#' Download Pollution Archives
#' Download the pollution files available at
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmI=\%27&opcion=Zg==}{Contaminante}
#' @param year a numeric vector containing the years for which to download data
#' (the earliest possible value is 2009)
#' @param progress whether to display a progress bar (TRUE or FALSE).
#' By default it will only display in an interactive session.
#' @return a data.frame with pollution information for the following pollutants
#' "CO", "NO", "NO2", "NOX", "O3", "PM10", "SO2", "PM25", and "PMCO"
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(download_pollution(2017))
#' }
download_pollution <- function(year, progress = interactive()) {
get_data <- function(year) {
RAMA <- paste0("",
## The files from 2012 onwards changed the name of the columns
## cve_station and cve_parameter to id_station and id_parameter
if (year >= 2012)
df <- read_csv(str_c(RAMA, year, ".csv.gz"),
skip = 10, progress = FALSE, col_types = list(
date = col_character(),
id_station = col_character(),
id_parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
df <- read_csv(str_c(RAMA, year, ".csv.gz"),
skip = 10, progress = FALSE, col_types = list(
date = col_character(),
cve_station = col_character(),
cve_parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
df <- .clean_archive(df, TRUE)
df$pollutant <- .recode_pollutant(df$pollutant)
## Check the year argument is an integer or vector of integers
if (length(year) < 1)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
for (i in seq_len(length(year)))
if (is.integer2(year[i]) == FALSE)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
if (min(year) < 1986)
stop("year must be greater or equal to 1986")
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1) {
p <- progress_bar$new(format = " downloading [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = length(year))
df <- data.frame()
for (i in year){
df <- rbind(df, get_data(i))
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1)
#' Download Meteorological Data Archives
#' Download the files available at
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmI=\%27&opcion=Zw==}{Meteorología}
#' @param year a numeric vector containing the years for which to download data
#' (the earliest possible value is 1986)
#' @param progress whether to display a progress bar (TRUE or FALSE).
#' By default it will only display in an interactive session.
#' @return a data.frame with meterological information:
#' "RH","TMP","WDR","WSP","PBa"
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(download_meteorological(2017))
#' }
download_meteorological <- function(year, progress = interactive()) {
get_data <- function(year) {
REDMET <- paste0("",
## The files from 2012 onwards changed the name of the columns
## cve_station and cve_parameter to id_station and id_parameter
if (year >= 2012)
df <- read_csv(str_c(REDMET, year, ".csv.gz"),
skip = 10, progress = FALSE, col_types = list(
date = col_character(),
id_station = col_character(),
id_parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
df <- read_csv(str_c(REDMET, year, ".csv.gz"),
skip = 10, progress = FALSE, col_types = list(
date = col_character(),
cve_station = col_character(),
cve_parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
.clean_archive(df, TRUE)
## Check the year argument is an integer or vector of integers
if (length(year) < 1)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
for (i in seq_len(length(year)))
if (is.integer2(year[i]) == FALSE)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
if (min(year) < 1986)
stop("year must be greater or equal to 1986")
## Errors in 2016 and 2017 data
# if (any(year %in% 2016))
# warning(paste0("There may be errors in the 2016 wind speed data.",
# " It was incorrectly converted to mph. Use the function",
# " `get_station_data` to download the correct values"),
# call. = FALSE)
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1) {
p <- progress_bar$new(format = " downloading [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = length(year))
df <- data.frame()
for (i in year){
df <- rbind(df, get_data(i))
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1)
#' Download Lead Pollution Archives
#' Download data on lead pollution from the archives available at
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmE=\%27&r=aHR0cDovLzE0OC4yNDMuMjMyLjExMjo4MDgwL29wZW5kYXRhL3JlZF9tYW51YWwvcmVkX21hbnVhbF9wbG9tby5jc3Y=}{Plomo}
#' and
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmE=\%27&r=aHR0cDovLzE0OC4yNDMuMjMyLjExMjo4MDgwL29wZW5kYXRhL3JlZF9tYW51YWwvcmVkX21hbnVhbF9wYXJ0aWN1bGFzX3N1c3AuY3N2}{Partículas suspendidas}
#' @param type type of data to download.
#' \itemize{
#' \item PbPST
#' \item PST, PM10, PM25
#' }
#' @return A data.frame with pollution data.
