#' Plot a simple tree
#' Convenience plotting function used in vignettes and documentation.
#' @param tr A tree of class `phylo`, with leaves labelled as integers.
#' @param title `main` title for the plot.
#' @param bold Integer specifying which leaves to print in bold.
#' @param leaveRoom Logical specifying whether to leave space to print
#' tree distances beneath the plotted tree.
#' @param edge.color Additional parameter to `plot.phylo`; will be overridden
#' by `prune` and `graft` as requested.
#' @param prune,graft Integer vectors specifying which edges to highlight as
#' pruned and grafted.
#' @param edge.width,\dots Additional parameters to `plot.phylo`.
#' @template MRS
#' @importFrom ape plot.phylo
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
TreeDistPlot <- function(tr, title = NULL, bold = NULL, leaveRoom = FALSE,
prune = integer(0), graft = integer(0),
edge.color = "black", edge.width = NULL, ...) {
nEdge <- dim(tr[["edge"]])[[1]]
if (is.null(tr[["edge.length"]])) {
tr[["edge.length"]] <- rep(1, nEdge)
if (is.null(edge.width)) {
edge.width <- if (is.null(tr[["edge.width"]])) {
rep(1, nEdge)
} else {
if (length(edge.color) == 1) {
edge.color <- rep(edge.color, nEdge)
nTip <- length(tr[["tip.label"]])
if (all(tr[["tip.label"]] %in% LETTERS)) {
tr[["tip.label"]] <- match(tr[["tip.label"]], LETTERS)
} else if (all(tr[["tip.label"]] %in% letters)) {
tr[["tip.label"]] <- match(tr[["tip.label"]], letters)
if (length(prune) > 0 || length(graft) > 0) {
edge.width[c(prune, graft)] <- pmax(3L, edge.width[c(prune, graft)])
edge.color[prune] <- "#D55E00" # Ternary::cbPalette8[[7]]
edge.color[graft] <- "#009E73" # Ternary::cbPalette8[[4]]
tipCols <- c("#000000", "#004949", "#009292", "#FFB6DB", "#490092", "#B66DFF",
"#6DB6FF", "#B6DBFF", "#920000", "#924900", "#DB6D00", "#24FF24",
"#FFFF6D") # Ternary::cbPalette15[-c(4, 7)]
tipNumbers <- tr[["tip.label"]]
font <- rep(1L, length(tipNumbers))
if (!is.null(bold)) {
font[tipNumbers %in% bold] <- 4L
yLim <- if (leaveRoom) {
c(-0.4 - 8, # = -0.4 - length(legendSequence)
} else {
c(-0.4, nTip)
tipInts <- tryCatch(as.integer(tipNumbers),
warning = function(e) {
warning("Leaves of `tr` must be labelled with integers")
tr[["tip.label"]] <- LETTERS[tipInts]
plot.phylo(tr, tip.color = tipCols[tipInts],
main = title, cex.main = 0.8, font = font,
edge.width = edge.width, edge.color = edge.color,
y.lim=yLim, ...)
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