#' Add New Variable(s) to the Input Dataset Based on Variables from Another
#' Dataset
#' Add new variable(s) to the input dataset based on variables from another
#' dataset. The observations to merge can be selected by a condition
#' (`filter_add` argument) and/or selecting the first or last observation for
#' each by group (`order` and `mode` argument).
#' @param dataset
#' `r roxygen_param_dataset(expected_vars = c("by_vars"))`
#' @param dataset_add Additional dataset
#' The variables specified by the `by_vars`, the `new_vars`, and the `order`
#' argument are expected.
#' @param by_vars Grouping variables
#' The input dataset and the selected observations from the additional dataset
#' are merged by the specified variables.
#' `r roxygen_param_by_vars(rename = TRUE)`
#' @param order Sort order
#' If the argument is set to a non-null value, for each by group the first or
#' last observation from the additional dataset is selected with respect to the
#' specified order.
#' Variables defined by the `new_vars` argument can be used in the sort order.
#' `r roxygen_order_na_handling()`
#' *Permitted Values*: list of expressions created by `exprs()`, e.g.,
#' `exprs(ADT, desc(AVAL))` or `NULL`
#' @param new_vars Variables to add
#' The specified variables from the additional dataset are added to the output
#' dataset. Variables can be renamed by naming the element, i.e., `new_vars =
#' exprs(<new name> = <old name>)`.
#' For example `new_vars = exprs(var1, var2)` adds variables `var1` and `var2`
#' from `dataset_add` to the input dataset.
#' And `new_vars = exprs(var1, new_var2 = old_var2)` takes `var1` and
#' `old_var2` from `dataset_add` and adds them to the input dataset renaming
#' `old_var2` to `new_var2`.
#' Values of the added variables can be modified by specifying an expression.
#' For example, `new_vars = LASTRSP = exprs(str_to_upper(AVALC))` adds the
#' variable `LASTRSP` to the dataset and sets it to the upper case value of
#' `AVALC`.
#' If the argument is not specified or set to `NULL`, all variables from the
#' additional dataset (`dataset_add`) are added.
#' *Permitted Values*: list of variables or named expressions created by `exprs()`
#' @param filter_add Filter for additional dataset (`dataset_add`)
#' Only observations fulfilling the specified condition are taken into account
#' for merging. If the argument is not specified, all observations are
#' considered.
#' Variables defined by the `new_vars` argument can be used in the filter
#' condition.
#' *Permitted Values*: a condition
#' @param mode Selection mode
#' Determines if the first or last observation is selected. If the `order`
#' argument is specified, `mode` must be non-null.
#' If the `order` argument is not specified, the `mode` argument is ignored.
#' *Permitted Values*: `"first"`, `"last"`, `NULL`
#' @param match_flag Match flag
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use `exist_flag` instead.
#' If the argument is specified (e.g., `match_flag = FLAG`), the specified
#' variable (e.g., `FLAG`) is added to the input dataset. This variable will
#' be `TRUE` for all selected records from `dataset_add` which are merged into
#' the input dataset, and `NA` otherwise.
#' *Permitted Values*: Variable name
#' @param exist_flag Exist flag
#' If the argument is specified (e.g., `exist_flag = FLAG`), the specified
#' variable (e.g., `FLAG`) is added to the input dataset. This variable will
#' be the value provided in `true_value` for all selected records from `dataset_add`
#' which are merged into the input dataset, and the value provided in `false_value` otherwise.
#' *Permitted Values*: Variable name
#' @param true_value True value
#' The value for the specified variable `exist_flag`, applicable to
#' the first or last observation (depending on the mode) of each by group.
#' Permitted Values: An atomic scalar
#' @param false_value False value
#' The value for the specified variable `exist_flag`, NOT applicable to
#' the first or last observation (depending on the mode) of each by group.
#' Permitted Values: An atomic scalar
#' @param missing_values Values for non-matching observations
#' For observations of the input dataset (`dataset`) which do not have a
#' matching observation in the additional dataset (`dataset_add`) the values
#' of the specified variables are set to the specified value. Only variables
#' specified for `new_vars` can be specified for `missing_values`.
#' *Permitted Values*: named list of expressions, e.g.,
#' `exprs(BASEC = "MISSING", BASE = -1)`
#' @param check_type Check uniqueness?
