
Defines functions TSdescriptionSQL TSdocSQL TSlabelSQL TSsourceSQL TSputSQL TSdeleteSQL TSgetSQL TSdatesSQL createTSdbTables removeTSdbTables tbNm realVintage realPanel setWhere

Documented in createTSdbTables realPanel realVintage removeTSdbTables setWhere TSdatesSQL TSdeleteSQL TSdescriptionSQL TSdocSQL TSgetSQL TSlabelSQL TSputSQL TSsourceSQL

TSdescriptionSQL <-  function(x=NULL, con=getOption("TSconnection"), 
       vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), 
       lang=getOption("TSlang")) {	    
            r <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT description", lang, 
	            "  FROM Meta ", setWhere(con, x, 
		        realVintage(con, vintage, x),
		        realPanel(con,panel)), ";", sep=""))[[1]]
	    # odbc converts NA to logical, but other db may return char
	    if(is.null(r) || is.na(r)|| ("NA" == r)) NA else r

TSdocSQL <-  function(x=NULL, con=getOption("TSconnection"), 
       vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), 
       lang=getOption("TSlang")) {
            if(1 < length(x)) stop("One series only for TSdoc")
            r <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT documentation", lang, 
	            "  FROM Meta ", setWhere(con, x, 
		        realVintage(con, vintage, x),
		        realPanel(con,panel)), ";", sep=""))[[1]]
	    # odbc converts NA to logical, but other db may return char
	    if(is.null(r) || is.na(r)|| ("NA" == r)) NA else r

TSlabelSQL <-  function(x=NULL, con=getOption("TSconnection"), 
       vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), 
       lang=getOption("TSlang")) {
            if(1 < length(x)) stop("One series only for TSlabel")
	    #  NOT YET
            #r <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT label", lang, 
	    #        "  FROM Meta ", setWhere(con, x, 
	    #            realVintage(con, vintage, x),
	    #	         realPanel(con,panel)), ";", sep=""))[[1]]
	    # odbc converts NA to logical, but other db may return char
	    #if(is.null(r) || is.na(r)|| ("NA" == r)) NA else r

TSsourceSQL <-  function(x=NULL, con=getOption("TSconnection"), 
       vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel"), 
       lang=getOption("TSlang")) {
            if(1 < length(x)) stop("One series only for TSsource")
	    #  NOT YET
            #r <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT source", lang, 
	    #        "  FROM Meta ", setWhere(con, x, 
	    #            realVintage(con, vintage, x),
	    #	         realPanel(con,panel)), ";", sep=""))[[1]]
	    # odbc converts NA to logical, but other db may return char
	    #if(is.null(r) || is.na(r)|| ("NA" == r)) NA else r

TSputSQL <- function(x, serIDs=seriesNames(x), con, Table=NULL,
       TSdescription.=TSdescription(x), TSdoc.=TSdoc(x),  TSlabel.=TSlabel(x),
       vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel")) {

  # so far I think this is generic to all SQL, but not extensively tested.
  # should rollback meta when data put fails
  #  (reversing order of M and P would mean data can change and 
  #    then meta fail, which seems worse.)
  panel <- realPanel(con,panel)
  # vintage <- realVintage(con,vintage, x) No. To put, vintage must already be real.
  # M does the write to Meta, P writes values to data table.

  # Column order could be specified after Meta, but this assumes  order
  #([vintage,] [ panel,] id, tbl, refperiod, description, documentation )
  M <- function(v, p, table, id, rP, desc, doc) {
    if(is.null(rP))   rP   <- "NA"
    if(is.null(desc)) desc <- "NA"
    if(is.null(doc))  doc  <- "NA"
    q <- "INSERT INTO Meta VALUES ('"
    if(!is.null(v))  q <- paste(q,v, "', '", sep="")
    if(!is.null(p))  q <- paste(q,p, "', '", sep="")
    q <- paste(q, id, "', '", table, "', '", 
                 rP, "', '", desc, "', '", doc, "') ;", sep="") 
    dbGetQuery(con, q) 
    # next if is RSQLite BUG work around
    if(is(con, "SQLiteConnection")) return(TRUE)
    0 == dbGetException(con)$errorNum

