
Defines functions derive_var_atoxgr derive_var_atoxgr_dir

Documented in derive_var_atoxgr derive_var_atoxgr_dir

#' Derive Lab Toxicity Grade 0 - 4
#' @description
#' Derives a character lab grade based on severity/toxicity criteria.
#' @param dataset Input data set
#'   The columns specified by `tox_description_var` parameter is expected.
#' @param new_var Name of the character grade variable to create, for example, `ATOXGRH`
#' or `ATOXGRL`.
#' @param tox_description_var Variable containing the description of the grading
#' criteria. For example: "Anemia" or "INR Increased".
#' @param meta_criteria Metadata data set holding the criteria (normally a case statement)
#' Permitted Values: `atoxgr_criteria_ctcv4`, `atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5`, `atoxgr_criteria_daids`
#' - `atoxgr_criteria_ctcv4` implements [Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE)
#'    v4.0](https://ctep.cancer.gov/protocoldevelopment/electronic_applications/ctc.htm)
#' - `atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5` implements [Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE)
#'    v5.0](https://ctep.cancer.gov/protocoldevelopment/electronic_applications/ctc.htm)
#' - `atoxgr_criteria_daids` implements
#'    [Division of AIDS (DAIDS) Table for Grading the Severity of Adult and Pediatric Adverse
#'    Events](https://rsc.niaid.nih.gov/sites/default/files/daidsgradingcorrectedv21.pdf)
#'   The metadata should have the following variables:
#' - `TERM`: variable to hold the term describing the criteria applied to a particular lab test,
#'   eg. "Anemia" or "INR Increased". Note: the variable is case insensitive.
#' - `DIRECTION`: variable to hold the direction of the abnormality of a particular lab test
#'   value. "L" is for LOW values, "H" is for HIGH values. Note: the variable is case insensitive.
#' - `SI_UNIT_CHECK`: variable to hold unit of particular lab test. Used to check against input data
#'   if criteria is based on absolute values.
#' - `VAR_CHECK`: variable to hold comma separated list of variables used in criteria. Used to check
#'   against input data that variables exist.
#' - `GRADE_CRITERIA_CODE`: variable to hold code that creates grade based on defined criteria.
#' - `FILTER`: Required only for DAIDS grading, specifies `admiral` code to filter the lab data
#'   based on a subset of subjects (e.g. AGE > 18 YEARS)
#' @param criteria_direction Direction (L= Low, H = High) of toxicity grade.
#' Permitted Values: "L", "H"
#' @param get_unit_expr An expression providing the unit of the parameter
#'   The result is used to check the units of the input parameters. Compared with
#'   `SI_UNIT_CHECK` in metadata (see `meta_criteria` parameter).
#'   Permitted Values: A variable containing unit from the input dataset, or a function call,
#'   for example, `get_unit_expr = extract_unit(PARAM)`.
#' @param signif_dig Number of significant digits to use when comparing a lab value against another
#' value.
#'   Significant digits used to avoid floating point discrepancies when comparing numeric values.
#' @details
#' `new_var` is derived with values NA, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", where "4" is the most
#' severe grade
#' - "4" is where the lab value satisfies the criteria for grade 4.
#' - "3" is where the lab value satisfies the criteria for grade 3.
#' - "2" is where the lab value satisfies the criteria for grade 2.
#' - "1" is where the lab value satisfies the criteria for grade 1.
#' - "0" is where a grade can be derived and is not grade "1", "2", "3" or "4".
#' - NA is where a grade cannot be derived.
#' @return The input dataset with the character variable added
#' @keywords der_bds_findings
#' @family der_bds_findings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' data <- tribble(
#'   ~ATOXDSCL,                    ~AVAL, ~ANRLO, ~ANRHI, ~PARAM,
#'   "Hypoglycemia",               119,   4,      7,      "Glucose (mmol/L)",
#'   "Lymphocyte count decreased", 0.7,   1,      4,      "Lymphocytes Abs (10^9/L)",
#'   "Anemia",                     129,   120,    180,    "Hemoglobin (g/L)",
#'   "White blood cell decreased", 10,    5,      20,     "White blood cell (10^9/L)",
#'   "White blood cell decreased", 15,    5,      20,     "White blood cell (10^9/L)",
#'   "Anemia",                     140,   120,    180,    "Hemoglobin (g/L)"
#' )
#' derive_var_atoxgr_dir(data,
#'   new_var = ATOXGRL,
#'   tox_description_var = ATOXDSCL,
#'   meta_criteria = atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5,
#'   criteria_direction = "L",
#'   get_unit_expr = extract_unit(PARAM)
#' )
#' data <- tribble(
#'   ~ATOXDSCH,                     ~AVAL,  ~ANRLO,   ~ANRHI, ~PARAM,
#'   "CPK increased",               129,    0,        30,     "Creatine Kinase (U/L)",
#'   "Lymphocyte count increased",  4,      1,        4,      "Lymphocytes Abs (10^9/L)",
#'   "Lymphocyte count increased",  2,      1,        4,      "Lymphocytes Abs (10^9/L)",
#'   "CPK increased",               140,    120,      180,    "Creatine Kinase (U/L)"
#' )
#' derive_var_atoxgr_dir(data,
#'   new_var = ATOXGRH,
#'   tox_description_var = ATOXDSCH,
#'   meta_criteria = atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5,
#'   criteria_direction = "H",
#'   get_unit_expr = extract_unit(PARAM)
#' )
derive_var_atoxgr_dir <- function(dataset,
                                  signif_dig = 15) {
  new_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(new_var))
  tox_description_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(tox_description_var))
  get_unit_expr <- assert_expr(enexpr(get_unit_expr))