#' If `"warning"` or `"error"` is specified, the specified message is issued
#' if the observations of the (restricted) additional dataset are not unique
#' with respect to the by variables and the order.
#' If the `order` argument is not specified, the `check_type` argument is ignored:
#' if the observations of the (restricted) additional dataset are not unique with respect
#' to the by variables, an error is issued.
#' *Permitted Values*: `"none"`, `"warning"`, `"error"`
#' @param duplicate_msg Message of unique check
#' If the uniqueness check fails, the specified message is displayed.
#' *Default*:
#' ```{r echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE}
#' paste(
#' "Dataset {.arg dataset_add} contains duplicate records with respect to",
#' "{.var {vars2chr(by_vars)}}."
#' )
#' ```
#' @param relationship Expected merge-relationship between the `by_vars`
#' variable(s) in `dataset` (input dataset) and the `dataset_add` (additional dataset)
#' containing the additional `new_vars`.
#' This argument is passed to the `dplyr::left_join()` function. See
#' <> for
#' more details.
#' **Permitted Values:** `"one-to-one"`, `"many-to-one"`, `NULL`.
#' @return The output dataset contains all observations and variables of the
#' input dataset and additionally the variables specified for `new_vars` from
#' the additional dataset (`dataset_add`).
#' @details
#' 1. The new variables (`new_vars`) are added to the additional dataset
#' (`dataset_add`).
#' 1. The records from the additional dataset (`dataset_add`) are restricted
#' to those matching the `filter_add` condition.
#' 1. If `order` is specified, for each by group the first or last observation
#' (depending on `mode`) is selected.
#' 1. The variables specified for `new_vars` are merged to the input dataset
#' using `left_join()`. I.e., the output dataset contains all observations
#' from the input dataset. For observations without a matching observation in
#' the additional dataset the new variables are set as specified by
#' `missing_values` (or to `NA` for variables not in `missing_values`).
#' Observations in the additional dataset which have no matching observation
#' in the input dataset are ignored.
#' @family der_gen
#' @keywords der_gen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' vs <- tribble(
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1302", "HEIGHT", "SCREENING", 177.8, "cm", "2013-08-20",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1302", "WEIGHT", "SCREENING", 81.19, "kg", "2013-08-20",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1302", "WEIGHT", "BASELINE", 82.1, "kg", "2013-08-29",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1302", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 2", 81.19, "kg", "2013-09-15",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1302", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 4", 82.56, "kg", "2013-09-24",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1302", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 6", 80.74, "kg", "2013-10-08",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1302", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 8", 82.1, "kg", "2013-10-22",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1302", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 12", 82.1, "kg", "2013-11-05",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "17-1344", "HEIGHT", "SCREENING", 163.5, "cm", "2014-01-01",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "17-1344", "WEIGHT", "SCREENING", 58.06, "kg", "2014-01-01",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "17-1344", "WEIGHT", "BASELINE", 58.06, "kg", "2014-01-11",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "17-1344", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 2", 58.97, "kg", "2014-01-24",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "17-1344", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 4", 57.97, "kg", "2014-02-07",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "17-1344", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 6", 58.97, "kg", "2014-02-19",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "17-1344", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 8", 57.79, "kg", "2014-03-14"
#' )
#' dm <- tribble(
#' "PILOT01", "DM", "01-1302", 61, "YEARS",
#' "PILOT01", "DM", "17-1344", 64, "YEARS"
#' )