  P <- function(p, tableV, columns, id, ...) {
    x <- list(...)
    vl <- id
    if(!is.null(p))  {
      vl <- paste(p,vl, sep=",")
      columns <- paste("panel,",columns, sep="")
    for (i in 1:length(x)) vl <- paste(vl, x[[i]], sep="', '")
    # SQL wants NULL (not 'NULL') for NA
    vl <-   gsub("'NA'", "NULL", paste(vl,"'", sep=""))
    dbGetQuery(con, paste("DELETE FROM  ",tableV,
                     setWhere(con,id[1],NULL,panel), ";", sep="")) 
    for (i in seq(length(vl))){
      q <- paste("INSERT INTO ",tableV, " (", columns,
                     ") VALUES ('", vl[i], ") ", sep="")  
      dbGetQuery(con, q) 
    # next if is RSQLite BUG work around
    if(is(con, "SQLiteConnection")) return(TRUE)
    0 == dbGetException(con)$errorNum

  if (con@hasVintages) {
     hV <- TRUE
     vintage <- realVintage(con,vintage, serIDs)
  else hV <- FALSE 

  # as.matrix(x) clobbers seriesNames(x)
  ids <-  serIDs 
  #ids <- gsub(" ", "", serIDs ) # remove spaces in id
  #if(! all( ids == serIDs)) warning("spaces removed from series names.")
  rP <- TSrefperiod(x)
  #N <- NROW(x) # could be periods() (or Tobs())
  if(is.ts(x)) {
    fr <-frequency(x) 
    y <- floor(time(x))
    p <- 1 + round(frequency(x) * (time(x) %% 1 ))
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    if(1==fr)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "A",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "A", vintage), "id, year, v", ids[i], y, x[,i])
    else if(2==fr)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "S",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "S", vintage), "id, year, period, v", ids[i], y, p, x[,i])
    else if(4==fr)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "Q",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "Q", vintage), "id, year, period, v", ids[i], y, p, x[,i])
    else if(12==fr)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "M",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "M", vintage), "id, year, period, v", ids[i], y, p, x[,i])
    else stop("ts frequency not supported.")  
  else if (inherits(x, "zoo")) {
    #  might do better than this
    if (is.null(Table)) stop("Table must be specified for zoo series.")
    d <- time(x) 
    p <-  as.POSIXlt(d)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    if("W" == Table)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "W",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        # period should be week of the year 1-52/3
	ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "W", vintage), "id, date, period, v", ids[i], d, p$mday, x[,i])
    else if("B" == Table)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "B",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        # period should be business day of the year 1- ~260
	#  but need to map holidays
        ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "B", vintage), "id, date, period, v", ids[i], d, p$yday, x[,i])
    else if("D" == Table)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "D",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        # period should be day of the year 1- 365/6
        ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "D", vintage), "id, date, period, v", ids[i], d, p$yday, x[,i])
    else if("U" == Table)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "U",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        tz <- attr(p, "tzone")
	ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "U", vintage), "id, date, period, v", ids[i], d, tz, p$mday,x[,i])
    else if("T" == Table)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "T",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "T", vintage), "id, date, v", ids[i], d, x[,i])
    else if("I" == Table)   for (i in seq(nseries(x))) {  
	okM <-  M(vintage, panel, "I",  ids[i], rP[i], TSdescription.[i], TSdoc.[i])
        ok <- P(panel, tbNm(hV, "I", vintage), "id, date, v", ids[i], d, x[,i])
    else stop("Table specification not supported.")  
  else stop("Time series type not recognized.")  
  new("logicalId", ok & okM, 
        TSid=new("TSid", serIDs=serIDs, dbname=con@dbname, 
	         conType=class(con), hasVintages=con@hasVintages, hasPanels=con@hasPanels,

