
Defines functions create_single_dose_dataset

Documented in create_single_dose_dataset

#' Pre-Defined Dose Frequencies
#' @description
#' These pre-defined dose frequencies are sourced from
#' [CDISC](https://evs.nci.nih.gov/ftp1/CDISC/SDTM/SDTM%20Terminology.pdf). The
#' number of rows to generate using `create_single_dose_dataset()` arguments
#' `start_date` and `end_date` is derived from `DOSE_COUNT`, `DOSE_WINDOW`, and
#' `CONVERSION_FACTOR` with appropriate functions from `lubridate`.
#' @details
#' `NCI_CODE` and `CDISC_VALUE` are included from the CDISC source for
#' traceability.
#' `DOSE_COUNT` represents the number of doses received in one single unit of
#' `DOSE_WINDOW`. For example, for `CDISC_VALUE=="10 DAYS PER MONTH"`,
#' `DOSE_WINDOW=="MONTH"` and `DOSE_COUNT==10`. Similarly, for
#' `DOSE_COUNT==0.5` (to yield one dose every two weeks).
#' `CONVERSION_FACTOR` is used to convert `DOSE_WINDOW` units `"WEEK"`,
#'  `"MONTH"`, and `"YEAR"` to the unit `"DAY"`.
#' is `0.0329`. One day of a month is assumed to be `1 / 30.4375` of a month (one
#' day is assumed to be `1/365.25` of a year).
#' Given only `start_date` and `end_date` in the aggregate dataset, `CONVERSION_FACTOR`
#' is used to calculate specific dates for`start_date` and `end_date` in the
#' resulting single dose dataset for the doses that occur. In such cases, doses
#' are assumed to occur at evenly spaced increments over the interval.
#' To see the entire table in the console, run `print(dose_freq_lookup)`.
#' @seealso [create_single_dose_dataset()]
#' @export
#' @keywords metadata
#' @family metadata
#' @rdname dose_freq_lookup

