
Defines functions SubtractAgeResidue SamplePar GenerateEpsilon SetColTurnover SetMinTurnover ArrangeColMinTurnover CalcNonmilkProp IntNonmilkProp CalcRefBone SimulateBone ConditionAge CalcDistanceForOptim OptimizePar WrapperOptim CalcDistance CalcDistanceMDE SetTransition CalcTransition PerformABCPRC CalcPostDensity WrapperDensity WrapperABCPRC WARN CalcProb1D CalcProb2D DrawProb1D DrawProb2D DrawMDE CalcCI2D CalcCI1D

Documented in WARN

# =====R code=========================
# Weaning age reconstruction using d15N.
# ==============================
# 2013-01-14: Tsutaya T: All files are combined and variable names are integrated.
# 2013-01-22: Tsutaya T: Added warpper function for optim.
# 2013-02-09: Tsutaya T: Prior was changed.
# 2013-04-11: Tsutaya T: Added conditionnig on tolerances.
# 2014-11-03: Tsutaya T: Deleted call to 'MASS' and added "MASS::" to width.SJ.
# 2016-06-23: Tsutaya T: Fixed bug (>2 values in result of which()) in CalcProb1D and CalcProb2D.
# 2017-02-16: Tsutaya T: Fixed possible endless calculation in CalcProb1D and CalcProb2D.
# 2017-11-26: Tsutaya T: Added "modeled d15N" and "modeled diet" in returned values of warn.
# 2019-10-07: Tsutaya T: Added mineral turnover rate.
# 2019-10-17: Tsutaya T: Modified prior argument for the possible change in the prior distribution of epsilon.
# ==============================
# OBJECTIVE ==========
# This program performs Apporoximate Bayesian Computation with SMC
#  adopting Partial Rejection Control (PRC)
#  in order to calculates posterior distributuions
#  of the weaning ages and weaning parameters.
# ==============================
# warn --------------------
## Process assigned data.
SubtractAgeResidue <- function(age){
# Calculate age before one unit time and its residue for a given age vector.
# Args:
#  age: A vector of ages.
# Returns:
#  Dataframe of original ages, their residues and their subtracts.
# Exception handling:
#  When age is 0 years, its subtract is converted to 0.
	residue <- age %% 1.0
	residue <- ifelse(residue == 0, 1.0, residue)
	subtract <- age - residue
  subtract <- ifelse(subtract == -1.0, 0, subtract)
  results <- matrix(c(age, residue, subtract), length(age), 3)
  colnames(results) <- c("age", "residue", "subtract")
	# Returns the results.

## Set the prior distributions.
SamplePar <- function(mu.t1, sigma.t1, mu.t2, sigma.t2,
  mu.enrich, sigma.enrich, mu.wnfood, sigma.wnfood,
  mu.epsilon, sigma.epsilon){
# Sample parameters from the prior normal distribution
#  defined with thier hyper parameters.
# args:
#  Hyper parameters (mu: mean, sigma: 1SD):
#   t1: Age at the beginning of weaning.
#   t2: Age at the completion of weaning.
#   enrich: Enrichment factor between mother and infant.
#   wnfood: d15N value of weaning food.
#   epsilon: Hyper parameter (1SD) for the individual epsilon.
# returns:
#  Dataframe of all parameters.
    par.t1 <- rnorm(1, mu.t1, sigma.t1)
    par.t2 <- rnorm(1, mu.t2, sigma.t2)
    ifelse(par.t1 < par.t2 & par.t1 >= 0, break, FALSE)
  par.enrich <- rnorm(1, mu.enrich, sigma.enrich)
  par.wnfood <- rnorm(1, mu.wnfood, sigma.wnfood)
  par.epsilon <-  rnorm(1, mean = mu.epsilon, sd = sigma.epsilon)

  return(c(t1 = par.t1, t2 = par.t2, enrich = par.enrich,
    wnfood = par.wnfood, epsilon = par.epsilon))

GenerateEpsilon <- function(sigma, num.individual){
# Sample individual epsilons under the given sigma (distribution)
#  which was defined by the hyper parameter of epsilon.
# args:
#  sigma: Hyper parameter of SD for distribution of epsilon.
#   Individual epsilons are given as N~(0, sigma.epsilon^2).
#  num.individual: The number of individuals in observed data.
# returns:
#  A vector of individual epsilons.
  epsilons <- rnorm(n = num.individual, mean = 0, sd = abs(sigma))


## Calculate collagen turnover rates.
SetColTurnover <- function(x){
# Set turnover rate of bone collagen at given age.
#  This function is only applicable for nonadults under 20 years of age.
#  Turnover rate is represented as that of 1 year from t - 1.0 to t year.
# args:
#  x: An age at which we want to calculate the rate
  return(1.778e+00 - 4.121e-01 * x + 5.029e-02 * x^2 - 
    2.756e-03 * x^3 + 5.325e-05 * x^4)

## Calculate mineral turnover rates.
SetMinTurnover <- function(x){
# Set turnover rate of bone collagen at given age.
#  This function is only applicable for nonadults under 20 years of age.
#  Turnover rate is represented as that of 1 year from t - 1.0 to t year.
# args:
#  x: An age at which we want to calculate the rate
  return(1.433e+00 - 2.966e-01 * x + 3.531e-02 * x^2 - 
    1.936e-03 * x^3 + 3.749e-05 * x^4)

ArrangeColMinTurnover <- function(age, subtract, fraction = "collagen"){
# Calculate and arrange "collagen" turnover rate (modeling + remodeling).
#  If turnover rate is larger than 1, it must be 1.
#  If an objective individual is 0 years old, turnover rate of it must be 1.
#  Turnover rates during period of [subtract -> age] will be calculated.
# args:
#  age: A vector of reference or observed ages
#   with which we want to calculate the turnover rates.
#  subtract: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 year).
#  fraction: An character of target fraction of turnover.
# returns:
#  A vector of combined bone "collagen" or "mineral" turnover rate 
#   (modeling: "growth" + remodeling: "turnover") 
#   for the given age dataframe used in further computation.
#  Calculated reference turnover[1] corresponds to ages between 0 to 0 years,
#   reference turnover[2] corresponds to ages between 0 to 1.0 years, and so on.
  age.ceil <- ceiling(age)
  if(fraction == "collagen"){
    int.all <-  mapply(function(a, b){ # from a to b
      return(integrate(SetColTurnover, a, b)$value)
    a = subtract, b = age.ceil)
    int.age <-  mapply(function(a, b){ # from a to b
      return(integrate(SetColTurnover, a, b)$value)
    a = subtract, b = age)

    turnover <- SetColTurnover(age.ceil) * int.age / int.all
  }else if(fraction == "mineral"){
    int.all <-  mapply(function(a, b){ # from a to b
      return(integrate(SetMinTurnover, a, b)$value)
    a = subtract, b = age.ceil)
    int.age <-  mapply(function(a, b){ # from a to b
      return(integrate(SetMinTurnover, a, b)$value)
    a = subtract, b = age)

    turnover <- SetMinTurnover(age.ceil) * int.age / int.all

  turnover <- ifelse(turnover >= 1, 1, turnover)
  turnover <- ifelse(age == 0, 1, turnover)


