PADDis <-
function (comm, dis, method = NULL, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE)
METHODS <- c("components", "Jaccard", "Sorensen", "SockalSneath", "Ochiai", "Simpson")
if (!(inherits(comm, "data.frame") | inherits(comm, "matrix")))
stop("comm is not a data.frame or a matrix")
if (!inherits(dis, "dist"))
stop("dis is not an object of class 'dist'")
df <- as.matrix(comm)
dis <- as.matrix(dis)
stop("the size of dis is not equal to the number of columns in comm")
if(is.null(colnames(df)) | is.null(rownames(dis)))
warning("Species (attributes) in dis was been assumed to be in the same order as species (columns) in comm")
else {if (!all(c(colnames(df)%in%rownames(dis), rownames(dis)%in%colnames(df))))
warning("Species (attributes) in dis was been assumed to be in the same order as species (columns) in comm")
df <- df[, rownames(dis)]}
if (!is.numeric(df))
stop("df must contain numeric values")
if (any(df < 0))
stop("non negative value expected in df")
nlig <- nrow(df)
nsp <- ncol(df)
d.names <- row.names(df)
if (is.null(d.names))
d.names <- 1:nlig
df <- as.matrix(1 * (df > 0))
if (is.null(method)) {
cat("0 = list of all components (a, b, c, A, B, C)\n")
cat("1 = Jaccard index (1901)\n")
cat("d1 = (B+C)/(a+b+c)\n")
cat("2 = Czekanowski (1913) or Sorensen (1948)\n")
cat("d2 = (B+C)/(2*a+b+c)\n")
cat("3 = Sockal & Sneath (1963)\n")
cat("d3 = 2(B+C)/(a+2(b+c))\n")
cat("4 = Ochiai (1957)\n")
cat("d4 = [sqrt((A+B)(A+C))-A]/sqrt((a+b)(a+c))\n")
cat("5 = Simpson (1943) \n")
cat("d5 = min(B,C)/(a+min(b,c))\n")
cat("6 = Kulczynski (1943) \n")
cat("d6 = 0.5*(B/(a+b)+C/(a+c))\n")
cat("Select an integer (0-6): ")
method <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
a <- df %*% t(df)
b <- df %*% (1 - t(df))
c <- (1 - df) %*% t(df)
B <- C <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
for (i in 2:nlig){
for(j in 1:(i-1)){
compb <- (1:nsp)[df[i,]>1e-8 & df[j, ]<1e-8]
compY <- (1:nsp)[df[j, ]>1e-8]
bY <- dis[compb, compY]
if(is.null(compb)) B[i, j] <- 0
else {if(length(compb)==1) B[i, j] <- min(bY)
else if(length(compY)==1) B[i, j] <- sum(bY)
else B[i, j] <- sum(apply(bY, 1, min)) }
compc <- (1:nsp)[df[j,]>1e-8 & df[i, ]<1e-8]
compX <- (1:nsp)[df[i, ]>1e-8]
cX <- dis[compc, compX]
if(is.null(compc)) C[i, j] <- 0
else {if(length(compc)==1) C[i, j] <- min(cX)
else if(length(compY)==1) C[i, j] <- sum(cX)
else C[i, j] <- sum(apply(cX, 1, min)) }
Bf <- B + t(C)
Cf <- C + t(B)
B <- Bf
C <- Cf
colnames(B) <- colnames(C) <- rownames(B) <- rownames(C) <- rownames(df)
A <- a + (b - B) + (c - C)
if (method == 0) {
return(list(a = a, b = b, c = c, A = A, B = B, C = C))
if (method == 1) {
d <- (B+C)/(a + b + c)
else if (method == 2) {
d <- (B+C)/(2 * a + b + c)
else if (method == 3) {
d <- (2*(B+C))/(a + 2 * (b + c))
else if (method == 4) {
d <- (sqrt(A+B)*sqrt(A+C)-A)/sqrt((a + b) * (a + c))
else if (method == 5) {
minBC <- (B<=C)*B+(B>C)*C
minbc <- (b<=c)*b+(b>c)*c
d <- minBC / (a + minbc)
else if (method == 6) {
d <- 0.5*(B/(a+b) + C/(a+c))
else stop("Non convenient method")
d <- as.dist(d)
attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
attr(d, "Diag") <- diag
attr(d, "Upper") <- upper
attr(d, "method") <- METHODS[method+1]
attr(d, "call") <-
class(d) <- "dist"
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