
Defines functions ts_quantile ts_ma ts_surface ts_heatmap ts_polar ts_seasonal

Documented in ts_heatmap ts_ma ts_polar ts_quantile ts_seasonal ts_surface

#'  Seasonality Visualization of Time Series Object
#' @export ts_seasonal
#' @param ts.obj Input object, either a univariate time series object of a class "ts", "zoo", "xts", or a data frame object of a class
#' "data.frame", "tbl", "data.table" as long as there is at least one "Date"/"POSIXt" and a "numeric" objects 
#' (if there are more then one, by defualt will use the first of each). 
#' Currently support only daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly frequencies 
#' @param type The type of the seasonal plot - 
#' "normal" to split the series by full cycle units, or
#' "cycle" to split by cycle units (applicable only for monthly and quarterly data), or
#' "box" for box-plot by cycle units, or
#' "all" for all the three plots together
#' @param title Plot title - Character object
#' @param Ygrid Logic,show the Y axis grid if set to TRUE (default)
#' @param Xgrid Logic,show the X axis grid if set to TRUE (defualt)
#' @param last Subset the data to the last number of observations
#' @param palette A character, the color palette to be used when the "cycle" or "box" plot are being selected 
#' (by setting the type to "cycle", "box", or "all"). 
#' All the palettes in the RColorBrewer and viridis packages are available to be use, the
#' default option is "Set1" from the RColorBrewer package
#' @param palette_normal A character, the color palette to be used when the "normal" plot is being selected 
#' (by setting the type to "normal" or "all"). 
#' All the palettes in the RColorBrewer and viridis packages are available to be used, the
#' default palette is "viridis" from the RColorBrewer package
#' @description Visualize time series object by it periodicity, currently support time series with daily, monthly and quarterly frequency
#' @examples
#' data(USgas)
#' ts_seasonal(USgas)
#' # Seasonal box plot
#' ts_seasonal(USgas, type = "box") 
#' # Plot all the types 
#' ts_seasonal(USgas, type = "all")

# The ts_seasonal function ####

ts_seasonal <- function(ts.obj, 
                        type = "normal", 
                        title = NULL,
                        Ygrid = TRUE, 
                        Xgrid = TRUE, 
                        last = NULL,
                        palette = "Set1",
                        palette_normal = "viridis") {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  hex_to_rgb <- function(hex){
    rgb <- base::paste0(as.numeric(grDevices::col2rgb(hex) %>% base::t()), collapse = ",")
  df <- freq <- obj.name <- brewer_palettes <- viridis_palettes <- palette_type <- NULL
  n_colors <- color_list_normal <- main <- NULL
  diff_mean <- col_class <- date_col <-  numeric_col <- NULL
  obj.name <- base::deparse(base::substitute(ts.obj))
  # Set the plot title
    title <- paste("Seasonality Plot -", obj.name, sep = " ")
  } else if(!base::is.character(title)){
    warning("The 'title' object is not character object, using the default option")
    title <- paste("Seasonality Plot -", obj.name, sep = " ")
  # Error handling
  # Checking the last parameter
    if(!base::is.numeric(last) | last <= 0){
      stop("The 'last' parameter is not valid")
    } else {
      if(last != base::round(last)){
        stop("The 'last' parameter is not integer")
  # Checking the type parameter
  if(type != "normal" && type != "cycle" && 
     type != "box" && type != "all" ){
    type <- "normal"
    warning("The 'type' parameter is invalide,", 
            "using the default option - 'normal'")
  # Checking the Ygrid and Xgrid parameters
    Ygrid <- TRUE
    warning("The 'Ygrid' argument is not a boolean operator, setting it to TRUE")
    Xgrid <- TRUE
    warning("The 'Xgrid' argument is not a boolean operator, setting it to TRUE")
  # Stage 1 transforming the time series object to data frame
  # Input ts object
      ts.obj <- ts.obj[,1]
      warning("The input object is a 'mts' class, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
    freq <- stats::frequency(ts.obj)
    if(base::length(ts.obj) < freq){
      stop("The length of the series is smaller than the length of full cycle")
    start_main <- stats::start(ts.obj)[1]
    start_minor <- stats::start(ts.obj)[2]
    if(freq %in% c(7, 52, 365, 12, 4)){
      minor1 <- base::seq(from = start_minor, to = freq, by = 1)
      minor2 <- base::rep(x = 1:freq, length.out = base::length(ts.obj) - base::length(minor1))
      main1 <- base::rep(x = start_main, length.out = base::length(minor1))
      main2 <- base::rep(x = (start_main + 1):stats::end(ts.obj)[1], 
                         each = freq, 
                         len = base::length(ts.obj) - base::length(minor1))
      df <- base::data.frame(main = c(main1, main2), 
                       minor = c(minor1, minor2), 
                       y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj))
      if(freq == 12){
        df$minor <-  base::factor(base::month.abb[df$minor], levels = month.abb)
    # Input xts or zoo objects
  } else if(xts::is.xts(ts.obj) | zoo::is.zoo(ts.obj)){
      if(base::ncol(ts.obj) > 1){
        ts.obj <- ts.obj[,1]
        warning("The input object is a multiple time series object, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
      if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "daily"){
        df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         minor = lubridate::yday(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
      } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "weekly"){
        df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         minor = lubridate::week(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
      } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "monthly"){
        df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         minor = lubridate::month(zoo::index(ts.obj), label = TRUE), 
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
      } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "quarterly"){
        df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         minor = lubridate::quarter(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
    } else if(inherits(zoo::index(ts.obj), "yearqtr") & xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "quarterly"){
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                       minor = lubridate::quarter(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                       y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
    } else if(inherits(zoo::index(ts.obj), "yearmon") & xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "monthly"){
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                       minor = lubridate::quarter(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                       y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
    # Input data.frame or tbl or data.table objects
  } else if(base::is.data.frame(ts.obj) | 
            dplyr::is.tbl(ts.obj) | 
            data.table::is.data.table(ts.obj)){ # Case 3 the object is a data frame 
    # Identify the columns classes
    ts.obj <- base::as.data.frame(ts.obj)
    col_class <- base::lapply(ts.obj, class)
    col_date <- base::lapply(ts.obj, lubridate::is.Date)
    col_POSIXt <- base::lapply(ts.obj, lubridate::is.POSIXt)
    # Check if Date object exist
    if(base::any(col_date == TRUE) & base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
      d <- t <- NULL
      d <- base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
      t <- base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
      if(d > t){
        warning("The data frame contains multiple date or time objects,",
                "using the first one as the plot index")
        date_col <- t
      } else {
        warning("The data frame contains multiple date or time objects,",
                "using the first one as the plot index")
        date_col <- d
    } else if(base::any(col_date == TRUE) | base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
      if(base::any(col_date == TRUE)){
        if(base::length(base::which(col_date == TRUE)) > 1){
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