## Weaning model.
CalcNonmilkProp <- function(age, t1, t2, form = "parabolic"){
# Calculate proportion of wnfood food for a given age and weaning ages.
# args:
#  age: An age at which we want to calculate the proportion.
#  t1 and t2: Weaning ages.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  The proportion of wnfood food.
	if(form == "linear"){
		proportion <- (age - t1) / (t2 - t1)  # linear form
	}else if(form == "parabolic"){
		proportion <- ((age - t1) / (t2 - t1))^2  # parabolic form
	}else if(form == "reverse"){
		proportion <- 1 - ((t2 - age) / (t2 - t1))^2  # reverse parabolic form
	}else if(form == "sigmoid"){
		front <- 1/2 + (1/2) * ((2 * age - t1 - t2) / (t2 - t1))^(1/3)
		front <- ifelse(is.nan(front), 0, front)
		post <- 1/2 - (1/2) * ((2 * age - t1 - t2) / (t1 - t2))^(1/3)
		post <- ifelse(is.nan(post), 0, post)
		post <- ifelse(post== (1/2), 0, post)	
		proportion <- (front + post) # sigmoid form

IntNonmilkProp <- function(age, residue, subtract, t1, t2, form = "parabolic"){
# Integrate proportions of wnfood food for given ages and weaning ages.
# args:
#  age: A vector of reference or observed ages
#   with which we want to calculate the proportions.
#  residue: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  t1 and t2: Weaning ages.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  The integrated proportions of wnfood food.
#   The return[1] corresponds to the period between 0 and 0 years,
#   the return[2] corresponds to the period between 0 and 1.0 years and so on.
# functions:
#  CalcNonmilkProp.
  Int <- function(age, residue, subtract, t1, t2, form){
  	if(age == 0){
	  	return(0 / residue)
	  }else if(age < t1){
		  return(0 / residue)
	  }else if(age >= t1 && age < t2 && subtract < t1){
		  inted.value <- integrate(CalcNonmilkProp, t1, age,
        t1 = t1, t2 = t2, form = form)
  		return(inted.value$value / residue)
	  }else if(subtract < t1 && age >= t2){
		  inted.value <- integrate(CalcNonmilkProp, t1, t2,
        t1 = t1, t2 = t2, form = form)
  		return(((age - t2) + inted.value$value) / residue)
	  }else if(subtract >= t1 && age < t2){
		  inted.value <- integrate(CalcNonmilkProp, subtract,
        age, t1 = t1, t2 = t2, form = form)
  		return(inted.value$value / residue)
	  }else if(subtract >= t1 && subtract < t2 && age >= t2){
		  inted.value <- integrate(CalcNonmilkProp, subtract, t2,
        t1 = t1, t2 = t2, form = form)
  		return(((age - t2) + inted.value$value) / residue)
	  }else if(subtract >= t2){
		  return(residue / residue)
  mapply(Int, age = age, residue = residue, subtract = subtract,
    t1 = t1, t2 = t2, form = form)

CalcRefBone <- function(age, residue, subtract, inted.wnfood.prop, enrich,
  female.mean, n.wnfood, turnover){
# Calculate reference bone d15N values.
# args:
#  age: A vector of reference ages with which we want to calculate the proportions.
#   This must start with 0 and be sequential numbers by unit time (e.g. 1.0 years).
#  residue: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  inted.wnfood.prop: A vector of integrated wnfood proportions.
#   for the reference ages.
#  enrich: Enrichment factor.
#  female.mean: Mean d15N value of adult females.
#  n.wnfood: Hypothesized d15N value of weaning foods.
#  turnover: A vector of integrated turnover ratis for the reference ages.
# returns:
#  Vector of d15N values for the reference bone.
  n.diets <- (1 - inted.wnfood.prop) * (enrich + female.mean) +
    inted.wnfood.prop * n.wnfood
  # The n.diets at 0 years old equal to female.mean + enrich.

	# Sequentially calculate the modeled bone d15N values for reference ages.
	n.bones <- numeric(length(age))
	n.bones[1] <- female.mean
	for(i in 2:length(age)){
		n.bones[i] <- n.bones[i - 1] * (1 - turnover[i]) + n.diets[i] * turnover[i]


SimulateBone <- function(age, residue, subtract, inted.wnfood.prop,
  enrich, female.mean, n.wnfood, n.bones.ref, epsilons, turnover){
# Simulate bone d15N values for the observed ages.
# args:
#  age: A vector of observed ages with which we want to calculate the proportions.
#  residue: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  inted.wnfood.prop: A vector of integrated wnfood proportions.
#   for the observed ages.
#  inted.turnover: A vector of integrated turnover ratis for the observed ages.
#  enrich: Enrichment factor.
#  female.mean: Mean d15N value of adult females.
#  n.wnfood: Hypothesized d15N value of weaning foods.
#  n.bones.ref: Reference bone d15N values for its unit time.
#  epsilon: A vector of individual error terms.
#  turnover: A vector of integrated turnover ratis for the observed ages.
# returns:
#  Vector of d15N values for the simulated bone.
  n.diets <- (1 - inted.wnfood.prop) * (enrich + female.mean) +
    inted.wnfood.prop * n.wnfood

	# Calculate the modeled bone d15N values for observed ages.
  unit.time <- 1.0
  n.bones.prev <- n.bones.ref[(subtract / unit.time) + 1]
	n.bones <- n.bones.prev * (1 - turnover) + n.diets * turnover
  # If age is 0 year, its bone must be equal to the d15N value of mother.
  n.bones[which(age == 0)] <- female.mean

	return(n.bones + epsilons)

## Optimization.
ConditionAge <- function(t1, t2){
# Condition weaning ages as 0 <= t1 < t2.
# args:
#  t1: The canditate age at the beginning of weaning.
#  t2: The canditate age at the completion of weaning.
# returns:
#  A vector of weaning ages.
	# Conditions: t1 >= 0 and t2 >= 0.
	if(t1 <= 0){	t1 <- 0}
	if(t2 <= 0){	t2 <- 0}

	# Condition: t1 < t2.
	if(t1 > t2){ A <- t1; t1 <- t2; t2 <- A}

	# Condition: t1 != t2.
	if(t1 == t2){	t2 <- t2 + 0.000001}
	return(c(t1 = t1, t2 = t2))

CalcDistanceForOptim <- function(age.ref, residue.ref, subtract.ref,
  age.obs, residue.obs, subtract.obs, female.mean, epsilon = 0, 
  turnover.ref, turnover.obs, d15N, form = "parabolic"){
# Calculate the distance between observed and simulated data for optimization.
#  Distance is represented as a mean of least square distances.
# args:
#  age: A vector of observed ages with which we want to calculate the distance.
#  residue: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  female.mean: Mean d15N value of adult females.
#  epsilon: SD for the distribution of individual epsilons.
#  turnover.ref: A vector of tuenover rate for reference ages.
#  turnover.obs: A vector of tuenover rate for observed ages.
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the nonadults.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  The distance.
# functions:
#  ConditionAge
#  CalcDistance
  return(function(par, ...){ # , age, residue, subtract,
#    female.mean, epsilon = 0, turnover.ref, turnover.obs, d15N){
    t1 = par[1]
    t2 = par[2]
    enrich = par[3]
    wnfood = par[4]

    weaning.age <- ConditionAge(t1 = t2, t2 = t2)
    t1 <- weaning.age[1]
    t2 <- weaning.age[2]

    return(CalcDistance(age.ref = age.ref, residue.ref = residue.ref,
      subtract.ref = subtract.ref, age.obs = age.obs,
      residue.obs = residue.obs, subtract.obs = subtract.obs,
      t1 = t1, t2 = t2, enrich = enrich, wnfood = wnfood,
      female.mean = female.mean, epsilon = 0, turnover.ref = turnover.ref,
      turnover.obs = turnover.obs, d15N = d15N, form = form))

