Defines functions VBGF

Documented in VBGF

#' @title Von Bertalanffy Growth function (VBGF)
#' @description  This function applies the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF).
#'    It allows to calculate ages from lengths or lengths from ages based on the special,
#'    generalised or seasonalised VBGF.
#' @param t ages for which to calculate corresponding lengths, or
#' @param L lengths for which to calculate corresponding ages
#' @param param a list with following potential objects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{Linf}: infinite length for investigated species in cm, or
#'   \item \code{Winf}: infinite weight for investigated species in gramm
#'   \item \code{K}: growth coefficent for investigated species per year
#'   \item \code{t0}: theoretical time zero, at which individuals of this species hatch (default: 0)
#'   \item \code{b}: exponent of weight length relationship (default: 3)
#'   \item \code{D}: surface factor (default: 1)
#'   \item \code{L0}: length at hatching for VBGF with L0
#'   \item \code{ts}: onset of the first oscillation relative to t0
#'   \item \code{C}: intensity of (sinusoid) growth oscillations. Default is no oscillation (C = 0)
#' }
#' @param na.rm logical; should NA in input length or age vector be omitted? (default: FALSE)
#' @keywords function growth VBGF
#' @examples
#' # calculation of lengths
#' # with t0
#' t <- seq(0,6,0.1)
#' Lt <- VBGF(list(Linf=80, K=0.6, t0=-0.1),t=t)
#' plot(t, Lt, t="l")
#' # with L0
#' t <- seq(0,6,0.1)
#' Lt <- VBGF(list(Linf=80, K=0.6, L0=2),t=t)
#' plot(t, Lt, t="l")
#' # with Winf
#' t <- seq(0,6,0.1)
#' Wt <- VBGF(list(Winf=4000, K=0.8), t=t)
#' plot(t, Wt, t="l")
#' # seasonalised VBGF
#' t <- seq(0,6,0.1)
#' Lt <- VBGF(list(Linf=80, K=0.6, t0=-0.1, ts=0.5, C=0.75),t=t)
#' plot(t, Lt, t="l")
#' # calculation of ages
#' L <- seq(2,200,0.1)
#' t <- VBGF(L = L, list(Linf=210, K=0.8, C= 0.75))
#' plot(t, L, t="l")
#' @details
#' Based upon which input parameters are given one of the following
#' VBGF types is applied: "special", "generalised", or "seasonalised" VBGF.
#' @return A vector with estimated lengths corresponding to provided ages.
#' @references
#' Somers, I. F. (1988). On a seasonally oscillating growth function.
#' Fishbyte, 6(1), 8-11
#' Sparre, P., Venema, S.C., 1998. Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment.
#' Part 1. Manual. \emph{FAO Fisheries Technical Paper}, (306.1, Rev. 2). 407 p.
#' @export

VBGF <- function(param, t = NA, L = NA, na.rm=FALSE){

        t <- as.vector(na.omit(t))
        L <- as.vector(na.omit(L))

  res <- param
  if(is.na(t[1]) & is.na(L[1])) stop("Either length L or age t has to be provided to calculate the corresponding.")
  Linf <- ifelse("Linf" %in% names(res),res$Linf, NA)
  Winf <- ifelse("Winf" %in% names(res),res$Winf, NA)
  if("K" %in% names(res)){
    K <- res$K
  }else stop("Please provide a K parameter in 'param'.")
  t0 <- ifelse("t0" %in% names(res),res$t0, 0)
  b <- ifelse("b" %in% names(res),res$b, 3)
  D <- ifelse("D" %in% names(res),res$D, 1)
  L0 <- ifelse("L0" %in% names(res),res$L0, NA)
  ts <- ifelse("ts" %in% names(res),res$ts, 0)
  C <- ifelse("C" %in% names(res),res$C, 0)
  if("t_anchor" %in% names(res)) t0 <- res$t_anchor

  if(is.na(Linf) & is.na(Winf)) stop("You have to provide either Linf or Winf.")
  if(is.na(L[1]) & is.na(t[1])) stop("Please provide a vector with either potential ages or lengths.")

    # generalised seasonalised VBGF for length
    if((is.na(Winf) & is.na(L[1])) |
       (!is.na(Winf) & !is.na(Linf) & is.na(L[1]))){
      res <- Linf * (1 - exp(-(K * D * (t - t0) + (((C*K*D)/(2*pi)) * sin(2*pi*(t-ts))) -
                                  (((C*K*D)/(2*pi)) * sin(2*pi*(t0-ts)))))) ^ (1/D)

    # OLD:
    # res <- Linf * (1 - exp(-K * D * (t - t0) -
    #                                       ((C*K*D)/(2*pi)) *
    #                                       ((sin(2*pi*(t-ts))) +
    #                                          (sin(2*pi*(t0-ts))))))^ (1/D)

    if((is.na(Winf) & is.na(t[1])) |
       (!is.na(Winf) & !is.na(Linf) & is.na(t[1]))){
      if(D == 1 & C == 0) res <- t0 - (log(1-L/Linf)/K)
      # lookup table for soVBGF
      if(D != 1 | C != 0){
        tmax <- (t0 * K * D - log(1 - exp(D*log(L[length(L)]/Linf)))) / (K*D)
        if(is.na(tmax)) tmax <- 40
        lookup_age <- seq((t0 - 1),(tmax+10),0.001)
        lookup_length <-  Linf * (1 - exp(-(K * D * (lookup_age - t0) + (((C*K*D)/(2*pi)) *
                                                                          sin(2*pi*(lookup_age-ts))) -
                                            (((C*K*D)/(2*pi)) * sin(2*pi*(t0-ts)))))) ^ (1/D)

        # OLD:
        # lookup_length <-  Linf * (1 - exp(-K * D * (lookup_age - t0) -
        #                                     ((C*K*D)/(2*pi)) *
        #                                     ((sin(2*pi*(lookup_age-ts))) +
        #                                        (sin(2*pi*(t0-ts))))))^ (1/D)

        lookup_ind <- lapply(X = L, FUN = function(x) which.min((lookup_length - x)^2))
        res <- lookup_age[unlist(lookup_ind)]

    # generalised VBGF for weight
    if(is.na(Linf) & is.na(L[1])) res <- Winf * (1 - exp(-K * D * (t - t0)))^(b/D)
    if(is.na(Linf) & is.na(t[1])) res <- (D * K * t0 - log(1 - exp((D * log(L/Winf))/(b)))) / (K*D)

  # special VBGF for length with L0
  if(!is.na(L0) & is.na(L[1])) res <- Linf - (Linf - L0) * exp(-K * t)
  if(!is.na(L0) & is.na(t[1])) res <- log((L - Linf) / -(Linf - L0)) / -K


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