          warning("There are multipe 'date' objects in the data frame,",
                  "using the first one object as the plot index")
        } else {
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
      } else if(base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
        if(base::length(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE)) > 1){
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
          warning("There are multipe 'POSIXt' objects in the data frame,",
                  "using the first one as the plot index")
        } else {
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
    }else {
      stop("No 'Date' or 'POSIXt' object available in the data frame,", 
           "please check if the data format defined properly")
    # Identify the numeric/integer objects in the data frame  
    numeric_col <- base::which(col_class == "numeric" | col_class == "integer")
    # Stop if there is no any numeric values in the data frame, otherwise build the data frame 
    if(base::length(numeric_col) == 0){
      stop("None of the data frame columns is numeric,", 
           "please check if the data format is defined properly")
    # Check if the object has multiple time series
    df_temp <- NULL
    if(length(numeric_col) == 1){
      df_temp <- base::data.frame(date = ts.obj[, date_col], y =  ts.obj[, numeric_col])
    } else {
      warning("The input object is a multiple time series object, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
      df_temp <- base::data.frame(date = ts.obj[, date_col], ts.obj[, numeric_col[1]])
    df_temp <- df_temp %>% dplyr::arrange(date)
    data_diff <- NULL
    date_diff <- base::diff(as.numeric(df_temp$date))
    if(base::min(date_diff) == base::max(date_diff) & base::mean(date_diff) == 1){
      # Daily
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(df_temp$date),
                       minor = lubridate::yday(df_temp$date),
                       y = df_temp$y)
    } else if(base::min(date_diff) == base::max(date_diff) & base::mean(date_diff) == 7){
      # Weekly
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(df_temp$date),
                       minor = lubridate::week(df_temp$date),
                       y = df_temp$y)
    } else if(base::min(date_diff) >= 28 &  base::max(date_diff) <= 31 & 
              base::mean(date_diff) < 31 & base::mean(date_diff) > 28){
      # Monthly
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(df_temp$date),
                       minor = lubridate::month(df_temp$date, label = TRUE),
                       y = df_temp$y)
    } else if(base::min(date_diff) >= 90 &  base::max(date_diff) <= 92 & 
              base::mean(date_diff) < 92 & base::mean(date_diff) > 90){
      # Quarterly
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(df_temp$date),
                       minor = lubridate::quarter(df_temp$date),
                       y = df_temp$y)
    } else{
      stop("The frequency of the input dataset is not valid, must be on of the following - daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly")
    df <- df[(base::nrow(df) - last + 1):base::nrow(df),]
  # Checking colors setting
  brewer_palettes <- row.names(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)
  viridis_palettes <- c("viridis", "magma", "plasma", "inferno", "cividis")
  if(type %in% c("cycle", "box", "all")){
    if(palette %in% brewer_palettes){
      n_colors <- NULL
      n_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$maxcolors[row.names(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)  == palette]
      colors_list <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n_colors, palette))(base::length(base::unique(df$minor)))
    } else if (palette %in% viridis_palettes){
      colors_list <- viridis::viridis_pal(option = base::eval(palette))(base::length(base::unique(df$minor)))  
    } else {
      warning("The value of the 'palette' argument is invalid, using the default option 'Set1'")
      palette <- "Set1"
      n_colors <- NULL
      n_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$maxcolors[row.names(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)  == palette]
      colors_list <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n_colors, palette))(base::length(base::unique(df$minor)))
  if(type %in% c("normal", "all")){
    if(palette_normal %in% brewer_palettes){
      n_colros <- NULL
      n_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$maxcolors[row.names(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)  == palette_normal]
      colors_list_normal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n_colors, palette_normal))(base::max(df$main) - base::min(df$main) + 1)
    } else if (palette_normal %in% viridis_palettes){
      colors_list_normal <- viridis::viridis_pal(option = base::eval(palette_normal))(base::max(df$main) - base::min(df$main) + 1)
    } else {
      warning("The value of the 'palette_normal' argument is in valid, using the default option 'Spectral'")
      palette_normal <- "Spectral"
      n_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$maxcolors[row.names(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)  == palette_normal]
      colors_list_normal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n_colors, palette_normal))(base::max(df$main) - base::min(df$main) + 1)
  if(type == "normal" | type == "all"){
    p_normal <- plotly::plot_ly()
    for(i in base::min(df$main):base::max(df$main)){
      temp <- NULL
      temp <- df %>% dplyr::filter(main == i)
      p_normal <- p_normal %>%
        plotly::add_lines(x = temp$minor, y = temp$y, name = i, line = list(color = colors_list_normal[i + 1 - base::min(df$main)]))
    p_normal <- p_normal %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title = "By Frequency Cycle"))
  if(type == "cycle" | type == "all"){
    df_t <- NULL
    df_t <- base::suppressMessages(df %>% reshape2::dcast(main ~ minor))
    showlegend <- legendgroup <- NULL
    showlegend <- TRUE
    p_cycle <- plotly::plot_ly()
    for(i in 2:ncol(df_t)){
      legendgroup <- ifelse(type == "all", 
                            base::paste("all", colnames(df_t)[i], sep = "_"),  
                            base::paste("cycle", colnames(df_t)[i], sep = "_"))
      p_cycle <- p_cycle %>% 
        plotly::add_lines(x = df_t[, 1], y = df_t[, i], 
                          name = colnames(df_t)[i], 
                          line = list(color = colors_list[i - 1]), 
                          showlegend = showlegend,
                          legendgroup = legendgroup)
    p_cycle <- p_cycle %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title = "By Frequency Unit"))
  if(type == "box" | type == "all"){
    minor <- base::levels(df$minor)
    showlegend <- legendgroup <- NULL
    showlegend <- ifelse(type == "all", FALSE, TRUE)
    p_box <- plotly::plot_ly()
    c <- NULL
    c <- 1
    for(i in minor){
      legendgroup <- ifelse(type == "all", 
                            base::paste("all", i, sep = "_"),  
                            base::paste("box", i, sep = "_"))
      p_box <- p_box %>% plotly::add_trace(data = df %>% dplyr::filter(minor == i), y = ~ y,  type = "box",
                                           fillcolor = base::paste("rgba(", hex_to_rgb(colors_list[c]), ", 0.5)", sep = ""),
                                           line = list(color = colors_list[c]),
                                           marker = list(color = colors_list[c]),
                                           boxpoints = "all",
                                           jitter = 0.3,
                                           pointpos = -1.8, 
                                           name = i,
                                           showlegend = showlegend,
                                           legendgroup = legendgroup)
      c <- c + 1
    p_box <- p_box %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title = "By Frequency Unit"))
  if(type == "all"){
    p <- plotly::subplot(p_normal, p_cycle, p_box, nrows = 3, titleY = TRUE)
  } else if(type == "normal"){
    p <- p_normal
  } else if(type == "cycle"){
    p <- p_cycle
  } else if(type == "box"){
    p <- p_box
  p <- p %>% plotly::layout(title = title)