TSdeleteSQL <- function(serIDs, con=getOption("TSconnection"),  
   vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel")) {
     for (i in seq(length(serIDs))) {
     	rv <- realVintage(con, vintage, i)
	rp <- realPanel(con,panel)
	where  <-  setWhere(con, serIDs[i], rv,   rp)
     	whereT <-  setWhere(con, serIDs[i], NULL, rp)
     	q <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT tbl  FROM Meta ",where, ";"))
	tbl <- tbNm(con@hasVintages, q$tbl, rv)
	if(0 != length(q)) {
     	   dbGetQuery(con, paste("DELETE FROM ", tbl, whereT, ";")) 
     	   dbGetQuery(con, paste("DELETE FROM Meta ",	where, ";")) 
     # could do better checking here
     new("logicalId", TRUE, 
          TSid=new("TSid", serIDs=serIDs, dbname=con@dbname, 
             conType=class(con), hasVintages=con@hasVintages, hasPanels=con@hasPanels, 
	     DateStamp=NA ))

TSgetSQL <- function(serIDs, con, TSrepresentation=getOption("TSrepresentation"),
       tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf),
       TSdescription=FALSE, TSdoc=FALSE, TSlabel=FALSE, TSsource=TRUE,
       vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel")) {
  # so far I think this is generic to all SQL.

  # default is ts if the table is in  c("A", "Q", "M","S") and zoo otherwise.
  # default is used for retrieval and any conversion is done after.

  if ( 1 < sum(c(length(serIDs), length(panel), length(vintage)) > 1))
   stop("Only one of serIDs, panel, or vintage can have length greater than 1.")

  if(is.null(names)) names <- 
         if ( length(panel)   > 1 )  panel   else
         if ( length(vintage) > 1 ) vintage  else  serIDs 

  panel <- realPanel(con,panel)
  # if vintage is a vector then serIDs needs to be expanded
  if ( 1 < length(vintage)) serIDs <- rep(serIDs, length(vintage))
  # next returns a vector of length equal serIDs
  if (con@hasVintages) {
     hV <- TRUE
     vintage <- realVintage(con,vintage, serIDs)
  else hV <- FALSE 

  Q <- function(q) {# local function
      res <- dbGetQuery(con, q)
      if(any(dim(res) == 0)) stop("empty query result.")

  mat <- desc <- doc <- label <- source <- rp <- NULL
  # if series are in "A", "Q", "M","S" use  ts otherwise zoo.
  for (i in seq(length(serIDs))) {
    where  <-  setWhere(con, serIDs[i], vintage[i], panel)
    whereT <-  setWhere(con, serIDs[i], NULL,       panel)
    for (j in seq(length(where))) {
    qq <- paste("SELECT tbl, refperiod  FROM Meta ",where[j], ";")
    q <- dbGetQuery(con, qq)
    if(0 == NROW(q$tbl))
       stop("Meta lookup for series ", serIDs[i], 
            " failed. (Result empty for query: ",
	     qq, ") Series does not exist on database.")

    if(1 < NROW(q$tbl)){
       warning("Meta lookup for series ", serIDs[i], 
            " returned multiple table entries ", q$tbl, ". query: ",
	     qq, ") Possible database corruption. Using the first table.")
	q <- q[1,]

    if  (i == 1)  tbl <- q$tbl
    else if(q$tbl != tbl) 
       stop("Series must all have the same frequency or time representation.")