OptimizePar <- function(par.initial, age.ref, residue.ref, subtract.ref,
  age.obs, residue.obs, subtract.obs, female.mean, epsilon = 0,
  turnover.ref, turnover.obs, d15N, form = "parabolic"){
# Perform optimization for a given dataset.
# args:
#  par.initial: Initial values for the parameters (t1, t2, enrich, and wnfood).
#  age: A vector of observed ages with which we want to calculate the distance.
#  residue: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  female.mean: Mean d15N value of adult females.
#  epsilon: SD for the distribution of individual epsilons.
#  turnover.ref: A vector of tuenover rate for reference ages.
#  turnover.obs: A vector of tuenover rate for observed ages.
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the nonadults.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  List of optimized parameters and other results.
# functions:
#  CalcDistanceForOptim
#  ConditionAge
	# optimize (minimize) the parameters
	par.optimized <- optim(par = par.initial, 
		fn = CalcDistanceForOptim(
      age.ref = age.ref,
      residue.ref = residue.ref,
      subtract.ref = subtract.ref,
      age.obs = age.obs,
      residue.obs = residue.obs,
      subtract.obs = subtract.obs,
      female.mean = female.mean,
      epsilon = 0,
      turnover.ref = turnover.ref,
      turnover.obs = turnover.obs,
      d15N = d15N,
      form = form
		control = list(maxit = 10000, ndeps = 1e-2, reltol = 1e-7)

	# conditioning the weaning ages
	weaning.age <- ConditionAge(
    t1 = par.optimized$par[1], t2 = par.optimized$par[2])
	par.optimized$par[1] <- weaning.age[1]
	par.optimized$par[2] <- weaning.age[2]


WrapperOptim <- function(age, d15N, female.mean,
  fraction = "collagen",
  par.initial = c(0.5, 3, 1.9, female.mean), 
  form = "parabolic", ...){
# Wrapper function for optimization of the weaning parameters.
# args:
#  age: A vector of observed ages for the subadults.
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the subadults.
#  female.mean: Female mean and SD d15N values.
#  fraction: An character of target fraction of turnover.
#  par: Initial values for parameters to be optimized over.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
#  ...: Additional arguments passed to optim().
# returns:
#  Returned values of the function optim().
# functions:
#  CalcDistanceForOptim
#  SubtractAgeResidue
#  ArrangeColMinTurnover
  # Arrange ages.
  age.ref = seq(0, 10, 1.0)

  age.reference <- SubtractAgeResidue(age.ref)
  age.observed <- SubtractAgeResidue(age)
  age.ref <- age.reference[ , 1]
  residue.ref <- age.reference[ , 2]
  subtract.ref <- age.reference[ , 3]

  age.obs <- age.observed[ , 1]
  residue.obs <- age.observed[ , 2]
  subtract.obs <- age.observed[ , 3]

  # Arrange turnover rate.
  turnover.ref <- ArrangeColMinTurnover(age.ref, subtract.ref, fraction)
  turnover.obs <- ArrangeColMinTurnover(age.obs, subtract.obs, fraction)

	# Optimize (minimize) the parameters.
	par.optimized <- optim(par = par.initial, 
		fn = CalcDistanceForOptim(
      age.ref = age.ref,
      residue.ref = residue.ref,
      subtract.ref = subtract.ref,
      age.obs = age.obs,
      residue.obs = residue.obs,
      subtract.obs = subtract.obs,
      female.mean = female.mean,
      epsilon = 0,
      turnover.ref = turnover.ref,
      turnover.obs = turnover.obs,
      d15N = d15N,
      form = form
    ), ...
    # control = list(maxit = 10000, ndeps = 1e-2, reltol = 1e-7)


## Perform ABC-PRC.
CalcDistance <- function(age.ref, residue.ref, subtract.ref,
  age.obs, residue.obs, subtract.obs, t1, t2, enrich, wnfood,
  female.mean, epsilon, turnover.ref, turnover.obs, d15N,
  dist.method = "square", zero.omit = FALSE, form = "parabolic"){
# Calculate the distance between observed and simulated data.
#  Distance is represented as a mean of least square distances.
# args:
#  age.ref: A vector of reference ages
#   with which we want to calculate the distance.
#  residue.ref: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract.ref: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  age.obs: A vector of observed ages
#   with which we want to calculate the distance.
#  residue.obs: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract.obs: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  t1 and t2: Weaning ages.
#  enrich: Enrichment factor.
#  wnfood: d15N value of wnfood food.
#  female.mean: Mean d15N value of adult females.
#  epsilon: SD for the distribution of individual epsilons.
#  turnover.ref: A vector of tuenover rate for reference ages.
#  turnover.obs: A vector of tuenover rate for observed ages.
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the nonadults.
#  dist.method: Which method ("square" or "as.is")
#   should be applied to calculate the distance.
#   The former calculates mean square distance and latter Euclidean.
#  zero.omit: Omit or not individuals in 0 years of age.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  When distance = "square": Mean of square distances.
#  When distance = "as.is": 1SD of Euclidean distances.
# functions:
#  IntNonMilkProp
#  CalcRefBone
#  GenerateEpsilon
#  SimulateBone
  inted.wnfood.ref <- IntNonmilkProp(age = age.ref, residue = residue.ref,
    subtract = subtract.ref, t1 = t1, t2 = t2, form = form)
  inted.wnfood.obs <- IntNonmilkProp(age = age.obs, residue = residue.obs,
    subtract = subtract.obs, t1 = t1, t2 = t2, form = form)

  n.bone.ref <- CalcRefBone(age.ref, residue.ref, subtract.ref,
    inted.wnfood.ref, enrich, female.mean, wnfood, turnover.ref)

  epsilons <- GenerateEpsilon(epsilon, length(age.obs))

  n.bone.obs <- SimulateBone(age.obs,

  if(zero.omit == TRUE){
    is.zero <- age.obs == 0
    is.zero <- FALSE

  if(dist.method == "square"){
    distance <- mean(((d15N - n.bone.obs)^2)[!is.zero])
  }else if(dist.method == "as.is"){
    distance <- sd((d15N - n.bone.obs)[!is.zero])
  }else if(dist.method == "mean"){
    distance <- mean((d15N - n.bone.obs)[!is.zero])