#'  Polor Plot for Time Series Object
#' @export
#' @param ts.obj A univariate time series object of a class "ts", "zoo" or "xts" (support only series with either monthly or quarterly frequency)
#' @param title Add a title for the plot, default set to NULL
#' @param width The widht of the plot in pixels, default set to 600
#' @param height The height of the plot pixels, default set to 600
#' @param left Set the left margin of the plot in pixels, default set to 25 
#' @param right Set the right margin of the plot in pixels, default set to 25
#' @param top Set the top margin of the plot in pixels, default set to 25
#' @param bottom Set the bottom margin of the plot in pixels, default set to 25
#' @description Polor plot for time series object (ts, zoo, xts), currently support only monthly and quarterly frequency
#' @examples
#' data(USgas)
#' ts_polar(USgas)

ts_polar <- function(ts.obj, title = NULL, width = 600, height = 600, 
                     left = 25, right = 25, top = 25, bottom = 25) {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  df <- df_wide <- p <- obj.name <-  NULL
  obj.name <- base::deparse(base::substitute(ts.obj))
  # Error handling
    title <- paste("Polar Plot -", obj.name)
  } else if(!is.character(title)){
    title <- paste("Polar Plot -", obj.name)
    warning("The 'title' value is not valid, using the default title")
  if (stats::is.ts(ts.obj)) {
    if (stats::is.mts(ts.obj)) {
      warning("The 'ts.obj' has multiple columns, only the first column will be plot")
      ts.obj <- ts.obj[, 1]
    df <- base::data.frame(dec_left = floor(stats::time(ts.obj)), 
                           dec_right = stats::cycle(ts.obj), value = base::as.numeric(ts.obj))
    if(stats::frequency(ts.obj) == 12){
      df$dec_right <- base::factor(df$dec_right,
                                   levels = base::unique(df$dec_right),
                                   labels = base::month.abb[as.numeric(base::unique(df$dec_right))])
    } else if(stats::frequency(ts.obj) == 4){
      df$dec_right <- base::paste("Qr.", df$dec_right, sep = " ")
    } else {
      stop("The frequency of the series is invalid, ",
           "the function support only 'monthly' or 'quarterly' frequencies")
  } else if (xts::is.xts(ts.obj) | zoo::is.zoo(ts.obj)) {
    if (!is.null(base::dim(ts.obj))) {
      if (base::dim(ts.obj)[2] > 1) {
        warning("The 'ts.obj' has multiple columns, only the first column will be plot")
        ts.obj <- ts.obj[, 1]
    freq <- xts::periodicity(ts.obj)[[6]]
    if (freq == "quarterly") {
      df <- base::data.frame(dec_left = lubridate::year(ts.obj), 
                             dec_right = lubridate::quarter(ts.obj), 
                             value = as.numeric(ts.obj))
    } else if (freq == "monthly") {
      df <- base::data.frame(dec_left = lubridate::year(ts.obj), 
                             dec_right = lubridate::month(ts.obj), value = as.numeric(ts.obj))
      df$dec_right <- base::factor(df$dec_right,
                                   levels = base::unique(df$dec_right),
                                   labels = base::month.abb[as.numeric(base::unique(df$dec_right))])
      # } else if (freq == "weekly") {
      #   df <- data.frame(dec_left = lubridate::year(ts.obj), 
      #                    dec_right = lubridate::week(ts.obj), value = as.numeric(ts.obj))
      # } else if (freq == "daily") {
      #   df <- data.frame(dec_left = lubridate::month(ts.obj), 
      #                    dec_right = lubridate::day(ts.obj), value = as.numeric(ts.obj))
    } else if (freq != "quarterly" & freq != "monthly") {
      stop("The frequency of the series is invalid,",
           "the function support only 'monthly' or 'quarterly' frequencies")
  p <- plotly::plot_ly(r = df$value, t = df$dec_right, 
                       width = width, height = height) %>% 
    plotly::add_area(color = factor(df$dec_left, ordered = TRUE)) %>%
    plotly::layout(orientation = -90, 
                   autosize = T,
                   title = title,
                   margin = list(
                     l = left,
                     r = right,
                     b = bottom,
                     t = top,
                     pad = 4