    rp <- c(rp, q$refperiod)

    if (tbl=="A") 
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT year, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "A", vintage[i]), 
                whereT[j], " order by year;"))
       r   <- ts(res[,2], start=c(res[1,1], 1), frequency=1) 
    else if (tbl=="Q")  
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT year, period, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "Q", vintage[i]),
                whereT[j], " order by year, period;"))
       r   <- ts(res[,3], start=c(res[1,1:2]), frequency=4) 	 
    else if (tbl=="M")
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT year, period, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "M", vintage[i]),
                whereT[j], " order by year, period;"))
       r   <- ts(res[,3], start=c(res[1,1:2]), frequency=12)	 
    else if (tbl=="W") 
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT date, period, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "W", vintage[i]),
                whereT[j], " order by date;"))
       r   <- zoo::zoo(as.numeric(res[,3]), as.Date(res[,1]))
       # period is as.int(res[,2]) 	 
    else if (tbl=="B") 
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT date, period, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "B", vintage[i]),
                whereT[j], " order by date;"))
       r   <- zoo::zoo(as.numeric(res[,3]), as.Date(res[,1]))
       # period is as.int(res[,2]) 	 
    else if (tbl=="D")  
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT date, period, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "D", vintage[i]),
                whereT[j], " order by date;"))
       r   <- zoo::zoo(as.numeric(res[,3]), as.Date(res[,1]))
       # period is as.int(res[,2]) 	 
    else if (tbl=="S")    
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT year, period, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "S", vintage[i]),
                whereT[j], " order by year, period;"))
       r   <- ts(res[,3], start=c(res[1,1:2]), frequency=2)	 
    else if (tbl=="U")  
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT date, tz, period, v FROM U ",tbNm(hV,"U",vintage[i]),
                whereT[j], " order by date;"))
       r   <- zoo::zoo(as.numeric(res[,4]), as.Date(res[,1]))
       # tz ? period is as.int(res[,3]) 	 
    else if (tbl=="I")  
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT date, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "I", vintage[i]), 
                whereT[j], " order by date;"))
       r   <- zoo::zoo(as.numeric(res[,2]), as.Date(res[,1]))
    else if (tbl=="T")  
      {res <- Q(paste("SELECT date, v FROM ", tbNm(hV, "T", vintage[i]), 
                whereT[j], " order by date;"))
       r   <- zoo::zoo(as.numeric(res[,2]), as.POSIXct(res[,1]))
    else stop("Specified table not found.", 
              " (Internal TSdbi or database error likely.)",
	      " looking for series ", serIDs[i],
              " could not find tbl ", tbl)  
    if(TSdescription) desc <- c(desc,  TSdescription(serIDs[i],con) ) # where?
    if(TSdoc)         doc  <- c(doc,   TSdoc(serIDs[i],con) ) # where?
    if(TSlabel)       label<- c(label, TSlabel(serIDs[i],con) ) # where?
    if(TSsource)     source<- c(source,TSsource(serIDs[i],con) ) # where?

    mat <- tbind(mat, r)
    } # where[j]
    } # serID[i]

  mat <- tfwindow(mat, tf=tf, start=start, end=end)
  mat <- tframePlus::changeTSrepresentation(mat, TSrepresentation)

  if( (!all(is.na(rp))) && !all(rp == "	" ) ) TSrefperiod(mat) <- rp      

  seriesNames(mat) <- names

  TSmeta(mat) <- new("TSmeta", serIDs=serIDs, dbname=con@dbname, 
      conType=class(con), hasVintages=con@hasVintages, hasPanels=con@hasPanels, 
      DateStamp=NA, # bug in 2.7.0 =Sys.time(), 
      TSdescription=if(TSdescription) desc else  NA, 
      TSdoc        =if(TSdoc)          doc else  NA,
      TSlabel      =if(TSlabel)      label else  NA,
      TSsource     =if(TSsource)    source else  NA)