dose_freq_lookup <- tribble(
  "C64526", "1 TIME PER WEEK",
  "C139179", "10 DAYS PER MONTH",
  "C64497", "2 TIMES PER WEEK",
  "C98861", "2 TIMES PER YEAR",
  "C98859", "3 TIMES PER MONTH",
  "C64528", "3 TIMES PER WEEK",
  "C98860", "3 TIMES PER YEAR",
  "C98852", "4 TIMES PER MONTH",
  "C64531", "4 TIMES PER WEEK",
  "C98853", "4 TIMES PER YEAR",
  "C98849", "5 TIMES PER DAY",
  "C98850", "5 TIMES PER MONTH",
  "C85552", "5 TIMES PER WEEK",
  "C98851", "5 TIMES PER YEAR",
  "C98855", "6 TIMES PER DAY",
  "C98856", "6 TIMES PER MONTH",
  "C98857", "6 TIMES PER WEEK",
  "C98858", "6 TIMES PER YEAR",
  "C139180", "7 TIMES PER DAY",
  "C98854", "7 TIMES PER WEEK",
  "C139181", "8 TIMES PER DAY",
  "C139182", "9 TIMES PER DAY",
  "C64496", "BID",
  "C71129", "BIM",
  "C161332", "EVERY 12 WEEKS",
  "C161336", "EVERY 16 WEEKS",
  "C71127", "EVERY 2 WEEKS",
  "C64535", "EVERY 3 WEEKS",
  "C161333", "EVERY 3 YEARS",
  "C64529", "EVERY 4 WEEKS",
  "C103390", "EVERY 5 WEEKS",
  "C161334", "EVERY 5 YEARS",
  "C89788", "EVERY 6 WEEKS",
  "C116149", "EVERY 7 WEEKS",
  "C103389", "EVERY 8 WEEKS",
  "C154484", "EVERY AFTERNOON",
  "C160957", "EVERY EVENING",
  "C67069", "EVERY WEEK",
  "C74924", "PA",
  "C64500", "Q10H",
  "C64501", "Q11H",
  "C64502", "Q12H",
  "C64503", "Q13H",
  "C64504", "Q14H",
  "C64505", "Q15H",
  "C64506", "Q16H",
  "C64507", "Q17H",
  "C64508", "Q18H",
  "C64509", "Q19H",
  "C64511", "Q20H",
  "C64512", "Q21H",
  "C64513", "Q22H",
  "C64514", "Q23H",
  "C64515", "Q24H",
  "C64516", "Q2H",
  "C64536", "Q2M",
  "C89791", "Q36H",
  "C64533", "Q3D",
  "C64517", "Q3H",
  "C64537", "Q3M",
  "C139183", "Q45MIN",
  "C89790", "Q48H",
  "C64534", "Q4D",
  "C64518", "Q4H",
  "C64538", "Q4M",
  "C71124", "Q5D",
  "C64519", "Q5H",
  "C161335", "Q6D",
  "C64520", "Q6H",
  "C89789", "Q6M",
  "C174288", "Q72H",
  "C139177", "Q7D",
  "C64521", "Q7H",
  "C64523", "Q8H",
  "C64524", "Q9H",
  "C64595", "QAM",
  "C25473", "QD",
  "C64510", "QH",
  "C64593", "QHS",
  "C64530", "QID",
  "C64498", "QM",
  "C139178", "QN",
  "C64525", "QOD",
  "C64525", "Q2D",
  "C64596", "QPM",
  "C64527", "TID"
) %>%
    DOSE_COUNT = case_when(
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "PER [WMY]") ~
        as.numeric(str_remove_all(CDISC_VALUE, "[\\D]")),
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "PER [D]") ~
        24 / as.numeric(str_remove_all(CDISC_VALUE, "[\\D]")),
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^Q\\d{1,2}(H|MIN)") ~
        1 / as.numeric(str_remove_all(CDISC_VALUE, "[\\D]")),
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^(Q|EVERY)\\s?\\d{1,2}") ~
        1 / as.numeric(str_remove_all(CDISC_VALUE, "[\\D]")),
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^EVERY (A|E|W)[:alpha:]+") ~ 1,
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^Q(AM|PM|M|N|D|HS)|^PA$") ~ 1,
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^QH$") ~ 1,
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "BIM") ~ 2,
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "BID") ~ 1 / 12,
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "TID") ~ 1 / 8,
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "QID") ~ 1 / 6,
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "QOD") ~ 0.5,
    DOSE_WINDOW = case_when(
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "EVERY \\d{1,2}|PER [WMY]") ~
        str_remove_all(sub(".* (\\w+)$", "\\1", CDISC_VALUE), "S"),
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^Q\\d{1,2}D$") ~ "DAY",
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^Q\\d{1,2}M$") ~ "MONTH",
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^Q\\d{0,2}H$|PER D") ~ "HOUR",
      str_detect(CDISC_VALUE, "^Q\\d{1,2}MIN$") ~ "MINUTE",
      CDISC_VALUE %in% c("EVERY WEEK") ~ "WEEK",
      CDISC_VALUE %in% c(
        "QAM", "QPM", "QHS",
        "QD", "QN", "QOD"
      ) ~ "DAY",
      CDISC_VALUE %in% c(
        "BID", "TID", "QID"
      ) ~ "HOUR",
      CDISC_VALUE %in% c("QM", "BIM") ~ "MONTH",
      CDISC_VALUE == "PA" ~ "YEAR",
  ) %>%
    CONVERSION_FACTOR = case_when(
      DOSE_WINDOW == "MINUTE" ~ 1,
      DOSE_WINDOW == "HOUR" ~ 1,
      DOSE_WINDOW == "DAY" ~ 1,
      DOSE_WINDOW == "WEEK" ~ (1 / 7),
      DOSE_WINDOW == "MONTH" ~ (1 / 30.4375),
      DOSE_WINDOW == "YEAR" ~ (1 / 365.25),

