
Defines functions makeConstraintsByEachPartition makeSetStructureConstraints splitSolutionToBins getDecisionVariablesOfItemForMultipool getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool dbind

Documented in dbind getDecisionVariablesOfItemForMultipool getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool makeConstraintsByEachPartition makeSetStructureConstraints splitSolutionToBins

#' @include shadow_functions.R

#' (Internal) Bind matrices diagonally
#' \code{\link{dbind}} is an internal function for binding matrices diagonally.
#' This is used for constructing constraint matrix-data in \code{\link{Split}}.
#' @param ... input matrices.
#' @returns \code{\link{dbind}} returns a matrix.
#' @keywords internal
dbind <- function(...) {

  x <- list(...)

  n_rows <- lapply(x, function(xx) dim(xx)[1])
  n_cols <- lapply(x, function(xx) dim(xx)[2])
  n_rows_total <- sum(unlist(n_rows))
  n_cols_total <- sum(unlist(n_cols))

  o <- matrix(0, n_rows_total, n_cols_total)

  leftpad_row <- 0
  leftpad_col <- 0

  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
      leftpad_row + (1:n_rows[[i]]),
      leftpad_col + (1:n_cols[[i]])
    ] <- x[[i]]
    leftpad_row <- leftpad_row + n_rows[[i]]
    leftpad_col <- leftpad_col + n_cols[[i]]



#' (Internal) Make decision variables for selecting a pool
#' \code{\link{getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool}} is an internal function for
#' making decision variables for selecting a single pool, for the purpose of multiple-pool assembly.
#' @param pool_idx the target pool index.
#' @param ni_per_bin the number of items in the pool.
#' @param nv_per_bin the number of decision variables in the pool if this was a regular ATA.
#' @returns \code{\link{getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool}} returns a vector of indices.
#' @keywords internal
getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool <- function(pool_idx, ni_per_bin, nv_per_bin) {
    ((pool_idx - 1) * nv_per_bin) + 1:ni_per_bin

#' (Internal) Make decision variables for selecting an item
#' \code{\link{getDecisionVariablesOfItemForMultipool}} is an internal function for
#' making decision variables for selecting a single item, for the purpose of multiple-pool assembly.
#' @param item_idx the target item index.
#' @param nv_per_bin the number of decision variables in the pool if this was a regular ATA.
#' @param n_bins the number of pools being modeled.
#' @returns \code{\link{getDecisionVariablesOfItemForMultipool}} returns a vector of indices.
#' @keywords internal
getDecisionVariablesOfItemForMultipool <- function(item_idx, nv_per_bin, n_bins) {
  nv_total <- nv_per_bin * n_bins
    seq(item_idx, nv_total, nv_per_bin)

#' (Internal) Convert a partitioning problem solution to indices
#' \code{\link{splitSolutionToBins}} is an internal function for converting a paritioning problem solution to indices.
#' @param solution the solution vector from the solver.
#' @param n_bins the number of bins (i.e., partitions)
#' @param ni_per_bin the number of decision variables for items in each bin.
#' This is the number of items in the pool.
#' @param nv_per_bin the number of decision variables for items+sets in each bin.
#' This is the number of items in the pool plus the number of sets.
#' The deviation variable is not counted here.
#' @returns \code{\link{splitSolutionToBins}} returns a partition-wise list containing item/set indices.
#' @keywords internal
splitSolutionToBins <- function(solution, n_bins, ni_per_bin, nv_per_bin) {

  o <- list()

  for (b in 1:n_bins) {
    o[[b]] <- list()
  names(o) <- 1:n_bins

  # if ni_per_bin == nv_per_bin, then it is discrete (not set-based)

  for (b in 1:n_bins) {
    i <- (b - 1) * nv_per_bin + 1:ni_per_bin
    o[[b]]$i <- which(solution[i] == 1)

  if (ni_per_bin == nv_per_bin) {

  # if ni_per_bin < nv_per_bin, then it is set-based

  for (b in 1:n_bins) {
    s <- (b - 1) * nv_per_bin + (ni_per_bin + 1):nv_per_bin
    o[[b]]$s <- which(solution[s] == 1)



#' (Internal) Make set-based strucutre constraints
#' \code{\link{makeSetStructureConstraints}} is an internal function for
#' making the left-hand side matrix of set-based structure constraints.
#' @template parameter_constraints

