
Defines functions CreateInputsPert

Documented in CreateInputsPert

CreateInputsPert <- function(FUN_MOD, DatesR, Precip = NULL, PotEvap = NULL, TempMean = NULL,
                             ZInputs = NULL, HypsoData = NULL, NLayers = 5, NbMbr = 50, Seed = NULL) {

  # ------ Checks

  FUN_MODList <- c("RunModel_GR4J",

  FUN_MODSnowList <- c("RunModel_CemaNeigeGR4J",

  FUN_MOD <- match.fun(FUN_MOD)

  if (!any(sapply(c(FUN_MODList, FUN_MODSnowList), function(x) identical(FUN_MOD, match.fun(x))))) {
    stop(sprintf("incorrect 'FUN_MOD' for use in 'CreateInputsPerturb'. Only %s can be used",
                 paste(c(FUN_MODList, FUN_MODSnowList), collapse = ", ")))

  if (!(is.atomic(NbMbr) && is.numeric(NbMbr) && length(NbMbr) == 1 && NbMbr >= 2)) {
    stop("'NbMbr' should be a single vector of a numeric value >= 2")

  Seed0 <- as.numeric(Seed)

  # ------ Settings

  # variables to perturbate
  MeteoNames <- c("Precip", "PotEvap")

  # length of the input vectors
  NbTime <- length(DatesR)

  # model time step [day]
  Dt <- 1

  # temporal decorrelation length for Precip and PotEvap [day]
  Tao  <- c(Precip = 1, PotEvap = 2)
  Alfa <- 1 - (Dt/Tao)

  # fractional error parameter for Precip and PotEvap
  Eps  <- c(Precip = 0.65, PotEvap = 0.65)

  # complementary error function
  Erfc <- function(x) {
    2 * pnorm(q = x * sqrt(2), lower.tail = FALSE)

  # check variables to perturbate
  if (is.null(Precip) & is.null(PotEvap)) {
    stop("'Precip' and 'PotEvap' are both missing. You must provide at least one of them")
  skipVarMeteo <- NULL
  if (is.null(Precip)) {
    skipVarMeteo <- c(skipVarMeteo, "Precip")
    Precip <- rep(0, times = NbTime)
  if (is.null(PotEvap)) {
    skipVarMeteo <- c(skipVarMeteo, "PotEvap")
    PotEvap <- rep(0, times = NbTime)

  # select MeteoNames and Eps in function of the provided variables
  MeteoNames <- MeteoNames[!MeteoNames %in% skipVarMeteo]
  Eps <- Eps[MeteoNames]
  Alfa <- Alfa[MeteoNames]

  # number of variable to perturbate
  NbMeteo <- length(MeteoNames)

  # ------ Generation of the InputsModel object

  if (any(sapply(c(FUN_MODList), function(x) identical(FUN_MOD, match.fun(x)))))  {
    InputsPert <- airGR::CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = FUN_MOD, DatesR = DatesR,
                                           Precip = Precip, PotEvap = PotEvap)

  } else if (any(sapply(c(FUN_MODSnowList), function(x) identical(FUN_MOD, match.fun(x))))) {
    InputsPert <- airGR::CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = FUN_MOD, DatesR = DatesR,
                                           Precip = Precip, PotEvap = PotEvap,
                                           TempMean = TempMean, ZInputs = ZInputs,
                                           HypsoData = HypsoData, NLayers = NLayers)

  # Initialisation of the parameters of the first-order autoregressive model

  # member names
  MbrNames <- sprintf("Mbr_%s", seq_len(NbMbr))

  # time names
  TimeNames <- sprintf("Time_%s", seq_len(NbTime))

  # error time evolution
  S <- array(data = rep(NaN, times = NbMeteo*NbMbr*NbTime),
             dim = c(NbMeteo, NbMbr, NbTime),
             dimnames = list(MeteoNames, MbrNames, TimeNames))
  # uniform random numbers
  U <- array(data = rep(NaN, times = NbMeteo*NbMbr*NbTime),
             dim = c(NbMeteo, NbMbr, NbTime),
             dimnames = list(MeteoNames, MbrNames, TimeNames))

  # multiplicative perturbations of model inputs
  Fi <- array(data = rep(NaN, times = NbMeteo*NbMbr*NbTime),
              dim = c(NbMeteo, NbMbr, NbTime),
              dimnames = list(MeteoNames, MbrNames, TimeNames))

  # ------ Initialisation of meteorological ensembles

  MeteoEns <- sapply(MeteoNames, function(iMeteo) {
    matrix(data = rep(InputsPert[[iMeteo]], each = NbMbr),
           nrow = NbTime, byrow = TRUE,
           dimnames = list(TimeNames, MbrNames))
  }, simplify = "array")

  # same dimensions as Fi
  MeteoEns <- aperm(MeteoEns, perm = 3:1)

  # ------ Perturbation of the time series of model forcings (i.e., precipitation and potential evapotranspiration)

  for (iTime in seq_len(NbTime)) { # olivier, can we do apply here?

    # white noise
    if (!is.null(Seed)) {
      Seed <- Seed0 + iTime
      set.seed(seed = Seed)
      on.exit(set.seed(seed = NULL))

    W <- matrix(data = rnorm(NbMeteo*NbMbr, mean = 0, sd = 1), byrow = TRUE,
                nrow = NbMeteo, ncol = NbMbr,
                dimnames = list(MeteoNames, MbrNames))

    if (iTime == 1) {
      # error initialisation
      S0 <- matrix(data = runif(NbMeteo*NbMbr, min = 0, max = 1), byrow = TRUE,
                   nrow = NbMeteo, ncol = NbMbr,
                   dimnames = list(MeteoNames, MbrNames))

      S[, , iTime] <- Alfa * S0 + sqrt(1-Alfa^2) * W

    } else {
      # error time evolution
      S[, , iTime] <- Alfa * S[, , iTime-1] + sqrt(1-Alfa^2) * W

    # generation of uniform random numbers
    U[, , iTime] <- 0.5 * Erfc(S[, , iTime] / sqrt(2))

    # generation of the multiplicative perturbations of model inputs
    Fi[, , iTime] <- (1-Eps) + (2 * U[, , iTime] * Eps)

    MeteoEns[, , iTime] <- MeteoEns[, , iTime]  * Fi[, , iTime]

  } # END FOR time

  # split MeteoEns array into a list of matrix
  MeteoEns <- asplit(MeteoEns, MARGIN = 1)

  # update InputsPert
  for (iName in c(names(MeteoEns), skipVarMeteo)) {
    if (iName %in% MeteoNames) {
      InputsPert[[iName]] <- t(MeteoEns[[iName]])
    } else {
      InputsPert[[iName]] <- NULL
  InputsPert$NbMbr <- NbMbr

  # ------ Class

  class(InputsPert) <- c("InputsPert", class(InputsPert))

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airGRdatassim documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 5:06 p.m.