wildBoot <- function(test, WBtype = c("recursive", "fixed"), B = 199, WBdist = c("rademacher", "normal", "mammen"),
HCtype = c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3"), univariate = FALSE){
if(test$inputType == "VARfit"){
p <- test$fit$p
N <- test$fit$N
const <- test$fit$const
trend <- test$fit$trend
exogen <- test$fit$exogen
h <- test$h
Z <- test$fit$Z
y <- test$fit$y
resi <- test$fit$resid
coef <- test$fit$coef
K <- test$fit$K
} else if(test$inputType == "varest"){
p = test$fit$p
K = test$fit$K
N = test$fit$totobs
h <- test$h
NnonLagVar <- ncol(test$fit$datamat) - K * (p + 1)
if(test$fit$type == "const") {const <- TRUE; trend <- FALSE}
if(test$fit$type == "trend") {const <- FALSE; trend <- TRUE}
if(test$fit$type == "both") {const <- TRUE; trend <- TRUE}
if(test$fit$type == "none") {const <- FALSE; trend <- FALSE}
exogen <- NULL
if(NnonLagVar - const - trend > 0) exogen <- as.matrix(test$fit$datamat[ , -(1:((p + 1) * K + const + trend))])
if(test$fit$type != "none") Z <- cbind(Z, as.matrix(test$fit$datamat[ , K * (p + 1) + 1:(const + trend)]))
if(!is.null(exogen)) Z <- cbind(Z, exogen)
Z <- cbind(Z, as.matrix(test$fit$datamat[ , K + 1:(p * K)]))
# adds 0's to the first p rows of 'exogen':
if(NnonLagVar - const - trend > 0) exogen <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = ncol(exogen)) , exogen)
resi <- matrix(nrow = N - p, ncol = K)
for(i in 1:K) resi[ , i] <- test$fit$varresult[[i]]$residuals
coef <- matrix(nrow = ncol(test$fit$datamat) - K, ncol = K)
for(i in 1:K){
if(NnonLagVar > 0) coef[1:NnonLagVar , i] <- test$fit$varresult[[i]]$coefficients[-(1:(K * p))]
coef[-(1:NnonLagVar) , i] <- test$fit$varresult[[i]]$coefficients[1:(K * p)]
y <- test$fit$y
} else stop("wrong inputType in the 'test' object")
WBr.Q <- WBf.Q <- matrix(nrow = B, ncol = 5)
colnames(WBr.Q) <- colnames(WBf.Q) <- c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3")
if(univariate != FALSE){
uniList <- list()
for(i in 1:K){
if("recursive" %in% WBtype){
uniList <- append(x = uniList,
values = list(matrix(nrow = B, ncol = 5)))
names(uniList)[length(uniList)] <- paste0("uni", i, "WBr.Q")
if("fixed" %in% WBtype){
uniList <- append(x = uniList,
values = list(matrix(nrow = B, ncol = 5)))
names(uniList)[length(uniList)] <- paste0("uni", i, "WBf.Q")
startTime <- Sys.time()
WBr.pv <- WBf.pv <- NULL
numberOfErrors <- 0
numberOfNA <- 0
cat("\nWild Bootstrap simulations started at", format(startTime), "\n")
percDone <- 10
# runs the first two bootstrap simulation (repeats again if it failes):
b <- 1
while(b <= 2){
wbtestTemp <- try(.WBtest(),
silent = FALSE)
# reruns if there were any errors:
if(inherits(wbtestTemp, "try-error")){
numberOfErrors <- numberOfErrors + 1
} else{
if(univariate != "only"){
if(anyNA(wbtestTemp[[1]][c("recursive" %in% WBtype, "fixed" %in% WBtype),
c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% HCtype])){
numberOfNA <- numberOfNA + 1
if(univariate != FALSE){
if(anyNA(wbtestTemp[[2]][rep("recursive" %in% WBtype, K),
c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% HCtype]) ||
anyNA(wbtestTemp[[3]][rep("fixed" %in% WBtype, K),
