
Defines functions da_risk_estimator cross_validation grid_search

Documented in cross_validation da_risk_estimator grid_search

#' Grid Search
#' @description Performs grid search to estimate the optimal hyperparameters (\code{gamma} and \code{cost})
#'   within specified space based on double asymptotic risk estimation or cross validation.
#'   Double asymptotic risk estimation is more efficient to compute because it uses closed form for risk estimation.
#'   For further details, refer to the article in the reference section.
#'   \deqn{\Re = \varepsilon_0 * C_{10} + \varepsilon_1 * C_{01}}{R = e_0 * C_10 + e_1 * C_01)}
#'   \deqn{\varepsilon_i = \Phi(\frac{(-1)^{i+1} ( \hat{G}_i + \hat{\omega}_{opt}/\gamma   )}{\sqrt{\hat{D}}})}{e_i = CDF((-1)^(i+1) (Ghat_i + omega_opt/gamma) / sqrt(Dhat))}
#'   Separate sampling cross-validation (see cross-validation function) was adapted to work with cost-based risk estimation.
# @param x Matrix or data.frame of observations.
# @param y Grouping variable. A vector of numeric values 0 and 1 is recommended.
# Length has to correspond to nrow(x).
#' @param range_gamma Vector of \code{gamma} values to check.
#' @param range_cost nobs x 1 vector (values should be between 0 and 1) or
#'   nobs x 2 matrix (each row is cost pair value c(\eqn{C_{10}}{C_10}, \eqn{C_{01}}{C_01}))
#'   of cost values to check.
#' @param method Selects method to evaluete risk. "estimator" and "cross".
#' @param nfolds Number of folds to use with cross-validation. Default is 10.
#'  In case of imbalanced data, \code{nfolds} should not be greater than the number of observations in
#'  smaller class.
#' @inheritParams abcrlda
#' @return List of estimated parameters.
#'   \item{cost}{Cost value for which risk estimates are lowest during the search.}
#'   \item{gamma}{Gamma regularization parameter for which risk estimates are lowest during the search.}
#'   \item{risk}{Lowest risk value estimated during grid search.}
#' @export
#' @family functions in the package
#' @section Reference:
#'   A. Zollanvari, M. Abdirash, A. Dadlani and B. Abibullaev,
#'   "Asymptotically Bias-Corrected Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis for Cost-Sensitive
#'   Binary Classification," in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 1300-1304,
#'   Sept. 2019. doi: 10.1109/LSP.2019.2918485
#'   URL: \url{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8720003}
#'   Braga-Neto, Ulisses & Zollanvari, Amin & Dougherty, Edward. (2014).
#'   Cross-Validation Under Separate Sampling: Strong Bias and How to Correct It.
#'   Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 30. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu527.
#'   URL: \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4296143/pdf/btu527.pdf}
#' @example inst/examples/example_grid.R

grid_search <- function(x, y, range_gamma, range_cost,
                        method="estimator", nfolds=10, bias_correction=TRUE){

  list_gamma <- numeric()
  list_cost <- numeric()
  risk_estimates <- numeric()

  range_cost <- as.matrix(range_cost)

  if (method == "estimator"){
    for (gamma in range_gamma){
      for (i in 1:nrow(range_cost)){
        cost <- range_cost[i, ]
        abcrlda_model <- abcrlda(x, y, gamma, cost, bias_correction)
        list_gamma <- c(list_gamma, gamma)
        list_cost <- rbind(list_cost, cost)
        risk_estimates <- c(risk_estimates, da_risk_estimator(abcrlda_model))
  }else if (method == "cross"){
    for (gamma in range_gamma){
      for (i in 1:nrow(range_cost)){
        cost <- range_cost[i, ]
        list_gamma <- c(list_gamma, gamma)
        list_cost <- rbind(list_cost, cost)
        risk_estimates <- c(risk_estimates,
                            cross_validation(x, y, gamma, cost, nfolds, bias_correction)$risk_cross)
  best_param_index <- which.min(risk_estimates)
  return(structure(list(gamma = list_gamma[best_param_index],
                        cost = list_cost[best_param_index, ],
                        risk = risk_estimates[best_param_index])))

#' Cross Validation for separate sampling adjusted for cost.
#' @description This function implements Cross Validation for separate sampling adjusted for cost.
#' @inheritParams grid_search
#' @inheritParams abcrlda
# @param gamma regularization parameter
# @param cost parameter that controls prioretization of classes.
# It's value should be between 0 and 1 (0 < cost_10 < 1)
# Values bigger than 0.5 prioretizes correct classification of 0 class while values less than 0.5 prioretizes 1 class
# @param nfolds Number of for cross validation algorithm
#' @return Returns list of parameters.
#'   \item{risk_cross}{Returns risk estimation where \eqn{\Re = \varepsilon_0 * C_{10} + \varepsilon_1 * C_{01}}{R = e_0 * C_10 + e_1 * C_01)}}
#'   \item{e_0}{Error estimate for class 0.}
#'   \item{e_1}{Error estimate for class 1.}
#' @export
#' @family functions in the package
#' @section Reference:
#'   Braga-Neto, Ulisses & Zollanvari, Amin & Dougherty, Edward. (2014).
#'   Cross-Validation Under Separate Sampling: Strong Bias and How to Correct It.
#'   Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 30. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu527.
#'   URL: \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4296143/pdf/btu527.pdf}
#' @example inst/examples/example_cross.R
cross_validation <- function(x, y, gamma=1, cost=c(0.5, 0.5), nfolds=10, bias_correction=TRUE){

