Defines functions DA_PF

DA_PF <- function(Obs, Qsim, States,
                  Param, StateNames,
                  StatePert = NULL, VarThr) {

  # ------ Settings

  NbState <- length(StateNames)

  # member names
  MbrNames <- sprintf("Mbr_%s", seq_len(NbMbr))

  Weights <- rep(0, times = NbMbr)
  names(Weights) <- MbrNames

  Indices <- rep(NA, times = NbMbr)

  CurrentState     <- list()
  CurrentStatePert <- list()

  # ------ Particles weighting

  VarObs <- max(VarThr^2, (0.1*Obs)^2)

  # evaluation of innovations
  Innov <- Obs - Qsim
  names(Innov) <- MbrNames

  # evaluation of weights
  Weights <- dnorm(Innov, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(VarObs))

  # normalisation of weights
  Weights <- Weights/sum(Weights)

  # if the ensemble is squeezed, NA-valued weights can be generated --> all particles are assigned equal weights
  if (!all(is.finite(Weights))) {
    Weights <- rep(1/NbMbr, times = NbMbr)

  # ------ Particles resampling

  # evaluation of the cumulative density function of weights
  CdfW <- cumsum(Weights)

  A <- CdfW[1]
  B <- min(1, A + (1/(NbMbr+1)))

  Urand0    <- A + ((B - A)*(runif(1)))
  StepUrand <- (1-Urand0)/NbMbr

  Urand <- seq(from = Urand0, length.out = NbMbr, by = StepUrand)
  Indices <- findInterval(Urand, vec = CdfW, rightmost.closed = TRUE) + 1 # indices of particles to be resampled

  # if the ensemble is squeezed, almost equivalent and low weight values
  # --> indices of most likely particles can not be identified
  # --> all the particles are assigned equal weights and the resampling is re-evaluated according to the new weights

  if (!all(is.finite(Indices))) {
    Weights <- rep(1/NbMbr, times = NbMbr)
    CdfW    <- cumsum(Weights)

    A <- CdfW[1]
    B <- min(1, A + (1/(NbMbr+1)))

    Urand0    <- A + ((B - A)*(runif(1)))
    StepUrand <- (1-Urand0)/NbMbr

    Urand <- seq(from = Urand0, length.out = NbMbr, by = StepUrand)
    Indices <- findInterval(Urand, vec = CdfW, rightmost.closed = TRUE) + 1 # indices of particles to be resampled

  Repeats <- as.data.frame(table(Indices)) # it indicates how many time each selected particle must be replicated

  # ------ State perturbation

  if (!is.null(StatePert)) {
    EnsState <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = NbState, ncol = NbMbr,
                       dimnames = list(StateNames,

    EnsState["Prod", ] <- sapply(seq_along(States), function(x) States[[x]]$Store$Prod)
    EnsState["Rout", ] <- sapply(seq_along(States), function(x) States[[x]]$Store$Rout)
    EnsState["UH2" , ] <- sapply(seq_along(States), function(x) States[[x]]$UH$UH2[1L])
    if ("UH1" %in% StateNames) {
      EnsState["UH1" , ] <- sapply(seq_along(States), function(x) States[[x]]$UH$UH1[1L])

    MuState <- rep(0, times = NbState)
    names(MuState) <- StateNames

    # evaluation of the variance of state variables
    SdState <- pmin(3,
                          apply(EnsState[, as.numeric(as.character(Repeats$Indices)), drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE),
                          na.rm = TRUE))
    names(SdState) <- StateNames
  }   # END IF

  # ------ Resampling

  for (iPart in seq_len(nrow(Repeats))) {

    IndexParticle <- as.numeric(as.character(Repeats$Indices[iPart]))
    RepParticle   <- as.numeric(as.character(Repeats$Freq[iPart]))

    # the particle identified by the 'IndexParticle' is replicated 'RepParticle' times
    TempState        <- rep(States[IndexParticle], times = RepParticle)
    names(TempState) <- sprintf("Rep%s_Part%s", seq_len(RepParticle), IndexParticle)

    if (!is.null(StatePert)) { # state perturbation
      IndPert <- as.numeric(StateNames %in% StatePert)
      TempStatePert <- TempState  # if the selected particle is NOT replicated --> it is not perturbed

      if (RepParticle > 1) {      # if the selected particle is replicated --> its replications are perturbed

        StateRep <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = NbState, ncol = RepParticle,
                           dimnames = list(StateNames,
                                           sprintf("Rep_%s", seq_len(RepParticle))))

        StateRep["Prod", ] <- rep(States[[IndexParticle]]$Store$Prod, RepParticle)
        StateRep["Rout", ] <- rep(States[[IndexParticle]]$Store$Rout, RepParticle)
        StateRep["UH2" , ] <- rep(States[[IndexParticle]]$UH$UH2[1L], RepParticle)
        if ("UH1" %in% StateNames) {
          StateRep["UH1", ] <- rep(States[[IndexParticle]]$UH$UH1[1L], RepParticle)

        # noise generation
        NoiseState <- matrix(data = rnorm(RepParticle*NbState, mean = MuState, sd = SdState),
                             nrow = NbState, ncol = RepParticle, byrow = FALSE,
                             dimnames = list(StateNames,
                                             sprintf("Rep_%s", seq_len(RepParticle))))

        NoiseState[IndPert == 0, ] <- 0      # null noise for the i-th variable if its uncertainty is not considered
        StateRepPert <- StateRep + NoiseState

        # perturbation constraints
        StateRepPert["Prod", StateRepPert["Prod", ] > Param[1]] <- Param[1]
        StateRepPert["Rout", StateRepPert["Rout", ] > Param[3]] <- Param[3]
        for (iRep in seq_len(RepParticle)) {
          TempStatePert[[iRep]]$Store$Prod <- StateRepPert["Prod", iRep]
          TempStatePert[[iRep]]$Store$Rout <- StateRepPert["Rout", iRep]
          TempStatePert[[iRep]]$UH$UH2[1L] <- StateRepPert["UH2" , iRep]
          if ("UH1" %in% StateNames) {
            TempStatePert[[iRep]]$UH$UH1[1L] <- StateRepPert["UH1", iRep]
      } # END IF RepParticle

      CurrentStatePert <- c(CurrentStatePert, TempStatePert)

    } # END IF
    CurrentState <- c(CurrentState, TempState)

    if (exists("TempStatePert")) {

  } # END FOR repeats

  EnsStatePf <- CurrentState

  if (!is.null(StatePert)) {
    EnsStatePert <- CurrentStatePert

  # ------ Outputs

  ans <- list(EnsStatePf = EnsStatePf)
  if (!is.null(StatePert)) {
    ans$EnsStatePert <- EnsStatePert

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