c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% HCtype])){
numberOfNA <- numberOfNA + 1
if(univariate != "only"){
WBr.Q[b, ] <- wbtestTemp[[1]][1, ]
WBf.Q[b, ] <- wbtestTemp[[1]][2, ]
if(univariate != FALSE){
for(i in 1:K){
if("recursive" %in% WBtype) uniList[[paste0("uni", i, "WBr.Q")]][b, ] <- wbtestTemp[[2]][i, ]
if("fixed" %in% WBtype) uniList[[paste0("uni", i, "WBf.Q")]][b, ] <- wbtestTemp[[3]][i, ]
if(b == 1) startTime2ndB <- Sys.time()
b <- b + 1
# estimates the time needed to perform the B bootstrap tests:
timeEst <- difftime(Sys.time(), startTime2ndB)
timeEst <- round(difftime(startTime2ndB + timeEst * B, startTime2ndB), 1)
cat("\nEstimated time to complete the", B, "bootstrap simulations:", format(timeEst), "\n")
cat("Running Bootstrap: ")
# runs the rest of the B bootstrap simulations:
b <- 3
while(b <= B){
wbtestTemp <- try(.WBtest(),
silent = FALSE)
# reruns if there were any errors:
if(inherits(wbtestTemp, "try-error")){
numberOfErrors <- numberOfErrors + 1
} else{
if(univariate != "only"){
if(anyNA(wbtestTemp[[1]][c("recursive" %in% WBtype, "fixed" %in% WBtype),
c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% HCtype])){
numberOfNA <- numberOfNA + 1
if(univariate != FALSE){
if(anyNA(wbtestTemp[[2]][rep("recursive" %in% WBtype, K),
c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% HCtype]) ||
anyNA(wbtestTemp[[3]][rep("fixed" %in% WBtype, K),
c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% HCtype])){
numberOfNA <- numberOfNA + 1
if(univariate != "only"){
WBr.Q[b, ] <- wbtestTemp[[1]][1, ]
WBf.Q[b, ] <- wbtestTemp[[1]][2, ]
if(univariate != FALSE){
for(i in 1:K){
if("recursive" %in% WBtype) uniList[[paste0("uni", i, "WBr.Q")]][b, ] <- wbtestTemp[[2]][i, ]
if("fixed" %in% WBtype) uniList[[paste0("uni", i, "WBf.Q")]][b, ] <- wbtestTemp[[3]][i, ]
if((b / B) >= (percDone / 100)) {cat(percDone, "% ", sep = ""); percDone = percDone + 10}
b <- b + 1
if("recursive" %in% WBtype){
WBr.pv <- (colSums(WBr.Q >= matrix(test$Q, nrow = nrow(WBr.Q), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)) + 1) / (B + 1)
names(WBr.pv) <- c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3")
if("fixed" %in% WBtype){
WBf.pv <- (colSums(WBf.Q >= matrix(test$Q, nrow = nrow(WBf.Q), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)) + 1) / (B + 1)
names(WBf.pv) <- c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3")
if(univariate != FALSE){
for(i in 1:K){
if("recursive" %in% WBtype){
uniWBr.pv <- (colSums(uniList[[paste0("uni", i, "WBr.Q")]] >= matrix(test$uniQ[i, ], nrow = B, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)) + 1) / (B + 1)
names(uniWBr.pv) <- c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3")
uniList <- append(x = uniList,
values = list(uniWBr.pv))
names(uniList)[length(uniList)] <- paste0("uni", i, "WBr.pv")
if("fixed" %in% WBtype){
uniWBf.pv <- (colSums(uniList[[paste0("uni", i, "WBf.Q")]] >= matrix(test$uniQ[i, ], nrow = B, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)) + 1) / (B + 1)
names(uniWBf.pv) <- c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3")
uniList <- append(x = uniList,