#' @returns \code{\link{makeSetStructureConstraints}} returns a matrix.
#' @keywords internal
makeSetStructureConstraints <- function(constraints) {

  ni <- constraints@ni
  ns <- constraints@ns
  nv <- constraints@nv

  mat_ss <- matrix(0, ns, nv)

  for (s in 1:ns) {
    ni_this_s <- length(constraints@item_index_by_stimulus[[s]])
    ] <- 1
      ni + s
    ] <- -ni_this_s



#' Split an item pool into partitions
#' \code{\link{Split}} is a function for splitting a pool into multiple parallel tests or pools.
#' When constructing parallel tests, each test is constructed to satisfy all constraints.
#' When constructing parallel pools, each pool is constructed so that it contains a test that satisfies all constraints.
#' @template parameter_config_Static
#' @template parameter_constraints
#' @param n_partition the number of partitions to create.
#' @param partition_type \code{test} to create tests, or \code{pool} to create pools.
#' @param partition_size_range (optional) two integer values for the desired range for the size of a partition. Has no effect when \code{partition_type} is \code{test}.
#' For discrete item pools, the default partition size is (pool size / number of partitions).
#' For set-based item pools, the default partition size is (pool size / number of partitions) +/- smallest set size.
#' @param n_maximum_partitions_per_item (optional) the number of times an item can be assigned to a partition.
#' Setting this to 1 is equivalent to requiring all partitions to be mutually exclusive.
#' A caveat is that when this is equal to \code{n_partition}, the assembled partitions will be identical to each other,
#' because \code{\link{Split}} aims to minimize the test information difference between all partitions.
#' (default = \code{1})
#' @template force_solver_param
#' @return \code{\link{Split}} returns an \code{\linkS4class{output_Split}} object containing item/set indices of created tests/pools.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' config <- createStaticTestConfig(MIP = list(solver = "RSYMPHONY"))
#' constraints <- constraints_science[1:10]
#' solution <- Split(config, constraints, n_partition = 4, partition_type = "test"))
#' plot(solution)
#' solution <- Split(config, constraints, n_partition = 4, partition_type = "pool"))
#' plot(solution)
#' }
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Split-methods
#' @export
  name = "Split",
  def = function(
    config, constraints,
    n_partition, partition_type, partition_size_range = NULL,
    n_maximum_partitions_per_item = 1,
    force_solver = FALSE) {

#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Split-methods
#' @export
  f = "Split",
  signature = c("config_Static"),
  definition = function(
    config, constraints,
    n_partition, partition_type, partition_size_range = NULL,
    n_maximum_partitions_per_item = 1,
    force_solver = FALSE
  ) {

    function_call <- match.call()

    if (!validObject(config)) {
      stop("'config' object is not valid.")

    if (!force_solver) {
      o <- validateSolver(config, constraints, purpose = "SPLIT")
      if (!o) {

    if (n_maximum_partitions_per_item >= n_partition) {
      message("the supplied value of 'n_maximum_partitions_per_item' is equal to (or larger than) the supplied value of 'n_partition'. This will result in all assembled partitions to be identical, because that is where information difference is minimized.")

    itempool          <- constraints@pool
    ni                <- constraints@ni
    nv                <- constraints@nv
    n_bins            <- n_partition
    nv_total          <- nv * n_bins
    nv_total_with_dev <- nv_total + 1

    target_thetas  <- config@item_selection$target_location
    target_weights <- config@item_selection$target_weight
    n_targets <- length(target_thetas)

    obj_info <- calcFisher(itempool, target_thetas)
    obj_info <- obj_info * target_weights
    obj_info <- apply(obj_info, 2, sum)

    feasible <- FALSE
    solve_time <- 0

    # Step 1. Make base bins

    # bin partial assignment constraint: an item must be assigned to no more than one bin
    # (or x bins, if n_maximum_partitions_per_item > 1)
    # n of constraints = ni
    mat_bpa_ub <- matrix(0, ni, nv_total_with_dev)
    for (i in 1:ni) {
        getDecisionVariablesOfItemForMultipool(i, nv, n_bins)
      ] <- 1
    dir_bpa_ub <- rep("<=", ni)
    rhs_bpa_ub <- rep(n_maximum_partitions_per_item, ni)

