
Defines functions twowayfeweights_test_random_weights twowayfeweights_summarize_weights twowayfeweights_filter twowayfeweights_transform twowayfeweights_rename_var get_random_weight_rename fn_random_weight_rename fn_treatment_weight_rename get_treatments_rename fn_treatment_rename get_controls_rename fn_ctrl_rename printf

#' @importFrom rlang sym

printf <- function(...) print(sprintf(...))

fn_ctrl_rename <- function(x) paste("ctrl", x, sep="_")
get_controls_rename <- function(controls) unlist(lapply(controls, fn_ctrl_rename))
fn_treatment_rename <- function(x) paste("OT", x, sep="_")

get_treatments_rename <- function(treatments) {
  unlist(lapply(treatments, fn_treatment_rename))

fn_treatment_weight_rename <- function(x) paste("weight_", x, sep = "")
fn_random_weight_rename <- function(x) paste("RW", x, sep="_")
get_random_weight_rename <- function(ws) unlist(lapply(ws, fn_random_weight_rename))

# twowayfeweights_rename_var
twowayfeweights_rename_var <- function(df, Y, G, T, D, D0, controls, treatments, random_weights) {
  controls_rename <- get_controls_rename(controls)
  treatments_rename <- get_treatments_rename(treatments)
  if (length(random_weights) > 0) {
    random_weight_rename <- get_random_weight_rename(random_weights)
    random_weight_df <- df[, random_weights, drop = FALSE]
    # random_weight_df <- df %>% dplyr::select(all_off(random_weights))
    colnames(random_weight_df) <- random_weight_rename
  original_names = c(Y, G, T, D, controls, treatments)
  new_names = c("Y", "G", "T", "D", controls_rename, treatments_rename)
  if (!is.null(D0)) {
    original_names = c(original_names, D0)
    new_names = c(new_names, "D0")
  df <- data.frame(df) %>% dplyr::select_at(dplyr::vars(original_names))
  colnames(df) <- new_names
  if (length(random_weights) > 0) {
    df <- cbind(df, random_weight_df)

# twowayfeweights_transform
twowayfeweights_transform <- function(df, controls, weights, treatments) {
  .data = NULL
  ret = twowayfeweights_normalize_var(df, "D")
  if (ret$retcode) {
    df <- ret$df
    printf("The treatment variable in the regression varies within some group * period cells.")
    printf("The results in de Chaisemartin, C. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. (2020) apply to two-way fixed effects regressions")
    printf("with a group * period level treatment.")
    printf("The command will replace the treatment by its average value in each group * period.")
    printf("The results below apply to the two-way fixed effects regression with that treatment variable.")
  for (control in controls) {
    ret = twowayfeweights_normalize_var(df, control)
    if (ret$retcode) {
      df <- ret$df
      printf("The control variable %s in the regression varies within some group * period cells.", control)
      printf("The results in de Chaisemartin, C. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. (2020) apply to two-way fixed effects regressions")
      printf("with controls apply to group * period level controls.")
      printf("The command will replace replace control variable %s by its average value in each group * period.", control)
      printf("The results below apply to the regression with control variable %s averaged at the group * period level.", control)
  for (treatment in treatments) {
    ret = twowayfeweights_normalize_var(df, treatment)
    if (ret$retcode) {
      df <- ret$df
      printf("The other treatment variable %s in the regression varies within some group * period cells.", treatment)
      printf("The results in de Chaisemartin, C. and D'Haultfoeuille, X. (2020) apply to two-way fixed effects regressions")
      printf("with several treatments apply to group * period level controls.")
      printf("The command will replace replace other treatment variable %s by its average value in each group * period.", treatment)
      printf("The results below apply to the regression with other treatment variable %s averaged at the group * period level.", treatment)
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    df$weights <- 1
  } else {
    df$weights <- weights
  df$Tfactor <- factor(df$T)
  TfactorLevels <- length(levels(df$Tfactor))
  df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(TFactorNum = as.numeric(factor(.data$Tfactor, labels = seq(1:TfactorLevels))))

# twowayfeweights_filter
twowayfeweights_filter <- function(df, Y, G, T, D, D0, cmd_type, controls, treatments) {
  .data = NULL
  # Remove rows with NA values
  if (cmd_type != "fdTR") {
    df <- df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(tag = rowSums(dplyr::across(.cols = c(Y, G, T, D, controls, treatments), .fns = is.na))) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$tag == 0) %>%
  } else {
    df <- df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(tag1 = rowSums(dplyr::across(.cols = c(D, T, Y), .fns = is.na))) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(tag2 = rowSums(dplyr::across(.cols = c(D0), .fns = is.na))) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$tag1 == 0 | .data$tag2 == 0)
    if (length(controls) > 0) {
      df <- df %>%
        dplyr::mutate(tag3 = rowSums(dplyr::across(.cols = controls, .fns = is.na))) %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$tag1 == 1 | .data$tag3 == 0) %>%
    df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-.data$tag1, -.data$tag2)

# twowayfeweights_summarize_weights
twowayfeweights_summarize_weights <- function(df, var_weight) {

  weight_plus <- df[[var_weight]][df[[var_weight]] > 0 & !is.na(df[[var_weight]])]
  nr_plus <- length(weight_plus)
  sum_plus <- sum(weight_plus, na.rm = TRUE)
  weight_minus <- df[[var_weight]][df[[var_weight]] < 0 & !is.na(df[[var_weight]])]
  nr_minus <- length(weight_minus)
  sum_minus <- sum(weight_minus, na.rm = TRUE)
  nr_weights <- nr_plus + nr_minus
      nr_plus    = nr_plus,
      nr_minus   = nr_minus,
      nr_weights = nr_weights,
      sum_plus   = sum_plus,
      sum_minus  = sum_minus


# twowayfeweights_test_random_weights
twowayfeweights_test_random_weights <- function(df, random_weights) {
  .data = NULL
  mat <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 4))
  colnames(mat) <- c("Coef", "SE", "t-stat", "Correlation")
  df_filtered <- df %>% dplyr::filter(is.finite(.data$W))
  df_filtered_sub <- subset(df_filtered, df_filtered$nat_weight != 0) #Modif. Diego: added extra line to solve note in R CMD Check
  for (v in random_weights) {
    formula <- sprintf("%s ~ W", v)
    # rw.lm = estimatr::lm_robust(formula = as.formula(formula), data = df_filtered_sub, weights = df_filtered_sub$nat_weight, clusters = df_filtered_sub$G, se_type = "stata")
    # beta <- rw.lm$coefficients[["W"]]
    # se <- rw.lm$std.error[["W"]]
    # r2 <- rw.lm$r.squared
    rw_lm = fixest::feols(fml = as.formula(formula), data = df_filtered_sub, weights = ~nat_weight, vcov = ~G)
    beta = stats::coef(rw_lm)[["W"]]
    se = sqrt(diag(stats::vcov(rw_lm)))[["W"]]
    r2 = fixest::r2(rw_lm)["r2"]
    mat[v, ] <- c(beta, se, beta/se, if (beta > 0) { sqrt(r2) } else { -sqrt(r2) })

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TwoWayFEWeights documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:31 p.m.