
Defines functions RootNode.numeric RootNode.list RootNode.phylo RootNode TreeIsRooted SplitsInBinaryTree.default SplitsInBinaryTree.NULL SplitsInBinaryTree.numeric SplitsInBinaryTree.list SplitsInBinaryTree NSplits.character NSplits.ClusterTable NSplits.NULL NSplits.numeric NSplits.Splits NSplits.list NSplits.phylo NSplits NTip.matrix NTip.phyDat NTip.multiPhylo NTip.phylo NTip.list NTip.default NTip EdgeDistances NodeOrder.matrix NodeOrder.phylo NodeOrder.list NodeOrder .NodeDepth.rooted NodeDepth.matrix NodeDepth.phylo NodeDepth.list NodeDepth NodeNumbers

Documented in EdgeDistances NodeDepth NodeNumbers NodeOrder NSplits NSplits.character NSplits.ClusterTable NSplits.list NSplits.NULL NSplits.numeric NSplits.phylo NSplits.Splits NTip NTip.default NTip.list NTip.matrix NTip.multiPhylo NTip.phyDat NTip.phylo RootNode SplitsInBinaryTree SplitsInBinaryTree.default SplitsInBinaryTree.list SplitsInBinaryTree.NULL SplitsInBinaryTree.numeric TreeIsRooted

#' Numeric index of each node in a tree
#' `NodeNumbers()` returns a sequence corresponding to the nodes in a tree
#' @template treeParam
#' @param tips Logical specifying whether to also include the indices of leaves.
#' @return `NodeNumbers()` returns an integer vector corresponding to the
#' indices of nodes within a tree.
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree properties
#' @family tree navigation
#' @export
NodeNumbers <- function(tree, tips = FALSE) {
  if (tips) {
    seq_len(NTip(tree) + tree[["Nnode"]])
  } else {
    NTip(tree) + seq_len(tree[["Nnode"]])

#' Distance of each node from tree exterior
#' `NodeDepth()` evaluates how "deep" each node is within a tree.
#' For a rooted tree, the depth of a node is the minimum (if `shortest = TRUE`)
#' or maximum  (`shortest = FALSE`) number of edges that must be traversed,
#' moving away from the root, to reach a leaf.
#' Unrooted trees are treated as if a root node occurs in the "middle" of the
#' tree, meaning the position that will minimise the maximum node depth.
#' @template xPhylo
#' @param shortest Logical specifying whether to calculate the length of the
#' shortest away-from-root path to a leaf.  If `FALSE`, the length of the
#' longest such route will be returned.
#' @param includeTips Logical specifying whether to include leaves
#' (each of depth zero) in return value.
#' @return `NodeDepth()` returns an integer vector specifying the depth of
#' each external and internal node in `x`.
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree navigation
#' @seealso [`ape::node.depth`] returns the number of tips descended from a
#' node.
#' @examples
#' tree <- CollapseNode(BalancedTree(10), c(12:13, 19))
#' plot(tree)
#' nodelabels(NodeDepth(tree, includeTips = FALSE))
#' @export
NodeDepth <- function(x, shortest = FALSE, includeTips = TRUE) {

#' @export
NodeDepth.list <- function(x, shortest = FALSE, includeTips = TRUE) {
  lapply(x, NodeDepth, shortest = shortest, includeTips = includeTips)

#' @export
NodeDepth.multiPhylo <- NodeDepth.list

#' @importFrom ape is.rooted
#' @export
NodeDepth.phylo <- function(x, shortest = FALSE, includeTips = TRUE) {
  if (is.rooted(x)) {
    .NodeDepth.rooted(x[["edge"]], shortest, includeTips)
  } else {
    NodeDepth(x[["edge"]], shortest, includeTips)

#' @export
NodeDepth.matrix <- function(x, shortest = FALSE, includeTips = TRUE) {

  .NodeDepth.short <- function() {

    depths <- c(leaf0s, vapply(minVertex:nVertex, function(node)
      if (any(!is.na(leaf0s[child[parent == node]]))) 1L else NA_integer_
      , 0L))
    maxDepth <- 1L

    while(any(is.na(depths))) {
      for (node in rev(which(is.na(depths)))) {
        incident <- c(depths[child[parent == node]],
                      depths[parent[child == node]])
        na <- is.na(incident)
        nNa <- sum(na)
        if (nNa == 0L) {
          depths[node] <- min(incident) + 1L
        } else if (nNa == 1L) {
          aIncident <- incident[!na]
          if (all(aIncident <= maxDepth)) {
            depths[node] <- min(aIncident) + 1L
      maxDepth <- maxDepth + 1L