#' Create dataset of single doses
#' Derives dataset of single dose from aggregate dose information. This may be
#' necessary when e.g. calculating last dose before an adverse event in `ADAE`
#' or deriving a total dose parameter in `ADEX` when `EXDOSFRQ != ONCE`.
#' @param dataset
#' `r roxygen_param_dataset(expected_vars = c("dose_freq", "start_date", "end_date"))`
#' @param dose_freq The dose frequency
#'   The aggregate dosing frequency used for multiple doses in a row.
#'   Permitted Values: defined by lookup table.
#' @param start_date The start date
#'   A date object is expected. This object cannot contain `NA` values.
#'   Refer to `derive_vars_dt()` to impute and derive a date from a date
#'   character vector to a date object.
#' @param start_datetime The start date-time
#'   A date-time object is expected. This object cannot contain `NA` values.
#'   Refer to `derive_vars_dtm()` to impute and derive a date-time from a date
#'   character vector to a date object.
#'   If the input dataset contains frequencies which refer to `DOSE_WINDOW`
#'   equals `"HOUR"` or `"MINUTE"`, the parameter must be specified.
#' @param end_date The end date
#'   A date or date-time object is expected. This object cannot contain `NA` values.
#'   Refer to `derive_vars_dt()` to impute and derive a date from a date
#'   character vector to a date object.
#' @param end_datetime The end date-time
#'   A date-time object is expected. This object cannot contain `NA` values.
#'   Refer to `derive_vars_dtm()` to impute and derive a date-time from a date
#'   character vector to a date object.
#'   If the input dataset contains frequencies which refer to `DOSE_WINDOW`
#'   equals `"HOUR"` or `"MINUTE"`, the parameter must be specified.
#' @param lookup_table The dose frequency value lookup table
#'   The table used to look up `dose_freq` values and determine the appropriate
#'   multiplier to be used for row generation. If a lookup table other than the
#'   default is used, it must have columns `DOSE_WINDOW`, `DOSE_COUNT`, and
#'   `CONVERSION_FACTOR`. The default table `dose_freq_lookup` is described in
#'   detail [here][dose_freq_lookup].
#'   Permitted Values for `DOSE_WINDOW`: `"MINUTE"`, `"HOUR"`, `"DAY"`,
#'   `"WEEK"`, `"MONTH"`, `"YEAR"`
#' @param lookup_column The dose frequency value column in the lookup table
#'   The column of `lookup_table`.
#' @param nominal_time The nominal relative time from first dose (`NFRLT`)
#'   Used for PK analysis, this will be in hours and should be 0 for
#'   the first dose.  It can be derived as `(VISITDY - 1) * 24` for example.
#'   This will be expanded as the single dose dataset is created.  For example
#'   an `EXDOFRQ` of `"QD"` will result in the nominal_time being incremented by
#'   24 hours for each expanded record.
#'   The value can be NULL if not needed.
#' @param keep_source_vars List of variables to be retained from source dataset
#'   This parameter can be specified if additional information is required in
#'   the output dataset. For example `EXTRT` for studies with more than one
#'   drug.
#' @details Each aggregate dose row is split into multiple rows which each
#'   represent a single dose.The number of completed dose periods between
#'   `start_date` or `start_datetime` and `end_date` or `end_datetime` is
#'   calculated with `compute_duration` and multiplied by `DOSE_COUNT`.
#'   For `DOSE_WINDOW` values of `"WEEK"`, `"MONTH"`, and `"YEAR"`,
#'   `CONVERSION_FACTOR` is used to convert into days the time object
#'   to be added to `start_date`.
#'   Observations with dose frequency `"ONCE"` are copied to the output dataset
#'   unchanged.
#' @family create_aux
