
Defines functions modes2coefs getMSEfromModes get.ind.quantiles get.quantiles std.area.under.grid eval.across.grid getMargsINLA getModeVector fitAbn.bayes

Documented in eval.across.grid fitAbn.bayes get.ind.quantiles getMargsINLA getModeVector getMSEfromModes get.quantiles modes2coefs std.area.under.grid

#' @describeIn fitAbn Internal function called by \code{fitAbn}.
#' @param mylist result returned from \code{\link{check.valid.data}}.
#' @param grouped.vars result returned from \code{\link{check.valid.groups}}. Column indexes of all variables which are affected from grouping effect.
#' @param group.ids result returned from \code{\link{check.valid.groups}}. Vector of group allocation for each observation (row) in 'data.df'.
#' @param force.method "notset", "INLA" or "C". This is specified in \code{\link{buildScoreCache}(control=list(max.mode.error=...))}.
#' @family Bayes
#' @importFrom stats spline sd
fitAbn.bayes <- function(dag=NULL,
                         control = fit.control(method = "bayes"),
                         mylist = NULL,
                         grouped.vars = NULL,
                         group.ids = NULL,
                         force.method = NULL,


   ## coerce binary factors to become 0/1 integers - the 0 is based on the first entry in levels()
   if(!is.null(mylist$bin)){## have at least one binary variable
      for(i in mylist$bin){data.df[,i] <- as.numeric(data.df[,i])-1 }

   ## standardize gaussian variables to zero mean and sd=1
   if(centre && !is.null(mylist$gaus)){## have at least one gaussian variable
        for(i in mylist$gaus){data.df[,i] <- (data.df[,i]-mean(data.df[,i]))/sd(data.df[,i]) }

   ## coerce all data points to doubles
   for(i in 1:dim(data.df)[2]){data.df[,i] <- as.double(data.df[,i]) }## coerce ALL cols to double equivalents

   ## check for type of grouped variable
      for(i in grouped.vars){## for each variable to be treated as grouped
                           stop("currently grouped variables must be binary only") }

   var.types <- get.var.types(data.dists)  ## get distributions in terms of a numeric code

## All checking over
## get to here we have suitable data/variables and not do the actual fitting

### loop through each node and find out what kind of model is to be fitted and then pass to appropriate
### separate call for each individual node
## setup some storage for entire DAG
    res.list <- list()
    error.code <- rep(NA,dim(dag)[1]) #res.list[["error.code"]] <- NULL
    hessian.accuracy <- rep(NA,dim(dag)[1]) #NULL res.list[["hessian.accuracy"]] <- NULL
    mymodes <- list()
    mymargs <- list()
    INLA.marginals <- NULL
## Iterate over each node in the DAG separately
    if (verbose) cat("########################################################\n")
    if (verbose) cat("###### Fitting DAG to data\n")
    for(child in 1:dim(dag)[1]){## for each node in the DAG

        if (verbose) cat("###### Processing...Node ",rownames(dag)[child],"\n")
        orig.force.method <- NULL
        used.inla <- TRUE
        ### First case is the node a GLM
        if( !(child%in%grouped.vars)){## only compute option here is C since fast and INLA slower and less reliable