#'  Heatmap Plot for Time Series
#' @export
#' @param ts.obj A univariate time series object of a class "ts", "zoo", "xts", and the data frame family (data.frame, data.table, tbl, tibble, etc.) with a 
#' Date column and at least one numeric column. This function support time series objects with a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly frequencies 
#' @param last An integer (optional), set a subset using only the last observations in the series
#' @param wday An boolean, provides a weekday veiw for daily data (relevent only for objects with dates such as xts, zoo, data.frame, etc.)
#' @param color A character, setting the color palette of the heatmap. 
#' Corresponding to any of the RColorBrewer palette or any other arguments of the \code{\link[scales]{col_numeric}} function. 
#' By default using the "Blues" palette
#' @param title A character (optional), set the plot title
#' @param padding A boolean, if TRUE will add to the heatmap spaces between the observations
#' @description Heatmap plot for time series object by it periodicity (currently support only daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly frequencies)
#' @examples
#' data(USgas)
#' ts_heatmap(USgas)
#' # Show only the last 4 years
#' ts_heatmap(USgas, last = 4 *12)   

# --- The ts_heatmap function ---

ts_heatmap <- function(ts.obj, last = NULL, wday = TRUE, color = "Blues", title = NULL, padding = TRUE) {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  df <- df1 <- df2 <- freq <- obj.name <- NULL
  diff_mean <- col_class <- date_col <-  numeric_col <- NULL
  main <- minor <- wday1 <- week <- y <- NULL
  obj.name <- base::deparse(base::substitute(ts.obj))
  # Set the plot title
    title <- base::paste("Heatmap -", obj.name, sep = " ")
  } else if(!base::is.character(title)){
    warning("The 'title' object is not character object, using the default option")
    title <- base::paste("Heatmap -", obj.name, sep = " ")
    warning("The 'padding' argument is not valid, setting it to TRUE (default)")
    padding <- TRUE
  # Error handling
  # Checking the last parameter
    if(!base::is.numeric(last) | last <= 0){
      stop("The 'last' parameter is not valid")
    } else {
      if(last != base::round(last)){
        stop("The 'last' parameter is not integer")
  # Stage 1 transforming the time series object to data frame
  # Input ts object
      ts.obj <- ts.obj[,1]
      warning("The input object is a 'mts' class, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
    freq <- stats::frequency(ts.obj)
    if(base::length(ts.obj) < freq){
      stop("The length of the series is smaller than the length of full cycle")
    start_main <- stats::start(ts.obj)[1]
    start_minor <- stats::start(ts.obj)[2]
    if(freq %in% c(7, 52, 365, 12, 4)){
      minor1 <- base::seq(from = start_minor, to = freq, by = 1)
      minor2 <- base::rep(x = 1:freq, length.out = base::length(ts.obj) - base::length(minor1))
      main1 <- base::rep(x = start_main, length.out = base::length(minor1))
      main2 <- base::rep(x = (start_main + 1):stats::end(ts.obj)[1], 
                         each = freq, 
                         len = base::length(ts.obj) - base::length(minor1))
      df <- base::data.frame(main = c(main1, main2), 
                       minor = c(minor1, minor2), 
                       y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj))
      if(freq == 365){
        time_unit <- "Day of the year" 
      } else if(freq == 7){
        time_unit <- "Day of the week"
      } else if(freq == 52){
        time_unit <- "Week"
      } else if(freq == 12){
        df$minor <-  base::factor(base::month.abb[df$minor], levels = month.abb)
        time_unit <- "Month"
      } else if(freq == 4){
        time_unit <- "Quarter"
    } else {
      stop("The frequency of the input object is not valid, must be on of the following - daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly")
    # Input xts or zoo objects
  } else if(xts::is.xts(ts.obj) | zoo::is.zoo(ts.obj)){
      if(base::ncol(ts.obj) > 1){
        ts.obj <- ts.obj[,1]
        warning("The input object is a multiple time series object, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
      if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "daily"){
        df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         minor = lubridate::yday(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         wday = lubridate::wday(zoo::index(ts.obj)),
                         wday1 = lubridate::wday(zoo::index(ts.obj),label = TRUE),
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
        time_unit <- "Day"
      } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "weekly"){
        df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         minor = lubridate::week(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
        time_unit <- "Week"
      } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "monthly"){
        df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         minor = lubridate::month(zoo::index(ts.obj), label = TRUE), 
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
        time_unit <- "Month"
      } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "quarterly"){
        df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         minor = lubridate::quarter(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
        time_unit <- "Quarter"
    } else if(inherits(zoo::index(ts.obj), "yearqtr") & xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "quarterly"){
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                       minor = lubridate::quarter(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                       y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
      time_unit <- "Quarter"
    } else if(inherits(zoo::index(ts.obj), "yearmon") & xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "monthly"){
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(zoo::index(ts.obj)), 
                       minor = lubridate::month(zoo::index(ts.obj), label = TRUE), 
                       y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj[,1]))
      time_unit <- "Month"
    # Input data.frame or tbl or data.table objects
  } else if(base::is.data.frame(ts.obj) | 
            dplyr::is.tbl(ts.obj) | 
            data.table::is.data.table(ts.obj)){ # Case 3 the object is a data frame 
    # Identify the columns classes
    ts.obj <- base::as.data.frame(ts.obj)
    col_class <- base::lapply(ts.obj, class)
    col_date <- base::lapply(ts.obj, lubridate::is.Date)
    col_POSIXt <- base::lapply(ts.obj, lubridate::is.POSIXt)
    # Check if Date object exist
    if(base::any(col_date == TRUE) & base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
      d <- t <- NULL
      d <- base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
      t <- base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
      if(d > t){
        warning("The data frame contains multiple date or time objects,",
                "using the first one as the plot index")
        date_col <- t
      } else {
        warning("The data frame contains multiple date or time objects,",
                "using the first one as the plot index")
        date_col <- d
    } else if(base::any(col_date == TRUE) | base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
      if(base::any(col_date == TRUE)){
        if(base::length(base::which(col_date == TRUE)) > 1){
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
          warning("There are multipe 'date' objects in the data frame,",
                  "using the first one object as the plot index")
        } else {
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
      } else if(base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
        if(base::length(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE)) > 1){
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
          warning("There are multipe 'POSIXt' objects in the data frame,",
                  "using the first one as the plot index")
        } else {
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
    }else {
      stop("No 'Date' or 'POSIXt' object available in the data frame,", 
           "please check if the data format defined properly")
    # Identify the numeric/integer objects in the data frame  
    numeric_col <- base::which(col_class == "numeric" | col_class == "integer")
    # Stop if there is no any numeric values in the data frame, otherwise build the data frame 
