
Defines functions calculate.overlap venn.diagram

Documented in calculate.overlap venn.diagram

# The VennDiagram package is copyright (c) 2012 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
# This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
# (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.  Refer to LICENSE for the full license text.
# OICR makes no representations whatsoever as to the SOFTWARE contained herein.  It is experimental in nature and is provided WITHOUT
# By downloading this SOFTWARE, your Institution hereby indemnifies OICR against any loss, claim, damage or liability, of whatsoever kind or
# nature, which may arise from your Institution's respective use, handling or storage of the SOFTWARE.
# If publications result from research using this SOFTWARE, we ask that the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research be acknowledged and/or
# credit be given to OICR scientists, as scientifically appropriate.

### UMBRELLA FUNCTION TO DRAW VENN DIAGRAMS #######################################################
venn.diagram <- function(
	disable.logging = FALSE,
	height = 3000,
	width = 3000,
	resolution = 500,
	imagetype = 'tiff',
	units = 'px',
	compression = 'lzw',
	na = 'stop',
	main = NULL,
	sub = NULL,
	main.pos = c(0.5, 1.05),
	main.fontface = 'plain',
	main.fontfamily = 'serif',
	main.col = 'black',
	main.cex = 1,
	main.just = c(0.5, 1),
	sub.pos = c(0.5, 1.05),
	sub.fontface = 'plain',
	sub.fontfamily = 'serif',
	sub.col = 'black',
	sub.cex = 1,
	sub.just = c(0.5, 1),
	category.names = names(x),
	force.unique = TRUE,
	print.mode = 'raw',
	sigdigs = 3,
	direct.area = FALSE,
	area.vector = 0,
	hyper.test = FALSE,
	total.population = NULL,
	lower.tail = TRUE,
	) {
	#Create a string to capture the date and the time of day
	time.string = gsub(':', '-', gsub(' ', '_', as.character(Sys.time())))
	#Initialize the logger to output to file
	if (disable.logging) {
	    flog.appender(appender.console(), name = 'VennDiagramLogger');
    	} else {
    	        paste0(if (!is.null(filename)) filename else 'VennDiagram', '.', time.string, '.log')),
    	        name = 'VennDiagramLogger'
	#Log the parameters the function was called with
	out.list = as.list(sys.call())
	out.list[[1]] <- NULL
	out.string = capture.output(out.list)
	#If the input area.vector correspond directly to a1,a2, etc, then call the function and pass it through directly by a flag
		if(1 == length(area.vector)){
			list.names <- category.names;
			if (is.null(list.names)) { list.names <- ''; }
			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.single.venn(
				area = area.vector[1],
				category = list.names,
				ind = FALSE,
		if(3 == length(area.vector)){
			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.pairwise.venn(
				area1 = area.vector[1],
				area2 = area.vector[2],
				cross.area = area.vector[3],
				category = category.names,
				ind = FALSE,
		if(7 == length(area.vector)){
			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.triple.venn(
				area1 = 0,
				area2 = 0,
				area3 = 0,
				n12 = 0,
				n23 = 0,
				n13 = 0,
				n123 = 0,
				category = category.names,
				ind = FALSE,
				list.order = 1:3,
		if(15 == length(area.vector)){
			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.quad.venn(
				area1 = 0,
				area2 = 0,
				area3 = 0,
				area4 = 0,
				n12 = 0,
				n13 = 0,
				n14 = 0,
				n23 = 0,
				n24 = 0,
				n34 = 0,
				n123 = 0,
				n124 = 0,
				n134 = 0,
				n234 = 0,
				n1234 = 0,
				category = category.names,
				ind = FALSE,
		if(31 == length(area.vector)){
			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.quintuple.venn(
				area1 = 0,
				area2 = 0,
				area3 = 0,
				area4 = 0,
				area5 = 0,
				n12 = 0,
				n13 = 0,
				n14 = 0,
				n15 = 0,
				n23 = 0,
				n24 = 0,
				n25 = 0,
				n34 = 0,
				n35 = 0,
				n45 = 0,
				n123 = 0,
				n124 = 0,
				n125 = 0,
				n134 = 0,
				n135 = 0,
				n145 = 0,
				n234 = 0,
				n235 = 0,
				n245 = 0,
				n345 = 0,
				n1234 = 0,
				n1235 = 0,
				n1245 = 0,
				n1345 = 0,
				n2345 = 0,
				n12345 = 0,
				category = category.names,
				ind = FALSE,
	#Use default processing behaviour of having individual elements in the list x

		if (force.unique) {
			for (i in 1:length(x)) {
				x[[i]] <- unique(x[[i]])

