Defines functions TNRS

Documented in TNRS

#' Resolve plant taxonomic names
#' Resolve plant taxonomic names.
#' @param taxonomic_names Data.frame containing two columns: 1) Row number, 2) Taxonomic names to be resolved (or parsed). Note that these two columns must be in this order. Alternatively, a character vector of names can be supplied.
#' @param sources Character. Taxonomic sources to use. Default is c("wcvp", "wfo"). Options include "wfo", "wcvp", and "cact". Use TNRS_sources() for more information.
#' @param classification Character. Family classification to use. Currently options include "wfo" (the default).
#' @param mode Character.  Options are "resolve" and "parse". Default option is "resolve"
#' @param matches Character. Should all matches be returned ("all") or only the best match ("best", the default)?
#' @param accuracy numeric.  If specified, only matches with a score greater than or equal to the supplied accuracy level will be returned. If left NULL, the default threshold will be used.
#' @param skip_internet_check Should the check for internet connectivity be skipped? Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to internal functions
#' @return Dataframe containing TNRS results.
#' @note wfo = World Flora Online, wcvp = World Checklist of Vascular Plants, cact = Cactaceae at Caryophyllales.org.
#' @note For queries of more than 5000 names, the function will automatically divide the query into batches of 5000 names and then run the batches one after the other. Thus, for very large queries this may take some time. When this is the case, a progress bar will be displayed.
#' @note IMPORTANT: Note that parallelization of queries is automatically handled by the API, and so there is no need to further parallelize in R (in fact, doing so may actually slow things down!).
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Take a subset of the testfile to speed up runtime
#' tnrs_testfile <- tnrs_testfile[1:20, ]
#' results <- TNRS(taxonomic_names = tnrs_testfile)
#' # Inspect the results
#' head(results, 10)
#' }
TNRS <- function(taxonomic_names,
                 sources = c("wcvp", "wfo"),
                 classification = "wfo",
                 mode = "resolve",
                 matches = "best",
                 accuracy = NULL,
                 skip_internet_check = FALSE,
                 ...) {
  # Check for internet access
  if (!skip_internet_check) {
    if (!check_internet()) {
      message("This function requires internet access, please check your connection.")

  # If taxonomic names are supplied as a character string, make them into a data.frame

  if (inherits(x = taxonomic_names, what = "character")) {
    taxonomic_names <- as.data.frame(cbind(1:length(taxonomic_names), taxonomic_names))

  # Specify the limit of names for the TNRS
  name_limit <- 5000

  # Check that accuracy makes sense

  if (!class(accuracy) %in% c("NULL", "numeric")) {
    stop("accuracy should be either numeric between 0 and 1, or NULL")

  # Check that sources are valid
  if (!all(sources %in% c("wfo", "wcvp", "cact"))) {
    message("Invalid source(s) specified. Current options are: wfo, wcvp, cact ")

  # Check that classification is valid
  if (length(classification) != 1 | !classification %in% c("wfo")) {
    message("Invalid classification specified. Current options are: wfo ")

  # Check that mode is valid
  if (length(mode) != 1 | !mode %in% c("resolve", "parse")) {
    message("Invalid mode specified. Current options are: resolve, parse ")

  # Check that matches is valid
  if (length(matches) != 1 | !matches %in% c("best", "all")) {
    message("Invalid mode specified. Current options are: best, all ")

  # reformat sources to match API input
  sources <- paste0(sources, collapse = ",")

  # If there are less than the max number of names allowable, send them to the base package
  if (nrow(taxonomic_names) <= name_limit) {
      taxonomic_names = taxonomic_names,
      sources = sources,
      classification = classification,
      mode = mode,
      matches = matches,
      accuracy = accuracy,
      skip_internet_check = skip_internet_check,
  } #

  # If there are more than the max number of records, divide them into chunks and process the chunks

  if (nrow(taxonomic_names) > name_limit) {
    nchunks <- ceiling(nrow(taxonomic_names) / name_limit)

    # set up progress bar
    pb <- txtProgressBar(
      min = 0, # Minimum value of the progress bar
      max = nchunks, # Maximum value of the progress bar
      style = 3, # Progress bar style (also available style = 1 and style = 2)
      # width = 50,   # Progress bar width. Defaults to getOption("width")
      char = "="
    ) # Character used to create the bar

    for (i in 1:nchunks) {
      # Use the first batch of results to set up the output file
      if (i == 1) {
        results <- TNRS_base(
          taxonomic_names = taxonomic_names[(((i - 1) * name_limit) + 1):(i * name_limit), ],
          sources = sources,
          classification = classification,
          mode = mode,
          matches = matches,
          accuracy = accuracy,
          skip_internet_check = skip_internet_check,

        # results<-matrix(nrow = nrow(taxonomic_names),ncol = ncol(results_i))
        # $results <- as.data.frame(results,stringsAsFactors = F)
        # colnames(results)<-colnames(results_i)
        # results[(((i-1)*name_limit)+1):(i*name_limit),]<-results_i
        # rm(results_i)
      } # for first batch

      # For last batch
      if (i == nchunks) {
        results <- rbind(
            taxonomic_names = taxonomic_names[(((i - 1) * name_limit) + 1):(nrow(taxonomic_names)), ],
            sources = sources,
            classification = classification,
            mode = mode,
            matches = matches,
            accuracy = accuracy,
            skip_internet_check = skip_internet_check,
      } # last batch

      # middle bits
      if (i != nchunks & i != 1) {
        results <- rbind(
            taxonomic_names = taxonomic_names[(((i - 1) * name_limit) + 1):(i * name_limit), ],
            sources = sources,
            classification = classification,
            mode = mode,
            matches = matches,
            accuracy = accuracy,
            skip_internet_check = skip_internet_check,
      } # middle bits

      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    } # i loop
  } # if more than 10k

} # fx

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TNRS documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:19 p.m.