    if(base::length(numeric_col) == 0){
      stop("None of the data frame columns is numeric,", 
           "please check if the data format is defined properly")
    # Check if the object has multiple time series
    df_temp <- NULL
    if(length(numeric_col) == 1){
      df_temp <- base::data.frame(date = ts.obj[, date_col], y =  ts.obj[, numeric_col])
    } else {
      warning("The input object is a multiple time series object, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
      df_temp <- base::data.frame(date = ts.obj[, date_col], ts.obj[, numeric_col[1]])
    data_diff <- NULL
    date_diff <- base::diff(as.numeric(df_temp$date))
    if(base::min(date_diff) == base::max(date_diff) & base::mean(date_diff) == 1){
      # Daily
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(df_temp$date),
                       minor = lubridate::yday(df_temp$date),
                       wday = lubridate::wday(df_temp$date),
                       wday1 = lubridate::wday(df_temp$date, label = TRUE),
                       y = df_temp$y)
      time_unit <- "Day"
    } else if(base::min(date_diff) == base::max(date_diff) & base::mean(date_diff) == 7){
      # Weekly
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(df_temp$date),
                       minor = lubridate::week(df_temp$date),
                       y = df_temp$y)
      time_unit <- "Week"
    } else if(base::min(date_diff) >= 28 &  base::max(date_diff) <= 31 & 
              base::mean(date_diff) < 31 & base::mean(date_diff) > 28){
      # Monthly
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(df_temp$date),
                       minor = lubridate::month(df_temp$date, label = TRUE),
                       y = df_temp$y)
      time_unit <- "Month"
    } else if(base::min(date_diff) >= 90 &  base::max(date_diff) <= 92 & 
              base::mean(date_diff) < 92 & base::mean(date_diff) > 90){
      # Quarterly
      df <- base::data.frame(main = lubridate::year(df_temp$date),
                       minor = lubridate::quarter(df_temp$date),
                       y = df_temp$y)
      time_unit <- "Quarter"
    } else{
      stop("The frequency of the input dataset is not valid, must be on of the following - daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly")
    df <- df[(base::nrow(df) - last + 1):base::nrow(df),]
    if(time_unit %in% c("Month", "Quarter")){
      xgap = 3
      ygap = 3
    } else if(time_unit == "Day" & wday){
      xgap = 1
      ygap = 1
    }else {
      xgap = 1
      ygap = NULL
  } else {
    xgap <- NULL
    ygap <- NULL
  if(time_unit == "Day" & wday){
    p_list <- vals <- o <- cols <- colz <- NULL
    df$vals <- scales::rescale(df$y)
    vals <- unique(scales::rescale(df$y))
    o <- base::order(vals, decreasing = FALSE)
    cols <- scales::col_numeric(color, domain = NULL)(vals)
    colz <- stats::setNames(base::data.frame(vals[o], cols[o]), NULL)
    colz_name <- colz
    names(colz_name) <- c("vals", "cols")
    df <- base::suppressMessages(df %>% dplyr::left_join(colz_name))
    p_list <- base::lapply(base::min(df$main):base::max(df$main), function(i){
      df1 <- NULL
      df1 <- df %>% dplyr::filter(main == i) %>%
      if(df1$minor[1] != 1){
        df1$week <-  base::rep(base::ceiling(df1$minor[1] / 7):53, each = 7 )[df1$wday[1]:(base::nrow(df1) + df1$wday[1] - 1)]
      } else if(df1$minor[1] == 1){
        df1$week <- base::rep(1:53, each = 7)[df1$wday[1]:(base::nrow(df1) + df1$wday[1] - 1)]  
      colz_sub <- df1 %>% dplyr::select(vals, cols) %>%
      colz_sub <- stats::setNames(colz_sub, NULL)
      df2 <- base::suppressMessages(df1 %>% dplyr::select(wday1, week, y) %>%reshape2::dcast(wday1 ~ week))
      z <- base::as.matrix(df2[, -1])
      z_text <- base::matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(z), ncol = ncol(z))
      for(c in 1:base::ncol(z_text)){
        for(r in 1:base::nrow(z_text)){
          z_text[r, c] <- base::paste('Value: ', z[r,c],
                                      '<br> Year : ', i,
                                      '<br>' ,time_unit, ' :', r, sep = " ")
      if(i == base::min(df$main)){
        showscale <- TRUE
      } else {
        showscale <- FALSE
      df_temp <- base::suppressMessages(df1 %>% dplyr::select(y, cols) %>%
                                          dplyr::distinct() %>% 
      df_temp$scale <- scales::rescale(df_temp$y)
      colz_sub <- df_temp %>% dplyr::select(scale, cols)
      colz_sub <- stats::setNames(colz_sub, NULL)
      p_day <- plotly::plot_ly(z = z, x = colnames(df2[,-1]), y = df2[,1], 
                               type = "heatmap",
                               colorscale = colz_sub,
                               hoverinfo = 'text',
                               text = z_text,
                               xgap = xgap,
                               ygap = xgap,
                               showscale = showscale
      ) %>% plotly::layout(
        xaxis = list(title = i, range = c(0,54)),
        yaxis = list(title = time_unit),
        annotations = list(text = i, 
                           showarrow = FALSE, 
                           yref = "paper",
                           yanchor = "bottom",
                           xanchor = "center",
                           align = "center",
                           x = 25,
                           y = -0.25)
      ) %>% plotly::colorbar(limits = c(base::min(df1$y), base::max(df1$y)))
    p <- plotly::subplot(p_list, nrows = base::length(base::unique(df$main))) %>% 
      plotly::layout(title = title)
  } else {
    df1 <- base::suppressMessages(df %>% reshape2::dcast(minor ~ main))
    z <- base::as.matrix(df1[, -1])
    z_text <- base::matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(z), ncol = ncol(z))
    # time_unit <- base::trimws(base::names(df)[1])
    # time_unit_up <- base::paste(base::toupper(base::substr(time_unit, 1, 1)), 
    #                             base::substr(time_unit,2, base::nchar(time_unit)), sep = "")
    for(c in 1:base::ncol(z_text)){
      for(r in 1:base::nrow(z_text)){
        z_text[r, c] <- base::paste('Value: ', z[r,c],
                                    '<br> Year : ', base::colnames(z)[c],
                                    '<br>' ,time_unit, ' :', r, sep = " ")
    vals <- base::unique(scales::rescale(c(df$y)))
    o <- order(vals, decreasing = FALSE)
    cols <- scales::col_numeric(color, domain = NULL)(vals)
    colz <- stats::setNames(base::data.frame(vals[o], cols[o]), NULL)
    p <- plotly::plot_ly(z = z, x = colnames(df1[,-1]), y = df1[,1], 
                         type = "heatmap",
                         colorscale = colz,
                         hoverinfo = 'text',
                         text = z_text,
                         xgap = xgap,
                         ygap = ygap
    ) %>% plotly::layout(
      title = title,
      xaxis = list(title = "Year"),
      yaxis = list(title = time_unit)

#' 3D Surface Plot for Time Series
#' @export
#' @param ts.obj a univariate time series object of a class "ts", "zoo" or "xts" (support only series with either monthly or quarterly frequency)
#' @description 3D surface plot for time series object by it periodicity (currently support only monthly and quarterly frequency)
#' @examples
#' ts_surface(USgas) 

ts_surface <- function(ts.obj) {
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  df <-  p <- obj.name <-  NULL
  obj.name <- base::deparse(base::substitute(ts.obj))
  df <- TSstudio::ts_reshape(ts.obj, type = "wide")
  z <- base::as.matrix(df[, -1])
  z_text <- base::matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(z), ncol = ncol(z))
  time_unit <- base::trimws(base::names(df)[1])
  time_unit_up <- base::paste(base::toupper(base::substr(time_unit, 1, 1)), 
                              base::substr(time_unit,2, base::nchar(time_unit)), sep = "")
  for(c in 1:base::ncol(z_text)){
    for(r in 1:base::nrow(z_text)){
      z_text[r, c] <- base::paste('Value: ', z[r,c],
                                  '<br> Year : ', base::colnames(z)[c],
                                  '<br>' ,time_unit_up, ' :', r, sep = " ")
  p <- plotly::plot_ly(z = z, x = colnames(df[,-1]), y = df[,1],
                       hoverinfo = 'text',
                       text = z_text
  ) %>%
    plotly::add_surface() %>% plotly::layout(
      title = base::paste("Surface Plot -", obj.name, sep = " "),
      scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "Years"),
                   yaxis= list(title = time_unit_up),
                   zaxis= list(title = "Value")