            if(force.method=="notset" || force.method=="C"){
                if (verbose) cat("Using internal code (Laplace glm)\n")
                r <- try(res.c <- .Call("fit_single_node",
                                        as.integer(child),## childnode
                                        as.integer(dag[child,]),## parent combination
                                        as.integer(dim(dag)[1]),## number of nodes/variables
                                        as.integer(var.types),## type of densities
                                        as.integer(sum(dag[child,])),## max.parents
                                        as.integer(grouped.vars-1),## int.vector of variables which are mixed model nodes -1 for C
                                        as.integer(group.ids),## group memberships - note indexed from 1
                                        as.integer(0),## Not applicable
                                        as.double(control[["max.hessian.error"]]),## Not applicable
                                        as.double(control[["factor.brent"]]),## Not applicable
                                        as.integer(control[["maxiters.hessian.brent"]]),## Not applicable
                                        as.double(control[["num.intervals.brent"]])## Not applicable
                                       ,PACKAGE="abn" ))
                if(length(attr(r,"class")>0) && attr(r,"class")=="try-error"){
                    cat("## !!! Laplace approximation failed at node ", rownames(dag)[child],
                        "\n## The additive formulation at this node is perhaps over-parameterized?\n",
                        "## Fitting the glm at this node using glm() may provide more information.",sep="")
                used.inla <- FALSE ## flip
            } else {## use INLA for glm
                if(!requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)){stop("library INLA is not available!\nR-INLA is available from https://www.r-inla.org/download-install.") }
                mean.intercept <- control[["mean"]] ## use same as for rest of linear terms
                prec.intercept <- control[["prec"]] ## use same as for rest of linear terms
                if (verbose) cat("Using INLA (glm)\n")
                res.inla <- calc.node.inla.glm(child, dag, data.df, data.dists,
                                               rep(1,dim(data.df)[1]),## ntrials
                                               rep(1,dim(data.df)[1]),## exposure
                                               TRUE, mean.intercept, prec.intercept, control[["mean"]], control[["prec"]],

                if(is.logical(res.inla)){if (verbose) cat("INLA failed....so reverting to internal code\n")
                    r <- try(res.c <- .Call("fit_single_node",
                                            as.integer(child),## childnode
                                            as.integer(dag[child,]),## parent combination
                                            as.integer(dim(dag)[1]),## number of nodes/variables
                                            as.integer(var.types),## type of densities
                                            as.integer(sum(dag[child,])),## max.parents
                                            as.integer(grouped.vars-1),## int.vector of variables which are mixed model nodes -1 for C
                                            as.integer(group.ids),## group memberships - note indexed from 1
                                            as.integer(0),## Not applicable
                                            as.double(control[["max.hessian.error"]]),## Not applicable
                                            as.double(control[["factor.brent"]]),## Not applicable
                                            as.integer(control[["maxiters.hessian.brent"]]),## Not applicable
                                            as.double(control[["num.intervals.brent"]])## Not applicable
                                           ,PACKAGE="abn" ))
                    if(length(attr(r,"class")>0) && attr(r,"class")=="try-error"){
                        cat("## !!! Laplace approximation failed at node ", rownames(dag)[child],
                            "\n## The additive formulation at this node is perhaps over-parameterized?\n",
                            "## Fitting the glm at this node using glm() may provide more information.",sep="")

                    used.inla <- FALSE ## flip
                } ## INLA failed

            } ## use INLA
            ## End of GLM node

        } else if (child%in%grouped.vars) {
            ## Have a GLMM node
            ## have a glmm, so two options, INLA or C

            if(force.method=="notset" || force.method=="INLA"){##
                if(!requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)){stop("library INLA is not available!\nR-INLA is available from https://www.r-inla.org/download-install.") }
                mean.intercept <- control[["mean"]] ## use same as for rest of linear terms
                prec.intercept <- control[["prec"]] ## use same as for rest of linear terms
                res.inla <- calc.node.inla.glmm(child, dag,
                                                rep(1,dim(data.df)[1]),## ntrials
                                                rep(1,dim(data.df)[1]),## exposure
                                                TRUE,## always compute marginals - since only way to check results
                                                mean.intercept, prec.intercept, control[["mean"]], control[["prec"]],control[["loggam.shape"]],control[["loggam.inv.scale"]],verbose)
                                        #return(res.inla)  ## to return RAW INLA object
                ## CHECK FOR INLA CRASH
                    if (verbose) cat("INLA failed....so reverting to internal code\n")
                    orig.force.method <- force.method ## save original
                    force.method="C"  ## Easiest way is just to force C for this node
                } else {
                    res.inla.modes <- getModeVector(list.fixed=res.inla$marginals.fixed,list.hyper=res.inla$marginals.hyperpar)


