#' Visualize of the Fitted and the Forecasted vs the Actual Values
#' @export test_forecast
#' @param actual The full time series object (supports "ts", "zoo" and "xts" formats)
#' @param forecast.obj The forecast output of the training set with horizon
#' align to the length of the testing (support forecasted objects from the “forecast” package)
#' @param train Training partition, a subset of the first n observation in the series (not requiredthed)
#' @param test The testing (hold-out) partition
#' @param Ygrid Logic,show the Y axis grid if set to TRUE
#' @param Xgrid Logic,show the X axis grid if set to TRUE
#' @param hover If TRUE add tooltip with information about the model accuracy
#' @description Visualize the fitted values of the training set and the forecast values of the testing set against the actual values of the series
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(forecast)
#' data(USgas)
#' # Set the horizon of the forecast
#' h <- 12
#' # split to training/testing partition
#' split_ts <- ts_split(USgas, sample.out = h)
#' train <- split_ts$train
#' test <- split_ts$test
#' # Create forecast object
#' fc <- forecast(auto.arima(train, lambda = BoxCox.lambda(train)), h = h)
#' # Plot the fitted and forecasted vs the actual values
#' test_forecast(actual = USgas, forecast.obj = fc, test = test)
test_forecast <- function(actual, forecast.obj,
train = NULL, test,
Ygrid = FALSE, Xgrid = FALSE,
hover = TRUE) {
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Error handling
if (!forecast::is.forecast(forecast.obj)) {
stop("The class of the forecast object is not \"forecast\"")
if (base::length(forecast.obj$x) + base::length(test) != base::length(actual)) {
stop("The length of the train and test sets are different from the length of the actual set")
if (!base::is.logical(Ygrid)) {
warning("The value of \"Ygrid\" is not boolean, using the default option (FALSE)")
Ygrid <- FALSE
if (!base::is.logical(Xgrid)) {
warning("The value of 'Xgrid' is not boolean, using the default option (FALSE)")
Xgrid <- FALSE
if(!base::is.logical(hover)) {
warning("The value of 'hover' is not boolean, using the default option (TRUE)")
hover <- TRUE
time_actual <- <- NULL <- base::deparse(base::substitute(actual))
if (stats::is.ts(actual)) {
time_actual <- stats::time(actual)
} else if (zoo::is.zoo(actual) | xts::is.xts(actual)) {
time_actual <- zoo::index(actual)
model_accuracy <- forecast::accuracy(forecast.obj, test)
text_fit <- base::paste("Model: ", forecast.obj$method,
"<br> Actual: ", base::round(actual,2),
"<br> Fitted Value: ", c(base::round(forecast.obj$fitted, 2),
rep(NA, base::length(actual) -
"<br> Training Set",
"<br> MAPE: ", base::round(model_accuracy[9], 2),
"<br> RMSE: ", base::round(model_accuracy[3], 2),
"<br> Testing Set",
"<br> MAPE: ", base::round(model_accuracy[10], 2),
"<br> RMSE: ", base::round(model_accuracy[4], 2)
text_forecast <- base::paste("Model: ", forecast.obj$method,
"<br> Actual: ", base::round(actual,2),
"<br> Forecasted Value: ", c(rep(NA,
base::length(actual) -
"<br> Training Set",
"<br> MAPE: ", base::round(model_accuracy[9], 2),
"<br> RMSE: ", base::round(model_accuracy[3], 2),
"<br> Testing Set",
"<br> MAPE: ", base::round(model_accuracy[10], 2),
"<br> RMSE: ", base::round(model_accuracy[4], 2)
text_hover <- "text"
} else {
text_fit <- " "
text_forecast <- " "
text_hover <- "y"
p <- plotly::plot_ly() %>%
plotly::add_trace(x = time_actual,
y = as.numeric(actual),
mode = "lines+markers",
name = "Actual",
type = "scatter",
hoverinfo = "y",
line = list(color = "#00526d"),
marker = list(color = "#00526d")
) %>%
plotly::add_trace(x = time_actual,
y = c(forecast.obj$fitted,
rep(NA, base::length(actual) -
mode = "lines+markers",
name = "Fitted",
type = "scatter",
line = list(color = "red"),
marker = list(color = "red"),
hoverinfo = ifelse(hover, "text", "y"),
text = text_fit
) %>%
plotly::add_trace(x = time_actual,
y = c(rep(NA,
base::length(actual) -
mode = "lines+markers",
name = "Forecasted",
type = "scatter",
hoverinfo = ifelse(hover, "text", "y"),
text = text_forecast,
marker = list(color = "green"),
line = list(color = "green")
) %>%
plotly::layout(title = base::paste(, " - Actual vs Forecasted and Fitted", sep = ""),
xaxis = list(title = forecast.obj$method, showgrid = Xgrid),
yaxis = list(title =, showgrid = Ygrid))
#' Histogram Plot of the Residuals Values
#' @export
#' @param forecast.obj A fitted or forecasted object (of the forecast package) with residuals output
#' @description Histogram plot of the residuals values
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(forecast)
#' data(USgas)
#' # Set the horizon of the forecast
#' h <- 12
#' # split to training/testing partition
