#' GetValues
#' This function gets the time series data values from the WaterML web service
#' @import stats
#' @import XML
#' @import httr
#' @param server The URL of the web service,
#' for example:
#' This can be also a custom REST URL or the file name of the WaterML file.
#' @param siteCode The site code. To get a list of available site codes, see GetSites() function
#' and use the FullSiteCode field.
#' @param variableCode The variable code. To get a list of possible variable codes, see GetVariables()
#' function and use the FullVariableCode field
#' @param startDate (optional) The start date in "yyyy-mm-dd" format
#' @param endDate (optional) The end date in "yyyy-mm-dd" format
#' @param methodID (optional) The ID of the observation method. To get a list of possible method IDs, see
#' methodID column in the output of GetSiteInfo(). If methodID is not specified, then the observations
#' in the output data.frame won't be filtered by method.
#' @param sourceID (optional) The ID of the source. To get a list of possible source IDs, see
#' sourceID column in the output of GetSiteInfo(). If sourceID is not specified, then the observations
#' in the output data.frame won't be filtered by source.
#' @param qcID (optional) The ID of the quality control level. Typically 0 is used for raw data and 1 is
#' used for quality controlled data. To get a list of possible quality control level IDs, see
#' QualityControlLevelID column in the output of GetSiteInfo(). If qcID is not specified, then the
#' observations in the output data.frame won't be filtered by quality control level.
#' @param daily (optional) If you set daily="max", daily="min" or daily="mean", then the
#' data values are aggreagted to daily time step.
#' @return a data.frame of data values with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item time: The local date/time of the observation. The data type is POSIXct. POSIXct is
#' a data type in R for storing time.
#' \item DataValue: The observed data value
#' \item UTCOffset: The difference between local time and UTC time in hours
#' \item CensorCode: The code for censored observations. Possible values are nc (not censored),
#' gt (greater than), lt (less than),
#' nd (non-detect), pnq (present but not quantified)
#' \item DateTimeUTC: The UTC time of the observation. The data type is POSIXct.
#' POSIXct is a special data type in R for storing time.
#' \item MethodCode: The code of the method or instrument used for the observation
#' \item SourceCode: The code of the data source
#' \item QualityControlLevelCode: The code of the quality control level. Possible values are
#' -9999 (Unknown), 0 (Raw data), 1 (Quality controlled data),
#' 2 (Derived products), 3 (Interpreted products), 4 (Knowledge products)
#' }
#' The output data.frame also has attributes with information about the status:
#' download.time, parse.time, download.status, parse.status
#' These attributes can be used for troubleshooting WaterOneFlow/WaterML server errors.
#' If parse status is "NO_VALUES_FOUND",
#' then this time series doesn't have any available data for the selected time period.
#' @keywords waterml
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #example 1: Get Values from a known site and variable from Ipswich River server.
#' server <- ""
#' v1 <- GetValues(server, site="IRWA:FB-BV", variable="IRWA:DO",
#' startDate="1999-01-01", endDate="1999-12-31")
#' #example 2: Get values from an external REST URL (in this case the Provo USGS NWIS site id 10163000)
#' url <- ",1.1&sites=10163000¶meterCd=00060"
#' v2 <- GetValues(url)
#' #example 3: Get values from WaterML 2.0 file and show year, month, day
#' url2 <- ""
#' waterml2_data <- GetValues(url2)
#' waterml2_data$year <- strftime(waterml2_data$time, "%Y")
#' waterml2_data$month <- strftime(waterml2_data$time, "%M")
#' waterml2_data$day <- strftime(waterml2_data$time, "%d")
GetValues <- function(server, siteCode=NULL, variableCode=NULL, startDate=NULL, endDate=NULL,
methodID=NULL, sourceID=NULL, qcID=NULL, daily=NULL) {
#file or url?
isFile <- FALSE
# declare the default download timeout in seconds
max_timeout = 360
# declare empty return data frame
df <- data.frame()
# trim any leading and trailing whitespaces in server
server <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", server)
#if server is a file name
# if server ends with .asmx, we also assume that the service is SOAP and we add ?WSDL
m1 <- regexpr("asmx$", server)
if (m1 > 1) {
server <- paste(server, "WSDL", sep="?")