            if (verbose) cat("fit a glmm at node ",rownames(dag)[child],"using C\n")
                r <- try(res.c <- .Call("fit_single_node",
                                        as.integer(child),## childnode
                                        as.integer(dag[child,]),## parent combination
                                        as.integer(dim(dag)[1]),## number of nodes/variables
                                        as.integer(var.types),## type of densities
                                        as.integer(sum(dag[child,])),## max.parents
                                        as.integer(grouped.vars-1),## int.vector of variables which are mixed model nodes -1 for C
                                        as.integer(group.ids),## group memberships - note indexed from 1
                                        as.integer(1),## turn on ModesONLY
                                       ,PACKAGE="abn")) #print(res)
                if(length(attr(r,"class")>0) && attr(r,"class")=="try-error"){
                    cat("## !!! Laplace approximation failed at node ", rownames(dag)[child],
                        "\n## The additive formulation at this node is perhaps over-parameterized?\n",
                        "## Fitting the glmm at this node using glmer() in lme4 may provide more information",sep="")

                res.c.modes <- res.c[[1]][-c(1:3)] ## remove mlik - this is first entry, and error code and hessian accuracy
                res.c.modes <- res.c.modes[which(res.c.modes!=.Machine$double.xmax)] ## this discards all "empty" parameters
                ## get difference in modes proportion relative to C
                diff.in.modes <- (res.inla.modes-res.c.modes)/res.c.modes
                error.modes <- max(abs(diff.in.modes))

            if( force.method=="C" || (force.method=="notset" && error.modes>(control[["max.mode.error"]]/100))){ ## INLA might be unreliable to use C (slower)

                    if (verbose) cat("Using internal code (Laplace glmm)\n=>max. abs. difference (in %) with INLA is ")
                    if (verbose) cat(formatC(100*error.modes,format="f",digits=1)," and exceeds tolerance\n")
                } else {
                    if (verbose) cat("Using internal code (Laplace glmm)\n")

                r <- try(res.c <- .Call("fit_single_node",
                                        as.integer(child),## childnode
                                        as.integer(dag[child,]),## parent combination
                                        as.integer(dim(dag)[1]),## number of nodes/variables
                                        as.integer(var.types),## type of densities
                                        as.integer(sum(dag[child,])),## max.parents
                                        as.integer(grouped.vars-1),## int.vector of variables which are mixed model nodes -1 for C
                                        as.integer(group.ids),## group memberships - note indexed from 1
                                        as.integer(0),## turn off ModesONLY
                if(length(attr(r,"class")>0) && attr(r,"class")=="try-error"){
                    cat("## !!! Laplace approximation failed at node ", rownames(dag)[child],
                        "\n## The additive formulation at this node is perhaps over-parameterized?\n",
                        "## Fitting the glmm at this node using glmer() in lme4 may provide more information.",sep="")

                used.inla <- FALSE ## flip

            } else {
                if (verbose) cat("Using INLA (glmm)\n")
            }## end of if inla bad

          ## End of GLMM node
        } else {          ## end of if GLMM
          stop("There is an issue in 'child' and/or 'grouped.vars'.")

        ## End of all external computations
        ## computation for current node is all done so sort out the
        ## output into nicer form and give labels
        child.name <- colnames(dag)[child]

        if(used.inla==FALSE){## organize output from C
            res.list[[child.name]] <- res.c[[1]][1]
            mymodes[[child]] <- res.c[[1]][-c(1:3)] ## remove mlik - this is first entry, and error code and hessian accuracy
            mymodes[[child]] <- mymodes[[child]][which(mymodes[[child]]!=.Machine$double.xmax)] ## this discards all "empty" parameters
            error.code[child] <- res.c[[1]][2]
            hessian.accuracy[child] <- res.c[[1]][3]
            INLA.marginals <- c(INLA.marginals,FALSE)
        } else {
            ## organize output from INLA
            res.list[[child.name]] <- res.inla$mlik[2] ## [2] is for Gaussian rather than Integrated estimate
            mymodes[[child]] <- getModeVector(list.fixed=res.inla$marginals.fixed,list.hyper=res.inla$marginals.hyperpar)
            mymargs[[child]] <- getMargsINLA(list.fixed=res.inla$marginals.fixed,list.hyper=res.inla$marginals.hyperpar)
                                        #print(mymodes) stop("")
            error.code[child] <- NA ## not available from INLA
            hessian.accuracy[child] <- NA ## not available from INLA
            INLA.marginals <- c(INLA.marginals,TRUE)