  x <- as.matrix(x)
  shufled_index <- sample(nrow(x))
  x <- x[shufled_index, ]
  y <- y[shufled_index]

  if (!is.factor(y))
    y <- as.factor(y)
  lev <- levels(y)
  k <- nlevels(y)

  if (k != 2)
    stop("number of groups != 2, this is binary classifier")

  if (length(cost) == 1){
    if (cost >= 1 | cost <= 0)
      stop("While providing single valued vector
           cost should be between 0 and 1 (not including)")
    cost <- c(cost, 1 - cost)

  if (length(cost) != 2)
    stop("cost vector should be of length 1 or 2, this is binary classifier")

  x0 <- x[y == lev[1], , drop = FALSE]
  x1 <- x[y == lev[2], , drop = FALSE]
  y0 <- y[y == lev[1]]
  y1 <- y[y == lev[2]]

  if (nfolds < 3)
    stop("nfolds must be bigger than 3; nfolds=10 recommended")

  if (nfolds > min(c(nrow(x0), nrow(x1))))
    stop("number of folds is greater than number of observations in a smaller class")

  fold0 <- cut(seq(1, nrow(x0)), breaks = nfolds, labels = FALSE)
  fold1 <- cut(seq(1, nrow(x1)), breaks = nfolds, labels = FALSE)

  e0 <- numeric()
  e1 <- numeric()

  for (i in 1:nfolds){
    for (j in 1:nfolds){
      test_index0 <- which(fold0 == i, arr.ind = TRUE)
      test_index1 <- which(fold1 == j, arr.ind = TRUE)

      test_data0 <- x0[test_index0, , drop = FALSE]
      test_data1 <- x1[test_index1, , drop = FALSE]
      test_label0 <- y[test_index0]
      test_label1 <- y[test_index1]

      train_data <- rbind(x0[-test_index0, , drop = FALSE],
                          x1[-test_index1, , drop = FALSE])
      # train_label <- factor(c(y0[-test_index0], y1[-test_index1]),
      #                       levels=1:k, labels=lev)
      train_label <- c(y0[-test_index0], y1[-test_index1])

      model <- abcrlda(train_data, train_label, gamma, cost, bias_correction)

      # direct shortcut for abcrlda.predict
      res0 <- as.numeric(test_data0 %*% model$a + model$m <= 0)
      res1 <- as.numeric(test_data1 %*% model$a + model$m <= 0)

      e0 <- c(e0, sum(res0) / length(res0))
      e1 <- c(e1, sum(!res1) / length(res1))


  return(list(risk_cross = mean(e0) * cost[1] + mean(e1) * cost[2],
              e_0 = mean(e0),
              e_1 = mean(e1)))

#' Double Asymptotic Risk Estimator
#' @description This function implements the generalized (double asymptotic) consistent estimator of risk.
#' @inheritParams predict.abcrlda
# @param bias_correction Takes in a boolean value.
#   If \code{bias_correction} is TRUE, then asymptotic bias correction will be performed.
#   Otherwise, (if \code{bias_correction} is FALSE) asymptotic bias correction will not be performed and
#   the ABCRLDA is the classical RLDA.
#   The default is TRUE.
#' @return Calculates risk based on estimated class error rates and misclassification costs
#'   \deqn{\Re = \varepsilon_0 * C_{10} + \varepsilon_1 * C_{01}}{R = e_0 * C_10 + e_1 * C_01)}
#' @export
#' @family functions in the package
#' @example inst/examples/example_risk.R
#' @inheritSection abcrlda Reference
da_risk_estimator <- function(object){
  ## check requirements
  if (class(object) != "abcrlda")
    stop("object has to be of type abcrlda")

  # equation number 10 in abcrlda paper
  error_estimate_10 <- function(object, i){
    G <- c(object$G0, object$G1)
    X <- (-1) ^ i * (G[1 + i]) / sqrt(object$D)
    return(1 - stats::pnorm(X))
  # equation number 29 in abcrlda paper
  error_estimate_29 <- function(object, i){
    Ghat <- c(object$Ghat0, object$Ghat1)
    X <- (-1) ^ i * (Ghat[1 + i] + object$omegaopt / object$gamma) /
    return(1 - stats::pnorm(X))
  if (object$bias_correction){
    e0 <- error_estimate_29(object, 0)
    e1 <- error_estimate_29(object, 1)
    e0 <- error_estimate_10(object, 0)
    e1 <- error_estimate_10(object, 1)

  return(object$cost[1] * e0 + object$cost[2] * e1)

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abcrlda documentation built on July 2, 2020, 4:13 a.m.