#' @keywords create_aux
#' @return The input dataset with a single dose per row.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example with default lookup
#' library(lubridate)
#' library(stringr)
#' library(tibble)
#' library(dplyr)
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "P01", "Q2D", ymd("2021-01-01"), ymd_hms("2021-01-01 10:30:00"),
#'   ymd("2021-01-07"), ymd_hms("2021-01-07 11:30:00"),
#'   "P01", "Q3D", ymd("2021-01-08"), ymd_hms("2021-01-08 12:00:00"),
#'   ymd("2021-01-14"), ymd_hms("2021-01-14 14:00:00"),
#'   "P01", "EVERY 2 WEEKS", ymd("2021-01-15"), ymd_hms("2021-01-15 09:57:00"),
#'   ymd("2021-01-29"), ymd_hms("2021-01-29 10:57:00")
#' )
#' create_single_dose_dataset(data)
#' # Example with custom lookup
#' custom_lookup <- tribble(
#'   "Q30MIN", (1 / 30),    "MINUTE",                      1,
#'   "Q90MIN", (1 / 90),    "MINUTE",                      1
#' )
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "P01", "Q30MIN", ymd("2021-01-01"), ymd_hms("2021-01-01T06:00:00"),
#'   ymd("2021-01-01"), ymd_hms("2021-01-01T07:00:00"),
#'   "P02", "Q90MIN", ymd("2021-01-01"), ymd_hms("2021-01-01T06:00:00"),
#'   ymd("2021-01-01"), ymd_hms("2021-01-01T09:00:00")
#' )
#' create_single_dose_dataset(data,
#'   lookup_table = custom_lookup,
#'   lookup_column = Value,
#'   start_datetime = ASTDTM,
#'   end_datetime = AENDTM
#' )
#' # Example with nominal time
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "P01", "BID", 0, ymd("2021-01-01"), ymd_hms("2021-01-01 08:00:00"),
#'   ymd("2021-01-07"), ymd_hms("2021-01-07 20:00:00"),
#'   "P01", "BID", 168, ymd("2021-01-08"), ymd_hms("2021-01-08 08:00:00"),
#'   ymd("2021-01-14"), ymd_hms("2021-01-14 20:00:00"),
#'   "P01", "BID", 336, ymd("2021-01-15"), ymd_hms("2021-01-15 08:00:00"),
#'   ymd("2021-01-29"), ymd_hms("2021-01-29 20:00:00")
#' )
#' create_single_dose_dataset(data,
#'   dose_freq = EXDOSFRQ,
#'   start_date = ASTDT,
#'   start_datetime = ASTDTM,
#'   end_date = AENDT,
#'   end_datetime = AENDTM,
#'   lookup_table = dose_freq_lookup,
#'   lookup_column = CDISC_VALUE,
#'   nominal_time = NFRLT,
#'   keep_source_vars = exprs(
#'   )
#' )
#' # Example - derive a single dose dataset with imputations
#' # For either single drug administration records, or multiple drug administration
#' # records covering a range of dates, fill-in of missing treatment end datetime
#' # `EXENDTC` by substitution with an acceptable alternate, for example date of
#' # death, date of datacut may be required. This example shows the
#' # maximum possible number of single dose records to be derived. The example
#' # requires the date of datacut `DCUTDT` to be specified correctly, or
#' # if not appropriate to use `DCUTDT` as missing treatment end data and missing
#' # treatment end datetime could set equal to treatment start date and treatment
#' # start datetime. ADSL variables `DTHDT` and `DCUTDT` are preferred for
#' # imputation use.
#' #
#' # All available trial treatments are included, allowing multiple different
#' # last dose variables to be created in for example `use_ad_template("ADAE")`
#' # if required.
#' adsl <- tribble(
#'   "01", "1211", ymd("2013-01-14"),
#'   "01", "1083", ymd("2013-08-02"),
#'   "01", "1445", ymd("2014-11-01"),
#'   "01", "1015", NA,
#'   "01", "1023", NA
#' )
#' ex <- tribble(
#'   "01", "1015", 1, "PLAC", 0, "mg", "QD", "2014-01-02", "2014-01-16",
#'   "01", "1015", 2, "PLAC", 0, "mg", "QD", "2014-06-17", "2014-06-18",
#'   "01", "1015", 3, "PLAC", 0, "mg", "QD", "2014-06-19", NA_character_,
#'   "01", "1023", 1, "PLAC", 0, "mg", "QD", "2012-08-05", "2012-08-27",
#'   "01", "1023", 2, "PLAC", 0, "mg", "QD", "2012-08-28", "2012-09-01",