		# check for the presence of NAs in the input list
		if ('none' == na) {
			x <- x;
		else if ('stop' == na) {
			for (i in 1:length(x)) {
				# stop if there are any NAs in this vector
				if (any(is.na(x[[i]]))) {
					flog.error('NAs in dataset', call. = FALSE,name='VennDiagramLogger')
stop('NAs in dataset', call. = FALSE);
		else if ('remove' == na) {
			for (i in 1:length(x)) { x[[i]] <- x[[i]][!is.na(x[[i]])]; }
		else {
			flog.error('Invalid na option: valid options are "none", "stop", and "remove"',name='VennDiagramLogger')
stop('Invalid na option: valid options are "none", "stop", and "remove"');

		# check the length of the given list
		if (0 == length(x) | length(x) > 5) {
			flog.error('Incorrect number of elements.', call. = FALSE,name='VennDiagramLogger')
stop('Incorrect number of elements.', call. = FALSE);

		# draw a single-set Venn diagram
		if (1 == length(x)) {
			list.names <- category.names;
			if (is.null(list.names)) { list.names <- ''; }
			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.single.venn(
				area = length(x[[1]]),
				category = list.names,
				ind = FALSE,

		# draw a pairwise Venn diagram
		else if (2 == length(x)) {
			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.pairwise.venn(
				area1 = length(x[[1]]),
				area2 = length(x[[2]]),
				cross.area = length(intersect(x[[1]],x[[2]])),
				category = category.names,
				ind = FALSE,

		# draw a three-set Venn diagram
		else if (3 == length(x)) {
			A <- x[[1]];
			B <- x[[2]];
			C <- x[[3]];

			list.names <- category.names;

			nab <- intersect(A, B);
			nbc <- intersect(B, C);
			nac <- intersect(A, C);

			nabc <- intersect(nab, C);

			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.triple.venn(
				area1 = length(A),
				area2 = length(B),
				area3 = length(C),
				n12 = length(nab),
				n23 = length(nbc),
				n13 = length(nac),
				n123 = length(nabc),
				category = list.names,
				ind = FALSE,
				list.order = 1:3,

		# draw a four-set Venn diagram
		else if (4 == length(x)) {
			A <- x[[1]];
			B <- x[[2]];
			C <- x[[3]];
			D <- x[[4]];

			list.names <- category.names;

			n12 <- intersect(A, B);
			n13 <- intersect(A, C);
			n14 <- intersect(A, D);
			n23 <- intersect(B, C);
			n24 <- intersect(B, D);
			n34 <- intersect(C, D);

			n123 <- intersect(n12, C);
			n124 <- intersect(n12, D);
			n134 <- intersect(n13, D);
			n234 <- intersect(n23, D);

			n1234 <- intersect(n123, D);

			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.quad.venn(
				area1 = length(A),
				area2 = length(B),
				area3 = length(C),
				area4 = length(D),
				n12 = length(n12),
				n13 = length(n13),
				n14 = length(n14),
				n23 = length(n23),
				n24 = length(n24),
				n34 = length(n34),
				n123 = length(n123),
				n124 = length(n124),
				n134 = length(n134),
				n234 = length(n234),
				n1234 = length(n1234),
				category = list.names,
				ind = FALSE,