CalcDistanceMDE <- function(age.ref = seq(0, 10, 1.0), par.mde,
  age.obs, d15N, female.mean,
  fraction = "collagen", form = "parabolic"){
# Calcurate variation (scatterness) under the MLE framework
#  for a given observed dataset and MDE parameters.
# args:
#  age.ref: A vector of reference ages (unit time).
#  par.mde: MDEs of each parameters, c(t1, t2, enrich, wnfood).
#  pars: Hyper parameters in the order of c(mu.t1, sigma.t1,
#  age.obs: A vector of observed ages
#   with which we want to calculate the posterior.
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the nonadults.
#  female.mean: Mean d15N value of adult females.
#  fraction: An character of target fraction of turnover.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  A mean of least square distances.
# functions:
#  SubtractAgeResidue
#  ArrangeColMinTurnover
#  OptimizePar
#  CalcDistance
  age.reference <- SubtractAgeResidue(age.ref)
  age.observed <- SubtractAgeResidue(age.obs)
  age.ref <- age.reference[ , 1]
  residue.ref <- age.reference[ , 2]
  subtract.ref <- age.reference[ , 3]

  age.obs <- age.observed[ , 1]
  residue.obs <- age.observed[ , 2]
  subtract.obs <- age.observed[ , 3]

  turnover.ref <- ArrangeColMinTurnover(age.ref, subtract.ref, fraction)
  turnover.obs <- ArrangeColMinTurnover(age.obs, subtract.obs, fraction)

  square.opt <- CalcDistance(age.ref = age.ref,
    residue.ref = residue.ref,
    subtract.ref = subtract.ref,
    age.obs = age.obs,
    residue.obs = residue.obs,
    subtract.obs = subtract.obs,
    t1 = par.mde[1],
    t2 = par.mde[2],
    enrich = par.mde[3],
    wnfood = par.mde[4],
    female.mean = female.mean,
    epsilon = 0,
    turnover.ref = turnover.ref,
    turnover.obs = turnover.obs,
    d15N = d15N,
    dist.method = "square",
    zero.omit = FALSE,
    form = form)


SetTransition <- function(mu){
# Transition kernel used in Sequential Monte Carlo.
# args:
#  mu: A previous parameter from which we want to calculate perturbed parameter.
# returns:
#  Next canditate parameter value.
  rnorm(1, mu, 0.10)

CalcTransition <- function(from, to){
# Clculate probability densitity of the transition in SMC.
# args:
#  from: Previous parameter value.
#  to: Perturbed next parameter value.
# returns:
#  Density of the transition.
  dnorm(to - from, 0, 0.10)

PerformABCPRC <- function(threshold,
  tolerances, num.particle, mu.t1, sigma.t1,
  mu.t2, sigma.t2, mu.enrich, sigma.enrich, mu.wnfood, sigma.wnfood,
  mu.epsilon, sigma.epsilon, age.ref, residue.ref, subtract.ref,
  age.obs, residue.obs, subtract.obs, female.mean,
  turnover.ref, turnover.obs, d15N, form = "parabolic"){
# Perform ABC-SMC with Partial Rejection Control (PRC).
# args:
#  threshold: Mean least square distances between observed and optimized model.
#  tolerances: A vector of sequentially-decreasing tolerances.
#  num.particle: The number of particles.
#  Hyper parameters (mu: mean, sigma: 1SD):
#   t1: Age at the beginning of weaning.
#   t2: Age at the completion of weaning.
#   enrich: Enrichment factor between mother and infant.
#   wnfood: d15N value of weaning food.
#   epsilon: Hyper parameter (1SD) for the individual epsilon.
#  age.ref: A vector of reference ages
#   with which we want to calculate the distance.
#  residue.ref: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract.ref: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  age.obs: A vector of observed ages
#   with which we want to calculate the distance.
#  residue.obs: A vector of their residues (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  subtract.obs: A vector of their subtracts (unit time is <= 1.0 years).
#  female.mean: Mean d15N value of adult females.
#  turnover.ref: A vector of tuenover rate for reference ages.
#  turnover.obs: A vector of tuenover rate for observed ages.
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the nonadults.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  A list of target theta particle and its weight.
# functions:
  # Indicator.
  cat("Remains: ")
  # Set a number of parallelization and hyper parameters.
  parallel <- 1000
  mu.all <- c(mu.t1, mu.t2, mu.enrich, mu.wnfood, mu.epsilon)
  sigma.all <- c(sigma.t1, sigma.t2, sigma.enrich, sigma.wnfood, sigma.epsilon)
  # Start SMC sampling with PRC.
  t <- 1
  while(t <= length(tolerances)){
    # Indicator.
    cat(length(tolerances) - t + 1, "")
    # Set initial values.
    theta.chain <- array(0, dim = c(num.particle + parallel, 5))
    weight.chain <- array(0, dim = c(num.particle, 5))
    i <- 1
    # Computation for a first population.
    if(t ==  1){
      while(i <= num.particle){
          # Set initial value.
          theta.aa <- array(0, dim = c(parallel, 5))
          # Sample from prior.
          for(j in 1:parallel){
            theta.aa[j, ] <- SamplePar(
              mu.t1, sigma.t1, mu.t2, sigma.t2, mu.enrich, sigma.enrich,
              mu.wnfood, sigma.wnfood, mu.epsilon, sigma.epsilon)
          # Calculate S(theta^**) and check the rho.
          distance.aa <- mapply(function(t1, t2, enrich, wnfood, epsilon){
            age.ref = age.ref,
            residue.ref = residue.ref, subtract.ref = subtract.ref,
            age.obs = age.obs, residue.obs = residue.obs,
            subtract.obs = subtract.obs, t1 = t1, t2 = t2,
            enrich = enrich, wnfood = wnfood,
            female.mean =  female.mean, epsilon = epsilon,
            turnover.ref = turnover.ref, turnover.obs = turnover.obs,
            d15N = d15N, form = form)},
            t1 = theta.aa[ , 1], t2 = theta.aa[ , 2],
            enrich = theta.aa[ , 3], wnfood = theta.aa[ , 4],
            epsilon = theta.aa[ , 5]
          theta.tf <- ifelse(distance.aa - threshold <= tolerances[t], TRUE, FALSE)
          # Retry if there is no accepted theta.
          ifelse(sum(theta.tf) <= 0, TRUE, break)
        # Assign accepted theta.
        theta.chain[i:(i + sum(theta.tf) - 1), ] <- theta.aa[theta.tf, ]
        # Increment.
        i <- i + sum(theta.tf)
      # Set weight.
      weight.chain[ , ] <- 1
    # Computation for the remaining population(s).
      while(i <= num.particle){
          # Set initial value.
          theta.a <- array(0, dim = c(parallel, 5))
          # Sample canditate theta from previous particle with its weights.
          for(j in 1:5){
            theta.a[ , j] <- try(sample(x = theta.prev[ , j],
              size = parallel, replace = TRUE, prob = weight.prev[ , j]))
          # Propagate theta with transition kernel.
          theta.aa <- apply(theta.a, c(1, 2), SetTransition)
          # Condition for t1 and t2.
            t.tf <- ifelse(theta.aa[ , 1] < theta.aa[ , 2] & theta.aa[ , 1] > 0,
              FALSE, TRUE)
            # Check.
            ifelse(sum(t.tf) == 0, break, TRUE)
            for(j in 1:2){
              theta.a[t.tf, j] <- try(sample(x = theta.prev[ , j],
                size = sum(t.tf), replace = TRUE, prob = weight.prev[ , j]))
            # Propagate theta with transition kernel.
            theta.aa[t.tf, 1:2] <- mapply(SetTransition, mu = theta.a[t.tf, 1:2])
          # Calculate S(theta^**) and check the rho.
          distance.aa <- mapply(function(t1, t2, enrich, wnfood, epsilon){
            age.ref = age.ref,
            residue.ref = residue.ref, subtract.ref = subtract.ref,
            age.obs = age.obs, residue.obs = residue.obs,
            subtract.obs = subtract.obs, t1 = t1, t2 = t2,
            enrich = enrich, wnfood = wnfood,
            female.mean =  female.mean, epsilon = epsilon,
            turnover.ref = turnover.ref, turnover.obs = turnover.obs,
            d15N = d15N, form = form)},
            t1 = theta.aa[ , 1], t2 = theta.aa[ , 2],
            enrich = theta.aa[ , 3], wnfood = theta.aa[ , 4],
            epsilon = theta.aa[ , 5]
          theta.tf <- ifelse(distance.aa - threshold <= tolerances[t],
            TRUE, FALSE)
          # Retry if there is no accepted theta.
          ifelse(sum(theta.tf) <= 0, TRUE, break)
        # Assign accepted theta.
        theta.chain[i:(i + sum(theta.tf) - 1), ] <- theta.aa[theta.tf, ]
        # Increment.
        i <- i + sum(theta.tf)
      # If t = T, weighting does not be performed.
      if(t < length(tolerances)){
        # After required particles are filled: Calculate Density of theta.
        theta.probability <- t(apply(theta.chain[1:num.particle, ], 1,
            function(x){dnorm(x, mean = mu.all, sd = sigma.all)}))
        # Calculate the weight of theta.
        weight.denom <- array(0, dim = c(num.particle, 5))
        for(j in 1:5){
          for(k in 1:num.particle){
            weight.denom[k, j] <- sum(weight.prev[ , j] * 
              CalcTransition(theta.prev[ , j], theta.chain[k, j]))
        weight.chain <- theta.probability / weight.denom
    # Trim theta chain and assign theta.
    theta.prev <- theta.chain[1:num.particle, ]
    # If t = T, weighting does not be performed.
    ifelse(t == length(tolerances), break, TRUE)
    # Normarile the weights.
    weight.sum <- apply(weight.chain, 2, sum)
    weight.tf <- weight.sum == 0
    weight.chain[ , weight.tf] <- 1
    weight.sum[weight.tf] <- num.particle
    weight.normalized <- t(apply(weight.chain, 1, function(y){ y / weight.sum}))
    # Perform PRC in case of skewed distribution in theta (ESS < N/2).
    weight.prev <- array(0, dim = c(num.particle, 5))
    ess <- (1 / apply(weight.normalized^2, 2, sum))
    for(l in 1:5){
      if(ess[l] < (num.particle / 2)){
        theta.prev[ , l] <- try(sample(x = theta.prev[ , l],
          size = num.particle, prob = weight.normalized[ , l]))
        weight.prev[ , l] <- (1 / num.particle)
        weight.prev[ , l] <- weight.normalized[ , l]
    # Increment.
    t <- t + 1
  # Indicator.
  return(list(theta = theta.prev, weight = weight.prev))

