
Defines functions u_char_show_glyph .u_char_property_from_property_db u_char_property u_char_properties u_char_property_names .u_char_name_Hangul .u_char_name_CJK u_char_name u_char_label u_char_inspect u_char_info .u_char_from_name_Hangul u_char_from_name .u_char_decomposition_Hangul u_char_decomposition

Documented in u_char_from_name u_char_info u_char_inspect u_char_label u_char_name u_char_properties u_char_property

u_char_decomposition <-
    ## For now, this really gives the Decomposition_Mapping property.
    ## Ideally, this should have a type argument controlling whether to
    ## perform canonical or compatibility decomposition, and most likely
    ## also an argument controlling whether to decompose recursively or
    ## not.

    ## Maybe return a u_char_seq eventually?
    x <- as.u_char(x)
    ## Could make this more efficient eventually ...
    p <- match(x, UCD_Unicode_data_table$Code)
    y <- sub(".*> *", "", UCD_Unicode_data_table$Decomposition[p])
    p <- which(is.na(p))
    if(length(p)) {
        r <- u_char_match(x[p], UCD_Unicode_data_range$Range, 0L)
        ind <- (r == UCD_Unicode_data_range_pos_Hangul)
        if(any(ind)) {
            pos <- p[ind]
            y[pos] <-
                gsub("U+", "",
                            paste, "", collapse = " "),
                     fixed = TRUE)
        ind <- (r > 0L) & (r != UCD_Unicode_data_range_pos_Hangul)
        if(any(ind)) {
            y[p[ind]] <- ""

.u_char_decomposition_Hangul <-
    y <- rep.int(list(integer()), length(s))
    s <- s - Jamo_S_base
    ok <- (s >= 0) & (s < Jamo_S_count)
    if(any(ok)) {
        s <- s[ok]
        L <- Jamo_L_base + s %/% Jamo_N_count
        V <- Jamo_V_base + (s %% Jamo_N_count) %/% Jamo_T_count
        T <- Jamo_T_base + s %% Jamo_T_count
        y[ok] <- Map(c, L, V, ifelse(T == Jamo_T_base, list(NULL), T))

u_char_from_name <-
function(x, type = c("exact", "grep"), ...)
    x <- as.character(x)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(type == "exact") {
        ## Matching could/should be less strict ...    
        p <- match(x, UCD_Unicode_data_table$Name)
        y <- UCD_Unicode_data_table$Code[p]
        if(any(is.na(p))) {
            re <- "^HANGUL SYLLABLE *([^AEIOUWY]*)([AEIOUWY]+)([^AEIOUWY]*)$"
            if(length(p <- grep(re, x)))
                y[p] <- .u_char_from_name_Hangul(x[p])
            re <- "^CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH ([0123456789ABCDEF]{4,6})$"
            p <- grep(re, x)
            if(length(p)) {
                u <- as.u_char(sub(re, "\\1", x[p]))
                ## Range check.
                p <- p[u %uin% UCD_Unicode_data_range$Range[1L : 4L]]
                y[p] <- u[p]
    } else {
        ## Currently, no support for Hangul syllable and CJK unified
        ## ideographs ...
        y <- with(UCD_Unicode_data_table,
                  Code[grepl(x, Name, ...)])

.u_char_from_name_Hangul <-
    y <- rep.int(NA_integer_, length(s))
    ok <- grepl(re, s)
    if(any(ok)) {
        s <- s[ok]
        L <- sub(re, "\\1", s)
        V <- sub(re, "\\2", s)
        T <- sub(re, "\\3", s)
        ## Seems we cannot subscript with an empty character string:
        y[ok] <- (Jamo_S_base
                  + (match(L, Jamo$L) - 1L) * Jamo_N_count
                  + (match(V, Jamo$V) - 1L) * Jamo_T_count
                  + (match(T, Jamo$T) - 1L)

