#' Median of a set of trees
#' Calculate the single binary tree that represents the geometric median --
#' an "average" -- of a forest of tree topologies.
#' The geometric median is the tree that exhibits the shortest average distance
#' from each other tree topology in the set.
#' It represents an "average" of a set of trees, though note that an unsampled
#' tree may be closer to the geometric "centre of gravity" of the input set --
#' such a tree would not be considered.
#' The result will depend on the metric chosen to calculate distances between
#' tree topologies. In the absence of a natural metric of tree topologies,
#' the default choice is [`ClusteringInfoDistance()`] -- which discards
#' branch length information.
#' If specifying a different function, be sure that it returns a difference,
#' rather than a similarity.
#' @param x Object of class `multiPhylo` containing phylogenetic trees.
#' @param na.rm,\dots Unused; included for consistency with default function..
#' @param Distance Function to calculate distances between each pair
#' of trees in `x`.
#' @param index Logical: if `TRUE`, return the index of the median tree(s);
#' if `FALSE`, return the tree itself.
#' @param breakTies Logical: if `TRUE`, return a single tree with the minimum
#' score; if `FALSE`, return all tied trees.
#' @return `median()` returns an object of class `phylo`
#' corresponding to the geometric median of a set of trees:
#' that is, the tree whose average distance from all other trees in the set
#' is lowest.
#' If multiple trees tie in their average distance, the first will be returned,
#' unless `breakTies = FALSE`, in which case an object of class `multiPhylo`
#' containing all such trees will be returned.
#' @examples
#' library("TreeTools", quietly = TRUE)
#' tenTrees <- as.phylo(1:10, nTip = 8)
#' # Default settings:
#' median(tenTrees)
#' # Robinson-Foulds distances include ties:
#' median(tenTrees, Distance = RobinsonFoulds, breakTies = FALSE)
#' # Be sure to use a distance function, rather than a similarity:
#' NyeDistance <- function(...) NyeSimilarity(..., similarity = FALSE)
#' median(tenTrees, Distance = NyeDistance)
#' # To analyse a list of trees that is not of class multiPhylo:
#' treeList <- lapply(1:10, as.phylo, nTip = 8)
#' class(treeList)
#' median(structure(treeList, class = "multiPhylo"))
#' @template MRS
#' @seealso Consensus methods:
#' [`ape::consensus()`],
#' [`TreeTools::ConsensusWithout()`]
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @family tree space functions
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
median.multiPhylo <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE,
Distance = ClusteringInfoDistance,
index = FALSE,
breakTies = TRUE, ...) {
distances <- unname(colSums(as.matrix(Distance(x))))
# Return:
if (breakTies) {
if (index) which.min(distances) else x[[which.min(distances)]]
} else {
chosen <- distances == min(distances)
if (index) {
} else {
if (sum(chosen) == 1L) {
} else {
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