		# draw a five-set Venn diagram
		else if (5 == length(x)) {
			A <- x[[1]];
			B <- x[[2]];
			C <- x[[3]];
			D <- x[[4]];
			E <- x[[5]];

			list.names <- category.names;

			n12 <- intersect(A, B);
			n13 <- intersect(A, C);
			n14 <- intersect(A, D);
			n15 <- intersect(A, E);
			n23 <- intersect(B, C);
			n24 <- intersect(B, D);
			n25 <- intersect(B, E);
			n34 <- intersect(C, D);
			n35 <- intersect(C, E);
			n45 <- intersect(D, E);

			n123 <- intersect(n12, C);
			n124 <- intersect(n12, D);
			n125 <- intersect(n12, E);
			n134 <- intersect(n13, D);
			n135 <- intersect(n13, E);
			n145 <- intersect(n14, E);
			n234 <- intersect(n23, D);
			n235 <- intersect(n23, E);
			n245 <- intersect(n24, E);
			n345 <- intersect(n34, E);

			n1234 <- intersect(n123, D);
			n1235 <- intersect(n123, E);
			n1245 <- intersect(n124, E);
			n1345 <- intersect(n134, E);
			n2345 <- intersect(n234, E);

			n12345 <- intersect(n1234, E);

			grob.list <- VennDiagram::draw.quintuple.venn(
				area1 = length(A),
				area2 = length(B),
				area3 = length(C),
				area4 = length(D),
				area5 = length(E),
				n12 = length(n12),
				n13 = length(n13),
				n14 = length(n14),
				n15 = length(n15),
				n23 = length(n23),
				n24 = length(n24),
				n25 = length(n25),
				n34 = length(n34),
				n35 = length(n35),
				n45 = length(n45),
				n123 = length(n123),
				n124 = length(n124),
				n125 = length(n125),
				n134 = length(n134),
				n135 = length(n135),
				n145 = length(n145),
				n234 = length(n234),
				n235 = length(n235),
				n245 = length(n245),
				n345 = length(n345),
				n1234 = length(n1234),
				n1235 = length(n1235),
				n1245 = length(n1245),
				n1345 = length(n1345),
				n2345 = length(n2345),
				n12345 = length(n12345),
				category = list.names,
				ind = FALSE,

		# this should never happen because of the previous check
		else {
			flog.error('Invalid size of input object',name='VennDiagramLogger')
stop('Invalid size of input object');
	# if there are two sets in the VennDiagram and the hypergeometric test is requested then perform the test and add the pvalue to the subtitle
	#p value always shown with 2 sig digs. Add another parameter for this later if you want to control the sig digs
	if (length(x) == 2 & !is.null(total.population) & hyper.test){
		val.p = calculate.overlap.and.pvalue(x[[1]],x[[2]],total.population, lower.tail = lower.tail);
			sub = paste0('p = ',signif(val.p[3],digits=2))
			sub = paste0(sub,', p = ',signif(val.p[3],digits=2))
	# if requested, add a sub-title
	if (!is.null(sub)) {
		grob.list <- add.title(
			gList = grob.list,
			x = sub,
			pos = sub.pos,
			fontface = sub.fontface,
			fontfamily = sub.fontfamily,
			col = sub.col,
			cex = sub.cex

	# if requested, add a main-title
	if (!is.null(main)) {
		grob.list <- add.title(
			gList = grob.list,
			x = main,
			pos = main.pos,
			fontface = main.fontface,
			fontfamily = main.fontfamily,
			col = main.col,
			cex = main.cex

	# if a filename is given, write a desired image type, TIFF default
	if (!is.null(filename)) {

		# set the graphics driver
		current.type <- getOption('bitmapType');
		if (length(grep('Darwin', Sys.info()['sysname']))) {
			options(bitmapType = 'quartz');
		else {
			options(bitmapType = 'cairo');
		# TIFF image type specified
		if('tiff' == imagetype) {
				filename = filename,
				height = height,
				width = width,
				units = units,
				res = resolution,
				compression = compression
		# PNG image type specified
		else if('png' == imagetype) {
				filename = filename,
				height = height,
				width = width,
				units = units,
				res = resolution

		# SVG image type specified
   		else if('svg' == imagetype) {
				filename = filename,
				height = height,
				width = width
		# Invalid imagetype specified
		else {
			flog.error('You have misspelled your "imagetype", please try again',name='VennDiagramLogger')
stop('You have misspelled your "imagetype", please try again');

		options(bitmapType = current.type);

		# return a success code
	# if file creation was not requested return the plotting object

calculate.overlap <- function(x) {
	# draw a single-set Venn diagram
	if (1 == length(x)) {
		overlap <- x;