#' # Merging all dm variables to vs
#' derive_vars_merged(
#' vs,
#' dataset_add = select(dm, -DOMAIN),
#' by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID)
#' ) %>%
#' # Merge last weight to adsl
#' adsl <- tribble(
#' "PILOT01", "01-1302", 61, "YEARS",
#' "PILOT01", "17-1344", 64, "YEARS"
#' )
#' derive_vars_merged(
#' adsl,
#' dataset_add = vs,
#' by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID),
#' order = exprs(convert_dtc_to_dtm(VSDTC)),
#' mode = "last",
#' filter_add = VSTESTCD == "WEIGHT",
#' exist_flag = vsdatafl
#' ) %>%
#' # Derive treatment start datetime (TRTSDTM)
#' ex <- tribble(
#' "PILOT01", "EX", "01-1302", 1, 18, "2013-08-29", "2013-09-15",
#' "PILOT01", "EX", "01-1302", 19, 69, "2013-09-16", "2013-11-05",
#' "PILOT01", "EX", "17-1344", 1, 14, "2014-01-11", "2014-01-24",
#' "PILOT01", "EX", "17-1344", 15, 63, "2014-01-25", "2014-03-14"
#' )
#' ## Impute exposure start date to first date/time
#' ex_ext <- derive_vars_dtm(
#' ex,
#' dtc = EXSTDTC,
#' new_vars_prefix = "EXST",
#' highest_imputation = "M",
#' )
#' ## Add first exposure datetime and imputation flags to adsl
#' derive_vars_merged(
#' select(dm, STUDYID, USUBJID),
#' dataset_add = ex_ext,
#' by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID),
#' order = exprs(EXSTDTM),
#' mode = "first"
#' )
#' # Derive treatment end datetime (TRTEDTM)
#' ## Impute exposure end datetime to last time, no date imputation
#' ex_ext <- derive_vars_dtm(
#' ex,
#' dtc = EXENDTC,
#' new_vars_prefix = "EXEN",
#' time_imputation = "last",
#' )
#' ## Add last exposure datetime and imputation flag to adsl
#' derive_vars_merged(
#' select(adsl, STUDYID, USUBJID),
#' dataset_add = ex_ext,
#' filter_add = !,
#' by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID),
#' new_vars = exprs(TRTEDTM = EXENDTM, TRTETMF = EXENTMF),
#' order = exprs(EXENDTM),
#' mode = "last"
#' )
#' # Modify merged values and set value for non matching observations
#' adsl <- tribble(
#' "ST42-1", "F", "AUT",
#' "ST42-2", "M", "MWI",
#' "ST42-3", "M", "NOR",
#' "ST42-4", "F", "UGA"
#' )
#' advs <- tribble(
#' "ST42-1", "WEIGHT", "BASELINE", 0, 66,
#' "ST42-1", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 2", 1, 68,
#' "ST42-2", "WEIGHT", "BASELINE", 0, 88,
#' "ST42-3", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 2", 1, 55,
#' "ST42-3", "WEIGHT", "WEEK 4", 2, 50
#' )
#' derive_vars_merged(
#' adsl,
#' dataset_add = advs,
#' by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
#' new_vars = exprs(
#' ),
#' order = exprs(AVISITN),
#' mode = "last",
#' missing_values = exprs(LSTVSCAT = "MISSING")
#' )
derive_vars_merged <- function(dataset,
order = NULL,
new_vars = NULL,
filter_add = NULL,
mode = NULL,
exist_flag = NULL,
true_value = "Y",
false_value = NA_character_,
missing_values = NULL,
check_type = "warning",
duplicate_msg = NULL,
relationship = NULL) {
filter_add <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(filter_add), optional = TRUE)
by_vars_left <- replace_values_by_names(by_vars)
by_vars_right <- chr2vars(paste(vars2chr(by_vars)))
assert_expr_list(order, optional = TRUE)
assert_expr_list(new_vars, optional = TRUE)
assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = by_vars_left)
required_vars = expr_c(
setdiff(extract_vars(order), replace_values_by_names(new_vars)),
if (!is_missing(enexpr(match_flag))) {
"derive_vars_merged(match_flag =)",
"derive_vars_merged(exist_flag =)"
exist_flag <- assert_symbol(enexpr(match_flag), optional = TRUE)
exist_flag <- assert_symbol(enexpr(exist_flag), optional = TRUE)
assert_atomic_vector(true_value, optional = TRUE)
assert_atomic_vector(false_value, optional = TRUE)
assert_expr_list(missing_values, named = TRUE, optional = TRUE)
if (!is.null(missing_values) && !is.null(new_vars)) {
invalid_vars <- setdiff(
if (length(invalid_vars) > 0) {
"The variable{?s} {.var {invalid_vars}} w{?as/ere} specified for {.arg missing_values}",
"but not for {.arg new_vars}."
relationship <- assert_character_scalar(
values = c("one-to-one", "many-to-one"),
case_sensitive = TRUE,
optional = TRUE
add_data <- dataset_add %>%
mutate(!!!new_vars) %>%
if (!is.null(order)) {
add_data <- filter_extreme(
by_vars = by_vars_right,
order = order,
mode = mode,
check_type = check_type
} else {
if (is.null(duplicate_msg)) {
duplicate_msg <- paste(
"Dataset {.arg dataset_add} contains duplicate records with respect to",
"{.var {vars2chr(by_vars)}}."