values = list(uniWBf.pv))
names(uniList)[length(uniList)] <- paste0("uni", i, "WBf.pv")
time = difftime(Sys.time(), startTime)
matchCall <-
returnValue <- .make.wildBoot()
.make.wildBoot <- function(){
pEnv <- parent.frame()
returnValue <- list(test = pEnv$test,
WBtype = pEnv$WBtype,
B = pEnv$B,
WBdist = pEnv$WBdist,
HCtype = pEnv$HCtype,
univariate = pEnv$univariate,
description = paste("Estimated at", pEnv$startTime, "by user",[["user"]]),
time = pEnv$time,
call = pEnv$matchCall,
numberOfErrors = pEnv$numberOfErrors,
numberOfNA = pEnv$numberOfNA)
if("recursive" %in% pEnv$WBtype){
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- pEnv$WBr.Q
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "WBr.Q"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- pEnv$WBr.pv
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "WBr.pv"
if("fixed" %in% pEnv$WBtype){
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- pEnv$WBf.Q
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "WBf.Q"
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- pEnv$WBf.pv
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "WBf.pv"
if(pEnv$univariate != FALSE){
returnValue[[length(returnValue) + 1]] <- pEnv$uniList
names(returnValue)[[length(returnValue)]] <- "uniList"
class(returnValue) <- c("wildBoot", class(returnValue))
.checkArgs.wildBoot <- function(){
# this function checks the arguments in the parent function 'wildBoot'
wildBootEnv <- parent.frame()
# list of error messages:
errs <- list()
# checks 'test':
if(!("ACtest" %in% class(wildBootEnv$test))) stop("'test' object must be of class \"ACtest\", as returned by the ACtest() function")
# checks 'B':
errs <- append(errs, "'B' must be a positive integer")
} else if(wildBootEnv$B %% 1 != 0 || wildBootEnv$B < 1){
errs <- append(errs, "'B' must be a positive integer")
# provides the possibility of entering truncated and/or case mismatched arguments:
wildBootEnv$WBtype <- match.arg(tolower(wildBootEnv$WBtype), c("recursive", "fixed"), several.ok = TRUE)
wildBootEnv$WBdist <- match.arg(tolower(wildBootEnv$WBdist), c("rademacher", "normal", "mammen"), several.ok = FALSE)
wildBootEnv$HCtype <- match.arg(toupper(wildBootEnv$HCtype), c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3"), several.ok = TRUE)
# sorts the 'HCtype' arguments:
wildBootEnv$HCtype <- c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3")[c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% wildBootEnv$HCtype]
if(is.null(wildBootEnv$HCtype)) wildBootEnv$HCtype <- wildBootEnv$test$HCtype
HCtypeNotInTest <- wildBootEnv$HCtype[!(wildBootEnv$HCtype %in% wildBootEnv$test$HCtype)]
if(length(HCtypeNotInTest) != 0) errs <- append(errs,
paste0("The HCtypes ",
" was not used in the 'test' object"))
# checks 'univariate':
if(!is.logical(wildBootEnv$univariate) && !(wildBootEnv$univariate) == "only"){
errs <- append(errs, "'univariate' must be either FALSE, TRUE, or \"only\"")
} else if(wildBootEnv$univariate %in% c(TRUE, "only") && wildBootEnv$test$univariate == FALSE){
errs <- append(errs, "'univariate' was not used in the 'test' object")