#'   "01", "1211", 1, "XANO", 54, "mg", "QD", "2012-11-15", "2012-11-28",
#'   "01", "1211", 2, "XANO", 54, "mg", "QD", "2012-11-29", NA_character_,
#'   "01", "1445", 1, "PLAC", 0, "mg", "QD", "2014-05-11", "2014-05-25",
#'   "01", "1445", 2, "PLAC", 0, "mg", "QD", "2014-05-26", "2014-11-01",
#'   "01", "1083", 1, "PLAC", 0, "mg", "QD", "2013-07-22", "2013-08-01"
#' )
#' adsl_death <- adsl %>%
#'   mutate(
#'     DTHDTM = convert_date_to_dtm(DTHDT),
#'     # Remove `DCUT` setup line below if ADSL `DCUTDT` is populated.
#'     DCUTDT = convert_dtc_to_dt("2015-03-06"), # Example only, enter date.
#'     DCUTDTM = convert_date_to_dtm(DCUTDT)
#'   )
#' # Select valid dose records, non-missing `EXSTDTC` and `EXDOSE`.
#' ex_mod <- ex %>%
#'   filter(!is.na(EXSTDTC) & !is.na(EXDOSE)) %>%
#'   derive_vars_merged(adsl_death, by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID)) %>%
#'   # Example, set up missing `EXDOSFRQ` as QD daily dosing regime.
#'   # Replace with study dosing regime per trial treatment.
#'   mutate(EXDOSFRQ = if_else(is.na(EXDOSFRQ), "QD", EXDOSFRQ)) %>%
#'   # Create EXxxDTM variables and replace missing `EXENDTM`.
#'   derive_vars_dtm(
#'     dtc = EXSTDTC,
#'     new_vars_prefix = "EXST",
#'     date_imputation = "first",
#'     time_imputation = "first",
#'     flag_imputation = "none",
#'   ) %>%
#'   derive_vars_dtm_to_dt(exprs(EXSTDTM)) %>%
#'   derive_vars_dtm(
#'     dtc = EXENDTC,
#'     new_vars_prefix = "EXEN",
#'     # Maximum imputed treatment end date must not be not greater than
#'     # date of death or after the datacut date.
#'     max_dates = exprs(DTHDTM, DCUTDTM),
#'     date_imputation = "last",
#'     time_imputation = "last",
#'     flag_imputation = "none",
#'     highest_imputation = "Y",
#'   ) %>%
#'   derive_vars_dtm_to_dt(exprs(EXENDTM)) %>%
#'   # Select only unique values.
#'   # Removes duplicated records before final step.
#'   distinct(
#'   )
#' create_single_dose_dataset(
#'   ex_mod,
#'   start_date = EXSTDT,
#'   start_datetime = EXSTDTM,
#'   end_date = EXENDT,
#'   end_datetime = EXENDTM,
#'   keep_source_vars = exprs(
#'   )
#' )
create_single_dose_dataset <- function(dataset,
                                       dose_freq = EXDOSFRQ,
                                       start_date = ASTDT,
                                       start_datetime = NULL,
                                       end_date = AENDT,
                                       end_datetime = NULL,
                                       lookup_table = dose_freq_lookup,
                                       lookup_column = CDISC_VALUE,
                                       nominal_time = NULL,
                                       keep_source_vars = expr_c(
                                         exprs(USUBJID), dose_freq, start_date, start_datetime,
                                         end_date, end_datetime
                                       )) {
  dose_freq <- assert_symbol(enexpr(dose_freq))
  lookup_column <- assert_symbol(enexpr(lookup_column))
  start_date <- assert_symbol(enexpr(start_date))
  start_datetime <- assert_symbol(enexpr(start_datetime), optional = TRUE)
  end_date <- assert_symbol(enexpr(end_date))
  end_datetime <- assert_symbol(enexpr(end_datetime), optional = TRUE)
  nominal_time <- assert_symbol(enexpr(nominal_time), optional = TRUE)
  assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = expr_c(dose_freq, start_date, end_date))
    required_vars = exprs(!!lookup_column, DOSE_WINDOW, DOSE_COUNT, CONVERSION_FACTOR)
  assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = keep_source_vars)
  col_names <- colnames(dataset)