#save variableCode for possible future use
original_variable_code <- NULL
if (!is.null(variableCode)) {
original_variable_code <- variableCode
#check startDate, endDate if it is null
startDateParam <- ifelse(is.null(startDate), "", strftime(as.POSIXct(startDate), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
endDateParam <- ifelse(is.null(endDate), "", strftime(as.POSIXct(endDate), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
# if server ends with ?WSDL or ?wsdl, we assume that service is SOAP
# otherwise, assume that service is REST
m <- regexpr("?WSDL|wsdl", server)
if (m > 1) {
url <- substr(server, 0, m - 2)
} else {
#if the service is SOAP:
if (SOAP) {
versionInfo <- WaterOneFlowVersion(server)
namespace <- versionInfo$Namespace
version <- versionInfo$Version
methodName <- "GetValuesObject"
#format the variable with the methodID, sourceID, qcID parameters
variableCodeParam <- variableCode
if (!is.null(methodID)) {
variableCodeParam <- paste(variableCodeParam, ":methodCode=", methodID, sep="")
if (!is.null(sourceID)) {
variableCodeParam <- paste(variableCodeParam, ":sourceCode=", sourceID, sep="")
if (!is.null(qcID)) {
variableCodeParam <- paste(variableCodeParam, ":qualityControlLevelCode=", qcID, sep="")
SOAPAction <- paste(namespace, methodName, sep="")
envelope <- MakeSOAPEnvelope(namespace, methodName, c(location=siteCode,
headers <- c("Content-Type" = "text/xml", "SOAPAction" = SOAPAction)
print(paste("downloading values from:", url, "..."))
downloaded <- FALSE
download.time <- system.time(
err <- tryCatch({
response <- POST(url, body = envelope, add_headers(headers),
status <- http_status(response)$message
downloaded <- TRUE
},error = function(e) {
if (!downloaded) {
attr(df, "download.time") <- as.numeric(download.time["elapsed"])
attr(df, "download.status") <- err
attr(df, "parse.time") <- NA
attr(df, "parse.status") <- NA
status.code <- http_status(response)$category
print(paste("download time:", round(download.time["elapsed"], 1), "seconds, status:", status.code))
# check for bad status code
if (tolower(status.code) != "success") {
status.message <- http_status(response)$message
attr(df, "download.time") <- as.numeric(download.time["elapsed"])
attr(df, "download.status") <- status.message
attr(df, "parse.time") <- NA
attr(df, "parse.status") <- NA
} else {
version <- "1.1"
if (substr(server, 1, 4) == "http")
print(paste("downloading values from:", server, "..."))
downloaded <- FALSE
download.time <- system.time(
err <- tryCatch({
response <- GET(server, timeout(max_timeout))
status <- http_status(response)$message
downloaded <- TRUE
},error = function(e) {
if (!downloaded) {
attr(df, "download.time") <- as.numeric(download.time["elapsed"])
attr(df, "download.status") <- err
attr(df, "parse.time") <- NA
attr(df, "parse.status") <- NA
status.code <- http_status(response)$category
print(paste("download time:", download.time["elapsed"], "seconds, status:", status.code))
# check for bad status code
if (tolower(status.code) != "success") {
status.message <- http_status(response)$message
attr(df, "download.time") <- as.numeric(download.time["elapsed"])
attr(df, "download.status") <- status.message
attr(df, "parse.time") <- NA
attr(df, "parse.status") <- status.message
} else {
#we are using a local file..
isFile <- TRUE
if (!isFile) {
download.time <- as.numeric(download.time["elapsed"])
download.status <- status.code
attr(df, "download.time") <- download.time
attr(df, "download.status") <- download.status
} else {
download.time <- 0
download.status <- "success"
# Parsing the WaterML XML Data #
begin.parse.time <- Sys.time()
print("reading data values WaterML ...")