#' Moving Average Method for Time Series Data
#' @export
#' @param ts.obj a univariate time series object of a class "ts", "zoo" or "xts" (support only series with either monthly or quarterly frequency)
#' @param n A single or multiple integers (by default using 3, 6, and 9 as inputs), 
#' define a two-sides moving averages by setting the number of past and future to use 
#' in each moving average window along with current observation. 
#' @param n_left A single integer (optional argument, default set to NULL), can be used, 
#' along with the n_right argument, an unbalanced moving average. 
#' The n_left defines the number of lags to includes in the moving average.
#' @param n_right A single integer (optional argument, default set to NULL), can be used, 
#' along with the n_left argument, to set an unbalanced moving average. 
#' The n_right defines the number of negative lags to includes in the moving average.
#' @param double A single integer, an optional argument. If not NULL (by default), will apply a second moving average process on the initial moving average output
#' @param plot A boolean, if TRUE will plot the results
#' @param multiple A boolean, if TRUE (and n > 1) will create multiple plots, one for each moving average degree. By default is set to FALSE
#' @param separate A boolean, if TRUE will separate the orignal series from the moving average output
#' @param title A character, if not NULL (by default), will use the input as the plot title
#' @param Xtitle A character, if not NULL (by default), will use the input as the plot x - axis title
#' @param Ytitle A character, if not NULL (by default), will use the input as the plot y - axis title
#' @param margin A numeric, set the plot margin when using the multiple or/and separate option, default value is 0.03
#' @param show_legend A boolean, if TRUE will show the plot legend
#' @description Calculate the moving average (and double moving average) for time series data
#' @return A list with the original series, the moving averages outputs and the plot
#' @details 
#' A one-side moving averages (also known as simple moving averages) calculation for Y[t] (observation Y of the series at time t):
#' MA[t|n] = (Y[t-n] + Y[t-(n-1)] +...+ Y[t]) / (n + 1), 
#' where n defines the number of consecutive observations to be used on each rolling window along with the current observation 
#' Similarly, a two-sided moving averages with an order of (2*n + 1) for Y[t]:
#' MA[t|n] = (Y[t-n] + Y[t-(n-1)] +...+ Y[t] +...+ Y[t+(n-1)] + Y[t+n]) / (2*n + 1)
#' Unbalanced moving averages with an order of (k1 + k2 + 1) for observation Y[t]:
#' MA[t|k1 & k2] = (Y[t-k1] + Y[t-(k1-1)] +...+ Y[t] +...+ Y[t+(k2-1)] + Y[t+k2]) / (k1 + k2 + 1)
#' The unbalanced moving averages is a special case of two-sides moving averages, 
#' where k1 and k2 represent the number of past and future periods, 
#' respectively to be used in each rolling window, and k1 != k2 
#' (otherwise it is a normal two-sided moving averages function)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # A one-side moving average order of 7
#' USgas_MA7 <- ts_ma(USgas, n_left = 6, n = NULL)
#' # A two-sided moving average order of 13
#' USgas_two_side_MA <- ts_ma(USgas, n = 6)
#' # Unbalanced moving average of order 12
#'  USVSales_MA12 <- ts_ma(USVSales, n_left = 6, n_right = 5, n = NULL, 
#'  title = "US Monthly Total Vehicle Sales - MA", 
#'  Ytitle = "Thousand of Units")
#' # Adding double MA of order 2 to balanced the series:
#' USVSales_MA12 <- ts_ma(USVSales, n_left = 6, n_right = 5, n = NULL, 
#'  double = 2,
#'  title = "US Monthly Total Vehicle Sales - MA", 
#'  Ytitle = "Thousand of Units")
#' # Adding several types of two-sided moving averages along with the unblanced
#' # Plot each on a separate plot
#' USVSales_MA12 <- ts_ma(USVSales, n_left = 6, n_right = 5, n = c(3, 6, 9), 
#' double = 2, multiple = TRUE,
#' title = "US Monthly Total Vehicle Sales - MA", 
#' Ytitle = "Thousand of Units")
#' }

ts_ma <- function(ts.obj, 
                  n = c(3, 6, 9), 
                  n_left = NULL,
                  n_right = NULL,
                  double = NULL, 
                  plot = TRUE, show_legend = TRUE,
                  multiple = FALSE, separate = TRUE, margin = 0.03,
                  title = NULL, Xtitle = NULL, Ytitle = NULL){
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  obj.name <- ts_merged <- ts_obj <- ts_temp <- ts_ma <- c <- p <-  p_m <- ma_order <-  NULL
  output <- titles <- dobule <- NULL
  left_flag <- right_flag <- k_flag <- FALSE
  obj.name <- base::deparse(base::substitute(ts.obj))
  # Error Handling  
      ts.obj <- ts.obj[,1]
      warning("The input object is a 'mts' class, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
  } else if(xts::is.xts(ts.obj) | zoo::is.zoo(ts.obj)){
      if(base::ncol(ts.obj) > 1){
        ts.obj <- ts.obj[,1]
        warning("The input object is a multiple time series object, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
  if((base::is.null(n) & base::is.null(n_left) & base::is.null(n_right)) | 
     (!base::is.numeric(n) & !base::is.numeric(n_left) & !base::is.numeric(n_right))){
    stop("Neither of the moving averages arguments set properly ('n', 'n_left', 'n_right')")
    warning("The value of the 'plot' argument is not valid (can apply either TRUE or FALSE) and will be ignore")
    plot <- TRUE
    warning("The value of the 'show_legend' argument is not valid (can apply either TRUE or FALSE) and will be ignore")
    show_legend <- FALSE
    warning("The value of the 'separate' argument is not valid (can apply either TRUE or FALSE) and will be ignore")
    separate <- TRUE
    warning("The value of the 'multiple' argument is not valid (can apply either TRUE or FALSE) and will be ignore")
    multiple <- FALSE
  } else if(base::length(n) == 1 & multiple & 
            base::is.null(n_left) &
    warning("The 'multiple' aregument cannot be used when using multiple moving averages")
    multiple <- FALSE
  } else if((base::length(n) > 1 | (base::length(n) ==1 & 
                                    (!base::is.null(n_left) | !base::is.null(n_right)))) &
    p_m <- list()
      warning("The value of the 'title' is not valid (only character can be used as an input), and will be ignore")
      title <- NULL
  } else {
    title <- paste(obj.name, "- Moving Average", sep = " ")
      warning("The value of the 'Xtitle' is not valid (only character can be used as an input), and will be ignore")
      Xtitle <- NULL
      warning("The value of the 'Ytitle' is not valid (only character can be used as an input), and will be ignore")
      Ytitle <- NULL
      warning("The 'double' parameter is not a numeric number and will be ignore")
      double <- NULL
    } else if(!base::all(double %% 1 == 0)){
      warning("The 'double' parameter is not an integer number and will be ignore")
      double <- NULL
  } else if(base::length(double) > 1){
    warning("The 'double' parameter is restricted to single value (integer), only the first one will be used")
    double <- dobule[1]
      stop("The 'n_left' argument is not valid, please make sure that you are using only integers as input")
    } else if(base::length(n_left) != 1){
      warning("The 'n_left' argument has too many inputs, can hanlde only single integer. Will use only the first input")
      n_left <- n_left[1]
    } else if(n_left %% 1 != 0){
      stop("The 'n_left' argument is not an integer type")
    } else {
      ma_order <- n_left
      stop("The 'n_right' argument is not valid, please make sure that you are using only integers as input")
    } else if(base::length(n_right) != 1){
      warning("The 'n_right' argument has too many inputs, can hanlde only single integer. Will use only the first input")
      n_right <- n_right[1]
    } else if(n_right %% 1 != 0){
      stop("The 'n_right' argument is not an integer type")
    } else if(!base::is.null(n_left)){
      ma_order <- n_left + n_right
    } else {
      ma_order <- n_right
      stop("The 'n' argument is not valid, please make sure that you are using only integers as input")
    } else if(!base::all(n %% 1 == 0)){
      stop("The 'n' argument is not valid, please make sure that you are using only integers as input")
    } else if(base::length(n) > 8){
      warning("The 'n' parameter is restricted up to 8 inputs (integers), only the first 8 values will be used")
      n <- n[1:8]
    } else{ 
      if(stats::is.ts(ts.obj) | xts::is.xts(ts.obj) | zoo::is.zoo(ts.obj)){
        if(base::max(n) * 2 + 1 > base::as.data.frame(ts.obj) %>% base::nrow()){
          stop("The length of the series is too short to apply the moving average with the given 'n' parameter")
      } else if(base::is.data.frame(ts.obj) | 
                dplyr::is.tbl(ts.obj) | 
        if(base::max(n) * 2 + 1 > base::nrow(ts.obj)){
          stop("The length of the series is too short to apply the moving average with the given 'n' parameter")
  # Setting function to calculate moving average
  ma_fun <- function(ts.obj, n_left, n_right){
      ts_left <- ts_right <- ts_intersect <- ma_order <-  NULL
        for(i in 1:n_left){
          ts_left <- stats::ts.intersect(stats::lag(ts.obj, k = -i), ts_left)
        ma_order <- n_left
        for(i in 1:n_right){
          ts_right <- stats::ts.intersect(stats::lag(ts.obj, k =  i), ts_right)
          ma_order <- ma_order + n_right
        } else {
          ma_order <- n_right
      ma_order <- ma_order + 1
      ts_intersect <- TSstudio::ts_sum(stats::ts.intersect(ts_left, ts.obj, ts_right)) / (ma_order)
    } else if(xts::is.xts(ts.obj)){
      ts_left <- ts_right <- ts_intersect <- ma_order <-  NULL
        ts_left <- stats::lag(ts.obj, k = c(1:n_left))
        ma_order <- n_left
          ts_right <- stats::lag(ts.obj, k = c((-1):(-n_right)))
          ma_order <- ma_order + n_right
          ts.merged <- xts::merge.xts(ts_left, ts.obj, ts_right)
        } else {
          ma_order <- n_right
          ts.merged <- xts::merge.xts(ts.obj, ts_right)
      } else if(!base::is.null(n_left)){
        ts.merged <- xts::merge.xts(ts_left, ts.obj)
      ma_order <- ma_order + 1
      ts.merged$total <- base::rowSums(ts.merged) / (ma_order)
      ts_intersect <- ts.merged$total
    }else if(zoo::is.zoo(ts.obj)){
      ts_left <- ts_right <- ts_intersect <- ma_order <- NULL
        ts_left <- stats::lag(ts.obj, k = c((-1):(-n_left)))
        ma_order <- n_left
          ts_right <- stats::lag(ts.obj, k = c(1:n_right))
          ma_order <- ma_order + n_right
          ts.merged <- zoo::merge.zoo(ts_left, ts.obj, ts_right)
        } else {
          ma_order <- n_right
          ts.merged <- zoo::merge.zoo(ts.obj, ts_right)
      } else if(!base::is.null(n_left)){
        ts.merged <- zoo::merge.zoo(ts_left, ts.obj)
      ma_order <- ma_order + 1

