
Defines functions plotAbn

Documented in plotAbn

#' Plot an ABN graphic
#' Plot an ABN DAG using formula statement or a matrix in using Rgraphviz through the graphAM class.
#' @usage plotAbn(dag, data.dists=NULL, markov.blanket.node=NULL, fitted.values=NULL,
#'                digits=2, edge.strength=NULL, edge.strength.lwd=5, edge.direction="pc",
#'                edge.color="black", edge.linetype="solid", edge.arrowsize=0.6,
#'                edge.fontsize=node.fontsize, node.fontsize=12,
#'                node.fillcolor=c("lightblue", "brown3", "chartreuse3"),
#'                node.fillcolor.list=NULL,
#'                node.shape=c("circle", "box", "ellipse", "diamond"),
#'                plot=TRUE , ...)
#' @param dag a matrix or a formula statement (see details for format) defining
#' the network structure, a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).
#' Note that rownames must be set or given in \code{data.dists}.
#' @param data.dists a named list giving the distribution for each node in the network, see details.
#' @param markov.blanket.node name of variables to display its Markov blanket.
#' @param fitted.values modes or coefficents outputted from \code{\link{fitAbn}}.
#' @param digits number of digits to display the \code{fitted.values}.
#' @param edge.strength a named matrix containing evaluations of edge strength
#' which will change the arcs width (could be Mutual information, p-values,
#' number of bootstrap retrieve samples or the outcome of the \code{\link{linkStrength}}).
#' @param edge.strength.lwd maximum line width for \code{edge.strength}.
#' @param edge.direction character giving the direction in which arcs should
#' be plotted, \code{pc} (parent to child) or \code{cp} (child to parent) or \code{undirected}.
#' @param edge.color the colour of the edge.
#' @param edge.linetype the linetype of the edge. Defaults to \code{"solid"}.
#' Valid values are the same as for the R's base graphic parameter \code{lty}.
#' @param edge.arrowsize the thickness of the arrows. Not relevant if \code{arc.strength} is provided.
#' @param edge.fontsize the font size of the arcs fitted values.
#' @param node.fontsize the font size of the nodes names.
#' @param node.fillcolor the colour of the node. Second and third element is
#' used for the Markov blanket and node of the Markov blanket.
#' @param node.fillcolor.list the list of node that should be coloured.
#' @param node.shape the shape of the nodes according the Gaussian, binomial, Poisson and multinomial distributions.
#' @param plot logical variable, if set to \code{TRUE} then the graph is plotted.
#' @param ... arguments passed to the plotting function.
#' @details
#' By default binomial nodes are squares, multinoial nodes are empty, Gaussian nodes are circles and poison nodes are ellipses.
#' The \code{dag} can be provided using a formula statement (similar to glm). A typical formula is \code{ ~ node1|parent1:parent2 + node2:node3|parent3}.
#' The construction is based on the \pkg{graph} package. Properties of the graph can be changend after the construction, see \sQuote{Examples}.
#' @return A rendered graph, if \code{plot=TRUE}. The \code{graphAM} object is returned invisibly.
#' @seealso \code{\link[graph]{graphAM-class}}, \code{\link[graph]{edgeRenderInfo}}
#' @keywords models hplot
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rgraphviz renderGraph layoutGraph
#' @importFrom graph edgeRenderInfo edgeRenderInfo<-
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @examples
#' #Define distribution list
#' dist <- list(a="gaussian", b="gaussian", c="gaussian", d="gaussian", e="binomial", f="binomial")
#' #Define a matrix formulation
#' edge.strength <- matrix(c(0,0.5,0.5,0.7,0.1,0,
#'                           0,0,0.3,0.1,0,0.8,
#'                           0,0,0,0.35,0.66,0,
#'                           0,0,0,0,0.9,0,
#'                           0,0,0,0,0,0.8,
#'                           0,0,0,0,0,0),nrow = 6L, ncol = 6L, byrow = TRUE)
#' ## Naming of the matrix
#' colnames(edge.strength) <- rownames(edge.strength) <- names(dist)
#' ## Plot form a matrix
#' plotAbn(dag = edge.strength, data.dists = dist)
#' ## Edge strength
#' plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:d:e+b|c:d:f+c|d:e+d|e+e|f, data.dists = dist, edge.strength = edge.strength)
#' ## Plot from a formula for a different DAG!
#' plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist)
#' ## Markov blanket
#' plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, markov.blanket.node = "e")
#' ## Change col for all edges
#' tmp <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, plot=FALSE)
#' graph::edgeRenderInfo(tmp) <- list(col="blue")
#' Rgraphviz::renderGraph(tmp)
#' ## Change lty for individual ones. Named vector is necessary
#' tmp <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, plot=FALSE)
#' edgelty <- rep(c("solid","dotted"), c(6,1))
#' names(edgelty) <- names( graph::edgeRenderInfo(tmp, "col"))
#' graph::edgeRenderInfo(tmp) <- list(lty=edgelty)
#' Rgraphviz::renderGraph(tmp)
plotAbn <- function(dag,
                    plot=TRUE , ... )       {

