw"]], rep(NaN, row-countObs[i])))
    if ("rmw" %in% names(fields)) {
      data$rmw[,i] <- as.numeric(c(dataBaseFiltered[start:end, fields["rmw"]], rep(NaN, row-countObs[i])))
    if ("pressure" %in% names(fields)) {
      data$pressure[,i] <- as.numeric(c(dataBaseFiltered[start:end, fields["pressure"]], rep(NaN, row-countObs[i])))
    if ("poci" %in% names(fields)) {
      data$poci[,i] <- as.numeric(c(dataBaseFiltered[start:end, fields["poci"]], rep(NaN, row-countObs[i])))

# Main function#

#' Creating a `stormsDataset` object
#' The `defStormsDataset()` function creates a `stormsDataset` object from either a NetCDF or a CSV file.
#' This is an essential first step before other `stormR` functions can be used.
#' @param filename character. Name of the NetCDF (.nc)/CSV (.csv) file. Default is the `test_dataset.nc`
#' file located in the `inst/extdata` repository of the directory (accessible by
#' `system.file("extdata", "test_dataset.nc", package = "StormR")`). This test dataset is extracted
#' from the IBTrACS.SP.v04r00.nc file and provides all the tropical cyclones that occurred around Vanuatu
#' from 2015 to 2016 and around New Caledonia from 2020 to 2021.
#' @param sep character. The field separator character if `filename` is a CSV file. Default value is set to `NULL`
#' which will set the separator to `","`.
#' @param fields named character vector. This argument allows to specify the corresponding variable names (NetCDF) or
#' headers (CSV) in the input file for each field in the output `stormsDataset`. By default, the corresponding
#' variable names are set up to import data from a NetCDF file from the IBTrACS database (Knapp et al., 2010).
#' Corresponding variable names for following fields have to (mandatory fields) or can be
#' (recommended or optional fields) provided:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item `"names"`, names of the storms (mandatory),
#'    \item `"seasons"`, years of observations (mandatory),
#'    \item `"isoTime"`, date and time of observations (mandatory),
#'    \item `"lon"`, longitude of the observations (mandatory),
#'    \item `"lat"`, latitude of the observations (mandatory),
#'    \item `"msw"`, maximum sustained wind speed (mandatory),
#'    \item `"basin"`, name of the area where the storm originated (recommended),
#'    \item `"rmw"`, radius of maximum winds: distance between the centre of the storm and
#'        its band of strongest winds (recommended),
#'    \item `"pressure"`, central pressure (recommended),
#'    \item `"poci"`, pressure of the last closed isobar (recommended)
#'  }
#' @param basin character. If the basin field is provided, then storm track data will
#' only be extracted for the named basin. By default `basin=NULL`, meaning that all storms
#' irrespective of the basin they originated in are extracted.
#' Seven basins can be used to filter the data set:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `"NA"`, for North Atlantic basin,
#'   \item `"SA"`, for South Atlantic basin,
#'   \item `"EP"`, for Eastern North Pacific basin,
#'   \item `"WP"`, for Western North Pacific basin,
#'   \item `"SP"`, for South Pacific basin,
#'   \item `"SI"`, for South India basin, or
#'   \item `"NI"`, for North India basin.
#' }
#' @param seasons numeric vector. Seasons of occurrence of the storms (e.g., c(2020,2022)). In the Southern Hemisphere,
#' the cyclone season extends across two consecutive years. Therefore, to capture the 2021 to 2022 cyclone season both
#' years should be specified, with cyclones assigned for the year that originated in.
#' By default all storms occurring since 1980 are extracted.
#' @param unitConversion named character vector. `StormR` functions use the metric system (international
#' system of units), therefore `msw` has to be provided in \eqn{m.s^{-1}}, `rmw` in \eqn{km}, `pressure`
#' and `poci` in \eqn{Pa}. By default `unitConversion=c(msw = "knt2ms", rmw = "nm2km", pressure = "mb2pa",
#' poci = "mb2pa")` to meet the requirements when importing a NetCDF file from the IBTrACS database.
#' This argument is mandatory even if no conversion is needed. If no conversion is needed then
#' use `"None"` in the corresponding fields. The following unit conversions are implemented:
#'   For `msw`,
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `"knt2ms"`, to convert knot to meter per second (default setting),
#'   \item `"kmh2ms"`, to convert kilometre per hour to meter per second,
#'   \item "`mph2ms"`, to convert miles per hour to meter per second, or
#'   \item `"None"`, if no conversion is needed.
#' }
#'   For `rmw`,
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `"nm_to_ms"`to convert nautical miles to kilometre (default setting), or
#'   \item `"None"`if no conversion is needed.
#'  }
#'   For `pressure` and `poci`,
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item "`mb2pa"`, to convert  millibar to Pascal  (default setting),
#'    \item `"b2pa"`, to convert bar to Pascal,
#'    \item `"atm2pa"`, to convert  atmosphere to Pascal,
#'    \item `"psi2pa"`, to convert  psi to Pascal, or
#'    \item `"None"`, if no conversion is needed.
#'  }
#' @param notNamed character. Constant name for not named storms to remove in the database.
#' Default value is "NOT_NAMED" (IBTrACS database)
#' @param verbose numeric. Whether the function should display (`= 1`)
#'   or not (`= 0`) information about the processes.
#' @return The `defStormsDataset()` function returns a `stormsDataset` object.
#' @references
#' Knapp, K. R., Kruk, M. C., Levinson, D. H., Diamond, H. J., & Neumann, C. J. (2010).
#' The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS).
#' Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91(3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.1175/2009bams2755.1
#' @examples
#' # Creating a `stormsDataset` object with storms between 2010 and 2015
#' # in the South Pacific using the NetCDF provided with the package
#' SP_2015_2020_nc <- defStormsDataset(seasons = c(2010, 2015))
#' str(SP_2015_2020_nc)
#' # Creating a `stormsDataset` object with storms between 2010 and 2015
#' # in the South Pacific using the CSV provided with the package
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "test_dataset.csv", package = "StormR")
#' SP_2015_2020_csv <- defStormsDataset(seasons = c(2010, 2021))
#' str(SP_2015_2020_csv)
#' @export
defStormsDataset <- function(filename = system.file("extdata", "test_dataset.nc", package = "StormR"),
                             sep = NULL,
                             fields = c(
                               names = "name",
                               seasons = "season",
                               isoTime = "iso_time",
                               lon = "usa_lon",
                               lat = "usa_lat",
                               msw = "usa_wind",
                               basin = "basin",
                               rmw = "usa_rmw",
                               pressure = "usa_pres",
                               poci = "usa_poci"
                             basin = NULL,
                             seasons = c(1980, as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y"))),
                             unitConversion = c(
                               msw = "knt2ms",
                               rmw = "nm2km",
                               pressure = "mb2pa",
                               poci = "mb2pa"
                             notNamed = "NOT_NAMED",
                             verbose = 1) {

  checkInputsdefStormsDataset(filename, sep, fields, basin, seasons, unitConversion, notNamed, verbose)
  splitedFilename <- strsplit(filename, "\\.")[[1]]
  extension <- splitedFilename[length(splitedFilename)]
  if(extension == "csv"){
    data <- getDataFromCsvFile(filename, sep, fields, basin, seasons, unitConversion, notNamed, verbose)
    data <- getDataFromNcdfFile(filename, fields, basin, seasons, unitConversion, notNamed, verbose)
  data <- convertVariables(data, unitConversion)
  if (verbose) {
    cat("=== DONE ===\n")
  if (is.null(basin)) {
    basin <- "None"
  sds <- new(
    Class = "stormsDataset",
    filename = filename,
    fields = fields,
    database = data,
    basin = basin,
    seasons = c(min = min(data$seasons, na.rm = TRUE), max = max(data$seasons, na.rm = TRUE))

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StormR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:52 a.m.