        nom <- colnames(dag)[which(dag[child,]==1)]
        if(var.types[child]=="1"){nom <- c("(Intercept)",nom,"group.precision") }## binomial : just some naming for use later
        if(var.types[child]=="2" && !(child%in%grouped.vars)){nom <- c("(Intercept)",nom,"precision","precision") } ## gaus and not grouped
        if(var.types[child]=="2" && (child%in%grouped.vars)){nom <- c("(Intercept)",nom,"group.precision","precision") }
        if(var.types[child]=="3"){nom <- c("(Intercept)",nom,"group.precision") } ## pois}
        mynom <- NULL
        for(j in 1:length(mymodes[[child]])){
            mynom <- c(mynom,paste(colnames(dag)[child],nom[j],sep="|"))
        names(mymodes[[child]]) <- mynom
        if(used.inla==TRUE){  names(mymargs[[child]]) <- mynom }

        if(!is.null(orig.force.method)){force.method <- orig.force.method } ## reset force.method after INLA crash
        ## Finished with current node

    } ## end of nodes loop

    ## Further tidy up of results across all nodes
    names(mymodes) <- colnames(dag)

    res.list[["modes"]] <- mymodes
    res.list[["error.code"]] <- error.code
    res.list[["hessian.accuracy"]] <- hessian.accuracy
    names(res.list[["error.code"]]) <- names(res.list[["hessian.accuracy"]]) <- colnames(dag)
    res.list[["error.code.desc"]] <- as.character(res.list[["error.code"]])
    res.list[["error.code.desc"]] <- ifelse(res.list[["error.code.desc"]]==0,"success",res.list[["error.code"]])
    res.list[["error.code.desc"]] <- ifelse(res.list[["error.code.desc"]]==1,"warning: mode results may be unreliable (optimiser terminated unusually)",res.list[["error.code.desc"]])
    res.list[["error.code.desc"]] <- ifelse(res.list[["error.code.desc"]]==2,"error - logscore is NA - model could not be fitted",res.list[["error.code.desc"]])
    res.list[["error.code.desc"]] <- ifelse(res.list[["error.code.desc"]]==4,"warning: fin.diff hessian estimation terminated unusually ",res.list[["error.code.desc"]])
    res.list[["mlik"]] <- sum(unlist(res.list[1:dim(dag)[1]])) ## overall mlik
    res.list[["mse"]] <- getMSEfromModes(mymodes, data.dists)
    res.list[["coef"]] <- modes2coefs(mymodes)

    res.list[["used.INLA"]] <- INLA.marginals ## vector - TRUE if INLA used false otherwise

##### Additional part only run if user wants marginal distributions
        if (verbose) cat("Processing marginal distributions for non-INLA nodes...\n")
        ## might have some already computed from INLA

        if(length(which(INLA.marginals==FALSE))==0){## ALL INLA so finished
            names(mymargs) <- colnames(dag)[which(INLA.marginals==TRUE)]
            res.list[["marginals"]] <- mymargs
        } else {## At least one C and this creates its own res.list[["marginals"]]
                         ## now get rest using C
            max.parents <- max(apply(dag,1,sum)) ## over all nodes - different from above
            res.list <- getmarginals(res.list, ## rest of arguments as for call to C fitabn
                                     data.df,   dag,   var.types,    max.parents,
                                     as.integer(grouped.vars-1),## int.vector of variables which are mixed model nodes -1 for C (changed from earlier fitabn)

