
Defines functions pareto2_estimate_mle pareto2_estimate_mmse

Documented in pareto2_estimate_mle pareto2_estimate_mmse

## This file is part of the 'agop' library.
## Copyleft (c) 2013-2023, Marek Gagolewski <https://www.gagolewski.com/>
## 'agop' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## 'agop' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#' @title Parameter Estimation in the Pareto Type-II Distribution Family (MMSE)
#' @description
#' Finds the MMS estimator of the Pareto Type-II distribution parameters
#' using the Bayesian method (and the R code) developed by
#' Zhang and Stevens (2009).
#' @param x a non-negative numeric vector
#' @return
#' Returns a numeric vector  with the following named components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{k} - estimated parameter of shape,
#' \item \code{s} - estimated parameter of scale.
#' }
#' @export
#' @family Pareto2
#' @references
#' Zhang J., Stevens M.A., A New and Efficient Estimation Method
#' for the Generalized Pareto Distribution, \emph{Technometrics} 51(3), 2009, pp. 316-325.
pareto2_estimate_mmse <- function(x)
   stopifnot(is.numeric(x), length(x) >= 2, is.finite(x), x >= 0)
   n <- length(x)
   x <- sort(x)

   lx <- function(b, x)
   	k <- -mean(log(1-b*x))

   m <- 20+floor(sqrt(n))

   b <- w <- L <- 1/x[n]+(1-sqrt(m/((1:m)-0.5)))/3/x[floor(n/4+0.5)]

   for (i in 1:m) L[i] <- n*lx(b[i],x)

   for (i in 1:m) w[i]<- 1/sum(exp(L-L[i]))

   b <- sum(b*w)

   k <- 1/mean(log(1-b*x))
   s <- -1/b

   if (k<=0)  warning("estimated shape parameter <= 0")
   if (s<=0)  warning("estimated scale parameter <= 0")

   c(k=k, s=s)

#' @title Parameter Estimation in the Pareto Type-II Distribution Family (MLE)
#' @description
#' Finds the maximum likelihood estimator of the Pareto Type-II distribution's
#' shape parameter \eqn{k} and, if not given explicitly,
#'  scale parameter \eqn{s}.
#' @details
#' Note that if \eqn{s} is not given, then
#' the maximum of the likelihood function might not exist
#' for some input vectors. This estimator may have a large mean squared error.
#' Consider using \code{\link{pareto2_estimate_mmse}}.
#' For known \eqn{s}, the estimator is unbiased.
#' @param x a non-negative numeric vector
#' @param s a-priori known scale parameter, \eqn{s>0} or
#' \code{NA} if unknown (default)
#' @param smin lower bound for the scale parameter
#' @param smax upper bound for the scale parameter
#' @param tol the desired accuracy (convergence tolerance)
#' @return
#' Returns a numeric vector  with the following named components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{k} - estimated parameter of shape
#' \item \code{s} - estimated (or known, see the \code{s} argument) parameter of scale
#' }
#' or \code{c(NA, NA)} if the maximum of the likelihood function
#' could not be found.
#' @export
#' @family Pareto2
pareto2_estimate_mle <- function(x, s=NA_real_, smin=1e-4, smax=20, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25)
   stopifnot(is.numeric(x), length(x) >= 2, is.finite(x), x >= 0)

   if (!identical(s, NA_real_)) {
      stopifnot(is.numeric(s), length(s) == 1, s > 0)
      return(c(k=(length(x)-1)/sum(log(1+x/s)), s=s))

   n <- length(x)

   flow <- 1+sum(log(1+x/smin))/n-n/sum(1/(1+x/smin))
   fupp <- 1+sum(log(1+x/smax))/n-n/sum(1/(1+x/smax))

   if (flow*fupp >= 0)
   	warning("Maximum of the likelihood function could not be found")
   	return(c(k=NA_real_, s=NA_real_))

   s <- uniroot( function(s,x) {
   	dx <- 1+x/s
   }, c(smin, smax), x, f.lower=flow, f.upper=fupp, tol=tol)$root
   k <- (n/sum(log(1+x/s)))

   c(k=k, s=s)

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agop documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:54 a.m.