
Defines functions warn warn.default print.warn plot.warn summary.warn warnSummary warnSummary.default print.warnSummary warnProb warnProb.default print.warnProb plot.warnProb summary.warnProb warnProbSummary warnProbSummary.default print.warnProbSummary warnOptim warnOptim.default print.warnOptim warnCI warnCI.default print.warnCI plot.warnCI

Documented in plot.warn plot.warnCI plot.warnProb summary.warn summary.warnProb warn warnCI warnCI.default warn.default warnOptim warnOptim.default warnProb warnProb.default

# =====R code=========================
# Weaning age reconstruction using d15N.
# ==============================
# 2013-01-14: Tsutaya T: combined all files,
#  integrated names of variable.
# https://sites.google.com/site/leihcrev/r/writing-your-own-functions
# 2014-11-03: Tsutaya T: added stop() message for 'age' > 10.
# 2019-10-07: Tsutaya T: Added mineral turnover rate.
# 2019-10-17: Tsutaya T: Added NA omit for age and d15N.
# ==============================
# OBJECTIVE ----------
# This program performs Apporoximate Bayesian Computation with SMC
#  adopting Partial Rejection Control (PRC)
#  in order to calculates posterior distributuions
#  of the weaning ages and weaning parameters.
# ==============================
# ==============================
# Define the class "warn".
# ==============================
warn <- function(age, d15N, female.mean, female.sd,
  fraction, prior, num.particle, form, tolerances){
# S3 method.

warn.default <- function(age, d15N, female.mean, female.sd = NA,
  fraction = "collagen",
  prior = c(0.5, 3, 3, 3, 1.9, 0.9, female.mean, 3, 0, 1),
  num.particle = 10000, form = "parabolic",
  tolerances = c(2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0)){
# Default method for S3 "warn" class (= WARN()).
# arg:
#  all arguments will be passed to WARN().
# return:
#  Class "warn" object.
  # Remove NA.
  no.NA <- !is.na(age) & !is.na(d15N)
  age.naomit <- age[no.NA]
  d15N.naomit <- d15N[no.NA]
  # Stop, if age > 10.
  if(max(age) > 10){
    stop(message=">10 years of 'age'")

  warn.result <- WARN(age = age.naomit,
    d15N = d15N.naomit,
    female.mean = female.mean,
    female.sd = female.sd,
    fraction = fraction,
    prior = prior,
    num.particle = num.particle,
    form = form,
    tolerances = tolerances)
  warn.result$call <- match.call()
  class(warn.result) <- "warn"


print.warn <- function(x, ...){
# Print method for S3 "warn" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warn" class.
# returns:
#  Pinrt of MDEs for the object.
  print(x$call) # Which method did match.
  cat("\nJoint probability of the waening ages:\n")


plot.warn <- function(x, 
  hline.female = TRUE, hline.adult = FALSE, 
  adult.mean = NA, adult.sd = 0,
  is.legend = TRUE, is.female = TRUE,
  plot = TRUE, ...){
# Plot method for S3 "warn" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warn" class.
#  ...: Passed to plot() in DrawMDE.
#   i.e. hline, adult.mean, adult.sd, is.legend, is.female, ...
# function:
#  DrawMDE
# returns:
#  plot of summaries for the object.
  DrawMDE(par.mde = x$mde[ , 1],
    d15N = x$d15N,
    age = x$age,
    female.mean = x$female.mean,
    female.sd = x$female.sd,
    fraction = x$fraction,
    form = x$form,
    hline.female = hline.female,
    hline.adult = hline.adult, 
    adult.mean = adult.mean,
    adult.sd = adult.sd,
    is.legend = is.legend,
    is.female = is.female, ...)

summary.warn <- function(object, ...){
# Summary method for S3 "warn" class.
# arg:
#  object: An object which was defined as "warn" class.
#  \dots: Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
# returns:
#  Print of class "warnSummary" object.
  object$individual <- length(object$age)
  class(object) <- "warnSummary"
# ==============================
# Define the class "warnSummary".
# ==============================
warnSummary <- function(object, ...){

warnSummary.default <- function(object, ...){
# Default method for S3 "warnSummary" class (= summary(warn)).
# arg:
#  object: an object of class "warnSummary", will be passed to print.warnSummary().
#  \dots: Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
# return:
#  Summary of class "warnSummary" object.
  result <- summary(object = object)

print.warnSummary <- function(x, ...){
# Print method for S3 "warnSummary" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warnSummary" class.
# returns:
#  Pinrt of summaries for the object.
  print(x$call) # Which method did match.
  cat("\nMDEs and marginal probabilities:\n")
  cat("\nJoint probability of the waening ages:\n")
  cat("\nMean squared distance under MDE parameters:\n")
  cat("\nNumber of non-adult individuals:\n")
  cat("\nNumber of particles:\n")