    # Actually, the plot argument is wrong! i do not need the adjacency structure only. I need all but the plotting. i.e., all but the rendering of the graph.

    # The following is not relevant. The nodes are calculated via mb. They are not colored.
    #    if(!is.null(markov.blanket.node) & ("multinomial" %in% (data.dists))) warning("Multinomial nodes are excluded from Markov blanket computation.")

    ## for compatibility purpose
    if(inherits(x=dag, what="abnLearned")){
        data.dists <- dag$score.cache$data.dists;
        dag <- dag$dag
  if(inherits(x=dag, what="abnFit")){
    data.dists <- dag$abnDag$data.dists
    dag <- dag$abnDag$dag
  if (is.null(data.dists)) stop("'data.dist' need to be provided.")
    name <- names(data.dists)

    ## dag transformation
    if (!is.null(dag)) {
        if (is.matrix(dag)) {
            ## run a series of checks on the DAG passed
            dag <- abs(dag)
            ## consistency checks
            diag(dag) <- 0
            dag[dag > 0] <- 1

            ## naming
            if (is.null(rownames(dag))) {
                colnames(dag) <- name
                rownames(dag) <- name
            dag <- check.valid.dag(dag=dag, is.ban.matrix=FALSE, group.var=NULL)
        } else {
            if (grepl("~", as.character(dag)[1], fixed=T)) {
                dag <- formula_abn(f=dag, name=name)
                ## run a series of checks on the DAG passed
                dag <- check.valid.dag(dag=dag, is.ban.matrix=FALSE, group.var=NULL)
    } else {
        stop("'dag' specification must either be a matrix or a formula expression")

    # contains Rgraphviz
    if (edge.direction == "undirected") {
        dag=dag + t(dag)
        dag[dag != 0] <- 1     # this should not be necessary!

    ## create an object graph
    am.graph <- new(Class="graphAM", adjMat=dag,

    ## ========= SHAPE =========
    ## Shape: plot differential depending on the distribution
    node.shape <- rep(node.shape, 4)
    shape <- rep(node.shape[1], length(data.dists) )
    shape[data.dists == "binomial"] <- node.shape[2]
    shape[data.dists == "poisson"] <- node.shape[3]
    shape[data.dists == "multinomial"] <- node.shape[4]
    names(shape) <- names(data.dists)

    ## ================= NODE FILLED COLOR =================
    ## fill with default value, change if MB or fillcolor.list is requested
    fillcolor <- rep(node.fillcolor[1], length(data.dists))
    names(fillcolor) <- names(data.dists)

    ## =============== MARKOV BLANKET ===============
    ## Markov Blanket: plot the MB of a given node
    if (!is.null(markov.blanket.node)) {
        markov.blanket <- mb( dag, node=markov.blanket.node, data.dists=data.dists)
        fillcolor[ names(data.dists) %in%  markov.blanket]  <- node.fillcolor[3]
        fillcolor[ names(data.dists) %in%  markov.blanket.node]  <- node.fillcolor[2]

