
Defines functions locate_mandatory_LaTeX_argument

Documented in locate_mandatory_LaTeX_argument

#' Locate contents of LaTeX commands
#' @description Provides the locations of LaTeX commands with mandatory arguments.
#' @param tex_lines A character vector of a LaTeX document, 
#' -- for example as obtained from \code{readLines("mydoc.tex")}.
#' @param command_name The command (without backslash) whose arguments' locations are desired.
#' @param n Integer vector: which argument(s) to locate. If \code{n = NA}, the n-th argument
#' positions \emph{for all n}.
#' @param parsed_doc The result of \code{parse_tex(tex_lines)}.

locate_mandatory_LaTeX_argument <- function(tex_lines, 
                                            n = 1L, 
                                            parsed_doc = NULL) {
  # parse_tex adds these columns
  char <- char_no <- line_no <- NULL
  if (is.null(parsed_doc)) {
    tex_lines <- strip_comments(tex_lines, retain.percent.symbol = FALSE)
    parsed_doc <- parse_tex(tex_lines)
  } else {
    if (AND(AND("char_no_max" %chin% names(parsed_doc),
                "char_no_min" %chin% names(parsed_doc)),
            identical(.subset2(parsed_doc, "char_no_max"),
                      .subset2(parsed_doc, "char_no_min")))) {
      parsed_doc[, char_no_max := NULL]
      setnames(parsed_doc, "char_no_min", "char_no")
  # Only need to copy if optional arguments exist
  orig_parsed_doc <- parsed_doc
  extracts_from_optional <- data.table()
  # melt.data.table
  value <- NULL
  if (any(startsWith(names(parsed_doc), "OPT"))) {
    optional_chars <-
                      measure.vars = grep("^OPT", names(parsed_doc), value = TRUE),
                      na.rm = TRUE)
    optional_char_nos <- .subset2(optional_chars, "char_no")
    text <- init_char_no <- NULL
    extracts_within_optional <- 
      optional_chars %>%
        .(text = paste0(char, collapse = ""),
          init_char_no = char_no[1L]),
        by = c("variable", "value")] %>%
      .[grepl(sprintf("\\\\%s(?:\\s*(?:\\[|\\{))", command_name), text, perl = TRUE)] %>%
      # Optional groups have [] either side.
      # [ab[c]] -> ab[c] 
      .[, text := stri_sub(text, from = 2L, to = -2L)]
    if (nrow(extracts_within_optional)) {
      # # # # # # # # # # # 
      # Recursion:
      extracts_from_optional <-
                       locate_mandatory_LaTeX_argument(.subset2(extracts_within_optional, "text"),
                                                       command_name = command_name,
                                                       n = n)),
                  use.names = TRUE,
                  fill = TRUE)
      # # # # # # # # # # # 
    } else {
      extracts_within_optional <- parsed_doc[char_no %in% optional_char_nos]
    parsed_doc <- parsed_doc[char_no %notin% optional_char_nos]
  # Find the location of each command
  nchar_command <- nchar(command_name)
  command_split <- strsplit(command_name, split = "", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
  sk <- seq_len(nchar_command)
  # Since LaTeX gobbles whitespace following a command, we must 
  # gobble it to detect the location of the command. The information
  # we need is the char no, so it's okay to discard the rows, but not
  # to parse the document without whitespace. 
  parsed_doc_no_ws <- parsed_doc[grep("^\\S$", char, perl = TRUE)]
  # Add columns looking back
  # Where we get a hit across all rows, that's the GROUP_ID to capture.
  # Must go forward because optional arguments may confuse if we look behind
  # braces
  chars <- .subset2(parsed_doc_no_ws, "char")
  # For each character in the command,
  # check whether the k'th position back
  # matches the k'th character in the command
  # Idea is to melt the data table so that variable K should have value command_split[k]
  # Fairly quick and avoids standard evaluation ;-)
  # N.B. It is *not* faster to set on i (i.e. only the rows == "{")
  for (k in sk) {
    set(parsed_doc_no_ws, j = as.character(k), value = shift(chars, n = k, type = "lag"))
  backslash <- NULL
  set(parsed_doc_no_ws, j = "backslash", value = shift(chars, n = k + 1L, type = "lag"))
  # melt.data.table value.name
  shift_char <- NULL
  command <- NULL
  # The location of the command opening
  # is where the char is { and the backslash
  # character is '\\'
  candidates <- 
    parsed_doc_no_ws[char == "{"] %>% 
    .[backslash == "\\"] %>%
    melt.data.table(measure.vars = as.character(sk),
                    value.name = "shift_char",
                    variable.factor = FALSE,
                    na.rm = TRUE) %>%
    .[, list(command = paste0(rev(shift_char), collapse = "")), keyby = "char_no"] %>%
    .[command == command_name] %>%
    .[, command_no := .I]
  command_no <- NULL
  if (nrow(candidates) == 0L) {
    out <- extracts_from_optional
  } else {
    .group_id_noms <- grep("^GROUP_ID[1-9]",
                           value = TRUE,