    # bin size constraint:
    mat_bs <- matrix(0, n_bins, nv_total_with_dev)
    for (b in 1:n_bins) {
        getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool(b, ni, nv)
      ] <- 1
    dir_bs <- rep("=="                   , n_bins)
    rhs_bs <- rep(constraints@test_length, n_bins)

    # content constraints
    mat_list <- vector("list", n_bins)
    dir_list <- vector("list", n_bins)
    rhs_list <- vector("list", n_bins)

    for (b in 1:n_bins) {
      mat_list[[b]] <- constraints@mat
      dir_list[[b]] <- constraints@dir
      rhs_list[[b]] <- constraints@rhs

    mat_c <- do.call(dbind, mat_list)
    dir_c <- unlist(dir_list)
    rhs_c <- unlist(rhs_list)
    mat_c <- cbind(mat_c, 0) # add deviance variable

    # formulate information difference as constraints
    n_targets <- length(target_thetas)
    pairs_table <- t(combn(n_bins, 2))
    n_pairs <- dim(pairs_table)[1]
    pairs_list <- list()

    for (k in 1:n_targets) {
      item_info <- calcFisher(itempool, target_thetas[k])[1, ]
      item_info <- item_info * target_weights[k]
      for (p in 1:n_pairs) {
        positive_side <- pairs_table[p, 1]
        negative_side <- pairs_table[p, 2]
        idx <- (k - 1) * n_pairs + p
        pairs_list[[idx]] <- matrix(0, 2, nv_total_with_dev)
          getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool(positive_side, ni, nv)
        ] <- item_info
          getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool(negative_side, ni, nv)
        ] <- -item_info
        pairs_list[[idx]][1, nv_total_with_dev] <- -1
          getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool(positive_side, ni, nv)
        ] <- item_info
          getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool(negative_side, ni, nv)
        ] <- -item_info
        pairs_list[[idx]][2, nv_total_with_dev] <- 1

    mat_i <- do.call(rbind, pairs_list)
    dir_i <- rep(c("<=", ">="), n_pairs * n_targets)
    rhs_i <- rep(c(0, 0), n_pairs * n_targets)

    # enforce lowerbound on deviation
    mat_l <- matrix(0, 1, nv_total_with_dev)
    mat_l[1, nv_total_with_dev] <- 1
    dir_l <- ">="
    rhs_l <- config@MIP$obj_tol

    # aggregate all constraints
    mat <- rbind(mat_bpa_ub, mat_bs, mat_c, mat_i, mat_l)
    dir <-     c(dir_bpa_ub, dir_bs, dir_c, dir_i, dir_l)
    rhs <-     c(rhs_bpa_ub, rhs_bs, rhs_c, rhs_i, rhs_l)

    # main optimization
    obj <- rep(0, nv)
    obj[1:ni] <- obj_info
    obj <- rep(obj, n_partition)
    delta_scale <- sum(target_weights) * n_bins
    obj[nv_total_with_dev] <- -delta_scale
    types <- rep("B", nv_total_with_dev)
    types[nv_total_with_dev] <- "C"

    # solve

    solve_time_stepone <- proc.time()

    o1 <- runMIP(
      solver = config@MIP$solver,
      obj = obj,
      mat = mat,
      dir = dir,
      rhs = rhs,
      maximize = TRUE,
      types = types,
      verbosity     = config@MIP$verbosity,
      time_limit    = config@MIP$time_limit,
      gap_limit_abs = config@MIP$gap_limit_abs,
      gap_limit     = config@MIP$gap_limit

    if (!isSolutionOptimal(o1$status, config@MIP$solver)) {
      msg <- getSolverStatusMessage(o1$status, config@MIP$solver)

    solve_time_stepone <- (proc.time() - solve_time_stepone)[["elapsed"]]
    solve_time[1] <- solve_time_stepone
    feasible[1] <- TRUE

    o1$solution[types == "B"] <- round(o1$solution[types == "B"], 0)

    solution_per_bin <- splitSolutionToBins(o1$solution, n_bins, ni, nv)

    if (partition_type == "test") {
      o <- new("output_Split")
      o@call                 <- function_call
      o@output               <- solution_per_bin
      o@feasible             <- feasible
      o@solve_time           <- solve_time
      o@set_based            <- constraints@set_based
      o@config               <- config
      o@constraints          <- constraints
      o@partition_size_range <- partition_size_range
      o@partition_type       <- partition_type
      o@constraints_by_each_partition <- makeConstraintsByEachPartition(constraints, solution_per_bin)