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(download_lead("PbPST"))
#' }
download_lead <- function(type) {
if (!(identical("PbPST", type) || identical("PST, PM10, PM25", type)))
stop("type should be 'PbPST', or 'PST, PM10, PM25'")
if (type == "PbPST")
REDMA <- paste0("",
else if (type == "PST, PM10, PM25")
REDMA <- paste0("",
df <- read_csv(str_c(REDMA),
skip = 8, progress = FALSE, col_types = list(
Date = col_character(),
cve_station = col_character(),
cve_parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
.clean_archive(df, FALSE)
#' Download Acid Rain Measurements Archives
#' Download data on rainfall samples collected weekly during the rainy season, available at
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmE=\%27&r=aHR0cDovLzE0OC4yNDMuMjMyLjExMjo4MDgwL29wZW5kYXRhL3JlZGRhL2RlcG9zaXRvLmNzdg==}{Depósito}
#' and
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmE=\%27&r=aHR0cDovLzE0OC4yNDMuMjMyLjExMjo4MDgwL29wZW5kYXRhL3JlZGRhL2RlcG9zaXRvVC5jc3Y=}{Depósito}
#' @param type type of ion measurement
#' \itemize{
#' \item DEPOSITO - ion quantity deposition
#' \item CONCENTRACION - ion concentration
#' }
#' @param deposition type of deposition to download
#' \itemize{
#' \item TOTAL - Total deposition (1988-2000)
#' \item HUMEDO - Wet and dry deposition (1997-)
#' }
#' @return A data.frame with deposition data.
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Download rainfall in mm
#' df <- download_deposition(deposition = "HUMEDO", type = "CONCENTRACION") %>%
#' filter(pollutant == "PP")
#' head(df)
#' }
download_deposition <- function(deposition, type) {
if (!(identical("HUMEDO", deposition) || identical("TOTAL", deposition)))
stop("deposition should be 'HUMEDO', or 'TOTAL'")
if (!(identical("DEPOSITO", type) || identical("CONCENTRACION", type)))
stop("type should be 'DEPOSITO', or 'CONCENTRACION'")
# Deposito humedo - deposito
if (deposition == "HUMEDO" & type == "DEPOSITO")
REDDA <- ""
# Deposito humedo - concentracion
if (deposition == "HUMEDO" & type == "CONCENTRACION")
REDDA <- ""
# Deposito total - deposito
if (deposition == "TOTAL" & type == "DEPOSITO")
REDDA <- ""
# Deposito total - concentracion
if (deposition == "TOTAL" & type == "CONCENTRACION")
REDDA <- ""
df <- read_csv(REDDA,
skip = 8, progress = FALSE, col_types = list(
Date = col_character(),
cve_station = col_character(),
cve_parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
.clean_archive(df, FALSE)
#' Download Ultraviolet Radiation Archives
#' Download data on UVA and UVB from the pollution archives available at
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmI=\%27&opcion=bA==}{Radiación Solar (UVA)}
#' and
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmI=\%27&opcion=bQ==}{Radiación Solar (UVB)}
#' @param type type of data to download.
#' \itemize{
#' \item UVA - long wave ultraviolet A
#' \item UVB - short wave ultraviolet B
#' }
#' @param year a numeric vector containing the years for which to download data
#' (the earliest possible value is 2000)
#' @param progress whether to display a progress bar (TRUE or FALSE).
#' By default it will only display in an interactive session.
#' @return A data.frame with pollution data. The
#' hours correspond to the
#' \emph{Etc/GMT+6} timezone, with no daylight saving time
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(download_radiation("UVA", 2017))
#' }
download_radiation <- function(type, year, progress = interactive()) {
get_data <- function(year, type) {
if (type == "UVA")
else if (type == "UVB")
df <- read_csv(str_c(RADIACION, year, ".csv"),
skip = 8, progress = FALSE, col_types = list(
Date = col_character(),
cve_station = col_character(),
parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
.clean_archive(df, TRUE)
## Check the year argument is an integer or vector of integers
if (length(year) < 1)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
for (i in seq_len(length(year)))
if (is.integer2(year[i]) == FALSE)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
if (min(year) < 2000)
stop("year must be greater or equal to 2000")
if (!(identical("UVB", type) || identical("UVA", type)))
stop("deposition should be 'UVA', or 'UVB'")
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1) {
p <- progress_bar$new(format = " downloading [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = length(year))
df <- data.frame()
for (i in year){
df <- rbind(df, get_data(i, type))
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1)
#' Download archives of the 24 hour averages of pollutants
#' Data comes from
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmI=\%27&opcion=ag==}{Promedios de 24 horas de partículas suspendidas(PM10 Y PM2.5)} and
#' \href{\%27aKBhnmI=\%27&opcion=aQ==}{Promedios de 24 horas de Dióxido azufre}
#' @param type type of data to download.