doc <- NULL
status.code <- "xml parse error"
err <- tryCatch({
if (isFile) {
doc <- xmlParseDoc(server)
status.code <- "success"
} else {
doc <- xmlParse(response)
}, warning = function(w) {
warning(paste("Error reading WaterML:", conditionMessage(w)))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- conditionMessage(w)
attr(df, "parse.time") <- 0
}, error = function(e) {
warning(paste("Error reading WaterML:", conditionMessage(e)))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- conditionMessage(e)
attr(df, "parse.time") <- 0
if (is.null(doc)) {
warning("WaterML data from the GetValues response could not be parsed.")
attr(df, "parse.status") <- "XML parse error"
attr(df, "parse.time") <- 0
# Check for WaterML version 2.0 (special code - adopted from dataRetrieval package..)
waterml_version <- WaterMLVersion(doc)
if (waterml_version == "2.0") {
ns <- xmlNamespaceDefinitions(doc, simplify = TRUE)
timeSeries <- xpathApply(doc, "//wml2:Collection", namespaces = ns)
if(0 == length(timeSeries)){
df <- data.frame()
print("NOTE: No data values found in this time series")
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- "NO_VALUES_FOUND"
attr(df, "parse.time") <- parse.time
for (i in 1:length(timeSeries)){
chunk <- xmlDoc(timeSeries[[i]])
chunk <- xmlRoot(chunk)
chunkNS <- xmlNamespaceDefinitions(chunk, simplify = TRUE)
xp <- xpathApply(chunk, "//wml2:MeasurementTimeseries/wml2:point/wml2:MeasurementTVP",
xpathSApply, ".//*[not(*)]",
function(x) setNames(ifelse(nzchar(xmlValue(x)),
ifelse("qualifier" == xmlName(x),
xpathSApply(x,"./@xlink:title",namespaces = ns),"")), #originally I had the "" as xmlAttr(x)
namespaces = chunkNS)
xmlValue, namespaces = ns)) != 0){
xp <- xp[-1]
# allow for the case where optional <wml2:metadata> appears within <wml2:MeasurementTVP>
if(length(xp) > 0){
numElements = length(names(xp[[1]]))
xp2 <- unlist(xp)
xpTimes <- xp2[seq(1, length(xp2), numElements)]
xpVals <- xp2[seq(2, length(xp2), numElements)]
DF2 <- data.frame(time=xpTimes, value=xpVals, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
DF2$time <- substr(gsub(":","",DF2$time),1, 17)
DF2$time <- ifelse(nchar(DF2$time) > 18,
as.POSIXct(DF2$time, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%z",tz="UTC"),
as.POSIXct(DF2$time, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S",tz="UTC"))
DF2$time <- as.POSIXct(DF2$time, origin = "1970-01-01", tz="UTC")
DF2$value <- as.numeric(DF2$value)
# Very specific to USGS:
defaultQualifier <- as.character(xpathApply(chunk, "//wml2:defaultPointMetadata/wml2:DefaultTVPMeasurementMetadata/wml2:qualifier/@xlink:title",namespaces = chunkNS))
if (length(defaultQualifier) == 0 && (typeof(defaultQualifier) == "character")) {
defaultQualifier <- "NA"
if("swe:value" %in% names(DF2)){
isQual <- as.character(xpathApply(chunk,
namespaces = chunkNS))
DF2$qualifier <- ifelse(defaultQualifier != isQual,isQual,defaultQualifier)
DF2$`swe:value` <- NULL
} else {
DF2$qualifier <- rep(defaultQualifier,nrow(DF2))
names(DF2) <- c("time", "DataValue", "Qualifier")
DF2$UTCOffset <- 0
DF2$CensorCode <- "nc"
DF2$DateTimeUTC <- DF2$LocalDateTime
DF2$MethodCode <- NA
DF2$SourceCode <- NA
DF2$QualityControlLevelCode <- NA
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(DF2, "download.time") <- download.time
attr(DF2, "download.status") <- download.status
attr(DF2, "parse.status") <- "OK"
attr(DF2, "parse.time") <- parse.time
return (DF2)
# specify the namespace information
ns <- WaterOneFlowNamespace(version)
#try to find faultstring to look for an error
fault <- xpathSApply(doc, "//soap:Fault", xmlValue, namespaces=ns)
if (length(fault) > 0) {
print(paste("SERVER ERROR in GetValues ", as.character(fault), sep=":"))
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- as.character(fault)
attr(df, "parse.time") <- parse.time
#again check for the status code
if (tolower(status.code) == "server error") {
print(paste("SERVER ERROR in GetValues ", http_status(response)$message))
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- http_status(response)$message
attr(df, "parse.time") <- parse.time
# extract the data columns with XPath
val = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlValue, namespaces=ns)
N <- length(val)
# if N is 0: the document does not have data values or the xml is probably not valid
if (N == 0) {
timeSeriesElement <- unlist(xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:timeSeries", xmlValue, namespaces=ns))
if (is.null(timeSeriesElement)) {
print("Error reading WaterML: Bad XML format. <timeSeries> tag not found.")