      ts.merged$total <- base::rowSums(ts.merged) / (ma_order)
      ts_intersect <- ts.merged$total
  # Creating a list  
  output <- list()
  titles <- list()
    for(i in n){
      ts_ma1 <- ma_title <- ma_order <- NULL
      ma_order <- 2 * i + 1
      ts_ma1 <- ma_fun(ts.obj = ts.obj, n_left = i, n_right = i)
      ma_title <- paste("Two Sided Moving Average - Order", 2 * i + 1, sep = " ")
      base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("output$ma_", i, " <- ts_ma1", sep = "")))
      base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("titles$ma_", i, " <- ma_title", sep = "")))
        ts_ma_d <- ma_title <- NULL
        ts_ma_d <- ma_fun(ts.obj = ts_ma1, n_left = double, n_right = double)
        ma_title <- paste("Double Two Sided Moving Average - Order", 2 * double + 1, "x", ma_order, sep = " ")
        base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("output$double_ma_", 2 * double + 1,"_x_", ma_order, " <- ts_ma_d", sep = "")))
        base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("titles$double_ma_", 2 * double + 1,"_x_", ma_order, " <- ma_title", sep = "")))
  if(!base::is.null(n_left) | !base::is.null(n_right)){
    ts_ma2 <- ma_title <- ma_order <- NULL
    ma_order <- 1
      ma_order <- ma_order + n_right
      ma_order <- ma_order + n_left
    ts_ma2 <- ma_fun(ts.obj = ts.obj, n_left = n_left, n_right = n_right)
    ma_title <- paste("Two Sided Moving Average - Order", ma_order, sep = " ")
    base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("output$unbalanced_ma_", ma_order, " <- ts_ma2", sep = "")))
    base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("titles$unbalanced_ma_", ma_order, " <- ma_title", sep = "")))
      ts_ma_d <- ma_title <- NULL
      ts_ma_d <- ma_fun(ts.obj = ts_ma2, n_left = double, n_right = double)
      ma_title <- paste("Double Two Sided Moving Average - Order", 2 * double + 1, "x",  ma_order, sep = " ")
      base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("output$double_unbalanced_ma_", 2 * double + 1,"_x_", ma_order, " <- ts_ma2", sep = "")))
      base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("titles$double_unbalanced_ma_", 2 * double + 1,"_x_", ma_order, " <- ma_title", sep = "")))
  ma_list <- base::names(output)[base::which(base::names(output) != "series")]
  if(separate & multiple){
    plots <- c <- NULL
    plots <- list()
    plots[[1]] <- plotly::plot_ly(x = stats::time(ts.obj), 
                                  y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj), 
                                  name = obj.name, 
                                  type = "scatter", 
                                  mode = "lines", 
                                  line = list(color = "#00526d"),
                                  showlegend = show_legend) %>%
      plotly::layout(annotations = list(text =  obj.name, 
                                        xref = "paper", 
                                        yref = "paper",
                                        yanchor = "bottom",
                                        xanchor = "center",
                                        align = "cneter",
                                        x = 0.5,
                                        y = 1, 
                                        showarrow = FALSE,
                                        font = list(size = 12)))
    c <- 2
    color_ramp <- viridis::inferno(base::length(output), alpha = 1, direction = 1, begin = 0, end = 0.9)
    for(i in names(output)){
      plots[[c]] <- plotly::plot_ly(x = stats::time(output[[i]]), 
                                    y = base::as.numeric(output[[i]]), 
                                    type = "scatter",
                                    mode = "line",
                                    line = list(color = color_ramp[c -1])) %>%
        plotly::layout(annotations = list(text =  titles[[i]], 
                                          xref = "paper", 
                                          yref = "paper",
                                          yanchor = "bottom",
                                          xanchor = "center",
                                          align = "cneter",
                                          x = 0.5,
                                          y = 1, 
                                          showarrow = FALSE,
                                          font = list(size = 12)))
      c <- c + 1
    plot_rows <- ifelse(length(plots) > 5, base::ceiling(base::length(plots)/2), base::length(plots))
      output$plot <- plotly::subplot(plots, nrows = plot_rows, margin = margin) 
    } else {
      output$plot <- plotly::subplot(plots, nrows = plot_rows, margin = margin) %>% plotly::hide_legend()
  } else if(!separate & multiple){
    plots <- c <- NULL
    plots <- list()
    c <- 1
    color_ramp <- viridis::inferno(base::length(output), alpha = 1, direction = 1, begin = 0, end = 0.9)
    for(i in names(output)){
      plots[[c]] <- plotly::plot_ly(x = stats::time(ts.obj), 
                                    y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj), 
                                    name = obj.name, 
                                    type = "scatter", 
                                    mode = "lines", 
                                    line = list(color = "#00526d"),
                                    showlegend = show_legend) %>%
        plotly::add_lines(x = stats::time(output[[i]]), 
                          y = base::as.numeric(output[[i]]),
                          line = list(color = color_ramp[c - 1], dash = "dash")
        ) %>%
        plotly::layout(annotations = list(text =  titles[[i]], 
                                          xref = "paper", 
                                          yref = "paper",
                                          yanchor = "bottom",
                                          xanchor = "center",
                                          align = "cneter",
                                          x = 0.5,
                                          y = 1, 
                                          showarrow = FALSE,
                                          font = list(size = 12)))
      c <- c + 1
    plot_rows <- ifelse(length(plots) > 5, base::ceiling(base::length(plots)/2), base::length(plots))
      output$plot <- plotly::subplot(plots, nrows = plot_rows, margin = margin) 
    } else {
      output$plot <- plotly::subplot(plots, nrows = plot_rows, margin = margin) %>% plotly::hide_legend()
  } else if(separate & !multiple){
    p1 <- p2 <- c <-  NULL
    p1 <- plotly::plot_ly(x = stats::time(ts.obj), 
                          y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj), 
                          name = obj.name, 
                          type = "scatter", 
                          mode = "lines", 
                          line = list(color = "#00526d"),
                          showlegend = TRUE) %>%
      plotly::layout(annotations = list(text =  obj.name, 
                                        xref = "paper", 
                                        yref = "paper",
                                        yanchor = "bottom",
                                        xanchor = "center",
                                        align = "cneter",
                                        x = 0.5,
                                        y = 1, 
                                        showarrow = FALSE,
                                        font = list(size = 12)))
    c <- 1 
    color_ramp <- viridis::inferno(base::length(output), alpha = 1, direction = 1, begin = 0, end = 0.9)
    p2 <- plotly::plot_ly()
    for(i in names(output)){
      p2 <- p2 %>% 
          x = stats::time(output[[i]]), 
          y = base::as.numeric(output[[i]]),
          line = list(color = color_ramp[c], dash = "dash"),
          name = titles[[i]]
      c <- c + 1
    p2 <- p2 %>% 
      plotly::layout(annotations = list(text =  "Moving Average Output", 
                                        xref = "paper", 
                                        yref = "paper",
                                        yanchor = "bottom",
                                        xanchor = "center",
                                        align = "cneter",
                                        x = 0.5,
                                        y = 1, 
                                        showarrow = FALSE,
                                        font = list(size = 12)))
      output$plot <- plotly::subplot(p1, p2, nrows = 2, margin = margin) 
    } else {
      output$plot <- plotly::subplot(p1, p2, nrows = 2, margin = margin) %>% plotly::hide_legend()
  }else if(!separate & !multiple){
    p <- c <- NULL
    color_ramp <- viridis::inferno(base::length(output), alpha = 1, direction = 1, begin = 0, end = 0.9)
    p <- plotly::plot_ly(x = stats::time(ts.obj), 
                         y = base::as.numeric(ts.obj), 
                         name = obj.name, 
                         type = "scatter", 
                         mode = "lines", 
                         line = list(color = "#00526d"),
                         showlegend = TRUE) %>%
      plotly::layout(annotations = list(text =  obj.name, 
                                        xref = "paper", 
                                        yref = "paper",
                                        yanchor = "bottom",
                                        xanchor = "center",
                                        align = "cneter",
                                        x = 0.5,
                                        y = 1, 
                                        showarrow = FALSE,
                                        font = list(size = 12)))
    c <- 1 
    for(i in names(output)){
      p <- p %>% 
          x = stats::time(output[[i]]), 
          y = base::as.numeric(output[[i]]),
          line = list(color = color_ramp[c], dash = "dash"),
          name = titles[[i]]
      c <- c + 1
    p <- p %>% 
      plotly::layout(annotations = list(text =  "Moving Average Output", 
                                        xref = "paper", 
                                        yref = "paper",
                                        yanchor = "bottom",
                                        xanchor = "center",
                                        align = "cneter",
                                        x = 0.5,
                                        y = 1, 
                                        showarrow = FALSE,
                                        font = list(size = 12)))
      output$plot <- p 
    } else {
      output$plot <- p %>% plotly::hide_legend()
  # Saving the original series
  output$series <- ts.obj
  class(output) <- "ts_ma"