        ## at least one INLA node so we need to combine
        ## res.list[["inla.margs"]] with res.list[["marginals"]]
            names(mymargs) <- colnames(dag)[which(INLA.marginals==TRUE)]
            res.list[["inla.margs"]] <- mymargs
            ## also have res.list[["marginals"]] from getmarginalsC above

            masterlist <- list()
            for(i in rownames(dag)){
                attempt1 <- which(names(res.list[["inla.margs"]])==i)
                attempt2 <- which(names(res.list[["marginals"]])==i)
                    masterlist[[i]] <- res.list[["inla.margs"]][[attempt1]]
                } else {masterlist[[i]] <- res.list[["marginals"]][[attempt2]] }

            #res.list[["marginals.master"]] <- masterlist
            res.list[["marginals"]] <- masterlist
            res.list[["inla.margs"]] <- NULL


        ## Three final optional operations
        ## 1. evaluate density across an equally spaced grid - this used spline interpolation
        ## 2. standardise the area to unity - this should alread be very close but will do no harm
        ## 3. compute quantiles - this is done after 1. and 2. (assuming they were turned on

        ## 1.
        if(!is.null(control[["n.grid"]])){## evaluated density across an equal grid - use spline interpolation
            res.list[["marginals"]] <- eval.across.grid(res.list[["marginals"]],control[["n.grid"]],control[["marginal.node"]])
        ## 2.
        if(control[["std.area"]]){## want to standardize area under curve to unity - might be slightly adrift as is depending on accuracy of approx's
            if(is.null(control[["n.grid"]])){ stop("must provide n.grid if using std.area!") }
            res.list[["marginals"]] <- std.area.under.grid(res.list[["marginals"]],control[["marginal.node"]])
        ## 3.
        if(!is.null(control[["marginal.quantiles"]])){res.list[["marginal.quantiles"]] <- get.quantiles(res.list[["marginals"]],control[["marginal.quantiles"]],control[["marginal.node"]]) }

    } ## end of compute.fixed

    res.list[["method"]] <- "bayes"
    res.list[["abnDag"]] <- createAbnDag(dag, data.df = data.df, data.dists = data.dists)

    if (verbose) cat("########End of DAG fitting #############################\n")
    if (verbose) cat("########################################################\n")


#' function to extract the mode from INLA output
#' @param list.fixed list of matrices of two cols x, y
#' @param list.hyper list of hyperparameters
#' @return vector
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
getModeVector <- function(list.fixed,list.hyper){

    ## listfixed is a list of matrices of two cols x, y
    modes <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(list.fixed)){
        mymarg <- list.fixed[[i]] ## matrix 2 cols
        mymarg <- spline(mymarg)
        modes <- c(modes,mymarg$x[which(mymarg$y==max(mymarg$y))]) ## find x value which corresponds to the max y value

    ## now for hyperparam if there is one
    if(is.list(list.hyper)){## might be no hyperparam e.g. binomial or poisson glmm
            mymarg <- list.hyper[[1]] ## matrix 2 cols
            mymarg <- spline(mymarg)
            modes <- c(modes,mymarg$x[which(mymarg$y==max(mymarg$y))])
        }## find x value which corresponds to the max y value

        if(length(list.hyper)==2){ ## gaussian glm
            mymarg <- list.hyper[[2]] ## matrix 2 cols - group level precision
            mymarg <- spline(mymarg)
            modes <- c(modes,mymarg$x[which(mymarg$y==max(mymarg$y))])
            mymarg <- list.hyper[[1]] ## matrix 2 cols - residual level precision
            mymarg <- spline(mymarg)
            modes <- c(modes,mymarg$x[which(mymarg$y==max(mymarg$y))])
           ### [[2]] then [[1]] to keep same order a C code



#' function to extract marginals from INLA output
#' @param list.fixed list of matrices of two cols x, y
#' @param list.hyper list of hyperparameters
#' @return vector
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
getMargsINLA <- function(list.fixed,list.hyper){