	# draw a pairwise Venn diagram
	else if (2 == length(x)) {

		overlap <- list(
			a1 = x[[1]],
			a2 = x[[2]],
			a3 = intersect(x[[1]],x[[2]])

	# draw a three-set Venn diagram
	else if (3 == length(x)) {
		A <- x[[1]];
		B <- x[[2]];
		C <- x[[3]];

		nab <- intersect(A, B);
		nbc <- intersect(B, C);
		nac <- intersect(A, C);

		nabc <- intersect(nab, C);

		# calculate overlaps
		a5 = nabc;
		a2 = nab[which(!nab %in% a5)];
		a4 = nac[which(!nac %in% a5)];
		a6 = nbc[which(!nbc %in% a5)];
		a1 = A[which(!A %in% c(a2,a4,a5))];
		a3 = B[which(!B %in% c(a2,a5,a6))];
		a7 = C[which(!C %in% c(a4,a5,a6))];

		overlap <- list(
			a5 = a5,
			a2 = a2,
			a4 = a4,
			a6 = a6,
			a1 = a1,
			a3 = a3,
			a7 = a7


	# draw a four-set Venn diagram
	else if (4 == length(x)) {
		A <- x[[1]];
		B <- x[[2]];
		C <- x[[3]];
		D <- x[[4]];

		n12 <- intersect(A, B);
		n13 <- intersect(A, C);
		n14 <- intersect(A, D);
		n23 <- intersect(B, C);
		n24 <- intersect(B, D);
		n34 <- intersect(C, D);

		n123 <- intersect(n12, C);
		n124 <- intersect(n12, D);
		n134 <- intersect(n13, D);
		n234 <- intersect(n23, D);

		n1234 <- intersect(n123, D);

		# calculate overlaps
		a6  = n1234;
		a12 = n123[which(!n123 %in% a6)];
		a11 = n124[which(!n124 %in% a6)];
		a5  = n134[which(!n134 %in% a6)];
		a7  = n234[which(!n234 %in% a6)];
		a15 = n12[which(!n12 %in% c(a6,a11,a12))];
		a4  = n13[which(!n13 %in% c(a6,a5,a12))];
		a10 = n14[which(!n14 %in% c(a6,a5,a11))];
		a13 = n23[which(!n23 %in% c(a6,a7,a12))];
		a8  = n24[which(!n24 %in% c(a6,a7,a11))];
		a2  = n34[which(!n34 %in% c(a6,a5,a7))];
		a9  = A[which(!A %in% c(a4,a5,a6,a10,a11,a12,a15))];
		a14 = B[which(!B %in% c(a6,a7,a8,a11,a12,a13,a15))];
		a1  = C[which(!C %in% c(a2,a4,a5,a6,a7,a12,a13))];
		a3  = D[which(!D %in% c(a2,a5,a6,a7,a8,a10,a11))];

		overlap <- list(
			a6  = a6,
			a12 = a12,
			a11 = a11,
			a5  = a5,
			a7  = a7,
			a15 = a15,
			a4  = a4,
			a10 = a10,
			a13 = a13,
			a8  = a8,
			a2  = a2,
			a9  = a9,
			a14 = a14,
			a1  = a1,
			a3  = a3

	# draw a five-set Venn diagram
	else if (5 == length(x)) {
		A <- x[[1]];
		B <- x[[2]];
		C <- x[[3]];
		D <- x[[4]];
		E <- x[[5]];

		n12 <- intersect(A, B);
		n13 <- intersect(A, C);
		n14 <- intersect(A, D);
		n15 <- intersect(A, E);
		n23 <- intersect(B, C);
		n24 <- intersect(B, D);
		n25 <- intersect(B, E);
		n34 <- intersect(C, D);
		n35 <- intersect(C, E);
		n45 <- intersect(D, E);

		n123 <- intersect(n12, C);
		n124 <- intersect(n12, D);
		n125 <- intersect(n12, E);
		n134 <- intersect(n13, D);
		n135 <- intersect(n13, E);
		n145 <- intersect(n14, E);
		n234 <- intersect(n23, D);
		n235 <- intersect(n23, E);
		n245 <- intersect(n24, E);
		n345 <- intersect(n34, E);

		n1234 <- intersect(n123, D);
		n1235 <- intersect(n123, E);
		n1245 <- intersect(n124, E);
		n1345 <- intersect(n134, E);
		n2345 <- intersect(n234, E);

		n12345 <- intersect(n1234, E);