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- "Bad XML format. <timeSeries> tag not found."
attr(df, "parse.time") <- parse.time
} else {
#no data values were found
print("NOTE: No data values found in this time series")
#special case: methodID, sourceID or qcID is specified. Try again with
#empty methodID, sourceID, qcID
if (!is.null(methodID) | !is.null(sourceID) | !is.null(qcID)) {
print("Trying GetValues again without methodID, sourceID, qcID...")
daily_param <- daily
return(GetValues(server, siteCode, original_variable_code, startDate, endDate,
methodID=NULL, sourceID=NULL, qcID=NULL, daily=daily_param))
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- "NO_VALUES_FOUND"
attr(df, "parse.time") <- parse.time
#look for zoneOffset
time_diff <- NULL
zoneOffset <- xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:defaultTimeZone", xmlGetAttr, name="zoneOffset", namespaces=ns)
zoneOffset <- unlist(zoneOffset)
zoneName <- "GMT"
if (length(zoneOffset) > 0) {
offset_split <- strsplit(zoneOffset, ":")
diff_text <- offset_split[[1]][1]
time_diff <- as.difftime(as.numeric(diff_text), units="hours")
if (as.numeric(diff_text) > 0) {
zoneName <- paste("Etc/GMT+", as.numeric(diff_text), sep="")
} else {
zoneName <- paste("Etc/GMT", as.numeric(diff_text), sep="")
bigData <- 10000
if (N > bigData) {
print(paste("found", N,"data values"))
if (N > bigData) { print("processing censorCode...") }
censorCode = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="censorCode", namespaces=ns)
censorCode <- unlist(censorCode)
if (is.null(censorCode)) {
censorCode <- rep("nc", N)
if (N > bigData) { print("processing qualifiers...") }
qualifier <- xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="qualifiers", namespaces=ns)
qualifier <- unlist(qualifier)
if (is.null(qualifier)) {
qualifier <- rep(NA, N)
# currently we require that all values have a qualifier attached to it,
# or none of the values have a qualifier
if (length(qualifier) < N) {
qualifier <- rep(NA, N)
if (version == "1.1") {
#if defaultTimeZone is not specified, then read it for each value
if (N > bigData) { print("processing dateTimeUTC...") }
DateTimeUTC = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="dateTimeUTC", namespaces=ns)
if (is.null(unlist(DateTimeUTC))) {
time_diff <- 0
diff_text <- "0"
if (is.null(time_diff)) {
DateTimeUTC <- as.POSIXct(DateTimeUTC, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz="GMT")
UTCOffset = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="timeOffset", namespaces=ns)
if (is.null(unlist(UTCOffset))) {
utcDiff = rep(as.difftime(0, units="hours"), N)
} else {
UTCOffset <- ifelse(grepl(":", UTCOffset),
as.numeric(substr(UTCOffset, nchar(UTCOffset)-4, nchar(UTCOffset)-3)),
utcDiff = as.difftime(UTCOffset, units="hours")
DateTime = as.POSIXct(DateTimeUTC + utcDiff)
if (utcDiff[1] == 0) {
attr(DateTime, "tzone") <- "Etc/GMT"
UTCOffset = rep(0, N)
} else {
if (UTCOffset[1] > 0) {
attr(DateTime, "tzone") <- paste("Etc/GMT+", UTCOffset[1], sep="")
if (UTCOffset[1] < 0) {
attr(DateTime, "tzone") <- paste("Etc/GMT", UTCOffset[1], sep="")
} else {
DateTime <- xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="dateTime", namespaces=ns)
if (as.numeric(diff_text) > 0) {
zone <- paste("Etc/GMT+", as.numeric(diff_text), sep="")
if (as.numeric(diff_text) < 0) {
zone <- paste("Etc/GMT", as.numeric(diff_text), sep="")
DateTime <- as.POSIXct(DateTime, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz=zone)