#' Quantile Plot for Time Series
#' @export
#' @param ts.obj A univariate time series object of a class "zoo", "xts", or data frame family ("data.frame", "data.table", "tbl")
#' @param upper A numeric value between 0 and 1 (excluding 0, and greater than the "lower" argument) set the upper bound of the quantile plot 
#' (using the "probs" argument of the \code{\link[stats]{quantile}} function). By default set to 0.75
#' @param lower A numeric value between 0 and 1 (excluding 1, and lower than the "upper" argument) set the upper bound of the quantile plot 
#' (using the "probs" argument of the \code{\link[stats]{quantile}} function). By default set to 0.25
#' @param period A character, set the period level of the data for the quantile calculation and plot representation. 
#' Must be one level above the input frequency (e.g., an hourly data can represent by daily, weekdays, monthly, quarterly and yearly). 
#' Possible options c("daily", "weekdays", "monthly", "quarterly", "yearly")
#' @param n An integer, set the number of plots rows to display (by setting the nrows argument in the \code{\link[plotly]{subplot}} function), must be an integer between 1 and the frequency of the period argument.
#' @param Xtitle A character, set the X axis title, default set to NULL
#' @param Ytitle A character, set the Y axis title, default set to NULL
#' @param title A character, set the plot title, default set to NULL
#' @description A quantile plot of time series data, allows the user to display a quantile plot of a series by a subset period
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Loading the UKgrid package to pull a multie seasonality data
#' require(UKgrid)
#' UKgrid_half_hour <- extract_grid(type = "xts", aggregate = NULL)
#' # Plotting the quantile of the UKgrid dataset
#' # No period subset
#' ts_quantile(UKgrid_half_hour, 
#' period = NULL, 
#' title = "The UK National Grid Net Demand for Electricity - Quantile Plot")
#' # Plotting the quantile of the UKgrid dataset
#' # Using a weekday subset
#' ts_quantile(UKgrid_half_hour, 
#' period = "weekdays",
#' title = "The UK National Grid Net Demand for Electricity - by Weekdays")
#' # Spacing the plots by setting the 
#' # number of rows of the plot to 2
#' ts_quantile(UKgrid_half_hour, 
#' period = "weekdays",
#' title = "The UK National Grid Net Demand for Electricity - by Weekdays",
#' n = 2)
#' }
ts_quantile <- function(ts.obj, upper = 0.75, lower = 0.25, period = NULL, n = 1, title = NULL, Xtitle = NULL, Ytitle = NULL){
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  freq <- quantiles <- palette <- obj.name <- NULL 
  category <- name <- maxcolors <- to <- data <- NULL
  obj.name <- base::deparse(base::substitute(ts.obj))
  # Error handling
  # Set the plot titles
    title <- paste("Quantile Plot -", obj.name, sep = " ")
  } else if(!base::is.character(title)){
    warning("The 'title' object is not character object, using the default option")
    title <- paste("Quantile Plot -", obj.name, sep = " ")
      warning("The value of the 'Xtitle' is not valid")
      Xtitle <- ""
  } else {
    Xtitle <- ""
      warning("The value of the 'Ytitle' is not valid")
      Ytitle <- ""
  } else {
    Ytitle <- ""
  # Quantile values
    warning("The value of the 'upper' argument is invalid, using the default - 0.75")
    upper <- 0.75
  } else if(upper >1 | upper <= 0){
    warning("The value of the 'upper' argument is invalid, using the default - 0.75")
    upper <- 0.75
    warning("The value of the 'upper' argument is invalid, using the default - 0.25")
    lower <- 0.25
  } else if(lower >=1 | lower < 0){
    warning("The value of the 'lower' argument is invalid, using the default - 0.25")
    upper <- 0.25
  if(lower >= upper){
    stop("The value of the 'lower' argument cannot be greater or equal than the 'upper' argument")
    warning("The value of the 'n' argument is invalid (cannot use non numeric and intgeres values as input),",
            " using the default value - 1")
    n <- 1
  } else if(n%%1 != 0){
    warning("The value of the 'n' argument is invalid (cannot use non integer values as input),",
            " using the default value - 1")
    n <- 1
  if(n != 1 & base::is.null(period)){
    warning("The value of the 'n' argument is invalid (cannot apply more than one row when period is set to NULL),", 
            " using the default value - 1")
    n <- 1
  quantiles <- c(lower, upper)
  palette <- base::data.frame(name = row.names(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(category == "seq") %>% 
    dplyr::select(name, n = maxcolors)
  palette <- palette[c(18, 1, 16, 3, 10, 17, 13, 8, 6, 2, 11, 5, 14, 12, 15, 9, 7, 4), ]
  if(xts::is.xts(ts.obj) || zoo::is.zoo(ts.obj)){
    df <- base::data.frame(date = zoo::index(ts.obj), 
                           data = base::as.numeric(ts.obj))
    if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "monthly"){
      freq <- "monthly"
      dtick <- 12
    } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "daily"){
      freq <- "daily"
    } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "hourly" && xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$frequency == 3600){
      freq <- "hourly"
    } else if(xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$scale == "minute" && xts::periodicity(ts.obj)$frequency == 30){
      freq <- "half-hour"
    } else{
      stop("The frequency of the input object is invalid, the function support only 'daily', 'hourly' or 'half-hour'")
    # Case data frame input
  } else if(base::is.data.frame(ts.obj) | 
            dplyr::is.tbl(ts.obj) | 
    ts.obj <- base::as.data.frame(ts.obj)
    col_class <- base::lapply(ts.obj, class)
    col_POSIXt <- base::lapply(ts.obj, lubridate::is.POSIXt)
    col_date <- base::lapply(ts.obj, lubridate::is.Date)
    numeric_col <- base::which(col_class == "numeric" | col_class == "integer")
    if(base::any(col_date == TRUE) & base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
      d <- t <- NULL
      d <- base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
      t <- base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
      if(d > t){
        warning("The data frame contains multiple date or time objects,",
                "using the first one as the series index")
        date_col <- t
      } else {
        warning("The data frame contains multiple date or time objects,",
                "using the first one as the plot index")
        date_col <- d
    } else if(base::any(col_date == TRUE) | base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
      if(base::any(col_date == TRUE)){
        if(base::length(base::which(col_date == TRUE)) > 1){
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
          warning("There are multipe 'date' objects in the data frame,",
                  "using the first one object as the plot index")
        } else {
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_date == TRUE))
      } else if(base::any(col_POSIXt == TRUE)){
        if(base::length(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE)) > 1){
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
          warning("There are multipe 'POSIXt' objects in the data frame,",
                  "using the first one as the plot index")
        } else {
          date_col <-  base::min(base::which(col_POSIXt == TRUE))
    }else {
      stop("No 'Date' or 'POSIXt' object available in the data frame,", 
           "please check if the data format defined properly")
    # Identify the numeric/integer objects in the data frame  
    numeric_col <- base::which(col_class == "numeric" | col_class == "integer")
    # Stop if there is no any numeric values in the data frame, otherwise build the data frame 
    if(base::length(numeric_col) == 0){
      stop("None of the data frame columns is numeric,", 
           "please check if the data format is defined properly")
    # Check if the object has multiple time series
    df <- NULL
    if(length(numeric_col) == 1){
      df<- base::data.frame(date = ts.obj[, date_col], data =  ts.obj[, numeric_col])
    } else {
      warning("The input object is a multiple time series object, by defualt will use only the first series as an input")
      df <- base::data.frame(date = ts.obj[, date_col], data = ts.obj[, numeric_col[1]])
    date_diff <- NULL
    date_diff <- base::diff(base::as.numeric(df$date))
    if(base::min(date_diff) == base::max(date_diff) & base::mean(date_diff) == 1){
      # Daily
      freq <- "daily"
    } else if(base::min(date_diff) == base::max(date_diff) & base::mean(date_diff) == 3600){
      # Hourly
      freq <- "hourly"
    } else if(base::min(date_diff) == base::max(date_diff) & base::mean(date_diff) == 1800){
      # Hourly
      freq <- "half-hour"
    } else {
      stop("The frequency of the input object is invalid, the function support only 'daily', 'hourly' or 'half-hour'")
  } else {
    stop("The input value is invalid, the function support only 'xts', 'zoo', 'data.frame', 'data.table' or 'tbl' objects")
    if(freq == "daily" && period == "weekdays"){
      warning("The value of the period argument is invalid, cannot apply a 'weekdays' subset with daily frequency. Using the default value - NULL")
      period <- NULL
  if(freq == "quarterly"){
    df$to <- lubridate::quarter(df$date)
    df$to_num <- lubridate::quarter(df$date)
    dtick <- 1
  }else if(freq == "monthly"){
    df$to <- lubridate::month(df$date, label = TRUE)
    df$to_num <- lubridate::month(df$date)
    dtick <- 1
  } else if(freq == "daily"){
    df$to <- lubridate::wday(df$date, label = TRUE)
    df$to_num <- lubridate::wday(df$date)
    dtick <- 1
  } else if(freq == "hourly"){
    df$to <- lubridate::hour(df$date)
    df$to_num <- lubridate::hour(df$date)
    dtick <- 4
  } else if(freq == "half-hour"){
    df$to <- lubridate::hour(df$date) + lubridate::minute(df$date) / 60
    df$to_num <- lubridate::hour(df$date) + lubridate::minute(df$date) / 60
    dtick <- 4
    df$period <- "Total"
    df$period_num <- 1
    if(n != 1){
      warning("The value of the 'n' argument is invalid, setting it to 1")
      n <- 1
    # dtick <- 12
  } else if(period == "weekdays"){
    df$period <- lubridate::wday(df$date, label = TRUE)
    df$period_num <- lubridate::wday(df$date)
    # dtick <- 7
  } else if(period == "monthly"){
    df$period <- lubridate::month(df$date, label = TRUE)
    df$period_num <- lubridate::month(df$date)
    # dtick <- 12
  } else if(period == "quarterly"){
    df$period <- base::factor(base::paste("Qr.", lubridate::quarter(df$date), sep = ""))
    df$period_num <- lubridate::quarter(df$date)
    # dtick <- 4
  } else if(period == "yearly"){
    df$period <- lubridate::year(df$date)
    df$period_num <- lubridate::year(df$date) - min(lubridate::year(df$date)) + 1
  min_q <- max_q <- NULL
  plot <- base::lapply(unique(df$period), function(x){
    plot_range <- c(base::min(df$data), base::max(df$data))
    colors_set <- df1 <- p <- NULL
    df1 <- df %>% dplyr::filter(period == x) 
    m <- base::unique(df1$period_num) 
    df1 <- df1 %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(to) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(mean = base::mean(data, na.rm = TRUE),
                       median = stats::median(data, na.rm = TRUE),
                       upper = stats::quantile(data, probs = quantiles[2], na.rm = TRUE),
                       lower = stats::quantile(data, probs = quantiles[1], na.rm = TRUE))  
    min_q <- base::min(df1$lower)
    max_q <- base::max(df1$upper)
    colors_set <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(palette$n[m], palette$name[m])
    p <-  plotly::plot_ly(data = df1) %>%
      plotly::add_ribbons(data = df1,
                          x = ~ to,
                          ymin = ~ lower,
                          ymax = ~ upper,
                          line = list(color = colors_set[4]),
                          fillcolor = colors_set[3],
                          showlegend = F,
                          name = "Quantiles") %>%
      plotly::add_lines(x = ~ to, 
                        y = ~ median, 
                        line = list(color = colors_set[9]),
                        name = x) %>%
      plotly::layout(xaxis = list(dtick = dtick),
                     annotations = list(text = x, 
                                        showarrow = FALSE, 
                                        xref = "paper",
                                        yref = "paper",
                                        yanchor = "bottom",
                                        xanchor = "center",
                                        align = "center",
                                        x = 0.1,
                                        y = 0)
    output <- base::list()
    output$plot <- p
    output$min <- min_q
    output$max <- max_q
  min_q <- max_q <- NULL
  for(i in 1:base::length(plot)){
    if(i == 1){
      min_q <- plot[[i]]$min
      max_q <- plot[[i]]$max
    } else{
      if(min_q > plot[[i]]$min){
        min_q <- plot[[i]]$min
      if(max_q < plot[[i]]$max){
        max_q <- plot[[i]]$max
  p <- NULL
  p <- base::lapply(1:base::length(plot), function(x){
    plot[[x]]$plot %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(range = c(min_q, max_q)))
  output <- plotly::subplot(p, nrows = n, shareY = T, shareX = T, titleX = F, titleY = F) %>% 
    plotly::layout(title = title, xaxis = list(title = Xtitle), yaxis = list(title = Ytitle))

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TSstudio documentation built on Aug. 9, 2023, 9:06 a.m.