  # Checking that the dates specified follow the ADaM naming convention of ending in DT
  start_datec <- as_string(as_name(start_date))
  start_date_chk <- str_locate_all(start_datec, "DT")
  start_date_chk_pos <- as.vector(start_date_chk[[1]])

  if (str_length(start_datec) != start_date_chk_pos[-1]) {
    err_msg <- c(
      "The argument {.arg start_date} is expected to have a name  ending with {.val ---DT}.",
      "Please update as it does not follow the expected naming convention."

  end_datec <- as_string(as_name(end_date))
  end_date_chk <- str_locate_all(end_datec, "DT")
  end_date_chk_pos <- as.vector(end_date_chk[[1]])

  if (str_length(end_datec) != end_date_chk_pos[-1]) {
    err_msg <- c(
      "The argument {.arg end_date} is expected to have a name like {.val xxxDT}.",
      "Please check as it does not follow the expected naming convention."

  # Set up lookup table to be joined to dataset

  lookup <- lookup_table %>%
    rename(!!dose_freq := !!lookup_column)

  # Observations with frequency ONCE are copied unchanged to the output dataset
  data_once <- filter(dataset, !!dose_freq == "ONCE")

  data_not_once <- filter(dataset, !!dose_freq != "ONCE")

  # Check that NAs do not appear in start_date or start_datetime or end_date or end_datetime columns
  condition <- paste0("is.na(", as_name(start_date), ") | is.na(", as_name(end_date), ")")
  if (!is.null(start_datetime)) {
    condition <- paste(condition, "| is.na(", as_name(start_datetime), ")")
  if (!is.null(end_datetime)) {
    condition <- paste(condition, "| is.na(", as_name(end_datetime), ")")
  na_check <- data_not_once %>%
    filter(!!parse_expr(condition)) %>%
    select(!!start_date, !!end_date, !!start_datetime, !!end_datetime)

  if (nrow(na_check) > 0) {
    na_columns <- paste0(colnames(na_check)[colSums(is.na(na_check)) > 0], collapse = ", ")
    err_msg <- c(
      "The arguments {.arg start_date} or {.arg start_datetime} and
       {.arg end_date} or {.arg end_datetime} cannot contain {.val {NA}} values.",
      "i" = "Please check {.val {na_columns}} for {.val {NA}} values."


  # Check nominal time is NULL or numeric

  if (!is.null(nominal_time)) {
    check_nominal_time <-
        check_nom := !!nominal_time


  # Check values of lookup vs. data and return error if values are not covered

  value_check <- data_not_once %>%
    select(!!dose_freq) %>%
    anti_join(lookup, by = as.character(dose_freq)) %>%

  if (nrow(value_check) > 0) {
    values_not_found <- value_check %>% select(!!dose_freq)

    err_msg <-
      c("The following values of {.val {as.character(dose_freq)}} in
         {.arg dataset} do not appear in
         {.arg lookup_table}: {.val {values_not_found}}")