u_char_info <-
    x <- as.u_char(x)
    ## Could make this more efficient eventually ...
    p <- match(x, UCD_Unicode_data_table$Code)
    y <- UCD_Unicode_data_table[p, ]
    row.names(y) <- NULL
    p <- which(is.na(p))
    if(length(p)) {
        r <- u_char_match(x[p], UCD_Unicode_data_range$Range, 0L)
        q <- p[r == UCD_Unicode_data_range_pos_Hangul]
        p <- p[r > 0L]
        y[p, ] <- UCD_Unicode_data_range[r, -1L]
        ## Not quite efficient ...
        y$Name[p] <- u_char_name(x[p])
        ## Call directly for efficiency ...
        y$Decomposition[q] <-

u_char_inspect <-
    x <- as.u_char(x)
    data.frame(Code = x,
               Name = u_char_name(x),
               Char = intToUtf8(x, multiple = TRUE),
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

u_char_label <-
    x <- as.u_char(x)
    ## Use the name by default.
    y <- u_char_name(x)
    ## Need to special case the ones with empty or missing names.
    p <- which(is.na(y) | (y == ""))
    if(length(p)) {
        ## Handle surrogate, private use and control characters.
        r <- u_char_match(x[p], 
                          c(UCD_Unicode_data_range$Range[-(1L : UCD_Unicode_data_range_pos_Hangul)],
                            "0000..001F", "007F..009F"),
        ## <FIXME>
        ## This hard-wires the positions of surrogate and private use
        ## character ranges.  Ideally, we would compute these (e.g.,
        ## from the rownames of UCD_Unicode_data_range).
        ## </FIXME>
        q <- p[(r > 0L) & (r <= 3L)]
        y[q] <- sprintf("surrogate-%04X", x[q])
        q <- p[(r > 3L) & (r <= 6L)]
        y[q] <- sprintf("private-use-%04X", x[q])
        q <- p[(r > 6L) & (r <= 8L)]
        y[q] <- sprintf("control-%04X", x[q])
        ## This leaves non-characters and reserved code points.
        q <- p[r == 0L]
        if(length(q)) {
            y[q] <-
                                       "Noncharacter_Code_Point") ==
                       sprintf("noncharacter-%04X", x[q]),
                       sprintf("reserved-%04X", x[q]))

u_char_name <-
    x <- as.u_char(x)
    ## Could make this more efficient eventually ...
    p <- match(x, UCD_Unicode_data_table$Code)
    y <- UCD_Unicode_data_table$Name[p]
    p <- which(is.na(p))
    if(length(p)) {
        range <- UCD_Unicode_data_range$Range
        nomatch <- length(range) + 1L
        r <- u_char_match(x[p], range, nomatch)
        ph <- UCD_Unicode_data_range_pos_Hangul
        ind <- r < ph                   # CJK
        if(any(ind)) {
            pos <- p[ind]
            y[pos] <- .u_char_name_CJK(x[pos])
        ind <- r == ph                  # Hangul
        if(any(ind)) {
            pos <- p[ind]
            y[pos] <- .u_char_name_Hangul(x[pos])
        ind <- (r > ph) & (r < nomatch)
        if(any(ind)) {
            y[p[ind]] <- ""


.u_char_name_CJK <-
    sprintf("CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH %04X", x)

.u_char_name_Hangul <-
    s <- .u_char_decomposition_Hangul(x)
    L <- Jamo$L[vapply(s, `[`, 0, 1L) - Jamo_L_base + 1L]
    V <- Jamo$V[vapply(s, `[`, 0, 2L) - Jamo_V_base + 1L]
    T <- Jamo$T[vapply(s, `[`, 0, 3L) - Jamo_T_base + 1L]
    T[is.na(T)] <- ""
    sprintf("HANGUL SYLLABLE %s%s%s", L, V, T)

u_char_property_names <-

u_char_properties <-
function(x, which)
    if(nargs() == 0L) {
        ## As a convenience, list available properties if no arguments
        ## were given.
    x <- as.u_char(x)
    which <- .expand_property_aliases(as.character(which))
    all_property_names <- u_char_property_names()
    p <- match(which, all_property_names)
    if(any(ina <- is.na(p))) {
        warning(gettextf("Cannot map %s to Unicode properties",
                         paste(which[ina], collapse = ", ")),
                domain = NA)
        which <- which[!ina]
        p <- p[!ina]