by_vars = by_vars_right,
msg = duplicate_msg
if (!is.null(new_vars)) {
add_data <- add_data %>%
select(!!!by_vars_right, !!!replace_values_by_names(new_vars))
if (!is.null(missing_values) || !is.null(exist_flag)) {
match_flag_var <- get_new_tmp_var(add_data, prefix = "tmp_match_flag")
} else {
match_flag_var <- NULL
if (!is.null(match_flag_var)) {
add_data <- mutate(
!!match_flag_var := TRUE
# check if there are any variables in both datasets which are not by vars
# in this case an error is issued to avoid renaming of varibles by left_join()
common_vars <-
setdiff(intersect(names(dataset), names(add_data)), vars2chr(by_vars))
if (length(common_vars) > 0L) {
"The variable{?s} {.var {common_vars}} {?is/are} contained in both datasets.",
i = "Please add them to {.arg by_vars} or remove or rename them in one of the datasets."
dataset <- left_join(
by = vars2chr(by_vars),
relationship = relationship
"dplyr_error_join_relationship_one_to_one" = function(cnd) {
message = c(
cnd$message, "`x`", "`dataset`"
), "`y`", "`dataset_add`"
i = str_replace(
cnd$body, "`x`", "`dataset`"
), "`y`", "`dataset_add`"
call = parent.frame(n = 4)
"dplyr_error_join_relationship_many_to_one" = function(cnd) {
message = c(
cnd$message, "`x`", "`dataset`"
), "`y`", "`dataset_add`"
i = str_replace(
cnd$body, "`x`", "`dataset`"
), "`y`", "`dataset_add`"
call = parent.frame(n = 4)
if (!is.null(match_flag_var)) {
update_missings <- map2(
~ expr(if_else(!!match_flag_var), !!.y, !!.x))
names(update_missings) <- names(missing_values)
dataset <- dataset %>%
if (!is.null(exist_flag)) {
dataset <- dataset %>%
mutate(!!exist_flag := ifelse(!!match_flag_var), false_value, true_value))
dataset %>%
#' Merge an Existence Flag
#' @description Adds a flag variable to the input dataset which indicates if
#' there exists at least one observation in another dataset fulfilling a certain
#' condition.
#' **Note:** This is a wrapper function for the more generic `derive_vars_merged()`.
#' @param dataset_add Additional dataset
#' The variables specified by the `by_vars` argument are expected.
#' @param by_vars Grouping variables
#' `r roxygen_param_by_vars()`
#' @param new_var New variable
#' The specified variable is added to the input dataset.
#' @param condition Condition
#' The condition is evaluated at the additional dataset (`dataset_add`). For
#' all by groups where it evaluates as `TRUE` at least once the new variable
#' is set to the true value (`true_value`). For all by groups where it
#' evaluates as `FALSE` or `NA` for all observations the new variable is set
#' to the false value (`false_value`). The new variable is set to the missing
#' value (`missing_value`) for by groups not present in the additional
#' dataset.
#' @param true_value True value
#' @param false_value False value
#' @param missing_value Values used for missing information
#' The new variable is set to the specified value for all by groups without
#' observations in the additional dataset.
#' *Permitted Value*: A character scalar
#' @param filter_add Filter for additional data
#' Only observations fulfilling the specified condition are taken into account
#' for flagging. If the argument is not specified, all observations are
#' considered.
#' *Permitted Values*: a condition
#' @inheritParams derive_vars_merged
#' @return The output dataset contains all observations and variables of the
#' input dataset and additionally the variable specified for `new_var` derived
#' from the additional dataset (`dataset_add`).
#' @details
#' 1. The additional dataset is restricted to the observations matching the
#' `filter_add` condition.
#' 1. The new variable is added to the input dataset and set to the true value
#' (`true_value`) if for the by group at least one observation exists in the
#' (restricted) additional dataset where the condition evaluates to `TRUE`. It
#' is set to the false value (`false_value`) if for the by group at least one
#' observation exists and for all observations the condition evaluates to
#' `FALSE` or `NA`. Otherwise, it is set to the missing value
#' (`missing_value`).