  # Check lookup_table does not contain duplicates
    dataset = lookup_table,
    by_vars = exprs(!!lookup_column)

  # Use compute_duration to determine the number of completed dose periods

  if (is.null(start_datetime)) {
    min_hour_cases <- exprs(FALSE ~ 0)
  } else {
    min_hour_cases <- exprs(
      DOSE_WINDOW == "MINUTE" ~ compute_duration(!!start_datetime, !!end_datetime,
        in_unit = "minutes", out_unit = "minutes"
      DOSE_WINDOW == "HOUR" ~ compute_duration(!!start_datetime, !!end_datetime,
        in_unit = "hours", out_unit = "hours"
  data_not_once <- left_join(
    by = as.character(dose_freq)

  if (any(data_not_once$DOSE_WINDOW %in% c("MINUTE", "HOUR")) &&
    (is.null(start_datetime) || is.null(end_datetime))) {
      "There are dose frequencies more frequent than once a day, thus
       arguments {.arg start_datetime} and {.arg end_datetime} must be specified."

  data_not_once <- data_not_once %>%
    mutate(dose_periods = case_when(
      DOSE_WINDOW == "DAY" ~ compute_duration(!!start_date, !!end_date, out_unit = "days"),
      DOSE_WINDOW == "WEEK" ~ compute_duration(!!start_date, !!end_date, out_unit = "weeks"),
      DOSE_WINDOW == "MONTH" ~ compute_duration(!!start_date, !!end_date, out_unit = "months"),
      DOSE_WINDOW == "YEAR" ~ compute_duration(!!start_date, !!end_date, out_unit = "years")
    )) %>%
    mutate(dose_count = ceiling(dose_periods * DOSE_COUNT)) %>%
    derive_var_obs_number(new_var = grpseq)

  # Generate a row for each completed dose

  data_not_once <- data_not_once[rep(row.names(data_not_once), data_not_once$dose_count), ]

  # Determine amount of days to adjust start_date or start_datetime and end_date or end_datetime

  data_not_once <- data_not_once %>%
    group_by(grpseq, !!dose_freq, !!start_date, !!end_date) %>%
    mutate(time_increment = (row_number() - 1) / (DOSE_COUNT)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
      time_differential = case_when(
        DOSE_WINDOW == "MINUTE" ~ minutes(floor(time_increment)),
        DOSE_WINDOW == "HOUR" ~ hours(floor(time_increment)),
        DOSE_WINDOW %in% c("DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH", "YEAR") ~
          days(floor(time_increment / CONVERSION_FACTOR))
      time_differential_dt = case_when(
        DOSE_WINDOW == "MINUTE" ~ days(floor(time_increment / 1440)),
        DOSE_WINDOW == "HOUR" ~ days(floor(time_increment / 24)),
        DOSE_WINDOW %in% c("DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH", "YEAR") ~
          days(floor(time_increment / CONVERSION_FACTOR))

  # Adjust start_date and end_date, drop calculation columns, make sure nothing
  # later than end_date shows up in output

  data_not_once <- data_not_once %>%
      !!dose_freq := "ONCE",
      !!start_date := !!start_date + time_differential_dt
  if (!is.null(start_datetime)) {
    data_not_once <-
        !!start_datetime := !!start_datetime + time_differential,
  if (!is.null(nominal_time)) {
    data_not_once <-
        !!nominal_time := !!nominal_time + as.numeric(time_differential) / 3600

  data_not_once <- data_not_once %>%
    filter(!(!!start_date > !!end_date)) %>%
      !!end_date := !!start_date
  if (!is.null(end_datetime)) {
    data_not_once <-
        !!end_datetime := case_when(
          DOSE_WINDOW %in% c("MINUTE", "HOUR") ~ !!start_datetime,
          DOSE_WINDOW %in% c("DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH", "YEAR") ~
            ymd_hms(paste0(!!start_date, " ", format(!!end_datetime, format = "%H:%M:%S")))
  data_not_once <- select(data_not_once, all_of(col_names))

  # Stitch back together

  bind_rows(data_once, data_not_once) %>%

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admiral documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:06 a.m.