# ==============================
# Define the class "warnProb".
# ==============================
warnProb <- function(object, weaning.par, range.x, range.y){

warnProb.default <- function(object, weaning.par = "age",
  range.x, range.y = NA){
# Default method for S3 "warnProb" class (= CalcProb).
# arg:
#  object: An object which was defined as "warnProb" class.
#  weaning.par: Weaning parameters interested, c("age", "enrich", "wnfood").
#  range: A range with which we want to calculate probability.
#   Fractional point lower than e-002 is omitted.
# return:
#  Class "warnProb" object.
  # Calculate probabilities.
  if(weaning.par == "age"){
    warnprob.result <- CalcProb2D(
      kde = object$kde.age,
      range.x = range.x,
      range.y = range.y)
  }else if(weaning.par == "enrich"){
    warnprob.result <- CalcProb1D(
      kde = object$kde.enrich,
      range.x = range.x)
      warning("Argument for range.y is ignored.")
  }else if(weaning.par == "wnfood"){
    warnprob.result <- CalcProb1D(
      kde = object$kde.wnfood,
      range.x = range.x)
      warning("Argument for range.y is ignored.")
    stop("Choose correct weaning paramters from c(\"age\", \"enrich\", \"wnfood\").\n")

  # Another slots.
  warnprob.result <- c(object, warnprob.result)
  warnprob.result$weaning.par <- weaning.par
  warnprob.result$call <- match.call()
  class(warnprob.result) <- "warnProb"


print.warnProb <- function(x, ...){
# Print method for S3 "warnProb" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warnProb" class.
# returns:
#  Print of probability for the selected ranges.
  print(x$call) # Which method did match.


plot.warnProb <- function(x,
  is.legend = TRUE, is.contour = TRUE,
  is.image = FALSE, is.prior = FALSE, ...){
# Plot method for S3 "warnProb" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warnProb" class.
#  ...: Passed to DrawProb (= plot).
#   i.e. age: is.legend, is.image, ...
#   i.e. enrich, wnfood: is.legend, is.prior, ...
# function:
#  DrawProb1D
#  DrawProb2D
# returns:
#  plot of summaries for the probability estimation.
# note:
#  Dispatch for weaning paramters is working.
  if(x$weaning.par == "age"){
    DrawProb2D(kde = x$kde,
      range.x1 = x$range[1:2],
      range.y1 = x$range[3:4],
      mde = x$mde[1:2, 1],
      is.legend = is.legend,
      is.contour = is.contour,
      is.image = is.image, ...)
  }else if(x$weaning.par == "enrich"){
    DrawProb1D(kde = x$kde,
      range.x1 = x$range,
      mde = x$mde[3, 1],
      is.legend = is.legend,
      is.prior = is.prior,
      hyper.par = x$prior[5:6], ...)
  }else if(x$weaning.par == "wnfood"){
    DrawProb1D(kde = x$kde,
      range.x1 = x$range,
      mde = x$mde[4, 1],
      is.legend = is.legend,
      is.prior = is.prior,
      hyper.par = x$prior[7:8], ...)
    stop("Weaning paramter is incorrect.\n")

summary.warnProb <- function(object, ...){
# Summary method for S3 "warnProb" class.
# arg:
#  object: An object which was defined as "warnProb" class.
#  \dots: Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
# returns:
#  Print of class "warnProbSummary" object.
  class(object) <- "warnProbSummary"

# ==============================
# Define the class "warnSummary".
# ==============================
warnProbSummary <- function(object, ...){

warnProbSummary.default <- function(object, ...){
# Default method for S3 "warnProbSummary" class (= summary(warnProb)).
#  \dots: Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
# arg:
#  object: an object of class "warnProbSummary",
#   will be passed to print.warnProbSummary().
# return:
#  Summary of class "warnSummary" object.
  result <- summary(object = object, ...)

print.warnProbSummary <- function(x, ...){
# Print method for S3 "warnSummary" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warnProbSummary" class.
# returns:
#  Pinrt of summaries for the object.
  print(x$call) # Which method did match.
  cat("\nWeaning parameter:\n")


# ==============================
# Define the class "warnOptim".
# ==============================
warnOptim <- function(age, ...){
# S3 method.

