
# Simple test for makeNA and impNA
# Author: alex

newsamp <- sleep[1:10,]
newsamp[] <- 999999
# only missing values (999999) should be imputed (e.g. in the first 10 rows of the imputed
# data set

## checking kNN

# checking kNN if NAs are imputed if impNA==FALSE",{
  sI <- kNN(rbind(newsamp,sleep),impNA = FALSE,variable=colnames(sleep),makeNA = rep(999999,ncol(sleep)))
                 "NAs should not be computed by kNN if impNA is set to FALSE")
                 "999999 should be imputed if it is set as makeNA in kNN")

### checking hotdeck
# checking hotdeck if NAs are imputed if impNA==FALSE",{
  sI2 <- hotdeck(rbind(newsamp,sleep),impNA = FALSE,variable=colnames(sleep),makeNA = as.list(rep(999999,ncol(sleep))))
  expect_false(any(unlist(sI2[-c(1:10),grep("_imp",colnames(sI2))])), info=
                 "NAs should not be computed by hotdeck if impNA is set to FALSE")
                 "999999 should be imputed if it is set as makeNA in hotdeck")

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VIM documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 5:07 p.m.