CalcPostDensity <- function(posterior.x, posterior.y = NA,
  is.2d = FALSE, decimal = 1){
# Apply 1d- or 2d-KDE to given posterior particle(s).
# args:
#  posterior.x: Posterior particle 1.
#  posterior.y: Posterior particle 2.
#  is.2d: If TRUE, 2d-KDE will be applyed.
#  decimal: Decimal point to be rounded. 1 is recommennded.
# dependence:
#  library(MASS): If 2d-KDE is applyed.
# returns:
#  A list returned from density() or kde2d().
  times <- 10^(decimal)

    # Preliminary density.
    d1 <- MASS::kde2d(x = posterior.x, y = posterior.y,
      h = c(MASS::width.SJ(posterior.x, method = "dpi"),
        MASS::width.SJ(posterior.y, method = "dpi")))

    # Adjust density to given decimal points.
    min.dx <- floor(min(d1$x) * times) / times
    max.dx <- ceiling(max(d1$x) * times) / times
    n.dx <- (max.dx - min.dx) * times + 1

    min.dy <- floor(min(d1$y) * times) / times
    max.dy <- ceiling(max(d1$y) * times) / times
    n.dy <- (max.dy - min.dy) * times + 1

    # Adjested density.
    d2 <- MASS::kde2d(x = posterior.x, y = posterior.y,
      h = c(MASS::width.SJ(posterior.x, method = "dpi"),
        MASS::width.SJ(posterior.y, method = "dpi")),
      n = c(n.dx, n.dy), lims = c(min.dx, max.dx, min.dy, max.dy))
    # Preliminary density.
    d1 <- density(posterior.x,
      bw = MASS::width.SJ(posterior.x, method = "dpi"))

    # Adjust density to given decimal points.
    min.dx <- floor(min(d1$x) * times) / times
    max.dx <- ceiling(max(d1$x) * times) / times
    n.dx <- (max.dx - min.dx) * times + 1

    # Adjested density.
    d2 <- density(posterior.x,
      bw = MASS::width.SJ(posterior.x, method = "dpi"),
      n = n.dx, from = min.dx, to = max.dx)


WrapperDensity <- function(result.d, is.2d = FALSE){
# Wrapper function returns MDE and its probability.
# args:
#  result.d: Returned result from density() or kde2d().
#  is.2d: If TRUE, function is applied to 2d-KDE result.
# returns:
#  An array contains [c(x, y), c(mde, marginal.probability)], if is.2d = TRUE.
#  A vector contains c(mde, marginal.probability), if is.2d = FALSE.
# functions:
#  CalcPostDensity
    mde.ind <- which(result.d$z == max(result.d$z), arr.ind = TRUE)
    mde <- c(result.d$x[mde.ind[1]], result.d$y[mde.ind[2]])
    mde.prob.x <- sum(result.d$z[mde.ind[1], ]) / sum(result.d$z)
    mde.prob.y <- sum(result.d$z[ , mde.ind[2]]) / sum(result.d$z)
    estimator <- cbind(mde, c(mde.prob.x, mde.prob.y))
    mde.ind <- which(result.d$y == max(result.d$y))
    mde <- result.d$x[mde.ind]
    mde.prob <- result.d$y[mde.ind] / sum(result.d$y)
    estimator <- c(mde, mde.prob)


WrapperABCPRC <- function(age.ref = seq(0, 10, 1.0), prior,
  age.obs, d15N, female.mean, fraction = "collagen",
  num.particle = 10000, form = "parabolic",
  tolerances = c(2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0)){
# Set threshold (optimized value) and perform ABC-PRC
#  for a given observed dataset and prior distributions.
# args:
#  age.ref: A vector of reference ages (unit time).
#  prior: Hyper parameters in the order of c(mu.t1, sigma.t1,
#   mu.t2, sigma.t2, mu.enrich, sigma.enrich, mu.wnfood, sigma.wnfood,
#   mu.epsilon, sigma.epsilon).
#   mu: mean, sigma: 1SD.
#   t1: Age at the beginning of weaning.
#   t2: Age at the completion of weaning.
#   enrich: Enrichment factor between mother and infant.
#   wnfood: d15N value of weaning food.
#   epsilon: Hyper parameter (1SD) for the individual epsilon.
#  age.obs: A vector of observed ages
#   with which we want to calculate the posterior.
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the nonadults.
#  female.mean: Mean d15N value of adult females.
#  fraction: An character of target fraction of turnover.
#  num.particle: The number of extracted parameters included in one particle.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  A list of target theta particle and its weight.
# functions:
#  SubtractAgeResidue
#  ArrangeColMinTurnover
#  OptimizePar
#  PerformABCPRC
  age.reference <- SubtractAgeResidue(age.ref)
  age.observed <- SubtractAgeResidue(age.obs)
  age.ref <- age.reference[ , 1]
  residue.ref <- age.reference[ , 2]
  subtract.ref <- age.reference[ , 3]

  age.obs <- age.observed[ , 1]
  residue.obs <- age.observed[ , 2]
  subtract.obs <- age.observed[ , 3]