warnOptim.default <- function(age, d15N, female.mean,
  fraction = "collagen",
  par.initial = c(0.5, 3, 1.9, female.mean),
  form = "parabolic", ...){
# Default method for S3 "warnOptim" class (= WrapperOptim).
# arg:
#  all arguments will be passed to WrapperOptim().
# return:
#  Class "warnOptim" object.
  warnoptim.result <- WrapperOptim(age = age,
    d15N = d15N,
    female.mean = female.mean,
    fraction = fraction,
    par.initial = par.initial,
    form = form, ...)
  warnoptim.result$call <- match.call()
  class(warnoptim.result) <- "warnOptim"


print.warnOptim <- function(x, ...){
# Print method for S3 "warnOptim" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warnOptim" class.
# function:
#  ConditionAge
# returns:
#  Pinrt of values of the optim function.
	# Conditioning the weaning ages.
	weaning.age <- ConditionAge(
    t1 = x$par[1], t2 = x$par[2])
	x$par[1] <- weaning.age[1]
	x$par[2] <- weaning.age[2]

  par.named <- x$par
  names(par.named) <- c("t1", "t2", "enrich", "wnfood")

  print(x$call) # Which method did match.
  cat("\nOptimized parameters:\n")


# ==============================
# Define the class "warnCI".
# ==============================
warnCI <- function(object, threshold){

warnCI.default <- function(object, threshold = 0.95){
# Default method for S3 "warnCI" class (= CalcCI).
# arg:
#  object: An object which was defined as "warnCI" class.
#  threshold: A scalar or vector indicating threshold of CI
#   for age, enrich, wnfood. If scalar, value is repeated.
#   From 0 to 1.
# return:
#  Class "warnCI" object.
  # Threshold.
  if(length(threshold) == 1){
    threshold <- rep(threshold, 3)

  # Calculate CIs.
  warnci.age <- CalcCI2D(
    kde = object$kde.age,
    mde.x = object$mde[1, 1],
    mde.y = object$mde[2, 1],
    threshold = threshold[1])
  warnci.enrich <- CalcCI1D(
    kde = object$kde.enrich,
    mde.x = object$mde[3, 1],
    threshold = threshold[2])
  warnci.wnfood <- CalcCI1D(
    kde = object$kde.wnfood,
    mde.x = object$mde[4, 1],
    threshold = threshold[3])
  names(threshold) <- c("age", "enrich", "wnfood")

  warnci.result <- list(
    ci.age = warnci.age,
    ci.enrich = warnci.enrich,
    ci.wnfood = warnci.wnfood,
    ci.threshold = threshold)
  # Another slots.
  result <- c(object, warnci.result)
  result$call <- match.call()
  class(result) <- "warnCI"


print.warnCI <- function(x, ...){
# Print method for S3 "warnCI" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warnCI" class.
# returns:
#  Print of calculated ranges and its probability.
  print(x$call) # Which method did match.
  cat("\nCI and its probability:\n")
  cat("\nWeaning ages:\n")
  cat("\nEnrichment of d15N from mother:\n")
  cat("\nd15N of collagen derived entirelly from weaning foods:\n")


plot.warnCI <- function(x, weaning.par = "age", ...){
# Plot method for S3 "warnCI" class.
# arg:
#  x: An object which was defined as "warnCI" class.
#  weaning.par: Weaning parameters interested, c("age", "enrich", "wnfood").
#  \dots: Passed to DrawCI (= plot).
#   i.e. age: is.legend, is.image, ...
#   i.e. enrich, wnfood: is.legend, is.prior, ...
# function:
#  DrawCI1D
#  DrawCI2D
# returns:
#  plot of summaries for the probability estimation.
# note:
#  Dispatch for weaning paramters is working.
  if(weaning.par == "age"){
    DrawProb2D(kde = x$kde.age,
      range.x1 = x$ci.age$range[1:2],
      range.y1 = x$ci.age$range[3:4],
      mde = x$mde[1:2, 1], ...)
  }else if(weaning.par == "enrich"){
    DrawProb1D(kde = x$kde.enrich,
      range.x1 = x$ci.enrich$range,
      mde = x$mde[3, 1], ...)
  }else if(weaning.par == "wnfood"){
    DrawProb1D(kde = x$kde.wnfood,
      range.x1 = x$ci.wnfood$range,
      mde = x$mde[4, 1], ...)
    stop("Choose correct weaning paramters from c(\"age\", \"enrich\", \"wnfood\").\n")

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WARN documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 9:57 a.m.