
Defines functions teshape

Documented in teshape

#' Interconvert data structures
#' Interconvert an array, a raw data frame, and frequency distribution data.frame.
#' Multivariate categorical data can be represented in several ways.  Three comon ways are : a contingency table, a data frame of raw observations (1 row = 1 subject), and a long data frame with a variable containing the counts in the contingency table.
#' @param data a data frame or array
#' @param out the output format, see examples
#' @return a matrix containing the Markov basis as its columns (for easy addition to tables)
#' @export teshape
#' @examples
#' data(Titanic) 
#' # array to others
#' teshape(Titanic, "freq")
#' teshape(Titanic, "tab") # what it was
#' teshape(Titanic, "raw")
#' # freq to others
#' TitanicFreq <- teshape(Titanic, "freq")
#' teshape(TitanicFreq, "freq") # what it was
#' teshape(TitanicFreq, "tab")  # == Titanic
#' teshape(TitanicFreq, "raw")
#' # raw to others
#' TitanicRaw <- teshape(Titanic, "raw")
#' teshape(TitanicRaw, "freq") 
#' teshape(TitanicRaw, "tab")  
#' teshape(TitanicRaw, "raw") 
teshape <- function(data, out = c("freq", "tab", "raw")){
    input <- "tab"
  } else if(any(
    tolower(names(data)) %in% c("freq", "count", "frequency")
    input <- "freq"
  } else if(is.data.frame(data)){
    input <- "raw"
  } else {
    stop("input must be either \"tab\", \"raw\", or \"freq\"",
      call. = FALSE)	  	

  out <- match.arg(out)
  if(input == out){
  	message("it's already in that format...")
  ## if the input is a table...
  if(input == "tab"){
    df <- melt(data)
    p <- ncol(df) - 1
    names(df) <- c(names(df)[-(p+1)], "freq")
    if(out == "freq") return(df)
    # continuing if out == "raw"
    raw_df <- NULL
    for(k in 1:nrow(df)){
      if(df[k,]$freq > 0){
        raw_df <- rbind(raw_df, suppressMessages(
          df[rep(k, df[k,]$freq),1:p]
    raw_df <- raw_df[sample(nrow(raw_df)),]
    row.names(raw_df) <- 1:nrow(raw_df)
  ## if the input is a data frame of observations...  
  if(input == "raw"){
    if(out == "tab"){
    } else { # out == "freq"
      df <- melt(table(data))
      p <- ncol(df) - 1
      names(df) <- c(names(df)[-(p+1)], "freq")
  ## if the input is a data frame of freqs...  
  if(input == "freq"){
  	if(!any(c("freq","count","frequency") %in% tolower(names(data))))
  	  stop("frequency variable not found,  please rename it freq.")
  	# move freq to end
  	if("freq" %in% tolower(names(data))){ 
  	  c <- which("freq" == tolower(names(data)))
  	} else if("count" %in% tolower(names(data))){ 
  	  c <- which("count" == tolower(names(data)))
  	} else if("frequency" %in% tolower(names(data))){ 
  	  c <- which("frequency" == tolower(names(data)))
  	df <- cbind(data[,(1:ncol(data))[-c]], freq = data[,c])
    p  <- ncol(data) - 1  	
    if(out == "tab"){
      tab <- table(df[,1:p])
      tab[1:nrow(df)] <- df$freq
    } else { # out == "raw"
      raw_df <- NULL
      for(k in 1:nrow(df)){
        if(df[k,]$freq > 0){
          raw_df <- rbind(raw_df, suppressMessages(
            df[rep(k, df[k,]$freq),1:p]
      raw_df <- raw_df[sample(nrow(raw_df)),]
      row.names(raw_df) <- 1:nrow(raw_df)

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algstat documentation built on May 29, 2017, 10:34 p.m.