
FunImbalance <- 
function (comm, dis, method = c("CorB", "SESB", "QB"), nrep = 10000, tol = 1e-16) 
    if (!inherits(comm, "data.frame") & !inherits(comm, "matrix")) 
        stop("Non convenient comm")
    comm <- t(comm)
    if (any(comm < 0)) 
        stop("Negative value in comm")
    if(any(!method%in%c("CorB", "SESB", "QB"))) stop("method can be CorB, SESB or QB")
    method <- unique(method)
    if(is.null(dis))  stop("Object dis is undefined")
    if (!inherits(dis, "dist")) 
    stop("Object of class 'dist' expected for argument dis")
    D <- as.matrix(dis)
    if (nrow(comm) != nrow(D)) 
        stop("Non convenient comm")
    FUNIMB <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, ncol(comm), length(method)))
    names(FUNIMB) <- method
    rownames(FUNIMB) <- colnames(comm)

    corB <- function(VEC) {

        if (sum(VEC) < tol){
            warning("empty communities") 
            Q <- (t(VEC) %*% D %*% VEC)/(sum(VEC)^2)
            Simpson <- 1-sum((VEC/sum(VEC))^2)
            meanD <- function(x) mean(as.dist(D[x>tol, x>tol]))
            mD <- meanD(VEC)
            B <- Q - Simpson*mD
            S <- length(VEC[VEC > 0])
            C <- (VEC%*%t(VEC))/(sum(VEC))^2
            varW <- (2/(S*(S-1)))*sum(as.dist(C[VEC>0, VEC>0]-Simpson/(S*(S-1)))^2)
            varD <- (2/(S*(S-1)))*sum(as.dist(D[VEC>0, VEC>0]-mD)^2)
            CORB <- B / ((S*(S-1))*sqrt(varW* varD))

    quadiv <- function(VECT) {
        quad <- (t(VECT) %*% D %*% VECT)/(sum(VECT)^2)

    simquadiv <- function(VECT) {
        simVECT <- sample(VECT)
        simQ <- (t(simVECT) %*% D %*% simVECT)/(sum(simVECT)^2)

    simQ <- function(VEC) {
        if (sum(VEC) < tol){
            warning("empty communities") 
            return(rep(NA, nrep))
        return(sapply(1:nrep, function(zz) simquadiv(VEC)))

    if (any(method %in% c("SESB", "QB"))){
        obsQ <- apply(comm, 2, quadiv)
        tabsimQ <- apply(comm, 2, simQ)

    for(m in method){
        if(m == "CorB") FUNIMB[, "CorB"] <- apply(comm, 2, corB)
        if(m == "SESB") FUNIMB[, "SESB"]  <- (obsQ - apply(tabsimQ, 2, mean)) / apply(tabsimQ, 2, sd)
        if(m == "QB") FUNIMB[, "QB"]  <- (obsQ - apply(tabsimQ, 2, min)) / (apply(tabsimQ, 2, max) - apply(tabsimQ, 2, min))


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