  # check input parameter has correct value
  assert_character_scalar(criteria_direction, values = c("L", "H"))

  # Check Grade description variable exists on input data set
  assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = exprs(!!tox_description_var))

  # Add FILTER to metadata if not there already (FILTER used for DAIDS grading)
  if (!"FILTER" %in% colnames(meta_criteria)) meta_criteria[["FILTER"]] <- NA_character_

  # Check metadata data set has required variables
  # check DIRECTION has expected values L or H
  assert_character_vector(meta_criteria$DIRECTION, values = c("L", "H"))

  # Get list of terms from criteria metadata with particular direction
  # L = low (Hypo) H = high (Hyper)
  atoxgr_dir <- meta_criteria %>%
    filter(!is.na(GRADE_CRITERIA_CODE) & toupper(DIRECTION) == toupper(criteria_direction)) %>%
      TERM_UPPER = toupper(TERM),
      SI_UNIT_UPPER = toupper(SI_UNIT_CHECK)

  # from ADLB VAD get distinct list of terms to be graded
  terms_in_vad <- dataset %>%
    filter(!is.na(!!tox_description_var)) %>%
    distinct(!!tox_description_var) %>%
      TERM = !!tox_description_var,
      TERM_UPPER = toupper(TERM)

  # only keep terms that exist in both ADLB data and criteria metadata
  list_of_terms <- terms_in_vad %>%
    semi_join(atoxgr_dir, by = "TERM_UPPER") %>%

  # output lab data not to be graded
  # this will be appended to in for loop after each term is graded
  out_data <- dataset %>%
    filter(!!tox_description_var %notin% (list_of_terms$TERM) | is.na(!!tox_description_var)) %>%
    mutate(!!new_var := NA_character_)

  # get lab data to be graded
  to_be_graded <- dataset %>%
    filter(!!tox_description_var %in% (list_of_terms$TERM))

  # for each TERM apply criteria and create grade derivation
  for (i in seq_along(list_of_terms$TERM)) {
    # filter metadata on a term
    meta_this_term <- atoxgr_dir %>%
      filter(TERM_UPPER == list_of_terms$TERM_UPPER[i])

    grade_this_term <- to_be_graded %>%
      filter(!!tox_description_var == list_of_terms$TERM[i])

    # Within each TERM check if there are FILTERs to be applied
    # if FILTER not missing then loop through each FILTER for the TERM already specified
    for (j in seq_along(meta_this_term$FILTER)) {
      # subset using FILTER if its not empty
      if (!is.na(meta_this_term$FILTER[j])) {
        meta_this_filter <- meta_this_term %>%
          filter(FILTER == meta_this_term$FILTER[j])
      } else {
        meta_this_filter <- meta_this_term

      # Put list of variables required for criteria in a vector
      list_of_vars <- gsub("\\s+", "", unlist(strsplit(meta_this_filter$VAR_CHECK, ",")))

      if (!is.na(meta_this_filter$FILTER)) {
        # filter lab data using FILTER from metadata
        grade_this_filter <- grade_this_term %>%
          filter(eval(parse(text = meta_this_filter$FILTER)))
      } else {
        grade_this_filter <- grade_this_term

      # check variables required in criteria exist on data
      assert_data_frame(grade_this_filter, required_vars = exprs(!!!syms(list_of_vars)))

