#' Approximate Nearest Neighbour Interchange distance
#' Use the approach of \insertCite{Li1996;textual}{TreeDist} to approximate the
#' Nearest Neighbour Interchange distance \insertCite{Robinson1971}{TreeDist}
#' between phylogenetic trees.
#' In brief, this approximation algorithm works by identifying edges in one
#' tree that do not match edges in the second. Each of these edges must
#' undergo at least one NNI operation in order to reconcile the trees.
#' Edges that match in both trees need never undergo an NNI operation, and
#' divide each tree into smaller regions. By "cutting" matched edges into two,
#' a tree can be divided into a number of regions that solely comprise unmatched
#' edges.
#' These regions can be viewed as separate trees that need to be reconciled.
#' One way to reconcile these trees is to conduct a series of NNI operations
#' that reduce a tree to a pectinate (caterpillar) tree, then to conduct an
#' analogue of the mergesort algorithm. This takes at most _n_ log _n_ + O(_n_)
#' NNI operations, and provides a loose upper bound on the NNI score.
#' The maximum number of moves for an _n_-leaf tree
#' ([OEIS A182136]( can be calculated exactly for
#' small trees \insertCite{Fack2002}{TreeDist}; this provides a tighter upper
#' bound, but is unavailable for _n_ > 12.
#' `NNIDiameter()` reports the limits on this bound.
#' \tabular{rccccccccccccc}{
#' Leaves: \tab 1 \tab 2 \tab 3 \tab 4 \tab 5 \tab 6 \tab 7 \tab 8 \tab 9
#' \tab 10 \tab 11 \tab 12 \tab 13 \cr
#' Diameter: \tab 0 \tab 0 \tab 0 \tab 1 \tab 3 \tab 5 \tab 7 \tab 10 \tab 12
#' \tab 15 \tab 18 \tab 21 \tab ? \cr
#' }
#' @template tree12Params
#' @return `NNIDist()` returns, for each pair of trees, a named vector
#' containing three integers:
#' - `lower` is a lower bound on the NNI distance, and corresponds
#' to the RF distance between the trees.
#' - `tight_upper` is an upper bound on the distance, based on calculated
#' maximum diameters for trees with < 13 leaves. _NA_ is returned if trees are
#' too different to employ this approach.
#' - `loose_upper` is a looser upper bound on the distance, using _n_ log _n_ +
#' O(_n_).
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' library("TreeTools", quietly = TRUE)
#' NNIDist(BalancedTree(7), PectinateTree(7))
#' NNIDist(BalancedTree(7), as.phylo(0:2, 7))
#' NNIDist(as.phylo(0:2, 7), PectinateTree(7))
#' NNIDist(list(bal = BalancedTree(7), pec = PectinateTree(7)),
#' as.phylo(0:2, 7))
#' CompareAll(as.phylo(30:33, 8), NNIDist)
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree distances
#' @export
NNIDist <- function(tree1, tree2 = tree1) {
.TreeDistance(.NNIDistSingle, tree1, tree2)
#' @importFrom TreeTools Postorder RenumberTips
#' @importFrom ape Nnode.phylo
.NNIDistSingle <- function(tree1, tree2, nTip, ...) {
tree2 <- RenumberTips(tree2, tree1[["tip.label"]])
edge1 <- Postorder(tree1[["edge"]])
edge2 <- Postorder(tree2[["edge"]])
cpp_nni_distance(edge1, edge2, nTip)
#' Bounds on the diameter of the NNI distance
#' @param tree Object of supported class representing a tree or list of trees,
#' or an integer specifying the number of leaves in a tree/trees.
#' @return `NNIDiameter()` returns a matrix specifying (bounds on) the diameter
#' of the NNI distance metric on the specified tree(s).
#' Columns correspond to:
#' - `liMin`: \deqn{n - 3}{_n_ − 3;}, a lower bound on the diameter
#' (Li _et al._ 1996);
#' - `fackMin`: Lower bound on diameter following Fack _et al_. (2002), i.e.
#' \deqn{\log2{N!} / 4}{log₂ (_N_!) / 4};
#' - `min`: The larger of `liMin` and `fackMin`;
#' - `exact`: The exact value of the diameter, where _n_ < 13;
#' - `liMax`: Upper bound on diameter following Li _et al._ (1996), i.e.
#' \deqn{n \log2{n} + \textrm{O}(n)}{n log₂ _n_ + O(_n_)};
#' - `fackMax`: Upper bound on diameter following Fack _et al_. (2002), i.e.
#' (\deqn{N - 2}{_N_ − 2}) ceiling(\deqn{\log2{n}}{log₂ _N_})
#' + _N_;
#' - `max`: The smaller of `liMax` and `fackMax`;
#' where _n_ is the number of leaves, and _N_ the number of internal nodes,
#' i.e. \deqn{n - 2}{_n_ − 2}.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @rdname NNIDist
#' @export
NNIDiameter <- function(tree) UseMethod("NNIDiameter")
.SortingNumber <- function(n_tip) {
lgN <- ceiling(log2(n_tip))
n_tip * lgN - 2^lgN + 1
.DegenerateDistance <- function(n_tip) { # For working, see nni_distance.cpp
nodes_in_full <- pmax(ceiling(log2(n_tip) - log2(3)), 0L)
tips_left <- n_tip - 2^nodes_in_full
min_backbone_nodes <- pmax(nodes_in_full + ceiling(log2(tips_left)), 0L)
# Return:
pmax(n_tip - 2, 0) - min_backbone_nodes
#' @export
NNIDiameter.numeric <- function(tree) {
n <- tree - 2L # unrooted tree with n + 2 leaves
n[tree < 3L] <- NA
liMin <- tree - 3L
fackMin <- ceiling(lfactorial(n) / 4L / log(2))
liMax <- .SortingNumber(tree) + (2 * .DegenerateDistance(tree))
fackMax <- ((n - 2L) * ceiling(log2(n))) + n
cbind(liMin = liMin,
fackMin = fackMin,
min = pmax(liMin, fackMin),
exact = c(0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21)[n],
liMax = liMax,
fackMax = fackMax,
max = pmin(liMax, fackMax)
#' @importFrom TreeTools NTip
#' @export
NNIDiameter.phylo <- function(tree) {
#' @export
NNIDiameter.multiPhylo <- NNIDiameter.phylo
#' @export
NNIDiameter.list <- function(tree) {
lapply(tree, NNIDiameter)
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