 ## listfixed is a list of matrices of two cols x, y
 margs <- list()
 for(i in 1:length(list.fixed)){
   margs[[i]] <- list.fixed[[i]] ## matrix 2 cols
 ## now for hyperparam if there is one
 if(is.list(list.hyper)){## might be no hyperparam e.g. binomial or poisson glmm
    if(length(list.hyper)==1){## poisson or binomial glmm
    margs[[i+1]] <- list.hyper[[1]] }## matrix 2 cols
    if(length(list.hyper)==2){## gaussian glmm two entries
    margs[[i+1]] <- list.hyper[[2]]  ## this is the group level precision
    margs[[i+2]] <- list.hyper[[1]] }## this is the residual precision
                   ## note this is [[2]] then [[1]] to keep same order a C code




#' function to get marginal across an equal grid
#' @param mylist list of matrices of two cols x, y
#' @param n.grid grid size
#' @param single NULL or TRUE if only a single node and parameter
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
eval.across.grid <- function(mylist,n.grid,single){

    for(i in 1:length(mylist)){## for each node
      q.inner.list <- mylist[[i]] ##copy
      for(j in 1:length(q.inner.list)){## for each parameter
        mymat <- q.inner.list[[j]] ## copy - this is a matrix
        q.mat <- matrix(data=rep(NA,2*n.grid),ncol=2) ## create new matrix
        colnames(q.mat) <- c("x","f(x)")
        interp <- spline(mymat,n=n.grid) ## interpolate over equal spaced grid of n points
        q.mat[,1] <- interp$x
        q.mat[,2] <- interp$y
        q.inner.list[[j]] <- q.mat ## overwrite
      mylist[[i]] <- q.inner.list
  } else {## have only a single node and parameter
    mymat <- mylist[[1]]
    q.mat <- matrix(data=rep(NA,2*n.grid),ncol=2) ## create new matrix
    colnames(q.mat) <- c("x","f(x)")
    interp <- spline(mymat,n=n.grid) ## interpolate over equal spaced grid of n points
    q.mat[,1] <- interp$x
    q.mat[,2] <- interp$y
    mylist[[1]] <- q.mat ## overwrite

#' Standard Area Under the Marginal
#' function to get std. are under marginal to exactly unity.
#' It should be very close to unity but in some cases due to numerical accuracy
#' differences (since each point is a separate estimate) this might be a little adrift
#' turn this option off to see how reliable the original estimation is
#' @param mylist list of matrices of two cols x, y
#' @param single NULL or TRUE if only a single node and parameter
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
std.area.under.grid <- function(mylist,single){

    for(i in 1:length(mylist)){## for each node
      q.inner.list <- mylist[[i]] ##copy
      for(j in 1:length(q.inner.list)){## for each parameter
        mymat <- q.inner.list[[j]] ## copy - this is a matrix
        cur.area <- (mymat[2,1]-mymat[1,1])*sum(mymat[,2]) ## delta.x used - equal sized grid
        mymat[,2] <- mymat[,2]/cur.area ## std to ~ 1.0
        q.inner.list[[j]] <- mymat ## overwrite
      mylist[[i]] <- q.inner.list
  } else {
    mymat <- mylist[[1]] ## copy - this is a matrix
    cur.area <- (mymat[2,1]-mymat[1,1])*sum(mymat[,2]) ## delta.x used - equal sized grid
    mymat[,2] <- mymat[,2]/cur.area ## std to ~ 1.0
    mylist[[1]] <- mymat ## overwrite