TSdatesSQL <- function(serIDs, con,  
       vintage=getOption("TSvintage"), panel=getOption("TSpanel")) {
  # so far I think this is generic to all SQL, but untested.
  r  <- av <- tb <- rP <- NULL
  st <- en <- list()
  vintage <- realVintage(con, vintage, serIDs)
  panel   <- realPanel(con,panel)
  for (i in seq(length(serIDs))) {
    qq <- paste("SELECT id, tbl, refperiod  FROM Meta ", 
                    setWhere(con, serIDs[i], vintage[i], panel), ";", sep="")
    q <- dbGetQuery(con, qq)
    if(is.null(q) || NROW(q) == 0) {
        av <- c(av, FALSE)
	st <- append(st, list(NA))
	en <- append(en, list(NA))
	tb <- rbind(tb, NA)
	rP <- rbind(rP, NA)
    else if(NROW(q) > 1){
      warning("More than one series with the same identifier. Possible database corruption.",
        " Meta lookup for series ", serIDs[i], " vintage ", vintage[i], 
            " returned multiple entries ", q, " for query: ",
	     qq, " Possible database corruption. Using the first table.")
	q <- q[1,]
    else  {
      q2 <-  TSget(serIDs=serIDs[i], con, vintage=vintage, panel=panel)
      av <- c(av, TRUE)
      # paste(start(q2), collapse="-")
      st <- append(st, list(start(q2)))
      en <- append(en, list(end(q2)))
      tb <- rbind(tb, q$tb)
      rP <- rbind(rP, q$TSrefperiod)
  r <- serIDs
  attr(r, "TSdates") <- av
  attr(r, "start") <- st
  attr(r, "end")   <- en
  attr(r, "tbl")   <- tb
  attr(r, "TSrefperiod")   <- rP
  class(r) <- "TSdates"

# these methods will generally not be needed by users, but is used in the test
# database setup. 

createTSdbTables <- function(con, index=FALSE){
 Texists <- function(a){
    if(dbExistsTable(con,a)) {
        warning("table ",a," exists. Not replacing it."); return(TRUE)}
    if(dbExistsTable(con,toupper(a))) {
        warning("table ",toupper(a)," exists. Not replacing it."); return(TRUE)}
    if(dbExistsTable(con,tolower(a))) {
        warning("table ",tolower(a)," exists. Not replacing it."); return(TRUE)}
 if (!Texists("Meta")) {
  # Set up Metadata table  Meta.  
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table Meta (
     id 	 VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
     tbl	 CHAR(1), 
     refperiod   VARCHAR(10) default NULL,
     description   TEXT,
     documentation     TEXT
  dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Metaindex_id ON Meta (id);")
  dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Metaindex_tbl ON Meta (tbl);")
 if (!Texists("A")) {
  # Set up annual table  A.
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table A (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     year	INT,
     v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Aindex_id     ON A (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Aindex_year   ON A (year);")
 if (!Texists("B")) {
  # Set up business table  B . 
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table B (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     date	DATE,
     period	INT,
     v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Bindex_id     ON B (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Bindex_date   ON B (date);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Bindex_period ON B (period);")
 if (!Texists("D")) {
  # Set up daily table  D .  
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table D (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     date	DATE,
     period	INT,
     v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Dindex_id     ON D (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Dindex_date   ON D (date);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Dindex_period ON D (period);")
 if (!Texists("M")) {
  # Set up monthly table  M.
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table M (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     year	INT,
     period	INT,  
     v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Mindex_id     ON M (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Mindex_year   ON M (year);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Mindex_period ON M (period);")
 if (!Texists("U")) {
  # Set up minutely table  U .
  # tz not tested yet. Not sure about period.  
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table U (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     date	TIMESTAMP,
     tz 	VARCHAR(4),    
     period	INT,	     
     v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Uindex_id     ON U (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Uindex_date   ON U (date);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Uindex_period ON U (period);")
 if (!Texists("Q")) {
  # Set up quarterly table  Q.
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table Q (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     year	INT,
     period	INT,  
     v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Qindex_id     ON Q (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Qindex_year   ON Q (year);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Qindex_period ON Q (period);")
 if (!Texists("S")) {
  # Set up semiannual table  S .
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table S (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     year	INT,
     period	INT,  
     v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Sindex_id     ON S (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Sindex_year   ON S (year);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Sindex_period ON S (period);")
 if (!Texists("W")) {
  # Set up weekly table  W .
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table W (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     date	DATE,
     period	INT,  
     v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Windex_id     ON W (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Windex_date   ON W (date);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Windex_period ON W (period);")
 if (!Texists("I")) {
  # Set up irregular date table  I .
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table I (
     id 	VARCHAR(40),
     date	DATE,
   v    double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Iindex_id     ON I (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Iindex_date   ON I (date);")
 if (!Texists("T")) {
  # Set up irregular date-time table  T .
  dbGetQuery(con, "create table T (
     id    VARCHAR(40),
     date  TIMESTAMP,
     v     double precision DEFAULT  NULL
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Tindex_id   ON T (id);")
  if (index) dbGetQuery(con, "CREATE INDEX Tindex_date ON T (date);")
  #  This is generic sql way to get table info. (eg. table A )
  #   but it requires read privileges on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns
  #   which the user may not have.
  #if( "SQLiteConnection" != class(con)) { #SQLite does not seem to support this
  #  z <- try(
  #	      FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE table_name='A' ;"), silent=TRUE )
   # if(inherits(z, "try-error")) cat(
  #    "INFORMATION_SCHEMA query problem. (User may not have permission.)\n")
  #  else print(z)
  # }