#' split_ts <- ts_split(USgas, sample.out = h)
#' train <- split_ts$train
#' test <- split_ts$test
#' # Create forecast object
#' fc <- forecast(auto.arima(train, lambda = BoxCox.lambda(train)), h = h)
#' # Plot the fitted and forecasted vs the actual values
#' res_hist(forecast.obj = fc)
res_hist <- function(forecast.obj){
p <- dens <- at <- NULL
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Error handling
stop("The 'forecast.obj' is not valid parameter")
} else{
at <- base::attributes(forecast.obj)
stop("The 'forecast.obj' is not valid parameter")
} else if(!"residuals" %in% at$names){
stop("The 'forecast.obj' is not valid parameter")
dens <- stats::density(forecast.obj$residuals, kernel = "gaussian")
p <- plotly::plot_ly(x = forecast.obj$residuals, type = "histogram", name = "Histogram") %>%
plotly::add_trace(x = dens$x,
y = dens$y,
type = "scatter",
mode = "lines",
fill = "tozeroy",
yaxis = "y2",
name = "Density") %>%
plotly::layout(yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y", side = "right"),
xaxis = list(title = "Residuals")) %>%
#' Visualization of the Residuals of a Time Series Model
#' @export
#' @param ts.model A time series model (or forecasted) object, support any model from the forecast package with a residuals output
#' @param lag.max The maximum number of lags to display in the residuals' autocorrelation function plot
#' @description Provides a visualization of the residuals of a time series model.
#' That includes a time series plot of the residuals, and the plots of the
#' autocorrelation function (acf) and histogram of the residuals
#' @examples
#' library(forecast)
#' data(USgas)
#' # Create a model
#' fit <- auto.arima(USgas)
#' # Check the residuals of the model
#' check_res(fit)
check_res <- function(ts.model, lag.max = 36){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
method <- NULL
# Error handling
stop("The 'ts.model' is not valid parameter")
} else{
at <- base::attributes(ts.model)
stop("The 'ts.model' is not valid parameter")
} else if(!"residuals" %in% at$names){
stop("The 'ts.model' is not valid parameter - the 'residuals' attribute is missing")
} else if(!"method" %in% at$names){
try(method <- forecast::forecast(ts.model)$method, silent = TRUE)
stop("The 'ts.model' is not valid parameter - the 'method' attribute is missing")
} else {
method <- ts.model$method
warning("Dropping missing values from the residuals")
res <- stats::na.omit(ts.model$residuals)
} else {
res <- ts.model$residuals
warning("The value of 'lag.max' is not valid, using the default")
lag.max <- 36
if(lag.max %%1 != 0){
warning("The value of 'lag.max' is not valid, using the default")
lag.max <- 36
p1 <- TSstudio::ts_plot(res)
p2 <- TSstudio::ts_cor(ts.obj = res,
type = "acf",
lag.max = lag.max)
p3 <- plotly::plot_ly(x = res, type = "histogram",
name = "Histogram",
marker = list(color = "#00526d")
) %>%
plotly::layout(xaxis = list(title = "Residuals"),
yaxis = list(title = "Count")
p <- plotly::subplot(p1,
plotly::subplot(p2, p3, nrows = 1, margin = 0.04,
titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE),
titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE,
nrows = 2, margin = 0.04
) %>% plotly::hide_legend() %>%
title = base::paste("Residuals Plot for", method, sep = " ")
#' Forecasting simulation
#' @export forecast_sim
#' @param model A forecasting model supporting \code{\link[forecast]{Arima}}, \code{\link[forecast]{auto.arima}},
#' \code{\link[forecast]{ets}}, and \code{\link[forecast]{nnetar}} models from the **forecast** package
#' @param h An integer, defines the forecast horizon
#' @param n An integer, set the number of iterations of the simulation
#' @param sim_color Set the color of the simulation paths lines
#' @param opacity Set the opacity level of the simulation path lines
#' @param plot Logical, if TRUE will desplay the output plot
#' @description Creating different forecast paths for forecast objects (when applicable),
#' by utilizing the underline model distribution with the \code{\link[stats]{simulate}} function
#' @return The baseline series, the simulated values and a plot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(forecast)
#' data(USgas)
#' # Create a model
#' fit <- auto.arima(USgas)
#' # Simulate 100 possible forecast path, with horizon of 60 months
#' forecast_sim(model = fit, h = 60, n = 100)
#' }
forecast_sim <- function(model,h,n, sim_color = "blue", opacity = 0.05, plot = TRUE){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
x <- y <- NULL
# Setting variables
s <- s1 <- sim_output <- p <- output <- NULL
#Error handling
if(!any(class(model) %in% c("ARIMA", "ets", "nnetar", "Arima"))){
stop("The model argument is not valid")
if(opacity < 0 || opacity > 1){