UTCOffset = rep(as.numeric(diff_text), N)
DateTimeUTC = DateTime - time_diff
attr(DateTimeUTC, "tzone") <- "GMT"
if (N > bigData) { print("processing methodCode...") }
methodCode = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="methodCode", namespaces=ns)
methodCode <- unlist(methodCode)
if (is.null(methodCode)) { methodCode <- NA }
if (N > bigData) { print("processing sourceCode...") }
sourceCode = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="sourceCode", namespaces=ns)
sourceCode <- unlist(sourceCode)
if (is.null(sourceCode)) { sourceCode <- NA }
if (N > bigData) { print("processing qualityControlLevelCode...") }
qcCode = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="qualityControlLevelCode", namespaces=ns)
qcCode <- unlist(qcCode)
if (is.null(qcCode)) { qcCode <- NA }
nodata = as.numeric(xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:noDataValue", xmlValue, namespaces=ns))
} else {
#WaterML 1.0 usually doesn't provide information on UTC offset
if (N > bigData) { print("processing dateTime...") }
DateTimeUTC = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="dateTime", namespaces=ns)
DateTime <- DateTimeUTC
UTCOffset <- rep(0, N)
if (N > bigData) { print ("processing methodID...")}
methodCode <- xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="methodID", namespaces=ns)
methodCode <- unlist(methodCode)
if (is.null(methodCode)) { methodCode <- NA }
if (N > bigData) { print ("processing sourceID...")}
sourceCode <- xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="sourceID", namespaces=ns)
sourceCode <- unlist(sourceCode)
if (is.null(sourceCode)) { sourceCode <- NA }
if (N > bigData) { print ("processing qualityControlLevel...")}
qcCode = xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:value", xmlGetAttr, name="qualityControlLevel", namespaces=ns)
qcCode <- unlist(qcCode)
if (is.null(qcCode)) { qcCode <- NA }
if (length(qcCode) < N) { qcCode <- NA }
nodata = as.numeric(xpathSApply(doc, "//sr:NoDataValue", xmlValue, namespaces=ns))
#make the data frame
df <- data.frame(
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
print("NOTE: No data values found in this time series")
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- "NO_VALUES_FOUND"
attr(df, "parse.time") <- parse.time
#normal case: no aggregation
df[df$DataValue == nodata,2] <- NA
#special case: daily data aggregation
if (!is.null(daily)) {
validdata <- na.omit(df)
if (nrow(validdata) == 0) {
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(df, "parse.status") <- "NO_VALUES_FOUND"
attr(df, "parse.time") <- parse.time
print("no valid data found!")
validdata$time <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(validdata$time))
dailyValues <- aggregate(validdata$DataValue, list(validdata$time), daily)
names(dailyValues)[1] <- "time"
names(dailyValues)[2] <- "DataValue"
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(dailyValues, "download.status") <- attr(df, "download.status")
attr(dailyValues, "download.time") <- attr(df, "download.time")
attr(dailyValues, "parse.status") <- "OK"
attr(dailyValues, "parse.time") <- parse.time
end.parse.time <- Sys.time()
parse.time <- as.numeric(difftime(end.parse.time, begin.parse.time, units="sec"))
attr(df, "download.time") <- download.time
attr(df, "download.status") <- download.status
attr(df, "parse.status") <- "OK"
attr(df, "parse.time") <- parse.time
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.