# possibly prints the errors and stops the function:
if(length(errs) > 0){
msg <- "\nInput errors in 'wildBoot()':"
for(i in 1:length(errs)) msg <- paste0(msg, "\n", i, ". ", errs[[i]])
print.wildBoot <- function(x, ...){
if(x$univariate != "only"){
cat("------ Multivariate test for error autocorrelations (AC) ------\n")
cat("\nh:", x$test$h, " B:", x$B, "\n\n")
if("recursive" %in% x$WBtype){
cat("Recursive Wild Bootstrap:\n\n")
mat <- matrix(NA, length(x$HCtype), 4)
mat[ , 1] <- x$test$Q[c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
mat[ , 2] <- x$test$h * x$test$fit$K^2
mat[ , 3] <- x$test$pValues[c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
mat[ , 4] <- x$WBr.pv[c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
rownames(mat) <- x$HCtype
colnames(mat) <- c("Q", "df", "Asy.PV", "WB.PV")
printCoefmat(mat, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
if("fixed" %in% x$WBtype){
cat("\nFixed Wild Bootstrap:\n\n")
mat <- matrix(NA, length(x$HCtype), 4)
mat[ , 1] <- x$test$Q[c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
mat[ , 2] <- x$test$h * x$test$fit$K^2
mat[ , 3] <- x$test$pValues[c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
mat[ , 4] <- x$WBf.pv[c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
rownames(mat) <- x$HCtype
colnames(mat) <- c("Q", "df", "Asy.PV", "WB.PV")
printCoefmat(mat, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
if(x$univariate != FALSE){
cat("---------------- Univariate error AC tests -------------------\n")
cat("h:", x$test$h, " B:", x$B, "\n")
for(i in 1:x$test$fit$K){
if("recursive" %in% x$WBtype){
cat("\n[", colnames(x$test$fit$y)[i], "] Recursive Wild Bootstrap\n")
mat <- matrix(NA, length(x$HCtype), 4)
mat[ , 1] <- x$test$uniQ[i, ][c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
mat[ , 2] <- x$test$h
mat[ , 3] <- x$test$unipValues[i, ][c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
mat[ , 4] <- x$uniList[[paste0("uni", i, "WBr.pv")]][c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
rownames(mat) <- x$HCtype
colnames(mat) <- c("Q", "df", "Asy.PV", "WB.PV")
printCoefmat(mat, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
if("fixed" %in% x$WBtype){
cat("\n[", colnames(x$test$fit$y)[i], "] Fixed Wild Bootstrap\n")
mat <- matrix(NA, length(x$HCtype), 4)
mat[ , 1] <- x$test$uniQ[i, ][c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
mat[ , 2] <- x$test$h
mat[ , 3] <- x$test$unipValues[i, ][c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
mat[ , 4] <- x$uniList[[paste0("uni", i, "WBf.pv")]][c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3") %in% x$HCtype]
rownames(mat) <- x$HCtype
colnames(mat) <- c("Q", "df", "Asy.PV", "WB.PV")
printCoefmat(mat, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
cat("\n", x$numberOfErrors + x$numberOfNA, " of the bootstrap simulations failed and had to be resimulated", sep = "")
cat("\nTest time:", round(x$time, 1), units(x$time))
.WBtest <- function(){
pEnv <- parent.frame()
e <- .rwb(N = pEnv$N - pEnv$p, WBdist = pEnv$WBdist) * pEnv$resi
returnValue <- list(matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 5),