  turnover.ref <- ArrangeColMinTurnover(age.ref, subtract.ref, fraction)
  turnover.obs <- ArrangeColMinTurnover(age.obs, subtract.obs, fraction)

  par.initial <- c(prior[c(1, 3, 5, 7)])
  par.opt <- OptimizePar(par.initial = par.initial,
    age.ref = age.ref,
    residue.ref = residue.ref,
    subtract.ref = subtract.ref,
    age.obs = age.obs,
    residue.obs = residue.obs,
    subtract.obs = subtract.obs,
    female.mean = female.mean,
    epsilon = 0,
    turnover.ref = turnover.ref,
    turnover.obs = turnover.obs,
    d15N = d15N,
    form = form)

  threshold <- par.opt$value

  prc <- PerformABCPRC(
    threshold = threshold,
    tolerances = tolerances,
    num.particle = num.particle,
    mu.t1 = prior[1],
    sigma.t1 = prior[2],
    mu.t2 = prior[3],
    sigma.t2 = prior[4],
    mu.enrich = prior[5],
    sigma.enrich = prior[6],
    mu.wnfood = prior[7],
    sigma.wnfood = prior[8],
    mu.epsilon = prior[9],
    sigma.epsilon = prior[10],
    age.ref = age.ref,
    residue.ref = residue.ref,
    subtract.ref = subtract.ref,
    age.obs = age.obs,
    residue.obs = residue.obs,
    subtract.obs = subtract.obs,
    female.mean = female.mean,
    turnover.ref = turnover.ref,
    d15N = d15N,
    form = form)


WARN <- function(age, d15N, female.mean, female.sd = NA,
  fraction = "collagen",
  prior = c(0.5, 3, 3, 3, 1.9, 0.9, female.mean, 3, 0, 1),
  num.particle = 10000, form = "parabolic",
  tolerances = c(2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0)){
# Wrapper function for weaning ages reconstruction using ABC-SMC-PRC.
#  Weaning Ages Reconstruction from Nitrogen isotope ratios.
# args:
#  age: A vector of observed ages for the subadults.
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the subadults.
#  female.mean, female.sd: Female mean and SD d15N values.
#  fraction: An character of target fraction of turnover.
#  prior: Hyper parameters in the order of c(mu.t1, sigma.t1,
#   mu.t2, sigma.t2, mu.enrich, sigma.enrich, mu.wnfood, sigma.wnfood,
#   mu.epsilon, sigma.epsilon).
#   mu: mean, sigma: 1SD.
#   t1: Age at the beginning of weaning.
#   t2: Age at the completion of weaning.
#   enrich: Enrichment factor between mother and infant.
#   wnfood: d15N value of weaning food.
#   epsilon: Hyper parameter of 1SD for the individual epsilon.
#  num.particle: The number of extracted parameters included in one particle.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
# returns:
#  A list of result which will be attributed class "warn".
# functions:
#  WrapperABCPRC
#  DrawAll
#  DrawContour
#  WrapperDensity
#  CalcDistanceMDE
  # ABC-PRC.
  posterior <- WrapperABCPRC(age.ref = seq(0, 10, 1.0), prior = prior,
    age.obs = age, d15N = d15N, female.mean = female.mean,
    fraction = fraction,
    num.particle = num.particle, form = form,
    tolerances = tolerances)$theta

  # KDE.
  kde.age <- CalcPostDensity(posterior.x = posterior[ , 1],
    posterior.y = posterior[ , 2],
    is.2d = TRUE, decimal = 1)
  kde.enrich <- CalcPostDensity(posterior.x = posterior[ , 3],
    is.2d = FALSE, decimal = 1)
  kde.wnfood <- CalcPostDensity(posterior.x = posterior[ , 4],
    is.2d = FALSE, decimal = 1)

  kdes <- list(age = kde.age, enrich = kde.enrich, wnfood = kde.wnfood)

  # Calculate KDE-MDEs and its probabilities.
  estimator <- rbind(WrapperDensity(result.d = kde.age, is.2d = TRUE),
    WrapperDensity(result.d = kde.enrich, is.2d = FALSE),
    WrapperDensity(result.d = kde.wnfood, is.2d = FALSE))
  rownames(estimator) <- c("t1", "t2", "enrich", "wnfood")
  colnames(estimator) <- c("mde", "probability")

  # Calculate probability of the combination of weaning ages.
  prob.2d.age <- CalcProb2D(kde = kde.age,
    range.x = rep(estimator[1, 1], 2),
    range.y = rep(estimator[2, 1], 2))$prob

  # Calculate mean squared distance between observed and modeled data.
  dist.mde <- CalcDistanceMDE(par.mde = estimator[ , 1],
    age.obs = age,
    d15N = d15N,
    female.mean = female.mean,
    fraction = fraction,
    form = form)

  return(list(mde = estimator,
    prob.2d.age = prob.2d.age,
    dist.mde = dist.mde,
    kde.age = kde.age,
    kde.enrich = kde.enrich,
    kde.wnfood = kde.wnfood,
    posterior = posterior[ , -5],
    age = age,
    d15N = d15N,
    female.mean = female.mean,
    female.sd = female.sd,
    fraction = fraction,
    prior = prior,
    particle = num.particle,
    form = form))

# warnProb --------------------
CalcProb1D <- function(kde, range.x){
# Calculate KDE-probability for given weaning parameter ranges.
# args:
#  kde: Product of density(). Usually a list contains x and y.
#  range.x: A range of x with which we want to calculate probability.
#   Fractional point lower than e-002 is omitted.
# returns:
#  A list contains $kde, $prob, and $range c(from.x, to.x).
# note:
#  This function works for "enrichment" and "wnfood".
  # Edit the ranges.
  range.x1 <- round(range.x, 1)
  range.x2 <- range.x1
  kde.x <- round(kde$x, 1)

  range.x2[1] <- ifelse(range.x2[1] < min(kde.x), min(kde.x), range.x2[1])
  range.x2[2] <- ifelse(range.x2[2] > max(kde.x), max(kde.x), range.x2[2])

  # Calculate the indexes of the ranges.
  ind.x <- c(
    min(which(kde.x == range.x2[1])),
    max(which(kde.x == range.x2[2])))

  # Calculate the probability of targetted ranges.
  target <- sum(kde$y[((ind.x[1]):(ind.x[2]))])
  prob <- target / sum(kde$y)

  result <- list(kde = kde,
    probability = prob,
    range = c(from.x = range.x1[1], to.x = range.x1[2]))


CalcProb2D <- function(kde, range.x, range.y){
# Calculate KDE-probability for given weaning age ranges.
# args:
#  kde: Product of kde2d(). Usually a list contains x, y, z.
#  range: Weaning age range with which we want to calculate probability.
#   Fractional point lower than e-002 is omitted.
#   x: t1, and y: t2.
# returns:
#  A list contains $kde, $prob, and $range c(from.x, to.x, from.y, to.y).
# note:
#  This function works for "age".
  # Edit the ranges.
  range.x1 <- round(range.x, 1)
  range.y1 <- round(range.y, 1)
  range.x2 <- range.x1
  range.y2 <- range.y1
  kde.x <- round(kde$x, 1)
  kde.y <- round(kde$y, 1)

  range.x2[1] <- ifelse(range.x2[1] < min(kde.x), min(kde.x), range.x2[1])
  range.x2[2] <- ifelse(range.x2[2] > max(kde.x), max(kde.x), range.x2[2])
  range.y2[1] <- ifelse(range.y2[1] < min(kde.y), min(kde.y), range.y2[1])
  range.y2[2] <- ifelse(range.y2[2] > max(kde.y), max(kde.y), range.y2[2])