      # apply criteria when SI unit matches
      grade_this_filter <- grade_this_filter %>%
          temp_flag = meta_this_filter$SI_UNIT_UPPER == toupper(!!get_unit_expr) |
          !!new_var := if_else(
            temp_flag, eval(parse(text = meta_this_filter$GRADE_CRITERIA_CODE)), NA_character_
        ) %>%

      # add data just graded to data already processed
      out_data <- bind_rows(out_data, grade_this_filter)

      if (!is.na(meta_this_filter$FILTER)) {
        # remove lab data just graded from data still to be graded for the specified TERM
        grade_this_term <- grade_this_term %>%
          filter(!(eval(parse(text = meta_this_filter$FILTER))))

    # remove lab data with TERM just graded from data still to be graded
    to_be_graded <- to_be_graded %>%
      filter(!!tox_description_var != list_of_terms$TERM[i])


#' Derive Lab High toxicity Grade 0 - 4 and Low Toxicity Grades 0 - (-4)
#' @description
#' Derives character lab grade based on high and low severity/toxicity grade(s).
#' @param dataset Input data set
#'   The columns `ATOXGRL`, `ATOXGRH` and specified by `lotox_description_var`,
#'   and `hitox_description_var` parameters are expected.
#' @param lotox_description_var Variable containing the toxicity grade description
#' for low values, eg. "Anemia"
#' @param hitox_description_var Variable containing the toxicity grade description
#' for high values, eg. "Hemoglobin Increased".
#' @details
#' Created variable `ATOXGR` will contain values "-4", "-3", "-2", "-1" for low values
#' and "1", "2", "3", "4" for high values, and will contain "0" if value is gradable
#' and does not satisfy any of the criteria for high or low values. ATOXGR is set to
#' missing if information not available to give a grade.
#' Function applies the following rules:
#' - High and low missing - overall missing
#' - Low grade not missing and > 0 - overall holds low grade
#' - High grade not missing and > 0 - overall holds high grade
#' - (Only high direction OR low direction is NORMAL) and high grade normal - overall NORMAL
#' - (Only low direction OR high direction is NORMAL) and low grade normal - overall NORMAL
#' - otherwise set to missing
#' @return The input data set with the character variable added
#' @keywords der_bds_findings
#' @family der_bds_findings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' adlb <- tribble(
#'   ~ATOXDSCL,          ~ATOXDSCH,        ~ATOXGRL,      ~ATOXGRH,
#'   "Hypoglycemia",     "Hyperglycemia",  NA_character_, "0",
#'   "Hypoglycemia",     "Hyperglycemia",  "0",           "1",
#'   "Hypoglycemia",     "Hyperglycemia",  "0",           "0",
#'   NA_character_,      "INR Increased",  NA_character_, "0",
#'   "Hypophosphatemia", NA_character_,    "1",           NA_character_
#' )
#' derive_var_atoxgr(adlb)
derive_var_atoxgr <- function(dataset,
                              lotox_description_var = ATOXDSCL,
                              hitox_description_var = ATOXDSCH) {
  lotox_description_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(lotox_description_var))
  hitox_description_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(hitox_description_var))

    required_vars = exprs(

  lowgrade_char <- unique(dataset$ATOXGRL)
  assert_character_vector(lowgrade_char, values = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", NA_character_))

  highgrade_char <- unique(dataset$ATOXGRH)
  assert_character_vector(highgrade_char, values = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", NA_character_))

  # High and low missing - overall missing
  # Low grade not missing and > 0 - overall holds low grade
  # High grade not missing and > 0 - overall holds high grade
  # (Only high direction OR low direction is NORMAL) and high grade normal - overall NORMAL
  # (Only low direction OR high direction is NORMAL) and low grade normal - overall NORMAL
  # otherwise set to missing

  dataset %>%
    mutate(ATOXGR = case_when(
      is.na(ATOXGRL) & is.na(ATOXGRH) ~ NA_character_,
      !is.na(ATOXGRL) & ATOXGRL >= "1" ~ paste0("-", ATOXGRL),
      !is.na(ATOXGRH) & ATOXGRH >= "1" ~ ATOXGRH,
      (ATOXGRL == "0" | is.na(!!lotox_description_var)) & ATOXGRH == "0" ~ "0",
      (ATOXGRH == "0" | is.na(!!hitox_description_var)) & ATOXGRL == "0" ~ "0",
      TRUE ~ NA_character_

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