matrix(nrow = pEnv$K, ncol = 5),
matrix(nrow = pEnv$K, ncol = 5))
names(returnValue) <- c("multivariate" ,"univariateRecursive", "univariateFixed")
rownames(returnValue[[1]]) <- c("recursive", "fixed")
rownames(returnValue[[2]]) <- rownames(returnValue[[3]]) <- colnames(pEnv$y)
colnames(returnValue[[1]]) <- colnames(returnValue[[2]]) <- colnames(returnValue[[3 ]]) <-
c("LM", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3")
if("recursive" %in% pEnv$WBtype){
# ySim.r <- .varmodel(x0 = matrix(pEnv$y[1:pEnv$p, ], nrow = pEnv$p), e = e, pihat = pEnv$coef,
# p = pEnv$p, const = pEnv$const, trend = pEnv$trend,
# exogen = if(is.null(pEnv$exogen)) NULL else as.matrix(pEnv$exogen[-(1:pEnv$p), ]))
ySim.r <- .makeVar(matrix(pEnv$y[1:pEnv$p, ], nrow = pEnv$p), e, pEnv$coef,
pEnv$p, pEnv$const, pEnv$trend, !is.null(pEnv$exogen),
if(is.null(pEnv$exogen)) matrix() else as.matrix(pEnv$exogen[-(1:pEnv$p), ]))
# appends the lagged ySim.r with the non-endogenous variables:
if(ncol(pEnv$Z) > pEnv$K * pEnv$p){
Zsim.r <- cbind(pEnv$Z[, -(ncol(pEnv$Z) + 1 - 1:(pEnv$K * pEnv$p))],
embed(ySim.r, pEnv$p + 1)[, -(1:pEnv$K)])
} else{
Zsim.r <- embed(ySim.r, pEnv$p + 1)[, -(1:pEnv$K)]
eWb.r <- qr.resid(qr(Zsim.r), ySim.r[-(1:pEnv$p), ])
epshat <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow = pEnv$h, ncol = pEnv$K), eWb.r)
z_e <- cbind(Zsim.r, embed(epshat, (pEnv$h + 1))[, -(1:pEnv$K)])
LMtemp <- .ACtestCpp(z_e, Zsim.r, eWb.r, pEnv$h, pEnv$univariate,
"LM" %in% pEnv$HCtype, "HC0" %in% pEnv$HCtype,
"HC1" %in% pEnv$HCtype, "HC2" %in% pEnv$HCtype, "HC3" %in% pEnv$HCtype)
# LMtemp <- .LMtest(Zsim.r, eWb.r, h = pEnv$h, K = pEnv$K, N = pEnv$N, p = pEnv$p,
# HCtype = pEnv$HCtype, univariate = pEnv$univariate)
if(pEnv$univariate != "only") returnValue[[1]][1, ] <- LMtemp[[1]]
if(pEnv$univariate != FALSE) returnValue[[2]] <- LMtemp[[2]]
if("fixed" %in% pEnv$WBtype){
ySim.f <- pEnv$Z %*% pEnv$coef + e
eWb.f <- qr.resid(qr(pEnv$Z), ySim.f)
epshat <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow = pEnv$h, ncol = pEnv$K), eWb.f)
z_e <- cbind(pEnv$Z, embed(epshat, (pEnv$h + 1))[, -(1:pEnv$K)])
LMtemp <- .ACtestCpp(z_e, pEnv$Z, eWb.f, pEnv$h, pEnv$univariate,
"LM" %in% pEnv$HCtype, "HC0" %in% pEnv$HCtype,
"HC1" %in% pEnv$HCtype, "HC2" %in% pEnv$HCtype, "HC3" %in% pEnv$HCtype)
# LMtemp <- .LMtest(pEnv$Z, eWb.f, h = pEnv$h, K = pEnv$K, N = pEnv$N, p = pEnv$p,
# HCtype = pEnv$HCtype, univariate = pEnv$univariate)
if(pEnv$univariate != "only") returnValue[[1]][2, ] <- LMtemp[[1]]
if(pEnv$univariate != FALSE) returnValue[[3]] <- LMtemp[[2]]
.rwb <- function(N, WBdist){
# this function returns 'N' random samples from either the "rademacher", "normal" or "mammen" distribution
if(WBdist == "rademacher") return(sample(x = c(-1, 1),
size = N,
replace = TRUE))
if(WBdist == "normal") return(rnorm(N))
if(WBdist == "mammen") return(sample(x = c(-(sqrt(5) - 1) / 2,
(sqrt(5) + 1) / 2),
prob = c((sqrt(5) + 1) / (2 * sqrt(5)),
(sqrt(5) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(5))),
size = N,
replace = TRUE))
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