  # Calculate the indexes of the ranges.
  ind.x <- c(
    min(which(kde.x == range.x2[1])),
    max(which(kde.x == range.x2[2])))
  ind.y <- c(
    min(which(kde.y == range.y2[1])),
    max(which(kde.y == range.y2[2])))

  # Calculate the probability of targetted ranges.
  target <- sum(kde$z[((ind.x[1]):(ind.x[2])), (ind.y[1]):(ind.y[2])])
  prob <- target / sum(kde$z)

  result <- list(kde = kde,
    probability = prob,
    range = c(from.x = range.x1[1], to.x = range.x1[2],
      from.y = range.y1[1], to.y = range.y1[2]))


# graphics --------------------
DrawProb1D <- function(kde, range.x1 = NA, mde = NA,
  is.legend = TRUE, is.prior = FALSE, hyper.par = NA, ...){
# Draw KDE-probability with rectangle showing a given weaning parameter range.
# args:
#  kde: Product of density(). Usually a list contains x and y.
#  range.x: A range of x with which we want to calculate probability.
#   Fractional point lower than e-002 is omitted.
#  mde: MDE, which is indicated on the figure.
#  is.legend: If FALSE, a default legend is not drawn.
#  is.prior: If TRUE, prior distribution is also drawn.
#  ...: Additional arguments are passed to plot().
# returns:
#  A figure indicating KDE-probability.
  x <- kde$x
  probability <- kde$y / sum(kde$y)
  Probability <- probability

  # Probability.
  plot(x, Probability, type = "l", ...)

  # Prior.
    range.prior <- seq(range.x1[1] - 10, range.x1[2] + 10, 0.02)
    prob.prior <- dnorm(range.prior, mean = hyper.par[1], sd = hyper.par[2])
    points(range.prior, prob.prior / 10, type = "l", lty = "dotted")

  # MDE.
  points(mde, max(probability), pch = 16, col = "red")

  # Range.
  rect(range.x1[1] - 0.05, 0 - max(probability) / 50,
    range.x1[2] + 0.05, max(probability) * 51 / 50,
    border = "red")

  # Legend.
    pch.l <- c(NA, NA, 19, NA)
    lty.l <- c("solid", "dotted", NA, "solid")
    col.l <- c("black", "black", "red", "red")
    legend.l <- c("Posterior", "Prior", "MDE", "Range")

      ind.l <- 1:4
      ind.l <- c(1, 3, 4)

    legend(min(x), max(probability),
      legend = legend.l[ind.l],
      pch = pch.l[ind.l],
      lty = lty.l[ind.l],
      col = col.l[ind.l],
      cex = 0.7, xjust = 0, yjust = 1)


DrawProb2D <- function(kde, range.x1 = NA, range.y1 = NA, mde = c(NA, NA),
  is.legend = TRUE, is.contour = TRUE, is.image = FALSE, ...){
# Draw KDE-probability with rectangle showing given weaning age ranges.
# args:
#  kde: Product of kde2d(). Usually a list contains x, y, z.
#  range: Lower and upper renges with which we want to indicate rectangle.
#   Fractional point lower than e-002 is omitted.
#  mde: MDE, which is indicated on the figure, c(t1, t2).
#  is.image: If TRUE, results are also descrived by image().
#  is.legend: If TRUE, a legend is drawn.
#  is.legend: If FALSE, a default legend is not drawn.
#  ...: Additional arguments are passed to plot().
# returns:
#  A figure indicating KDE-probability.
  t1 <- c(0, max(kde$x))
  t2 <- c(0, max(kde$y))
  plot(t1, t2, type = "n", ...)

  # image().
    image(kde, col =  gray((100:0)/100), add = TRUE)

  # contour().
    mde.freq <- max(kde$z)
    mde.levels <- (1:5 * (mde.freq / 5)) - mde.freq / 10
    contour(kde, add = TRUE, levels = mde.levels,
      labels = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9))

  # Line dividing t1 and t2.
  points(c(-10, 20), c(-10, 20), type = "l")

  # MDE.
  points(mde[1], mde[2], pch = 16, col = "red")

  # Range.
  rect(range.x1[1] - 0.05, range.y1[1] - 0.05,
    range.x1[2] + 0.05, range.y1[2] + 0.05,
    border = "red")

  # Legend.
    legend(diff(t1), 0, legend = c("MDE", "Range"),
      pch = c(19, NA), lty = c(NA, "solid"), col = "red",
      cex = 0.7, xjust = 1, yjust = 0)

DrawMDE <- function(par.mde, d15N, age,
  female.mean = NA, female.sd = 0,
  fraction = "collagen",
  form = "parabolic",
  hline.female = TRUE,
  hline.adult = FALSE,
  adult.mean = NA, adult.sd = 0, 
  is.legend = TRUE,
  is.female = TRUE,
  cex = 1, ...){
# Draw the KDE-MDE results.
# args:
#  par.mde: A vector of the MDEs: c(t1, t2, enrich, wnfood).
#  d15N: A vector of observed d15N values for the nonadults.
#  age: A vector of observed ages for the subadults.
#  female.mean: Female mean d15N values.
#  female.sd: SD of female d15N values.
#  fraction: An character of target fraction of turnover.
#  form: The form of change in d15N values during weaning.
#  hline: If true 1SD ranges are indicated by horizontal line.
#  adult.mean: Adult mean d15N values.
#  adult.sd: SD of adult d15N values.
#  is.legend: If TRUE, a legend is drawn.
#  is.female: If FALSE, female mean is not drawn.
#  ...: Arguments passed to plot().
# returns:
#  A figure of the KDE-MDE result.
# function:
#  ArrangeColMinTurnover
#  CalcNonmilkProp
#  IntNonmilkProp
#  CalcRefBone
  xmax <- ceiling(max(age) * 2) / 2 + 1
  age.reference <- SubtractAgeResidue(seq(0, xmax - 1, 0.5))
  age.ref <- age.reference[ , 1]
  residue <- age.reference[ , 2]
  subtract <- age.reference[ , 3]
  turnover.ref <- ArrangeColMinTurnover(age.ref, subtract, fraction)

  t1 <- par.mde[1]
  t2 <- par.mde[2]
  enrich <- par.mde[3]
  n.milk <- female.mean + enrich
  n.wnfood <- par.mde[4]

  # Change in the diet d15N value.
	before.weaning <- c(0, t1)
	during.weaning <- seq(t1, t2, length = 100)
	after.weaning <- c(t2, xmax - 1)
	model.age <- c(before.weaning, during.weaning, after.weaning)

  wnfood.mod <- mapply(CalcNonmilkProp,
    age = during.weaning, t1 = t1, t2 = t2, form = form)
  model.diets <- (1 - wnfood.mod) * (n.milk - n.wnfood) + n.wnfood
  model.diets <- c(n.milk, n.milk, model.diets, n.wnfood, n.wnfood)

  # Change in the bone d15N value.
  inted.wnfood.ref <- IntNonmilkProp(age.ref, residue, subtract, t1, t2, form)

  ref.bones <- CalcRefBone(age.ref, residue, subtract,
    inted.wnfood.ref, enrich, female.mean, n.wnfood, turnover.ref)