  cat("   tables:\n")
removeTSdbTables <- function(con, yesIknowWhatIamDoing=FALSE, ToLower=FALSE){

       stop("You need to know what you are doing before using this function!!")
  # "dropTStable" works around the
  # problem that different db engines treat capitalized table names differently.
  # e.g. MySQL uses table name Meta while Posgresql converts to meta.

  dropTStable <- function(Table){
    if (ToLower) Table <- tolower(Table)
    if(dbExistsTable(con, Table)) dbRemoveTable(con, Table)

########## internal utilities to construct WHERE and table name#########

tbNm <- function(hasVintages, tbl, rV) {
	if(hasVintages) tbl <- paste(tbl, rV, sep="_")
	# map - to _ in table names
	gsub("-", "_",tbl)

realVintage <- function(con, vintage, serIDs) {
   # replace alias with canonical name if necessary
   # assuming if vintage is a vector then serIDs has already been expanded to
   # the same length. Otherwise, vintage should be null or a scalar which is
   # expanded to the length of serIDs. 
   if(!con@hasVintages) return(vintage) #usually NULL in this case 
   if(is.null(vintage)) vintage <- "current"
   else if( 1 == length(vintage)) vintage <- rep(vintage, length(serIDs))
   rV <- NULL
   for (i in seq(length(serIDs))){
     q <- paste("SELECT vintage  FROM vintageAlias WHERE alias ='",
              vintage[i],"' AND id = '",serIDs[i],"';", sep="") 
     r <- dbGetQuery(con,q )$vintage
     # if alias result is empty check null id which applies to all series.
     if (0== NROW(r)) {
        q <- paste( "SELECT vintage  FROM vintageAlias WHERE alias='", 
	            vintage[i],"' ;", sep="")
        r <- dbGetQuery(con,q )$vintage
     # if alias result is still empty assume vintage is already the real one.
     if (0== NROW(r)) r <- vintage[i]
     rV <- c(rV, r)

realPanel <- function(con, panel) {
   # replace alias with canonical name if necessary
   if(!con@hasPanels) return(panel) #usually NULL in this case
   if(is.null(panel)) stop("panel must be specified")
   for (i in seq(length(panel))){
     q <- paste("SELECT panel  FROM panelAlias WHERE alias='",
                panel[i],"';", sep="") 

     r <- dbGetQuery(con,q )$panel
     # if alias result is empty assume panel is already the real one.
     if (0== NROW(r)) r <- panel[i]
     rP <- c(rP, r)

setWhere <- function(con, serIDs, realVintage, realPanel) {
   # serIDs must be a scale for this function
   # Calls for Meta will pass realVintage, but data tables will set 
   #  realVintage=NULL and append vintage to table name.
   where <-  paste(" WHERE id = '", serIDs, "'", sep="")
      where <- paste(where, " AND vintage='", realVintage, "'", sep="")
      where <- paste(where, " AND panel='",   realPanel,   "'", sep="")

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TSsql documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:44 a.m.