
Defines functions seqstatd

Documented in seqstatd

## States frequency by time unit

seqstatd <- function(seqdata, weighted=TRUE, with.missing=FALSE, norm=TRUE) {

	if (!inherits(seqdata,"stslist"))
		stop("data is not a sequence object, use seqdef function to create one")
	## Retrieving the alphabet
	statl <- attr(seqdata,"alphabet")
	col <- cpal(seqdata)

	if (with.missing) {
		statl <- c(statl, attr(seqdata,"nr"))
		col <- c(col, attr(seqdata,"missing.color"))

	nbstat <- length(statl)

	seql <- ncol(seqdata)

	sd <- matrix(nrow=nbstat,ncol=seql)
	row.names(sd) <- statl
	colnames(sd) <- colnames(seqdata)

	## Weights
	weights <- attr(seqdata, "weights")

	if (!weighted || is.null(weights)) {
		weights <- rep(1.0, nrow(seqdata))
	## Also takes into account that in unweighted sequence objects created with
	## older TraMineR versions the weights attribute is a vector of 1
	## instead of NULL
	if (all(weights==1))
		weighted <- FALSE

	for (i in 1:nbstat)
		for (j in 1:seql)
			sd[i,j] <- sum((seqdata[,j]==statl[i])*weights)

	## sd <-	apply(seqdata,2,table)
	N <- apply(sd,2,sum)
	for (i in 1:seql) sd[,i] <- sd[,i]/N[i]

	E <- apply(sd,2,entropy)
	## Maximum entropy is the entropy of the alphabet
	if (norm==TRUE) {
		E.max <- entropy(rep(1/nbstat,nbstat))
		E <- E/E.max

	res <- list(sd,N,E)
	names(res) <- c("Frequencies", "ValidStates", "Entropy")
	class(res) <- c("stslist.statd","list")

	attr(res,"nbseq") <- sum(weights)
	attr(res,"cpal") <- col
	attr(res,"xtlab") <- colnames(seqdata)
	attr(res,"xtstep") <- attr(seqdata,"xtstep")
	attr(res,"tick.last") <- attr(seqdata,"tick.last")
	attr(res,"weighted") <- weighted
    attr(res,"norm") <- norm


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TraMineR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5 a.m.