
Defines functions SupportColour TreeSplits ForestSplits SplitNumber LabelSplits SplitFrequency

Documented in ForestSplits LabelSplits SplitFrequency SplitNumber SupportColour TreeSplits

#' Frequency of splits
#' `SplitFrequency()` provides a simple way to count the number of times that
#' bipartition splits, as defined by a reference tree, occur in a forest of
#' trees. May be used to calculate edge ("node") support for majority consensus
#' or bootstrap trees.
#' If multiple calculations are required, some time can be saved by using the
#' constituent functions (see examples)
#' @param reference A tree of class `phylo`, a `Splits` object.
#' @param forest a list of trees of class `phylo`, or a `multiPhylo` object; or a
#' `Splits` object. See
#' [vignette](https://ms609.github.io/TreeTools/articles/load-trees.html) for
#' possible methods of loading trees into R.
#' @return `SplitFrequency()` returns the number of trees in `forest` that
#' contain each split in `reference`.
#' If `reference` is a tree of class `phylo`, then the sequence will correspond
#' to the order of nodes (use `ape::nodelabels()` to view).
#' Note that the three nodes at the root of the tree correspond to a single
#' split; see the example for how these might be plotted on a tree.
#' @template exampleNodeSupport
#' @template MRS
#' @family Splits operations
#' @export
SplitFrequency <- function(reference, forest) {
  referenceSplits <- as.Splits(reference)
  refLabels <- attr(referenceSplits, "tip.label")
  forest <- lapply(forest, KeepTip, refLabels)
  forestSplits <- as.Splits(forest, tipLabels = refLabels)

  logicals <- vapply(forestSplits,
                     function(cf) referenceSplits %in% cf,
  ret <- if (is.null(dim(logicals))) {
  } else {
  names(ret) <- rownames(referenceSplits)

  # Return:

#' Label splits
#' Labels the edges associated with each split on a plotted tree.
#' As the two root edges of a rooted tree denote the same split, only the
#' rightmost (plotted at the bottom, by default) edge will be labelled.
#' If the position of the root is significant, add a tip at the root using
#' [`AddTip()`].
#' @template treeParam
#' @param labels Named vector listing annotations for each split. Names
#' should correspond to the node associated with each split; see
#' [`as.Splits()`] for details.
#' If `NULL`, each splits will be labelled with its associated node.
#' @param unit Character specifying units of `labels`, if desired. Include a
#' leading space if necessary.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to [`ape::edgelabels()`][ape::nodelabels].
#' @return `LabelSplits()` returns `invisible()`, after plotting `labels` on
#' each relevant edge of a plot (which should already have been produced using
#' `plot(tree)`).
#' @examples
#' tree <- BalancedTree(LETTERS[1:5])
#' splits <- as.Splits(tree)
#' plot(tree)
#' LabelSplits(tree, as.character(splits), frame = "none", pos = 3L)
#' LabelSplits(tree, TipsInSplits(splits), unit = " tips", frame = "none",
#'             pos = 1L)
#' @template exampleNodeSupport
#' @seealso Calculate split support: [`SplitFrequency()`]
#' Colour labels according to value: [`SupportColour()`]
#' @importFrom ape edgelabels
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @family Splits operations
#' @export
LabelSplits <- function(tree, labels = NULL, unit = "", ...) {
  splits <- as.Splits(tree)
  if (is.null(labels)) {
    splitNames <- names(splits)
    labels <- setNames(splitNames, splitNames)
  } else if (length(names(labels)) == 0) {
    if (length(splits) == length(labels)) {
      labels <- setNames(labels, names(splits))
    } else {
      stop("`labels` must bear the same names as `as.Splits(tree)`")
  if (length(setdiff(names(labels), names(splits)))) {
    warning("Label names do not correspond to splits in tree",
            immediate. = TRUE)
  whichEdge <- match(as.integer(names(labels)), tree[["edge"]][, 2])
  edgelabels(paste0(labels, unit), edge = whichEdge, ...)
  # Return:

#' @describeIn SplitFrequency Assign a unique integer to each split
#' @param tips Integer vector specifying the tips of the tree within the chosen
#' split.
#' @template treeParam
#' @param tipIndex Character vector of tip names, in a fixed order.
#' @param powersOf2 Integer vector of same length as `tipIndex`, specifying a
#' power of 2 to be associated with each tip in turn.
#' @export
SplitNumber <- function(tips, tree, tipIndex, powersOf2) { # nocov start
  included <- tipIndex %in% tree[["tip.label"]][tips]
  as.character(min(c(sum(powersOf2[included]), sum(powersOf2[!included]))))

#' @describeIn SplitFrequency Frequency of splits in a given forest of trees
#' @export
ForestSplits <- function(forest, powersOf2) {
  if (inherits(forest, "phylo")) forest <- c(forest)
  tipIndex <- sort(forest[[1]][["tip.label"]])
  nTip <- length(tipIndex)

  # Return:
  table(vapply(forest, function(tr) {
    edge <- tr[["edge"]]
    parent <- edge[, 1]
    child <- edge[, 2]
    # +2: Don't consider root node (not a node) or first node (duplicated)
    vapply(.DescendantTips(parent, child, nTip,
                           nodes = nTip + 2L + seq_len(nTip - 3L)),
           SplitNumber, character(1), tr, tipIndex, powersOf2)
  }, character(nTip - 3L)))

#' @describeIn SplitFrequency Deprecated. Listed the splits in a given tree.
#' Use as.Splits instead.
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecate_warn
#' @export
TreeSplits <- function(tree) {
  deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "TreeSplits()", "as.Splits()")
} # nocov end

#' Colour for node support value
#' Colour value with which to display node support.
#' @param support A numeric vector of values in the range 0--1.
#' @param show1 Logical specifying whether to display values of 1.
#' A transparent white will be returned if `FALSE`.
#' @param scale 101-element vector listing colours in sequence. Defaults to
#' a diverging \acronym{HCL} scale.
#' @param outOfRange Colour to use if results are outside the range 0--1.
#' @return `SupportColour()` returns the appropriate value from `scale`,
#' or `outOfRange` if a value is outwith the valid range.
#' @examples
#' SupportColour((-1):4 / 4, show1 = FALSE)
#' @template exampleNodeSupport
#' @seealso Use in conjunction with [`LabelSplits()`] to colour split labels,
#' possibly calculated using [`SplitFrequency()`].
# TODO replace with grDevices palette when require R>3.6.0
#' @importFrom colorspace diverge_hcl
#' @export
SupportColour <- function(support,
                           show1 = TRUE,
                           scale = rev(diverge_hcl(101, h = c(260, 0), c = 100,
                                                   l = c(50, 90),
                                                   power = 1.0)),
                           outOfRange = "red") {
  # continuousScale <- rev(colorspace::heat_hcl(101, h=c(300, 75), c.=c(35, 95),
  #  l=c(15, 90), power=c(0.8, 1.2))) # Viridis prefered

  sanitized <- support
  sanitized[!is.numeric(support) | support < 0 | support > 1] <- NA
  ifelse(is.na(support) | support < 0 | support > 1 | support == "",
         ifelse(support == 1 & !show1,
                scale[(sanitized * 100) + 1L]))

#' @rdname SupportColour
#' @export
SupportColor <- SupportColour

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