#' function to extract quantiles from INLA output
#' function to get to extract quantiles
#' @param mylist list of matrices of two cols x, y
#' @param quantiles vector with the desired quantiles
#' @param single NULL or TRUE if only a single node and parameter
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get.quantiles <- function(mylist,quantiles, single){

   for(i in 1:length(mylist)){
     q.inner.list <- mylist[[i]] ##copy
     for(j in 1:length(q.inner.list)){
       mymat <- q.inner.list[[j]] ## copy - this is a matrix
       q.mat <- matrix(data=rep(NA,2*length(quantiles)),ncol=2) ## create new matrix
       colnames(q.mat) <- c("P(X<=x)","x")
       q.mat[,1] <- quantiles
       q.mat <- get.ind.quantiles(q.mat,mymat) ## the actual quantile arithmetic
       q.inner.list[[j]] <- q.mat ## overwrite
     mylist[[i]] <- q.inner.list
  } else {
      mymat <- mylist[[1]] ## copy - this is a matrix
      q.mat <- matrix(data=rep(NA,2*length(quantiles)),ncol=2) ## create new matrix
      colnames(q.mat) <- c("P(X<=x)","x")
      q.mat[,1] <- quantiles
      q.mat <- get.ind.quantiles(q.mat,mymat) ## the actual quantile arithmetic
      mylist[[1]] <- q.mat ## overwrite


#' @describeIn get.quantiles helper function for get.quantiles
#' @param outmat matrix where the first col has the desired quantiles. We want to estimate this and out in into the second col
#' @param inmat is the actual x,f(x) matrix
get.ind.quantiles <- function(outmat,inmat){
    ##outmat is a matrix where the first col has the desired quantiles
    ## we want to estimate this and out in into the second col
    ## inmat is the actual x,f(x) matrix
    qs.vec <- outmat[,1]
    x <- inmat[,1]
    fx <- inmat[,2]
    cum.den <- cumsum(fx) ## cumulative of f(x) values
    sum.den <- sum(fx) ## total sum of f(x)
    cum.f <- cum.den/sum.den ## cumulative density function
    row <- 1
    for(qs in qs.vec){## for each quantile
        ## find row in inmat which has cumulative f(x)>q.s
        outmat[row,2] <- x[which(cum.f>qs)[1]] ## find first row to exceed quantile value q.s and get x value
        row <- row+1

    class(outmat) <- c("abnFit")


#' Extract Standard Deviations from all Gaussian Nodes
#' @param modes list of modes.
#' @param dists list of distributions.
#' @return named numeric vector. Names correspond to node name. Value to standard deviations.
getMSEfromModes <- function(modes, dists){
  modes_gaus <- unlist(unname(modes[unname(which(dists == "gaussian"))]), use.names = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(modes_gaus)){
    # if there is at least one gaussian node, extract the stddev
    taus <- modes_gaus[stri_detect_fixed(str = names(modes_gaus), pattern = "precision")]
    taus_names <- as.character(stringi::stri_split_fixed(str = names(taus), pattern = "|precision", omit_empty = TRUE, simplify = TRUE))
    names(taus) <- taus_names
    mses <- 1/taus # mse stores stddevs
  } else {
    # if there is no gaussian, return NULL

#' Convert modes to fitAbn.mle$coefs structure
#' @param modes list of modes.
#' @return list of matrix arrays.
modes2coefs <- function(modes){
  newmodes <- modes
  for (child in names(newmodes)){
    childnames <- names(newmodes[[child]])
    childnames <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(str = childnames, pattern = "|(Intercept)", replacement = "|intercept")
    for (childcoef in seq(1:length(childnames))) {
      # iterate through all coefficients from current node
      if (stringi::stri_detect_fixed(str = childnames[childcoef], pattern = "intercept", negate = TRUE)){
        # Rename all but child|intercept
        childnames[childcoef] <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(str = childnames[childcoef], pattern = paste0(child, "|"), replacement = "")
    names(newmodes[[child]]) <- childnames

    # Remove Precision items from gaussians
    for (childcoefi in seq(1:length(childnames))) {
      if (stringi::stri_detect_fixed(str = childnames[childcoefi], pattern = "precision", negate = FALSE)){
        newmodes[[child]] <- newmodes[[child]][-childcoefi]

    # Convert to list of matrix arrays
    newmodes[[child]] <- as.array(t(as.matrix(newmodes[[child]])))

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abn documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:08 p.m.