  .NodeDepth.long <- function() {

    depths <- c(leaf0s, vapply(minVertex:nVertex, function(node)
      if (any(is.na(leaf0s[child[parent == node]]))) NA_integer_ else 1L
      , 0L))
    maxDepth <- 1L

    while(any(is.na(depths))) {
      for (node in rev(which(is.na(depths)))) {
        incident <- c(depths[child[parent == node]],
                      depths[parent[child == node]])
        na <- is.na(incident)
        nNa <- sum(na)
        if (nNa == 0L) {
          depths[node] <- sort(incident, decreasing = TRUE)[2] + 1L
        } else if (nNa == 1L) {
          aIncident <- incident[!na]
          if (all(aIncident <= maxDepth)) {
            depths[node] <- max(aIncident) + 1L
      maxDepth <- maxDepth + 1L


  parent <- x[, 1]
  child <- x[, 2]
  minVertex <- min(parent)
  nVertex <- max(parent)

  nLeaf <- minVertex - 1L
  nNode <- nVertex - nLeaf
  leaf0s <- integer(nLeaf)

  depths <- if (shortest) .NodeDepth.short() else .NodeDepth.long()

  # Return:
  if (includeTips) depths else depths[minVertex:nVertex]


.NodeDepth.rooted <- function(x, shortest = FALSE, includeTips = TRUE) {

  parent <- x[, 1]
  child <- x[, 2]
  minVertex <- min(parent)
  nVertex <- max(parent)

  nLeaf <- minVertex - 1L
  nNode <- nVertex - nLeaf
  leaf0s <- integer(nLeaf)
  depths <- c(leaf0s, rep.int(NA_integer_, nNode))
  uncalculated <- is.na(depths)
  Func <- if (shortest) min else max

  while(any(uncalculated)) {
    depths[uncalculated] <- vapply(which(uncalculated), function(node) {
      Func(depths[child[parent == node]])
    }, 0L) + 1L
    uncalculated <- is.na(depths)

  # Return:
  if (includeTips) depths else depths[minVertex:nVertex]


#' Number of edges incident to each node in a tree
#' `NodeOrder()` calculates the order of each node: the number of edges
#' incident to it in a tree.
#' This value includes the root edge in rooted trees.
#' @template xPhylo
#' @param includeAncestor Logical specifying whether to count edge leading to
#' ancestral node in calculation of order.
#' @param internalOnly Logical specifying whether to restrict to results
#' to internal nodes, i.e. to omit leaves. Irrelevant if
#' `includeAncestor = FALSE`.
#' @return `NodeOrder()` returns an integer listing the order of each node;
#' entries are named with the number of each node.
#' @examples
#' tree <- CollapseNode(BalancedTree(8), 12:15)
#' NodeOrder(tree)
#' plot(tree)
#' nodelabels(NodeOrder(tree, internalOnly = TRUE))
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree navigation
#' @export
NodeOrder <- function(x, includeAncestor = TRUE, internalOnly = FALSE) {

#' @export
NodeOrder.list <- function(x, includeAncestor = TRUE, internalOnly = FALSE) {
  lapply(x, NodeOrder, includeAncestor, internalOnly)

#' @export
NodeOrder.multiPhylo <- NodeOrder.list

#' @export
NodeOrder.phylo <- function(x, includeAncestor = TRUE, internalOnly = FALSE) {
  NodeOrder(x[["edge"]], includeAncestor, internalOnly)

#' @export
NodeOrder.matrix <- function(x, includeAncestor = TRUE, internalOnly = FALSE) {
  if (includeAncestor) {
    if (internalOnly) {
      tabulate(x)[-seq_len(min(x[, 1]) - 1L)]
    } else {
  } else {
    tabulate(x[, 1])[-seq_len(min(x[, 1]) - 1L)]