    } else    if (!is.null(node.fillcolor.list)) {
        fillcolor[ names(data.dists) %in%  node.fillcolor.list] <- node.fillcolor[2]

    names.edges <- names(Rgraphviz::buildEdgeList(am.graph))
    ## =============== Fitted values ===============
    ## Plot the fitted values in abn as edges label
    if (!is.null(fitted.values)) {
        space <- "   "
        edge.label <- c()
        for (i in 1:length(fitted.values)) {
            if ((length(fitted.values[[i]]) > 1)& !(data.dists[names(fitted.values)[i]] %in% c("gaussian", "multinomial"))) {
              # If data distribution is binomial or poisson:
              # get parent names
              parent.names <- names(which(dag[i,] == 1))
              # iterate over all parents
              p <- 1
              while (p <= length(parent.names)){
                # If no parents, skip this.
                # if parent is multinomial
                if (data.dists[parent.names[p]] == "multinomial"){
                  # get the number of categories of the parent
                  ncat <- sum(stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[parent.names[p]]]), fixed = "intercept"))+1
                  # iterate over all fitted.values[[i]] corresponding to the parent categories
                  # extract the values of the respective categories
                  fitted.values_cat <- fitted.values[[i]][stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[i]]), regex = paste0("^", parent.names[p]))]
                  # extract the labels of the respective categories
                  fitted.values_cat_labels <- colnames(fitted.values[[i]])[stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[i]]), regex = paste0("^", parent.names[p]))]
                  # paste the labels and the values together
                  parent_catlabels <- c()
                  for (k in 1:length(fitted.values_cat)){
                    parent_catlabels <- c(parent_catlabels, paste(fitted.values_cat_labels[k], signif(fitted.values_cat[k], digits = digits), sep = ": "))
                  parent_catlabels <- paste(stringi::stri_flatten(str = parent_catlabels, collapse = "\n"))
                  # add it to the edge.label
                  edge.label <- c(edge.label, paste(parent_catlabels))
                } else if (data.dists[parent.names[p]] != "multinomial"){
                  # if parent is not multinomial
                  # Workaround because the output of "bayes" and "mle" differ a little
                  if (!is.null(names(fitted.values[[i]]))) {
                    # "bayes" output has names because it's an array
                    edge.label <- c(edge.label, paste(space, signif(fitted.values[[i]][stringi::stri_detect(str = names(fitted.values[[i]]), regex = paste0(parent.names[p], "$"))], digits=digits)))
                  } else {
                    # "mle" output has colnames because it's a matrix
                    edge.label <- c(edge.label, paste(space, signif(fitted.values[[i]][stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[i]]), regex = paste0(parent.names[p], "$"))], digits=digits)))
                p <- p+1
            } else if ((length(fitted.values[[i]]) > 1)& (data.dists[names(fitted.values)[i]] == "gaussian")){
              # get parent names
              parent.names <- names(which(dag[i,] == 1))
              # iterate over all parents
              p <- 1
              while (p <= length(parent.names)){
                # If no parents, skip this.
                # if parent is multinomial
                if (data.dists[parent.names[p]] == "multinomial"){
                    # get the number of categories of the parent
                    ncat <- sum(stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[parent.names[p]]]), fixed = "intercept"))+1
                    # iterate over all fitted.values[[i]] corresponding to the parent categories
                    # extract the values of the respective categories
                    fitted.values_cat <- fitted.values[[i]][stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[i]]), regex = paste0("^", parent.names[p]))]
                    # extract the labels of the respective categories
                    fitted.values_cat_labels <- colnames(fitted.values[[i]])[stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[i]]), regex = paste0("^", parent.names[p]))]
                    # paste the labels and the values together
                    parent_catlabels <- c()
                    for (k in 1:length(fitted.values_cat)){
                      parent_catlabels <- c(parent_catlabels, paste(fitted.values_cat_labels[k], signif(fitted.values_cat[k], digits = digits), sep = ": "))
                    parent_catlabels <- paste(stringi::stri_flatten(str = parent_catlabels, collapse = "\n"))
                    # add it to the edge.label
                    edge.label <- c(edge.label, paste(parent_catlabels))
                } else if (data.dists[parent.names[p]] != "multinomial"){
                # if parent is not multinomial do as always
                  # Workaround because the output of "bayes" and "mle" differ a little
                  if (!is.null(names(fitted.values[[i]]))) {
                    # "bayes" output has names because it's an array
                    edge.label <- c(edge.label, paste(space, signif(fitted.values[[i]][stringi::stri_detect(str = names(fitted.values[[i]]), regex = paste0(parent.names[p], "$"))], digits=digits)))
                  } else {
                    # "mle" output has colnames because it's a matrix
                    edge.label <- c(edge.label, paste(space, signif(fitted.values[[i]][stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[i]]), regex = paste0(parent.names[p], "$"))], digits=digits)))
                p <- p+1
            } else if ((length(fitted.values[[i]]) > 1)& (data.dists[names(fitted.values)[i]] == "multinomial")){
              # number of categories of node i
              ncat <- sum(stringi::stri_detect(str = colnames(fitted.values[[i]]), fixed = "intercept"))+1
                for (j in 1:(ncat-1)-1){
                  # iterate over all parents of node i
                  catlabels <- c()
                  for (k in seq(ncat+j, length(fitted.values[[i]]), ncat-1)){
                    # iterate over all categories of node i with respect to the parent j
                    catlabels <- c(catlabels, paste(colnames(fitted.values[[i]])[k], signif(fitted.values[[i]][k], digits=digits), sep = ": "))
                  edge.label <- c(edge.label, paste(stringi::stri_flatten(str = catlabels, collapse = "\n")))
    } else {
      edge.label <- rep(" ", length(names.edges))
    names(edge.label) <- names.edges
    ## =================== Arc Strength ===================
    ## Arc strength: plot the AS of the dag arcs
#    if (is.matrix(edge.strength) & (edge.direction != "undirected")) {
    if (is.matrix(edge.strength)) {
        if (any(edge.strength<0)) stop("'edge.strength' should be positive")
        if (any(edge.strength[dag ==0] >0)) stop("'edge.strength' does not match dag")
        min.as <- min(edge.strength[edge.strength > 0])
        max.as <- max(edge.strength[edge.strength > 0])