#' @family der_gen
#' @keywords der_gen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' dm <- tribble(
#' "PILOT01", "DM", "01-1028", 71, "YEARS",
#' "PILOT01", "DM", "04-1127", 84, "YEARS",
#' "PILOT01", "DM", "06-1049", 60, "YEARS"
#' )
#' ae <- tribble(
#' "PILOT01", "AE", "01-1028", "ERYTHEMA", "POSSIBLE",
#' "PILOT01", "AE", "01-1028", "PRURITUS", "PROBABLE",
#' "PILOT01", "AE", "06-1049", "SYNCOPE", "POSSIBLE",
#' "PILOT01", "AE", "06-1049", "SYNCOPE", "PROBABLE"
#' )
#' derive_var_merged_exist_flag(
#' dm,
#' dataset_add = ae,
#' by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID),
#' new_var = AERELFL,
#' condition = AEREL == "PROBABLE"
#' ) %>%
#' vs <- tribble(
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "SCREENING", "HEIGHT", 177.8, NA,
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "SCREENING", "WEIGHT", 98.88, NA,
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "BASELINE", "WEIGHT", 99.34, "Y",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "WEEK 4", "WEIGHT", 98.88, NA,
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1127", "SCREENING", "HEIGHT", 165.1, NA,
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1127", "SCREENING", "WEIGHT", 42.87, NA,
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1127", "BASELINE", "WEIGHT", 41.05, "Y",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1127", "WEEK 4", "WEIGHT", 41.73, NA,
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "06-1049", "SCREENING", "HEIGHT", 167.64, NA,
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "06-1049", "SCREENING", "WEIGHT", 57.61, NA,
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "06-1049", "BASELINE", "WEIGHT", 57.83, "Y",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "06-1049", "WEEK 4", "WEIGHT", 58.97, NA
#' )
#' derive_var_merged_exist_flag(
#' dm,
#' dataset_add = vs,
#' by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID),
#' filter_add = VSTESTCD == "WEIGHT" & VSBLFL == "Y",
#' new_var = WTBLHIFL,
#' condition = VSSTRESN > 90,
#' false_value = "N",
#' missing_value = "M"
#' ) %>%
derive_var_merged_exist_flag <- function(dataset,
true_value = "Y",
false_value = NA_character_,
missing_value = NA_character_,
filter_add = NULL) {
condition <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(condition))
new_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(new_var))
filter_add <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(filter_add), optional = TRUE)
add_data <- get_flagged_records(dataset_add,
new_var = !!new_var,
condition = !!condition,
dataset_add = add_data,
by_vars = by_vars,
new_vars = exprs(!!new_var),
order = exprs(!!new_var),
check_type = "none",
mode = "last"
) %>%
mutate(!!new_var := if_else(!!new_var == 1, true_value, false_value, missing_value))
#' Merge Lookup Table with Source Dataset
#' Merge user-defined lookup table with the input dataset. Optionally print a
#' list of records from the input dataset that do not have corresponding
#' mapping from the lookup table.
#' @param dataset_add Lookup table
#' The variables specified by the `by_vars` argument are expected.
#' @param print_not_mapped Print a list of unique `by_vars` values that do not
#' have corresponding records from the lookup table?
#' *Default*: `TRUE`
#' *Permitted Values*: `TRUE`, `FALSE`
#' @inheritParams derive_vars_merged
#' @return The output dataset contains all observations and variables of the
#' input dataset, and add the variables specified in `new_vars` from the lookup
#' table specified in `dataset_add`. Optionally prints a list of unique
#' `by_vars` values that do not have corresponding records
#' from the lookup table (by specifying `print_not_mapped = TRUE`).