#' Distance between edges
#' Number of nodes that must be traversed to navigate from each edge to
#' each other edge within a tree
#' @template treeParam
#' @return `EdgeDistances()` returns a symmetrical matrix listing the number
#' of edges that must be traversed to travel from each numbered edge to each
#' other.
#' The two edges straddling the root of a rooted tree
#' are treated as a single edge.  Add a "root" tip using [`AddTip()`] if the
#' position of the root is significant.
#' @examples
#' tree <- BalancedTree(5)
#' plot(tree)
#' ape::edgelabels()
#' EdgeDistances(tree)
#' @family tree navigation
#' @importFrom fastmatch %fin%
#' @template MRS
#' @export
EdgeDistances <- function(tree) {
  edge <- tree[["edge"]]
  nEdge <- dim(edge)[1]
  edge <- RenumberTree(edge[, 1], edge[, 2])
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  child <- edge[, 2]
  ancs <- AllAncestors(parent, child)
  ret <- matrix(0L, ncol = nEdge, nrow = nEdge)
  for (i in seq_len(nEdge - 1L)) {
    ancI <- ancs[[child[i]]]
    nAncI <- length(ancI)
    for (j in seq.int(from = i + 1L, to = nEdge)) {
      ancJ <- ancs[[child[j]]]
      intersection <- intersect(ancI, ancJ)
      if (length(intersection) > 1L) {
        # On same side of root
        mrca <- max(intersection)
        if (child[i] %fin% ancJ || child[j] %fin% ancI) {
          addOne <- 0L
        } else {
          addOne <- 1L
      } else {
        # On opposite sides of root
        mrca <- intersection
        addOne <- 0L
      u <- union(ancI, ancJ)
      ret[i, j] <- sum(u > mrca, addOne)
  ret[lower.tri(ret)] <- t(ret)[lower.tri(ret)]

  origOrder <- match(tree[["edge"]][, 2], edge[, 2])

  # Return:
  ret[origOrder, origOrder]

#' Number of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
#' `NTip()` extends [`ape::Ntip()`][ape::summary.phylo] to handle
#' objects of class `Splits` and `list`, and edge matrices
#' (equivalent to `tree$edge`).
#' @param phy Object representing one or more phylogenetic trees.
#' @return `NTip()` returns an integer specifying the number of tips in each
#' object in `phy`.
#' @family tree properties
#' @export
NTip <- function(phy) UseMethod("NTip")

#' @rdname NTip
#' @export
NTip.default <- function(phy) attr(phy, "nTip")

#' @rdname NTip
#' @family Splits operations
#' @export
NTip.Splits <- NTip.default

#' @rdname NTip
#' @export
NTip.list <- function(phy) {
  vapply(phy, NTip, integer(1))

#' @rdname NTip
#' @export
NTip.phylo <- function(phy) {

#' @rdname NTip
#' @export
NTip.multiPhylo <- function(phy) {
  vapply(phy, NTip.phylo, integer(1))

#' @rdname NTip
#' @export
NTip.phyDat <- function(phy) {

#' @rdname NTip
#' @export
NTip.matrix <- function(phy) {
  if (is.numeric(phy)) {
    parent <- phy[, 1]
    child <- phy[, 2]

    # Return:
    max(child[!child %fin% parent])
  } else {

#' Number of distinct splits
#' `NSplits()` counts the unique bipartition splits in a tree or object.
#' @param x A phylogenetic tree of class `phylo`; a list of such trees
#' (of class `list` or `multiPhylo`); a `Splits` object;
#' a vector of integers; or a character vector listing tips of a tree,
#' or a character of length one specifying a tree in Newick format.
#' @return `NSplits()` returns an integer specifying the number of bipartitions in
#' the specified objects, or in a binary tree with `x` tips.
#' @examples
#' NSplits(8L)
#' NSplits(PectinateTree(8))
#' NSplits(as.Splits(BalancedTree(8)))
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree properties
#' @family Splits operations
#' @importFrom ape collapse.singles
#' @export
NSplits <- function(x) UseMethod("NSplits")

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @export
NPartitions <- NSplits

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @export
NSplits.phylo <- function(x) {
  if (length(x[["tip.label"]]) < 4L) {
  } else {
    collapse.singles(x)[["Nnode"]] - 1L - TreeIsRooted(x)

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @export
NSplits.list <- function(x) vapply(x, NSplits, numeric(1L))

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @export
NSplits.multiPhylo <- NSplits.list

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @export
NSplits.Splits <- function(x) nrow(x)

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @export
NSplits.numeric <- function(x) pmax(0L, x - 3L)

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @export
NSplits.NULL <- function(x) NULL