stop("The value of the 'opacity' argument is invalid")
stop("The value of the 'n' argument is not valid")
stop("The value of the 'h' argument is not valid")
} else if(h %% 1 != 0){
stop("The 'h' argument is not integer")
} else if(h < 1){
stop("The value of the 'h' argument is not valid")
warning("The value of the 'plot' parameter is invalid, using default option TRUE")
plot <- TRUE
s <- lapply(1:n, function(i){
sim <- sim_df <- x <- y <- NULL
sim <- stats::simulate(model,nsim = h)
sim_df <- base::data.frame(x = base::as.numeric(stats::time(sim)),
y = base::as.numeric(sim))
sim_df$n <- base::paste0("sim_", i)
sim_output <- s %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
tidyr::spread(key = n, value = y) %>%
dplyr::select(-x) %>%
stats::ts(start = stats::start(stats::simulate(model,nsim = 1)),
frequency = stats::frequency(stats::simulate(model,nsim = 1)))
p <- plotly::plot_ly()
for(i in 1:n){
p <- p %>% plotly::add_lines(x = s[[i]]$x, y = s[[i]]$y,
line = list(color = sim_color),
opacity = opacity, showlegend = FALSE,
name = paste("Sim", i, sep = " "))
s1 <- s %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>% dplyr::group_by(x) %>%
dplyr::summarise(p50 = stats::median(y))
p <- p %>% plotly::add_lines(x = s1$x, y = s1$p50,
line = list(color = "#00526d",
dash = "dash",
width = 3), name = "Median")
p <- p %>% plotly::add_lines(x = stats::time(model$x),
y = model$x,
line = list(color = "#00526d"),
name = "Actual")
output <- list()
output$plot <- p
output$forecast_sim <- sim_output
output$series <- model$x
#' Diagnostic Plots for ARIMA Models
#' @export
#' @param ts.obj A ts object
#' @param method A list, defines the transformation parameters of each plot.
#' Each plot should be defined by a list, where the name of the list defines the plot ID.
#' The plot parameters are:
#' diff - an integer, defines the degree of diffrence
#' log - a boolean, optional, defines if log transformation should be used
#' title - optional, the plot title
#' @param cor A boolean, if TRUE (default), will plot the series ACF and PACF
#' @details The arima_diag function provides a set of diagnostic plots for identify the ARIMA model parameters.
#' The ACF and PACF can assist in identifying the AR and MA process,
#' and the diffrence plotting hel in idenitfying the degree of differencing that required to make the series stationary
#' @return A plot
#' @examples
#' data(USgas)
#' arima_diag(ts.obj = USgas)
#' # Can define more than one differencing plot using the 'method' argument
#' arima_diag(ts.obj = USgas,
#' cor = TRUE,
#' method = list(first = list(diff = 1,
#' log = TRUE,
#' title = "First Diff with Log Transformation"),
#' Second = list(diff = c(1,1),
#' log = TRUE,
#' title = "Second Diff with Log Transformation")))
arima_diag <- function(ts.obj, method = list(first = list(diff = 1, log = TRUE, title = "First Difference with Log Transformation")), cor = TRUE){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%` <- base::deparse(base::substitute(ts.obj))
plot_obj <- function(input, = NULL,
color = "#00526d",
annotations = NULL,
ann_x = 0.05,
ann_y = 0.9){
p <- plotly::plot_ly(x = stats::time(input) + stats::deltat(input),
y = base::as.numeric(input),
type = "scatter",
mode = "lines",
name =,
line = list(color = "#00526d"),
showlegend = FALSE)
p <- p %>% plotly::layout(annotations = list(text = annotations,
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
yanchor = "bottom",
xanchor = "center",
align = "cneter",
x = ann_x,
y = ann_y,
showarrow = FALSE,
font = list(size = 12)))
} else if(!base::is.null({
p <- p %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title =
p1 <- plot_obj(input = ts.obj, =
lag.max <- ifelse(stats::frequency(ts.obj) * 3 > base::length(ts.obj), base::length(ts.obj), stats::frequency(ts.obj) * 3)
p2 <- TSstudio::ts_cor(ts.obj = ts.obj, type = "both", lag.max = lag.max)
diff_obj <- diff_method <- diff_plot <- NULL
diff_method <- base::names(method)
diff_plot <- lapply(diff_method, function(i){
if(!"diff" %in% base::names(method[[i]])){
stop("Error on the 'method' argument: the 'diff' argument is missing")
} else if(!"log" %in% base::names(method[[i]])){
method[[i]]$log <- FALSE
diff_obj <- ts.obj
diff_obj <- base::log(diff_obj)
for(d in method[[i]]$diff){
diff_obj <- base::diff(diff_obj, d)
return(plot_obj(input = diff_obj, annotations = method[[i]]$title, ann_x = 0.25))
output <- plotly::subplot(p1, p2,
nrows = base::length(diff_plot),
titleY = TRUE,
margin = 0.1,
shareX = TRUE),
nrows = 3,
titleY = TRUE,
margin = 0.04)
} else {
output <- plotly::subplot(p1, p2,
nrows = 2,
margin = 0.04)
output <- output %>% plotly::layout(title = base::paste("ARIMA Diagnostic Plot - ",, sep = ""))
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