                           perl = TRUE) 
    GROUP_LEVEL <- id_at_group_level <- NULL
    molten_parsed_doc <-
      parsed_doc %>%
      .[, .SD, .SDcols = c("line_no", "char_no", "char",
                           .group_id_noms)] %>%
      melt.data.table(measure.vars = .group_id_noms,
                      variable.factor = TRUE,
                      variable.name = "GROUP_LEVEL",
                      # NA values correspond to zero groups, which we can exclude
                      na.rm = TRUE,
                      value.name = "id_at_group_level") %>%
      # Rely on factor.
      .[, GROUP_LEVEL := as.integer(GROUP_LEVEL)] %>%
      # Choose the highest group number
      setorderv(c("char_no", "GROUP_LEVEL", "id_at_group_level")) %>%
      unique(by = c("line_no", "char_no", "char"), fromLast = TRUE)
    command_no_t <- target <- NULL
    # Must be outer join
    candidate_char_ranges <- 
      candidates[molten_parsed_doc, on = "char_no"] %>%
      # Only include NAs after the first command
      .[cumsum(!is.na(command)) > 0L]
    if (nrow(candidate_char_ranges) == 0L) {
      # Issue 73
    candidate_char_ranges <-
      candidate_char_ranges %>%
      .[, .(char_no_min = min(char_no),
            char_no_max = max(char_no),
            command = return_first_nonNA(command),
            command_no = return_first_nonNA(command_no)),
        by = c("GROUP_LEVEL", "id_at_group_level")] %>%
      .[, command_no_t := fill_blanks(command_no)] %>%
      # When command isn't NA, that's the correct GROUP LEVEL and 
      # the correct id_at_group_level for n = 1. For later arguments, 
      # we just need to increment the id at group level (because it must be 
      # the relevant argument).
      # .[, target := and((id_at_group_level + 1L - n) == first(id_at_group_level[!is.na(command)]), 
      #                   GROUP_LEVEL == first(GROUP_LEVEL[!is.na(command)])), 
      #   by = "command_no_t"] %>%
      .[, target := bullseye(id_at_group_level, n, command, GROUP_LEVEL),
        by = "command_no_t"] %>%
      .[(target), .(command_no = command_no_t, char_no_min, char_no_max, target)]
    if (nrow(candidate_char_ranges) == 0L) {
      # Under this condition, the nth argument of a command
      # has been requested, but is not present 
      out <- extracts_from_optional
    } else {
      column <- NULL
      column_by_char_no <- parsed_doc[, .SD, .SDcols = c("char_no", "column")]
      extract <- 
        line_no_min <- line_no_max <-
        char_no_min <- char_no_max <- NULL
      out <-
                              on = c("char_no_min<=char_no", "char_no_max>=char_no"),
      if (nrow(out)) {
        column <- i.column <- NULL
        column_by_char_no <- parsed_doc[, .SD, .SDcols = c("char_no", "column")]
        out[column_by_char_no, on = "char_no_min==char_no", nomatch=0L] %>%
          .[column_by_char_no, on = "char_no_max==char_no", nomatch=0L,
            j = list(command_no,
                     column_min = column,
                     column_max = i.column,
      } else {
        # If this point is reached, we have detected a command
        # without an n'th mandatory argument, e.g.
        #   \\abc[][\\abc[][e]]{f}
        #             >>>    ^^<
      out <- rbind(out, extracts_from_optional, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
      out <- 
                              on = c("char_no_min<=char_no", "char_no_max>=char_no")]
  new_name <- command_name
  if (new_name %chin% names(out)) {
    i_new_name <- 1L
    new_name <- paste0(command_name, "_", i_new_name)
    while (new_name %chin% names(out)) {
      i_new_name <- i_new_name + 1L
      new_name <- paste0(command_name, "_", i_new_name)
    warning("`names(out)` contained ", command_name, " already, ",
            "so using ", new_name, " instead.")
  setnames(out, "target", new_name)

bullseye <- function(.id_at_group_level, .n, .command, .GROUP_LEVEL) {
  if (length(.n) == 1L) {
    if (is.na(.n)) {
      rep_len(TRUE, length(.id_at_group_level))
    } else {
      if (anyNA(.command)) {
        command_not_na <- !is.na(.command)
        first_id <- .id_at_group_level[command_not_na][[1L]]
        first_GR <- .GROUP_LEVEL[command_not_na][[1L]]
      } else {
        first_id <- .id_at_group_level[[1L]]
        first_GR <- .GROUP_LEVEL[[1L]]
      and(.id_at_group_level + 1L - .n == first_id, 
          .GROUP_LEVEL == first_GR)
  } else {
    if (anyNA(.command)) {
      command_not_na <- !is.na(.command)
      first_id <- .id_at_group_level[command_not_na][[1L]]
      first_GR <- .GROUP_LEVEL[command_not_na][[1L]]
    } else {
      first_id <- .id_at_group_level[[1L]]
      first_GR <- .GROUP_LEVEL[[1L]]
    # Arguments in this group may differ and
    and({.id_at_group_level + 1L - first_id} %in% .n, 
        .GROUP_LEVEL == first_GR)

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