#' @keywords der_gen
#' @family der_gen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' vs <- tribble(
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "SCREENING", "HEIGHT", "Height",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "SCREENING", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "BASELINE", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "WEEK 4", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "SCREENING 1", "WEIGHT", "Weight",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "BASELINE", "WEIGHT", "Weight",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "01-1028", "WEEK 4", "WEIGHT", "Weight",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1325", "SCREENING", "HEIGHT", "Height",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1325", "SCREENING", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1325", "BASELINE", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1325", "WEEK 4", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1325", "SCREENING 1", "WEIGHT", "Weight",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1325", "BASELINE", "WEIGHT", "Weight",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "04-1325", "WEEK 4", "WEIGHT", "Weight",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "10-1027", "SCREENING", "HEIGHT", "Height",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "10-1027", "SCREENING", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "10-1027", "BASELINE", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "10-1027", "WEEK 4", "TEMP", "Temperature",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "10-1027", "SCREENING 1", "WEIGHT", "Weight",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "10-1027", "BASELINE", "WEIGHT", "Weight",
#' "PILOT01", "VS", "10-1027", "WEEK 4", "WEIGHT", "Weight"
#' )
#' param_lookup <- tribble(
#' "SYSBP", "Systolic Blood Pressure", "SYSBP", "Syst Blood Pressure (mmHg)",
#' "WEIGHT", "Weight", "WEIGHT", "Weight (kg)",
#' "HEIGHT", "Height", "HEIGHT", "Height (cm)",
#' "TEMP", "Temperature", "TEMP", "Temperature (C)",
#' "MAP", "Mean Arterial Pressure", "MAP", "Mean Art Pressure (mmHg)",
#' "BMI", "Body Mass Index", "BMI", "Body Mass Index(kg/m^2)",
#' "BSA", "Body Surface Area", "BSA", "Body Surface Area(m^2)"
#' )
#' derive_vars_merged_lookup(
#' dataset = vs,
#' dataset_add = param_lookup,
#' by_vars = exprs(VSTESTCD),
#' new_vars = exprs(PARAMCD, PARAM),
#' print_not_mapped = TRUE
#' )
derive_vars_merged_lookup <- function(dataset,
order = NULL,
new_vars = NULL,
mode = NULL,
filter_add = NULL,
check_type = "warning",
duplicate_msg = NULL,
print_not_mapped = TRUE) {
by_vars_left <- replace_values_by_names(by_vars)
filter_add <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(filter_add), optional = TRUE)
tmp_lookup_flag <- get_new_tmp_var(dataset_add, prefix = "tmp_lookup_flag")
res <- derive_vars_merged(
by_vars = by_vars,
order = order,
new_vars = new_vars,
mode = mode,
filter_add = !!filter_add,
exist_flag = !!tmp_lookup_flag,
check_type = check_type,
duplicate_msg = duplicate_msg
if (print_not_mapped) {
temp_not_mapped <- res %>%
filter(!!tmp_lookup_flag)) %>%
if (nrow(temp_not_mapped) > 0) {
# nolint start: undesirable_function_linter
admiral_environment$nmap <- structure(
class = union("nmap", class(temp_not_mapped)),
by_vars = vars2chr(by_vars_left)
# nolint end
c("List of {.var {vars2chr(by_vars_left)}} not mapped:",
i = "Run {.run admiral::get_not_mapped()} to access the full list."
} else if (nrow(temp_not_mapped) == 0) {
"All {.var {vars2chr(by_vars_left)}} are mapped."
res %>% remove_tmp_vars()
#' Get list of records not mapped from the lookup table.
#' @export
#' @return A `data.frame` or `NULL`
#' @keywords utils_help
#' @family utils_help
get_not_mapped <- function() {
#' Merge Summary Variables
#' @description Merge a summary variable from a dataset to the input dataset.
#' @param dataset
#' `r roxygen_param_dataset(expected_vars = c("by_vars"))`
#' @param dataset_add Additional dataset
#' The variables specified by the `by_vars` and the variables used on the left
#' hand sides of the `new_vars` arguments are expected.
#' @param new_var Variable to add
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use `new_vars` instead.
#' The specified variable is added to the input dataset (`dataset`) and set to
#' the summarized values.
#' @param by_vars Grouping variables
#' The expressions on the left hand sides of `new_vars` are evaluated by the
#' specified *variables*. Then the resulting values are merged to the input
#' dataset (`dataset`) by the specified *variables*.
#' `r roxygen_param_by_vars()`
#' @param new_vars New variables to add
#' The specified variables are added to the input dataset.
#' A named list of expressions is expected:
#' + LHS refer to a variable.
#' + RHS refers to the values to set to the variable. This can be a string, a
#' symbol, a numeric value, an expression or NA. If summary functions are
#' used, the values are summarized by the variables specified for `by_vars`.
#' For example:
#' ```
#' new_vars = exprs(
#' DOSESUM = sum(AVAL),
#' DOSEMEAN = mean(AVAL)
#' )
#' ```
#' @param filter_add Filter for additional dataset (`dataset_add`)
#' Only observations fulfilling the specified condition are taken into account
#' for summarizing. If the argument is not specified, all observations are
#' considered.
#' *Permitted Values*: a condition
#' @param analysis_var Analysis variable
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use `new_vars` instead.
