#' Compare two vectors using various tests.
#' Compares two vectors \code{x} and \code{y} using t-test, Welch-test (also known as Satterthwaite), Wilcoxon-test, and a permutation test implemented in \pkg{coin}.
#' @usage compare.2.vectors(x, y, paired = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE,
#' tests = c("parametric", "nonparametric"), coin = TRUE,
#' alternative = "two.sided",
#' perm.distribution,
#' wilcox.exact = NULL, wilcox.correct = TRUE)
#' @param x a (non-empty) numeric vector of data values.
#' @param y a (non-empty) numeric vector of data values.
#' @param paired a logical whether the data is paired. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param na.rm logical. Should \code{NA} be removed? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param tests Which tests to report, parametric or nonparamteric? The default \code{c("parametric", "nonparametric")} reports both. See details. (Arguments may be abbreviated).
#' @param alternative a character, the alternative hypothesis must be one of \code{"two.sided"} (default), \code{"greater"} or \code{"less"}. You can specify just the initial letter, will be passed to all functions.
#' @param coin logical or character. Should (permutation) tests from the \pkg{coin} package be reported? Default is \code{TRUE} corresponding to all implemented tests. \code{FALSE} calculates no tests from \pkg{coin}. A character vector may include any of the following (potentially abbreviated) implemented tests (see also Details): \code{c("permutation", "Wilcoxon", "median")}
#' @param perm.distribution \code{distribution} argument to \pkg{coin}, see \code{\link[coin]{NullDistribution}} or , \code{\link[coin]{IndependenceTest}}. If missing, defaults to \code{coin::approximate(100000)} indicating an approximation of the excat conditional distribution with 100.000 Monte Carlo samples. One can use \code{"exact"} for small samples and if \code{paired = FALSE}.
#' @param wilcox.exact \code{exact} argument to \code{\link{wilcox.test}}.
#' @param wilcox.correct \code{correct} argument to \code{\link{wilcox.test}}.
#' @details The \code{parametric} tests (currently) only contain the \emph{t}-test and Welch/Statterwaithe/Smith/unequal variance \emph{t}-test implemented in \code{\link{t.test}}. The latter one is only displayed if \code{paired = FALSE}.
#' The \code{nonparametric} tests (currently) contain the Wilcoxon test implemented in \code{\link{wilcox.test}} (\code{stats::Wilcoxon}) and (if \code{coin = TRUE}) the following tests implemented in \pkg{coin}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item a \code{permutation} test \code{\link[coin]{oneway_test}} (the only test in this selction not using a rank transformation),
#' \item the \code{Wilcoxon} test \code{\link[coin]{wilcox_test}} (\code{coin::Wilcoxon}), and
#' \item the \code{median} test \code{\link[coin]{median_test}}.
#' }
#' Note that the two implementations of the Wilcoxon test probably differ. This is due to differences in the calculation of the Null distributions.
#' @return a list with up to two elements (i.e., \code{paramteric} and/or \code{nonparamteric}) each containing a \code{data.frame} with the following columns: \code{test}, \code{test.statistic}, \code{test.value}, \code{test.df}, \code{p}.
#' @export compare.2.vectors
# @importFrom coin oneway_test wilcox_test median_test approximate statistic pvalue
#' @importFrom stats t.test wilcox.test
#' @example examples/
#' @encoding UTF-8
compare.2.vectors <- function(x, y, paired = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE,
tests = c("parametric", "nonparametric"),
coin = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided",
wilcox.exact = NULL, wilcox.correct = TRUE) {
tests <- match.arg(tests, c("parametric", "nonparametric"), several.ok = TRUE)
if (na.rm) {
x <- x[!]
y <- y[!]
} else if (any(,
stop("NAs in data, use na.rm = TRUE.", call. = FALSE)
out <- list()
if (paired) if (!length(x) == length(y))
stop("length(x) needs to be equal to length(y) when paired is TRUE!",
call. = FALSE)
if ("parametric" %in% tests) {
res.t <- t.test(x, y, paired = paired, var.equal = TRUE,
alternative = alternative)
parametric <- data.frame(test = "t", test.statistic = "t",
test.value = res.t[["statistic"]],
test.df = res.t[["parameter"]],
p = res.t[["p.value"]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!paired) {
res.welch <- t.test(x, y, paired = paired, var.equal = FALSE,
alternative = alternative)
parametric <- rbind(parametric,
data.frame(test = "Welch", test.statistic = "t",
test.value = res.welch[["statistic"]],
test.df = res.welch[["parameter"]],
p = res.welch[["p.value"]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
rownames(parametric) <- NULL
out <- c(out, list(parametric = parametric))
if ("nonparametric" %in% tests) {
implemented.tests <- c("permutation", "Wilcoxon", "median")
res.wilcox <- wilcox.test(x, y, paired = paired, exact = wilcox.exact,
correct = wilcox.correct,
alternative = alternative)
nonparametric <- data.frame(test = "stats::Wilcoxon",
test.statistic = if (paired) "V" else "W",
test.value = res.wilcox[["statistic"]],
test.df = NA, p = res.wilcox[["p.value"]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!(coin == FALSE) && !requireNamespace("coin", quietly = TRUE)) {
warning("package coin necessary if coin != FALSE.")
coin <- FALSE
if (!(coin == FALSE)) {
dv <- c(x, y)
iv <- factor(rep(c("A", "B"), c(length(x), length(y))))
if (missing(perm.distribution)) {
perm.distribution <- coin::approximate(100000)
if (paired) {
id <- factor(rep(1:length(x), 2))
formula.coin <- as.formula(dv ~ iv | id)
} else formula.coin <- as.formula(dv ~ iv)
if (isTRUE(coin)) coin <- implemented.tests
else coin <- match.arg(coin, implemented.tests, several.ok = TRUE)
tryCatch(if ("permutation" %in% coin) {
res.perm <- coin::oneway_test(formula.coin,
alternative = alternative)
nonparametric <- rbind(nonparametric,
data.frame(test = "permutation",
test.statistic = "Z",
test.value =
test.df = NA,
p = coin::pvalue(res.perm)[1],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
}, error = function(e)
warning(paste("coin::permutation test failed:", e)))
tryCatch(if ("Wilcoxon" %in% coin) {
res.coin.wilcox <- coin::wilcox_test(formula.coin,
alternative = alternative)
nonparametric <- rbind(nonparametric,
data.frame(test = "coin::Wilcoxon",
test.statistic = "Z",
test.value =
test.df = NA,
p = coin::pvalue(res.coin.wilcox)[1],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
}, error = function(e) warning(paste("coin::Wilcoxon test failed:", e)))
tryCatch(if ("median" %in% coin) {
res.median <- coin::median_test(formula.coin,
alternative = alternative)
nonparametric <- rbind(nonparametric,
data.frame(test = "median",
test.statistic = "Z",
test.value =
test.df = NA,
p = coin::pvalue(res.median)[1],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
}, error = function(e) warning(paste("coin::median test failed:", e)))
rownames(nonparametric) <- NULL
out <- c(out, nonparametric = list(nonparametric))
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