

######## Data Preparation = tempfile()
svmguide1.t = svmguide1[[2]]
svmguide1 = svmguide1[[1]] = tempfile()
ijcnn1.t = ijcnn1[[2]]
ijcnn1 = ijcnn1[[1]] = tempfile()
usps.t = usps[[2]]
usps = usps[[1]] = tempfile()
mnist38 = mnist[[1]]
mnist38.t = mnist[[2]]
mnist49 = mnist[[3]]
mnist49.t = mnist[[4]]
mnistoe = mnist[[5]]
mnistoe.t = mnist[[6]]

######## Repeat Length
rep.len = 10

######## Cluster SVM
######################## = function(x, y, nfold = 5, ...) {
  n = nrow(x)
  ind = sample(n)
  folds = list()
  for (i in 1:(nfold-1)) {
    folds[[i]] = ind[1:(n %/% nfold)]
    ind = setdiff(ind,folds[[i]])
  folds[[nfold]] = ind
  score = rep(0,nfold)
  for (i in 1:nfold) {
    train.ind = setdiff(1:n, folds[[i]])
    test.ind = folds[[i]]
    csvm.obj = SwarmSVM::clusterSVM(x = x[train.ind, ], y = y[train.ind], 
                                    valid.x = x[test.ind, ], valid.y = y[test.ind], 
    score[i] = csvm.obj$valid.score

repeatClusterSVM = function(train, valid, rep.len = 10) {
  train = as.matrix(train)
  valid = as.matrix(valid)
  best.score = -Inf
  for (lmd in c(1,5,10,20,50,100)) {
    temp.score = = train[,-1], y = train[,1], lambda = lmd,
                               centers = 8, iter.max = 1000, verbose = 0, 
                               cluster.method = "mlKmeans")
    if (temp.score>best.score) {
      best.score = temp.score
      best.lambda = lmd
  score = rep(0, rep.len)
  total.time = rep(0, rep.len)
  for (i in 1:rep.len) {
    csvm.obj = SwarmSVM::clusterSVM(x = train[,-1], y = train[,1], seed = i, 
                                    valid.x = valid[,-1], valid.y = valid[,1], 
                                    centers = 8, iter.max = 1000, verbose = 0,
                                    lambda = best.lambda, 
                                    cluster.method = "mlKmeans")
    score[i] = csvm.obj$valid.score
    total.time[i] = csvm.obj$time$total.time
  result = c(mean(score), sd(score), mean(total.time), sd(total.time), best.lambda)
  names(result) = c('Average Error', 'Standard Deviation', 
                    'Average Time', 'Standard Deviation', 'Best Lambda')
  result = round(result, 7)

repeatClusterSVM(svmguide1, svmguide1.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation        Best Lambda 
# 0.8143000          0.0091225          0.1589000          0.0143562         20.0000000 

repeatClusterSVM(ijcnn1, ijcnn1.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation        Best Lambda 
# 0.9444030          0.0022965          3.6295000          0.1568306          1.0000000 

repeatClusterSVM(usps, usps.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation        Best Lambda 
# 0.9552566          0.0011697          2.2441000          0.2853292          1.0000000 

repeatClusterSVM(mnist38, mnist38.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation        Best Lambda 
# 0.9855847          0.0012162         10.4385000          1.9813294          5.0000000 

repeatClusterSVM(mnist49, mnist49.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation        Best Lambda 
# 0.980663           0.001575          12.641600           1.430985           1.000000 

repeatClusterSVM(mnistoe, mnistoe.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation        Best Lambda 
# 0.960820           0.000319          61.526800           9.283494         100.000000

######## LibLinear

rep.len = 10

repeatLiblineaR = function(train, valid, rep.len = 10) {
  train = as.matrix(train)
  valid = as.matrix(valid)
  best.score = -Inf
  for (cst in c(0.01,0.1,1,10,100)) {
    temp.score = LiblineaR::LiblineaR(data = train[,-1], target = train[,1], 
                                      type = 1, verbose = F, cost = cst, cross = 5)
    if (temp.score>best.score) {
      best.score = temp.score
      best.cost = cst
  score = rep(0, rep.len)
  total.time = rep(0, rep.len)
  for (i in 1:rep.len) {
    time.stamp = proc.time()
    liblinear.obj = LiblineaR::LiblineaR(data = train[,-1], target = train[,1], 
                                         type = 1, verbose = F, cost = best.cost)
    preds = predict(liblinear.obj, valid[,-1])$prediction
    score[i] = sum(preds==valid[,1])/length(valid[,1])
    total.time[i] = (proc.time()-time.stamp)[3]
  result = c(mean(score), sd(score), mean(total.time), sd(total.time), best.cost)
  names(result) = c('Average Error', 'Standard Deviation', 
                    'Average Time', 'Standard Deviation', 'Best Cost')
  result = round(result, 7)