    # Step 2. Grow each bin --------------------------------------------------------

    # bin full assignment constraint: an item must be assigned to exactly one bin
    # or at least 1 bin, if n_maximum_partitions_per_item >= 1
    mat_bfa_ub <- mat_bpa_ub
    dir_bfa_ub <- dir_bpa_ub
    rhs_bfa_ub <- rhs_bpa_ub

    mat_bfa_lb <- mat_bpa_ub
    dir_bfa_lb <- rep(">=", length(dir_bpa_ub))
    rhs_bfa_lb <- rep(1   , length(rhs_bpa_ub))

    # bin size constraint:
    if (!constraints@set_based & is.null(partition_size_range)) {
      bin_size <- ni / n_bins
      if (bin_size %% 1 != 0) {
          "unexpected partition size: item pool size '%s' divided by number of partitions '%s' is not an integer ('%s') (this must be an integer to be a valid partition size). If needed, use 'partition_size_range' argument to manually set partition sizes",
          ni, n_bins,
      bin_size_lb <- bin_size
      bin_size_ub <- bin_size
    if (!constraints@set_based & !is.null(partition_size_range)) {
      bin_size_lb <- partition_size_range[1]
      bin_size_ub <- partition_size_range[2]
    if (constraints@set_based & is.null(partition_size_range)) {
      n_i_per_s <- do.call(c, lapply(constraints@item_index_by_stimulus, length))
      smallest_s <- min(n_i_per_s)
      bin_size    <- ni / n_bins
      bin_size_lb <- bin_size - (smallest_s * 1)
      bin_size_ub <- bin_size + (smallest_s * 1)
    if (constraints@set_based & !is.null(partition_size_range)) {
      bin_size_lb <- partition_size_range[1]
      bin_size_ub <- partition_size_range[2]

    mat_bs <- matrix(0, n_bins * 2, nv_total_with_dev)
    for (b in 1:n_bins) {
        (b - 1) * 2 + (1:2),
        getDecisionVariablesOfPoolForMultipool(b, ni, nv)
      ] <- 1
    dir_bs <- rep(c(">=", "<="), n_bins)
    rhs_bs <- rep(c(bin_size_lb, bin_size_ub), n_bins)

    # existing assignment constraint from Step 1:
    idx_assignment_stepone <- which(o1$solution == 1)
    n_assignment_stepone   <- length(idx_assignment_stepone)
    mat_be <- matrix(0, n_assignment_stepone, nv_total_with_dev)
    for (i in 1:n_assignment_stepone) {
      mat_be[i, idx_assignment_stepone[i]] <- 1
    dir_be <- rep("==", n_assignment_stepone)
    rhs_be <- rep(1   , n_assignment_stepone)

    # set-based constraints (to keep set-based structure in growed portions)
    if (!constraints@set_based) {
      mat_ss <- matrix(0, 0, nv_total_with_dev)
      dir_ss <- character(0)
      rhs_ss <- numeric(0)
    if (constraints@set_based) {
      mat_ss <- makeSetStructureConstraints(constraints)
      dir_ss <- rep("==", constraints@ns)
      rhs_ss <- rep(0   , constraints@ns)
      mat_list <- vector("list", n_bins)
      dir_list <- vector("list", n_bins)
      rhs_list <- vector("list", n_bins)
      for (b in 1:n_bins) {
        mat_list[[b]] <- mat_ss
        dir_list[[b]] <- dir_ss
        rhs_list[[b]] <- rhs_ss
      mat_ss <- do.call(dbind, mat_list)
      dir_ss <- unlist(dir_list)
      rhs_ss <- unlist(rhs_list)
      mat_ss <- cbind(mat_ss, 0) # add deviance variable

    # combine all constraints
    mat <- rbind(mat_bfa_ub, mat_bfa_lb, mat_bs, mat_be, mat_ss, mat_i, mat_l)
    dir <-     c(dir_bfa_ub, dir_bfa_lb, dir_bs, dir_be, dir_ss, dir_i, dir_l)
    rhs <-     c(rhs_bfa_ub, rhs_bfa_lb, rhs_bs, rhs_be, rhs_ss, rhs_i, rhs_l)