		# calculate overlaps
		a31  = n12345;
		a30 = n1234[which(!n1234 %in% a31)];
		a29 = n1235[which(!n1235 %in% a31)];
		a28 = n1245[which(!n1245 %in% a31)];
		a27 = n1345[which(!n1345 %in% a31)];
		a26 = n2345[which(!n2345 %in% a31)];
		a25 = n245[which(!n245 %in% c(a26,a28,a31))];
		a24 = n234[which(!n234 %in% c(a26,a30,a31))];
		a23 = n134[which(!n134 %in% c(a27,a30,a31))];
		a22 = n123[which(!n123 %in% c(a29,a30,a31))];
		a21 = n235[which(!n235 %in% c(a26,a29,a31))];
		a20 = n125[which(!n125 %in% c(a28,a29,a31))];
		a19 = n124[which(!n124 %in% c(a28,a30,a31))];
		a18 = n145[which(!n145 %in% c(a27,a28,a31))];
		a17 = n135[which(!n135 %in% c(a27,a29,a31))];
		a16 = n345[which(!n345 %in% c(a26,a27,a31))];
		a15 = n45[which(!n45 %in% c(a18,a25,a16,a28,a27,a26,a31))];
		a14 = n24[which(!n24 %in% c(a19,a24,a25,a30,a28,a26,a31))];
		a13 = n34[which(!n34 %in% c(a16,a23,a24,a26,a27,a30,a31))];
		a12 = n13[which(!n13 %in% c(a17,a22,a23,a27,a29,a30,a31))];
		a11 = n23[which(!n23 %in% c(a21,a22,a24,a26,a29,a30,a31))];
		a10 = n25[which(!n25 %in% c(a20,a21,a25,a26,a28,a29,a31))];
		a9 = n12[which(!n12 %in% c(a19,a20,a22,a28,a29,a30,a31))];
		a8 = n14[which(!n14 %in% c(a18,a19,a23,a27,a28,a30,a31))];
		a7 = n15[which(!n15 %in% c(a17,a18,a20,a27,a28,a29,a31))];
		a6 = n35[which(!n35 %in% c(a16,a17,a21,a26,a27,a29,a31))];
		a5 = E[which(!E %in% c(a6,a7,a15,a16,a17,a18,a25,a26,a27,a28,a31,a20,a29,a21,a10))];
		a4 = D[which(!D %in% c(a13,a14,a15,a16,a23,a24,a25,a26,a27,a28,a31,a18,a19,a8,a30))];
		a3 = C[which(!C %in% c(a21,a11,a12,a13,a29,a22,a23,a24,a30,a31,a26,a27,a16,a6,a17))];
		a2 = B[which(!B %in% c(a9,a10,a19,a20,a21,a11,a28,a29,a31,a22,a30,a26,a25,a24,a14))];
		a1 = A[which(!A %in% c(a7,a8,a18,a17,a19,a9,a27,a28,a31,a20,a30,a29,a22,a23,a12))];

		overlap <- list(
			a31  = a31,
			a30 = a30,
			a29 = a29,
			a28 = a28,
			a27 = a27,
			a26 = a26,
			a25 = a25,
			a24 = a24,
			a23 = a23,
			a22 = a22,
			a21 = a21,
			a20 = a20,
			a19 = a19,
			a18 = a18,
			a17 = a17,
			a16 = a16,
			a15 = a15,
			a14 = a14,
			a13 = a13,
			a12 = a12,
			a11 = a11,
			a10 = a10,
			a9 = a9,
			a8 = a8,
			a7 = a7,
			a6 = a6,
			a5 = a5,
			a4 = a4,
			a3 = a3,
			a2 = a2,
			a1 = a1
	# this should never happen because of the previous check
	else {
		flog.error('Invalid size of input object',name='VennDiagramLogger')
stop('Invalid size of input object');

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VennDiagram documentation built on April 13, 2022, 1:06 a.m.