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @export
NSplits.ClusterTable <- function(x) {
  # Root + Ingroup + All-leaves
  nrow(as.matrix(x)) - 3L

#' @rdname NSplits
#' @importFrom ape read.tree
#' @export
NSplits.character <- function(x) {
  lengthX <- length(x)
  if (lengthX == 1) {
    tree <- read.tree(text = x)
    if (!is.null(tree)) return(NSplits(tree))

#' Maximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
#' `SplitsInBinaryTree()` is a convenience function to calculate the number of
#' splits in a fully-resolved (binary) tree with _n_ leaves.
#' @param tree An object of a supported format that represents a tree or
#' set of trees, from which the number of leaves will be calculated.
#' @return `SplitsInBinaryTree()` returns an integer vector detailing the number
#' of unique non-trivial splits in a binary tree with _n_ leaves.
#' @examples
#' tree <- BalancedTree(8)
#' SplitsInBinaryTree(tree)
#' SplitsInBinaryTree(as.Splits(tree))
#' SplitsInBinaryTree(8)
#' SplitsInBinaryTree(list(tree, tree))
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree properties
#' @family Splits operations
#' @export
SplitsInBinaryTree <- function(tree) UseMethod("SplitsInBinaryTree")

#' @rdname SplitsInBinaryTree
#' @export
SplitsInBinaryTree.list <- function(tree) vapply(tree, SplitsInBinaryTree, 0L)

#' @rdname SplitsInBinaryTree
#' @export
SplitsInBinaryTree.multiPhylo <- SplitsInBinaryTree.list

#' @rdname SplitsInBinaryTree
#' @export
SplitsInBinaryTree.numeric <- function(tree) as.integer(tree) - 3L

#' @rdname SplitsInBinaryTree
#' @export
SplitsInBinaryTree.NULL <- function(tree) NULL

#' @rdname SplitsInBinaryTree
#' @export
SplitsInBinaryTree.default <- function(tree) NTip(tree) - 3L

#' @rdname SplitsInBinaryTree
#' @export
SplitsInBinaryTree.Splits <- SplitsInBinaryTree.default

#' @rdname SplitsInBinaryTree
#' @export
SplitsInBinaryTree.phylo <- SplitsInBinaryTree.default

#' Is tree rooted?
#' `TreeIsRooted()` is a fast alternative to `ape::is.rooted()`.
#' @param tree A phylogenetic tree of class `phylo`.
#' @return `TreeIsRooted()` returns a logical specifying whether a root node is
#' resolved.
#' @examples
#' TreeIsRooted(BalancedTree(6))
#' TreeIsRooted(UnrootTree(BalancedTree(6)))
#' @family tree properties
#' @template MRS
#' @export
TreeIsRooted <- function(tree) {
  edge <- tree[["edge"]]
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  sum(parent == min(parent)) < 3L

#' Which node is a tree's root?
#' `RootNode()` identifies the root node of a (rooted or unrooted) phylogenetic
#' tree.
#' Unrooted trees are represented internally by a rooted tree with a polytomy
#' at the root.
#' @param x A tree of class `phylo`, or its edge matrix; or a list or
#' `multiPhylo` object containing multiple trees.
#' @return `RootNode()` returns an integer denoting the root node for each tree.
#' Badly conformed trees trigger an error.
#' @template MRS
#' @examples
#' RootNode(BalancedTree(8))
#' RootNode(UnrootTree(BalancedTree(8)))
#' @family tree navigation
#' @seealso
#' Test whether a tree is rooted: [`TreeIsRooted()`]
#' `phangorn::getRoot()`
#' @export
RootNode <- function(x) UseMethod("RootNode")

#' @export
RootNode.phylo <- function(x) {
  edge <- x[["edge"]]
  edgeOrder <- attr(x, "order")
  if (!is.null(edgeOrder)) {
    if (edgeOrder == "postorder") {
      return(as.integer(edge[nrow(edge), 1L]))
    } else if (edgeOrder == "preorder") {

#' @export
RootNode.list <- function(x) {
  vapply(x, RootNode, 0L)

#' @export
RootNode.multiPhylo <- RootNode.list

#' @export
RootNode.numeric <- function(x) {
  parent <- x[, 1]
  child <- x[, 2]
  ret <- unique(parent[!parent %fin% child])
  if (length(ret) != 1) {
    warning("Root not unique: found ", paste(ret, collapse = ", "))

  # Return:

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