    ## Start with an empty data frame.
    y <- data.frame(x)[-1L]
        row.names(y) <- x
    if(!length(which)) return(y)
    UCD_Unicode_data_table_names <- names(UCD_Unicode_data_table)
    p <- match(which, UCD_Unicode_data_table_names, 0L)
    if(any(p > 0L))
        y <- u_char_info(x)[p]
    ## Everything else would need to come from the property db
    p <- match(which, names(u_char_property_db), 0L)
    for(i in which(p > 0L))
        y[[which[i]]] <-
            .u_char_property_from_property_db(x, which[i])
    ## or the property getter db.
    p <- match(which, names(u_char_property_getter_db), 0L)
    for(i in which(p > 0L))
        y[[which[i]]] <- u_char_property_getter_db[[p[i]]](x)

    if(length(bad <- setdiff(which, names(y)))) {
        warning("Obtaining the following properties is not yet implemented:\n",
                strwrap(paste(bad, collapse = ", "),
                        indent = 4L, exdent = 4L))
        for(b in bad) y[[b]] <- rep.int(NA_character_, length(x))

    y[match(which, names(y))]
u_char_property_getter_db <- list()

u_char_property_getter_db$Decomposition_Mapping <-

u_char_property <-
function(x, which)
    if(length(which <- as.character(which)) != 1L)
        stop(gettextf("Invalid '%s' argument.", "which"),
             domain = NA)
    u_char_properties(x, which)[[1L]]

.u_char_property_from_property_db <-
function(x, which)
    db <- u_char_property_db[[which]]
    y <- rep.int(db$Default, length(x))
    p <- u_char_match(x, db$Table[[1L]], 0L)
    y[p > 0L] <- db$Table[[2L]][p]
    .expand_property_value_aliases(y, which)

u_char_show_glyph <-
    x <- as.u_char(x)
    ## For now we can only show one glyph at a time ...
    l <- length(x)
    if(l == 0L)
        message("Nothing to show.")
    else if(l > 1L) {
        message("Can only show one glyph.")
        x <- x[1L]
## See Section 3.12 of the Unicode Standard.

Jamo <-
    list(L =
         ## Initial (HANGUL CHOSEONG)
         c("G", "GG", "N", "D", "DD", "R", "M", "B", "BB", "S", "SS",
           "", "J", "JJ", "C", "K", "T", "P", "H"),
         V =
         ## Medial  (HANGUL JUNGSEONG)
         c("A", "AE", "YA", "YAE", "EO", "E", "YEO", "YE", "O", "WA",
           "WAE", "OE", "YO", "U", "WEO", "WE", "WI", "YU", "EU", "YI",
         T =
         ## Final   (HANGUL JONGSEONG)
         c("", "G", "GG", "GS", "N", "NJ", "NH", "D", "L", "LG", "LM",
           "LB", "LS", "LT", "LP", "LH", "M", "B", "BS", "S", "SS",
           "NG", "J", "C", "K", "T", "P", "H"))

Jamo_S_base <- hex("AC00")
Jamo_L_base <- hex("1100")
Jamo_V_base <- hex("1161")
Jamo_T_base <- hex("11A7")
Jamo_S_count <- 11172L
Jamo_L_count <- 19L
Jamo_V_count <- 21L
Jamo_T_count <- 28L
Jamo_N_count <- Jamo_V_count * Jamo_T_count

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Unicode documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:36 a.m.