    # main optimization
    obj <- rep(0, nv_total_with_dev)
    obj[nv_total_with_dev] <- 1
    types <- rep("B", nv_total_with_dev)
    types[nv_total_with_dev] <- "C"

    # solve

    solve_time_steptwo <- proc.time()

    o2 <- runMIP(
      solver = config@MIP$solver,
      obj = obj,
      mat = mat,
      dir = dir,
      rhs = rhs,
      maximize = FALSE,
      types = types,
      verbosity     = config@MIP$verbosity,
      time_limit    = config@MIP$time_limit,
      gap_limit_abs = config@MIP$gap_limit_abs,
      gap_limit     = config@MIP$gap_limit

    if (isSolutionOptimal(o2$status, config@MIP$solver)) {
      feasible[2] <- TRUE
    if (!isSolutionOptimal(o2$status, config@MIP$solver)) {
      feasible[2] <- FALSE
      # retry using partial assignment (some items don't have to be assigned to a bin)
      mat <- rbind(mat_bpa_ub, mat_bs, mat_be, mat_ss, mat_i, mat_l)
      dir <-     c(dir_bpa_ub, dir_bs, dir_be, dir_ss, dir_i, dir_l)
      rhs <-     c(rhs_bpa_ub, rhs_bs, rhs_be, rhs_ss, rhs_i, rhs_l)
      o2 <- runMIP(
        solver = config@MIP$solver,
        obj = obj,
        mat = mat,
        dir = dir,
        rhs = rhs,
        maximize = FALSE,
        types = types,
        verbosity     = config@MIP$verbosity,
        time_limit    = config@MIP$time_limit,
        gap_limit_abs = config@MIP$gap_limit_abs,
        gap_limit     = config@MIP$gap_limit
      if (!isSolutionOptimal(o2$status, config@MIP$solver)) {
        msg <- getSolverStatusMessage(o2$status, config@MIP$solver)

    solve_time_steptwo <- (proc.time() - solve_time_steptwo)[["elapsed"]]
    solve_time[2] <- solve_time_steptwo

    o2$solution[types == "B"] <- round(o2$solution[types == "B"], 0)

    solution_per_bin <- splitSolutionToBins(o2$solution, n_bins, ni, nv)

    if (partition_type == "pool") {
      o <- new("output_Split")
      o@call                 <- function_call
      o@output               <- solution_per_bin
      o@feasible             <- feasible
      o@solve_time           <- solve_time
      o@set_based            <- constraints@set_based
      o@config               <- config
      o@constraints          <- constraints
      o@partition_size_range <- partition_size_range
      o@partition_type       <- partition_type
      o@constraints_by_each_partition <- makeConstraintsByEachPartition(constraints, solution_per_bin)


#' make constraints objects from Split() solution indices
#' \code{\link{makeConstraintsByEachPartition}} is a helper function for making
#' \code{\linkS4class{constraints}} objects from \code{\link{Split}} solution indices.
#' @template parameter_constraints
#' @param solution_per_bin a list containing item/stimulus indices for each partition.
#' This accepts a list stored in the \code{output} slot of an \code{\linkS4class{output_Split}} object.
#' @returns \code{\link{makeConstraintsByEachPartition}} returns a list of \code{\linkS4class{constraints}} objects.
#' @export
makeConstraintsByEachPartition <- function(constraints, solution_per_bin) {

  o <- list()

  for (idx_partition in names(solution_per_bin)) {

    itempool_thisbin <- constraints@pool[solution_per_bin[[idx_partition]]$i]

    itemattrib_thisbin <- constraints@item_attrib@data[solution_per_bin[[idx_partition]]$i, ]
    itemattrib_thisbin$INDEX <- NULL
    itemattrib_thisbin <- loadItemAttrib(itemattrib_thisbin, itempool_thisbin)

    stimattrib_thisbin <- NULL
    if ("s" %in% names(solution_per_bin[[idx_partition]])) {
      stimattrib_thisbin <- constraints@st_attrib@data[solution_per_bin[[idx_partition]]$s, ]
      stimattrib_thisbin$STINDEX <- NULL
      stimattrib_thisbin <- loadStAttrib(stimattrib_thisbin, itemattrib_thisbin)

    constraints_thisbin <- constraints@constraints
    constraints_thisbin$CONSTRAINT <- NULL
    constraints_thisbin <- loadConstraints(
    o[[idx_partition]] <- constraints_thisbin



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