#' \itemize{
#' \item SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide (parts per billion)
#' \item PS - Suspended solids
#' }
#' @param year a numeric vector containing the years for which to download data
#' (the earliest possible value is 1986 for SO2 and 1995 for PS)
#' @param progress whether to display a progress bar (TRUE or FALSE).
#' By default it will only display in an interactive session.
#' @return A data.frame with pollution data.
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(download_24hr_average("PS", 2017))
#' }
download_24hr_average <- function(type, year, progress = interactive()) {
get_data <- function(year, type) {
if (type == "PS")
base_url <- paste0("",
else if (type == "SO2")
base_url <- paste0("",
df <- read_csv(str_c(base_url, year, "_", tolower(type), ".csv"),
skip = 8, progress = FALSE,
col_types = list(
date = col_character(),
id_station = col_character(),
id_parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
.clean_archive(df, FALSE)
## Check the year argument is an integer or vector of integers
if (length(year) < 1)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
for (i in seq_len(length(year)))
if (is.integer2(year[i]) == FALSE)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
if (!(identical("SO2", type) || identical("PS", type)))
stop("type should be 'SO2', or 'PS'")
if (min(year) < 1986 & type == "SO2")
stop("year must be greater or equal to 1986")
if (min(year) < 1995 & type == "PS")
stop("year must be greater or equal to 1995")
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1) {
p <- progress_bar$new(format = " downloading [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = length(year))
df <- data.frame()
for (i in year){
df <- rbind(df, get_data(i, type))
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1)
#' Download Atmospheric Pressure Archives
#' The data comes from \href{\%27aKBhnmI=\%27&opcion=bg==}{Presión Atmosférica}
#' @param year a numeric vector containing the years for which to download data
#' (the earliest possible value is 2009)
#' @param progress whether to display a progress bar (TRUE or FALSE).
#' By default it will only display in an interactive session.
#' @return A data.frame with atmospheric pressure data.
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(download_pressure(2017))
#' }
download_pressure <- function(year, progress = interactive()) {
get_data <- function(year) {
df <- read_csv(str_c(PRESION, year, ".csv"),
skip = 8, progress = FALSE,
col_types = list(
Date = col_character(),
cve_station = col_character(),
parameter = col_character(),
value = col_double(),
unit = col_integer()
.clean_archive(df, TRUE)
## Check the year argument is an integer or vector of integers
if (length(year) < 1)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
for (i in seq_len(length(year)))
if (is.integer2(year[i]) == FALSE)
stop("year should be an integer in YYYY format")
if (min(year) < 2009)
stop("year must be equal or greater than 2009")
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1) {
p <- progress_bar$new(format = " downloading [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = length(year))
df <- data.frame()
for (i in year){
df <- rbind(df, get_data(i))
if (identical(progress, TRUE) && length(year) > 1)
#' Clean archive files
#' @param df data.frame to clean
#' @param include_hour is the data hourly
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_sub
#' @keywords internal
.clean_archive <- function(df, include_hour) {
names(df) <- c("date", "station_code", "pollutant", "value", "unit")
df$date <- str_replace_all(df$date, "\t", "")
if (include_hour)
df$hour <- as.numeric(str_sub(df$date, 12, 13))
df$date <- str_c(str_sub(df$date, 7, 10), "-",
str_sub(df$date, 4, 5), "-",
str_sub(df$date, 1, 2))
df$value <- as.numeric(df$value)
df$date <- as.Date(df$date)
df$unit <- .recode_unit_code(df$unit)
if (include_hour)
df <- df[, c("date", "hour", "station_code", "pollutant", "unit", "value")]
df <- df[, c("date", "station_code", "pollutant", "unit", "value")]
# sometimes with download_deposition("TOTAL", "DEPOSITO") and
# download_deposition("TOTAL", "CONCENTRACION") the last line is NAs
if ($date[nrow(df)]))
df <- df[1:(nrow(df) - 1), ]
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