repeatLiblineaR(svmguide1, svmguide1.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation          Best Cost 
# 0.8007000          0.0031265          3.6246000          0.0455417        100.0000000 

repeatLiblineaR(ijcnn1, ijcnn1.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation          Best Cost 
# 0.9210532          0.0008342         51.0651000          0.8289324        100.0000000 

repeatLiblineaR(usps, usps.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation          Best Cost 
# 0.9377180          0.0000000          2.2539000          0.3196156         10.0000000 

repeatLiblineaR(mnist38, mnist38.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation          Best Cost 
# 0.7561492          0.0002125          0.7620000          0.0664011          1.0000000

repeatLiblineaR(mnist49, mnist49.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation          Best Cost 
# 0.9432446          0.0000000          0.7340000          0.0776645          1.0000000 

repeatLiblineaR(mnistoe, mnistoe.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation          Best Cost 
# 0.9021700          0.0000823         27.9471000          2.8855612         10.0000000 

######## Kernel SVM
######################## = function(x, y, nfold = 5, ...) {
  n = nrow(x)
  ind = sample(n)
  folds = list()
  for (i in 1:(nfold-1)) {
    folds[[i]] = ind[1:(n %/% nfold)]
    ind = setdiff(ind,folds[[i]])
  folds[[nfold]] = ind
  score = rep(0,nfold)
  for (i in 1:nfold) {
    train.ind = setdiff(1:n, folds[[i]])
    test.ind = folds[[i]]
    svm.obj = e1071::svm(x = x[train.ind,], y = as.factor(y[train.ind]), ...)
    preds = predict(svm.obj, x[test.ind,], probability = FALSE)
    score[i] = sum(preds==y[test.ind])/length(y[test.ind])

rep.len = 10

repeatSVM = function(train, valid, rep.len = 10) {
  best.score = -Inf
  for (gm in c(0.01,0.1,1,10,100)) {
    for (cst in c(0.01,0.1,1,10,100)) {
      cat('Begin cv on',gm,'\t',cst)
      tp = proc.time()
      temp.score = = train[,-1], y = train[,1], nfold = 5, 
                          gamma = gm, cost = cst, kernel = "radial")
      if (temp.score>best.score) {
        best.score = temp.score
        best.gamma = gm
        best.cost = cst
  score = rep(0, rep.len)
  total.time = rep(0, rep.len)
  for (i in 1:rep.len) {
    time.stamp = proc.time()
    svm.obj = e1071::svm(x = train[,-1], y = as.factor(train[,1]), 
                         kernel = "radial", gamma = best.gamma, cost = best.cost)
    preds = predict(svm.obj, valid[,-1])
    presd = as.numeric(preds)-1
    score[i] = sum(preds==valid[,1])/length(valid[,1])
    total.time[i] = (proc.time()-time.stamp)[3]
  result = c(mean(score), sd(score), mean(total.time), sd(total.time), best.gamma, best.cost)
  names(result) = c('Average Error', 'Standard Deviation', 
                    'Average Time', 'Standard Deviation', 'Best Gamma', 'Best Cost')
  result = round(result, 7)

repeatSVM(svmguide1, svmguide1.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation         Best Gamma          Best Cost 
# 8.7875e-01         0.0000e+00         8.5260e-01         2.5906e-03         1.0000e+01         1.0000e+02 

repeatSVM(ijcnn1, ijcnn1.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation         Best Gamma          Best Cost 
# 0.9903164          0.0000000        131.4755000          2.2816740         10.0000000         10.0000000 

repeatSVM(usps, usps.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation         Best Gamma          Best Cost 
# 0.9706029          0.0000000          9.3162000          0.0553530          1.0000000        100.0000000  

repeatSVM(mnist38, mnist38.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation         Best Gamma          Best Cost 
# 0.9949597          0.0000000         77.8332000          0.3907411          1.0000000         10.0000000

repeatSVM(mnist49, mnist49.t, rep.len)
# Average Error Standard Deviation       Average Time Standard Deviation         Best Gamma          Best Cost 
# 0.9929684          0.0000000         57.6431000          0.1407752          1.0000000        100.0000000 

repeatSVM(mnistoe, mnistoe.t, rep.len)
# Not finished
# It is too long to tune the parameters

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