#' The values of the specified variable are summarized by the function
#' specified for `summary_fun`.
#' @param summary_fun Summary function
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use `new_vars` instead.
#' The specified function that takes as input `analysis_var` and performs the
#' calculation. This can include built-in functions as well as user defined
#' functions, for example `mean` or `function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)`.
#' @inheritParams derive_vars_merged
#' @details
#' 1. The records from the additional dataset (`dataset_add`) are restricted
#' to those matching the `filter_add` condition.
#' 1. The new variables (`new_vars`) are created for each by group (`by_vars`)
#' in the additional dataset (`dataset_add`) by calling `summarize()`. I.e.,
#' all observations of a by group are summarized to a single observation.
#' 1. The new variables are merged to the input dataset. For observations
#' without a matching observation in the additional dataset the new variables
#' are set to `NA`. Observations in the additional dataset which have no
#' matching observation in the input dataset are ignored.
#' @return The output dataset contains all observations and variables of the
#' input dataset and additionally the variables specified for `new_vars`.
#' @family der_gen
#' @keywords der_gen
#' @seealso [derive_summary_records()], [get_summary_records()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' # Add a variable for the mean of AVAL within each visit
#' adbds <- tribble(
#' "1", "WEEK 1", 1, 10,
#' "1", "WEEK 1", 2, NA,
#' "1", "WEEK 2", 3, NA,
#' "1", "WEEK 3", 4, 42,
#' "1", "WEEK 4", 5, 12,
#' "1", "WEEK 4", 6, 12,
#' "1", "WEEK 4", 7, 15,
#' "2", "WEEK 1", 1, 21,
#' "2", "WEEK 4", 2, 22
#' )
#' derive_var_merged_summary(
#' adbds,
#' dataset_add = adbds,
#' by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, AVISIT),
#' new_vars = exprs(
#' MEANVIS = mean(AVAL, na.rm = TRUE),
#' MAXVIS = max(AVAL, na.rm = TRUE)
#' )
#' )
#' # Add a variable listing the lesion ids at baseline
#' adsl <- tribble(
#' "1",
#' "2",
#' "3"
#' )
#' adtr <- tribble(
#' "1", "BASELINE", "INV-T1",
#' "1", "BASELINE", "INV-T2",
#' "1", "BASELINE", "INV-T3",
#' "1", "BASELINE", "INV-T4",
#' "1", "WEEK 1", "INV-T1",
#' "1", "WEEK 1", "INV-T2",
#' "1", "WEEK 1", "INV-T4",
#' "2", "BASELINE", "INV-T1",
#' "2", "BASELINE", "INV-T2",
#' "2", "BASELINE", "INV-T3",
#' "2", "WEEK 1", "INV-T1",
#' "2", "WEEK 1", "INV-N1"
#' )
#' derive_var_merged_summary(
#' adsl,
#' dataset_add = adtr,
#' by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
#' filter_add = AVISIT == "BASELINE",
#' new_vars = exprs(LESIONSBL = paste(LESIONID, collapse = ", "))
#' )
derive_var_merged_summary <- function(dataset,
new_vars = NULL,
filter_add = NULL,
missing_values = NULL,
summary_fun) {
by_vars_left <- replace_values_by_names(by_vars)
by_vars_right <- chr2vars(paste(vars2chr(by_vars)))
# once new_var is removed new_vars should be mandatory
assert_expr_list(new_vars, named = TRUE, optional = TRUE)
filter_add <-
assert_filter_cond(enexpr(filter_add), optional = TRUE)
required_vars = by_vars_left
required_vars = expr_c(by_vars_right, extract_vars(new_vars))
if (!missing(new_var) || !missing(analysis_var) || !missing(summary_fun)) {
I("derive_var_merged_summary(new_var = , anaylsis_var = , summary_fun = )"),
"derive_var_merged_summary(new_vars = )"
new_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(new_var))
analysis_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(analysis_var))
assert_s3_class(summary_fun, "function")
new_vars <- exprs(!!new_var := {{ summary_fun }}(!!analysis_var), !!!new_vars)
# Summarise the analysis value and merge to the original dataset
dataset_add = derive_summary_records(
dataset_add = dataset_add,
by_vars = by_vars_right,
filter_add = !!filter_add,
set_values_to = new_vars,
) %>%
select(!!!by_vars_right, names(new_vars)),
by_vars = by_vars,
missing_values = missing_values
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