        edge.strength.norm <- (edge.strength - min.as)/(max.as - min.as)
        edge.strength.norm[edge.strength.norm < 0] <- 0
        edge.lwd <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(dag[1, ])) {
            for (j in 1:length(dag[1, ])) {
                if (dag[i, j] == 1) {
                    edge.lwd <- cbind(edge.lwd, round(edge.strength.lwd * edge.strength.norm[i, j]) + 1)
    } else {
        edge.lwd <- rep(1, length(names.edges))
    class(edge.lwd) <- "character"
    names(edge.lwd) <- names.edges

    ## ====== Plot ======
    attrs <- list(graph=list(rankdir="BT"),
                  node=list(fontsize=node.fontsize, fixedsize=FALSE),
                  edge=list(arrowsize=edge.arrowsize, color=edge.color, lty=edge.linetype, fontsize=edge.fontsize))
    nodeAttrs <- list(fillcolor=fillcolor, shape=shape)
    edgeAttrs <- list(label=edge.label, lwd=edge.lwd)
#     print(edgeAttrs)
#    if (all(shape %in% c("circle","box","ellipse")))  {
    am.graph <- layoutGraph(am.graph, attrs=attrs, nodeAttrs=nodeAttrs, edgeAttrs=edgeAttrs)

    if (edge.direction == "pc")  {     # specify appropriate direction!
      edgeRenderInfo(am.graph) <- list(arrowtail="open")
      edgeRenderInfo(am.graph) <- list(arrowhead="none")
#      edgeRenderInfo(am.graph) <- list(direction=NULL)# MESSES up!!! not needed.
    edgeRenderInfo(am.graph) <- list(lwd=edge.lwd)

  #  if (plot) renderGraph(am.graph, attrs=attrs, nodeAttrs=nodeAttrs, edgeAttrs=edgeAttrs)
    if (plot) renderGraph(am.graph, ...)

#   } else {
#        am.graph <- layoutGraph(am.graph, attrs=attrs, nodeAttrs=nodeAttrs, edgeAttrs=edgeAttrs, ...)
        # the following does not work in R
#        edgeRenderInfo(am.graph)[["direction"]] <- "back"
        # hence
#        warning("edge.direction='pc' is not working with diamond shapes.")
#        edgeRenderInfo(am.graph) <- list(lwd=edge.lwd)
#        if (plot) renderGraph(am.graph,attrs=attrs, nodeAttrs=nodeAttrs, edgeAttrs=edgeAttrs)
#    }

}  #EOF

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abn documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:08 p.m.