  # Draw the figure.
  Age <- c(0, xmax)
  Value <- c(min(d15N) - 1, max(d15N) + 1)
  plot(Age, Value, type = "n", ...)

  # Subadults.
	points(age, d15N, pch = 23, cex = cex)

	# Measured d15N mean and SD of females.
  female.mean <- ifelse(is.female, female.mean, NA)
  female.sd <- ifelse(is.female, female.sd, NA)

  female.age <- xmax - 0.4
	arrows(female.age, (female.mean + female.sd),
    female.age, (female.mean - female.sd),
    angle = 90, length = 0.025, code = 3)
	points(female.age, female.mean, pch = 19, col = "white", cex = cex)
	points(female.age, female.mean, pch = 21, cex = cex)
	# Measured d15N mean and SD of adults.
  adult.age <- xmax
	arrows(adult.age, (adult.mean + adult.sd),
    adult.age, (adult.mean - adult.sd),
    angle = 90, length = 0.025, code = 3)
	points(adult.age, adult.mean, pch = 4, cex = cex)

  # Horizontal line of adults.
    lines(c(-10, 100), rep(adult.mean + adult.sd, 2),
      type = "l", lty = "dotted", lwd = 0.5)
    lines(c(-10, 100), rep(adult.mean - adult.sd, 2),
      type = "l", lty = "dotted", lwd = 0.5)
    lines(c(-10, 100), rep(female.mean + female.sd, 2),
      type = "l", lty = "dotted", lwd = 0.5)
    lines(c(-10, 100), rep(female.mean - female.sd, 2),
      type = "l", lty = "dotted", lwd = 0.5)

	# Optimized d15N of diet.
	points(model.age, model.diets, type = "l", cex = cex)

	# Optimized d15N of bone.
	points(age.ref, ref.bones, pch = 18, cex = cex)

  # Legend.
    pch.l <- c(23, 18, NA, 4, 21)
    lty.l <- c(NA, NA, "solid", NA, NA)
    legend.l <- c("Measured value", "Modeled value", "Modeled diet",
      "Total adult", "Adult female")
    ind.l <- 1:5
      ind.l <- ind.l[-(which(ind.l == 4))]
      ind.l <- ind.l[-(which(ind.l == 5))]

    legend(xmax, Value[2], legend = legend.l[ind.l],
    pch = pch.l[ind.l], lty = lty.l[ind.l], cex = 0.7,
    xjust = 1, yjust = 1)

# warnCI --------------------
CalcCI2D <- function(kde, mde.x, mde.y,
  threshold = 0.95){
# Calcurate KDE-probability  and its range for given CI from kde data.
#  This function works for "age" of the weaning parameters.
# args:
#  kde: Product of kde2d(). Usually a list contains x, y, z.
#  mde.x/y: Weaning age of MDE estimates.
#   Fractional point lower than e-002 is omitted.
#   x: t1, and y: t2.
#  threshold: A scalar indicating threshold of CI. From 0 to 1.
# returns:
#  A list contains $kde, $probability,
#   and $range c(from.x, to.x, from.y, to.y).
# depend:
#  CalcProb2D
  # Warnings.
  if(threshold > 1){
    stop(message="c(0, 1) for the range of 'threshold'")
  # Variables
  nega <- c(-0.1, 0)
  posi <- c(0, 0.1)

  # Initial values.
  range.new.x <- rep(mde.x, 2)
  range.new.y <- rep(mde.y, 2)
  prob.mde <- CalcProb2D(
    kde = kde,
    range.x = range.new.x,
    range.y = range.new.y)
  probability.new <- prob.mde$probability

  # If MDE is Ok, return MDE.
  if(probability.new > threshold){
    result <- list(
#      kde = kde,
      probability = probability.new,
      range = c(

  # Searching
  calc.time <- 0 # If this values become >10000, calculation will stop.
  while(probability.new < threshold){
    names(range.new.x) <- NULL
    names(range.new.y) <- NULL

    # Searching for (expanding to) the 4 directions.
    prob.dash <- list(
      prob.nx = CalcProb2D(
        kde = kde,
        range.x = range.new.x + nega,
        range.y = range.new.y),
      prob.px = CalcProb2D(
        kde = kde,
        range.x = range.new.x + posi,
        range.y = range.new.y),
      prob.xn = CalcProb2D(
        kde = kde,
        range.x = range.new.x,
        range.y = range.new.y + nega),
      prob.xp = CalcProb2D(
        kde = kde,
        range.x = range.new.x,
        range.y = range.new.y + posi))

    # Select new range with max robability.
    probability.dash <- c(
    ind.max <- match(max(probability.dash), probability.dash)
    prob.new <- prob.dash[[ind.max]]

    # Variables for the next searching.
    probability.new <- prob.new$probability
    range.new.x <- prob.new$range[1:2]
    range.new.y <- prob.new$range[3:4]

    # Check for endlessness.
    calc.time <- calc.time + 1
    if(calc.time > 10000){
      stop(message="too wide CI to calculate")

  # Results.
  result <- list(
#    kde = kde,
    probability = probability.new,
    range = c(range.new.x, range.new.y))


CalcCI1D <- function(kde, mde.x,
  threshold = 0.95){
# Calcurate KDE-probability  and its range for given CI from kde data.
#  This function works for "enrich" and "wnfood" of the weaning parameters.
# args:
#  kde: Product of kde2d(). Usually a list contains x, y, z.
#  mde.x/y: Weaning age of MDE estimate.
#   Fractional point lower than e-002 is omitted.
#  threshold: A scalar indicating threshold of CI. From 0 to 1.
# returns:
#  A list contains $kde, $probability,
#   and $range c(from.x, to.x).
# depend:
#  CalcProb1D
  # Warnings.
  if(threshold > 1){
    stop(message="c(0, 1) for the range of 'threshold'")

  # Variables
  nega <- c(-0.1, 0)
  posi <- c(0, 0.1)

  # Initial values.
  range.new.x <- rep(mde.x, 2)
  prob.mde <- CalcProb1D(
    kde = kde,
    range.x = range.new.x)
  probability.new <- prob.mde$probability

  # If MDE is Ok, return MDE.
  if(probability.new > threshold){
    result <- list(
#      kde = kde,
      probability = probability.new,
      range = c(

  # Searching
  calc.time <- 0 # If this values become >100, calculation will stop.
  while(probability.new < threshold){
    names(range.new.x) <- NULL

    # Searching for (expanding to) the 4 directions.
    prob.dash <- list(
      prob.n = CalcProb1D(
        kde = kde,
        range.x = range.new.x + nega),
      prob.p = CalcProb1D(
        kde = kde,
        range.x = range.new.x + posi))

    # Select new range with max robability.
    probability.dash <- c(
    ind.max <- match(max(probability.dash), probability.dash)
    prob.new <- prob.dash[[ind.max]]

    # Variables for the next searching.
    probability.new <- prob.new$probability
    range.new.x <- prob.new$range

    # Check for endlessness.
    calc.time <- calc.time + 1
    if(calc.time > 200){
      stop(message="too wide CI to calculate")

  # Results.
  result <- list(
#    kde = kde,
    probability = probability.new,
    range = range.new.x)


# ==============================
# NOTE ----------
# ABC-SMC-PRC algorithm was quoted from
#  Sisson, S. Fan, Y. Tanaka, Mark M. 2007, 2009.
#  "Sequential Monte Carlo without likelihoods."
#  PNAS 104:1760-1765.
# ==============================

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