
Defines functions summarize.steps_xy summarise.steps_xy select.steps_xy nest.steps_xy mutate.steps_xy group_by.steps_xy filter.steps_xy count.steps_xy arrange.steps_xy `[.steps_xy` steps_transfer_attr steps_base steps.track_xyt steps.track_xy steps steps_by_burst.track_xyt steps_by_burst distance_with_diff step_lengths_sq.track_xy step_lengths_sq step_lengths.track_xy step_lengths direction_rel.track_xy direction_rel direction_abs.track_xy direction_abs

Documented in direction_abs direction_abs.track_xy direction_rel direction_rel.track_xy step_lengths step_lengths.track_xy steps steps_by_burst steps_by_burst.track_xyt steps.track_xy steps.track_xyt

#' Functions to create and work with steps
#' `step_lengths` can be use to calculate step lengths of a track. `direction_abs` and `direction_rel` calculate the absolute and relative direction of steps. `steps` converts a `track_xy*` from a point representation to a step representation and automatically calculates step lengths and relative turning angles.
#' `dierctions_*()` returns `NA` for 0 step lengths.
#' @template track_xy_star
#' @param lonlat `[logical(1)=TRUE]` \cr Should geographical or planar coordinates be used? If `TRUE` geographic distances are calculated.
#' @param full_circle `[logical(1)=FALSE]` \cr If `TRUE` angles are returned between 0 and $2pi$, otherwise angles are between $-pi$ and $pi$.
#' @param zero_dir `[character(1)='E']` \cr Indicating the zero direction. Must be either `N`, `E`, `S`, or `W`.
#' @param clockwise `[logical(1)=FALSE]` \cr Should angles be calculated clock or anti-clockwise?
#' @param append_last `[logical(1)=TRUE]` \cr If `TRUE` an `NA` is appended at the end of all angles.
#' @param keep_cols `[character(1)=NULL]{'start', 'end', 'both'}` \cr Should columns with attribute information be transferred to steps? If `keep_cols = 'start'` the attributes from the starting point are use, otherwise the columns from the end points are used.
#' @param ... Further arguments, none implemented
#' @return `[numeric]` \cr For `step_lengths()` and `direction_*` a numeric vector. \cr
#' `[data.frame]` \cr For `steps` and `steps_by_burst`, containing the steps.
#' @name steps

# directions --------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @rdname steps
#' @examples
#' xy <- tibble(
#'   x = c(1, 4, 8, 8, 12, 12, 8, 0, 0, 4, 2),
#'   y = c(0, 0, 0, 8, 12, 12, 12, 12, 8, 4, 2))
#' trk <- make_track(xy, x, y)
#' # append last
#' direction_abs(trk, append_last = TRUE)
#' direction_abs(trk, append_last = FALSE)
#' # degrees
#' direction_abs(trk) |> as_degree()
#' # full circle or not: check
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = TRUE)
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = FALSE)
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = TRUE) |> as_degree()
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = FALSE) |> as_degree()
#' # direction of 0
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = TRUE, zero_dir = "N")
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = TRUE, zero_dir = "E")
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = TRUE, zero_dir = "S")
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = TRUE, zero_dir = "W")
#' # clockwise or not
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = TRUE, zero_dir = "N", clockwise = FALSE)
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = TRUE, zero_dir = "N", clockwise = TRUE)
#' # Bearing (i.e. azimuth): only for lon/lat
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = FALSE, zero_dir = "N", lonlat = FALSE, clockwise = TRUE)
#' direction_abs(trk, full_circle = FALSE, zero_dir = "N", lonlat = TRUE, clockwise = TRUE)

direction_abs <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("direction_abs", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname steps

direction_abs.track_xy <- function(x, full_circle = FALSE, zero_dir = "E",
                                   clockwise = FALSE,
                                   append_last = TRUE, lonlat = FALSE, ...) {
  zero_dir <- toupper(zero_dir)
  if (!zero_dir %in% c("E", "N", "W", "S")) {
    stop("zero_dir should be one of 'E', 'N', 'W', or 'S'.")

  if (zero_dir == "E") {
    zero_dir <- "East"

  x$dx <- diff_x(x)
  x$dy <- diff_y(x)
  x$zero_step <- x$dx == 0 & x$dy == 0

  # angles
  a <- if (!lonlat) {
    atan2(x$dy, x$dx)
  } else {
    xx <- sf::st_coordinates(as_sf(x))
    c(geosphere::bearing(xx[-nrow(xx), ], xx[-1, ]), NA) * pi / 180

  a[x$zero_step] <- NA

  # remove last NA
  a <- if (append_last) a else a[-length(a)]
  a <- ifelse(a < 0, 2 * pi + a, a)
  a <- switch(zero_dir,
         "East" = a,  # to avoid partial matching with EXPR
         "S" = (2.5 * pi + a) %% (2 * pi),
         "W" = (3 * pi + a) %% (2 * pi),
         "N" = (3.5 * pi + a) %% (2 * pi)
  a <- if (clockwise)  (2 * pi - a) %% (2 * pi) else a
  a <- if (full_circle) a else ifelse(a > pi, (2 * pi - a) * -1, a)

# Directions rel ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname steps
#' @export

direction_rel <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("direction_rel", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname steps
direction_rel.track_xy <- function(x, lonlat = FALSE, append_last = TRUE,
                                   zero_dir = "E", ...) {

  p <- direction_abs(x, lonlat = lonlat, full_circle = FALSE,
                     zero_dir = zero_dir, clockwise = FALSE, append_last = append_last)
  p <- c(NA, diff(p)) %% (2 * pi)
  p <- ifelse( p > pi, p - 2 * pi, p)

# steps -------------------------------------------------------------------

# step lengths ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @rdname steps
#' @details `step_lengths` calculates the step lengths between points a long the path. The last value returned is `NA`, because no observed step is 'started' at the last point. If `lonlat = TRUE`, `step_lengths()` wraps [sf::st_distance()].

step_lengths <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("step_lengths", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname steps
step_lengths.track_xy <- function(x, lonlat = FALSE, append_last = TRUE, ...) {
  if (lonlat) {
    q <- c(as.vector(as_sf(x) |> sf::st_distance(which = "Great Circle") |> units::set_units("m")), NA)
  } else {
    q <- sqrt(step_lengths_sq(x))
  if (append_last)

#' @noRd
step_lengths_sq <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("step_lengths_sq", x)

#' @noRd
step_lengths_sq.track_xy <- function(x, ...) {
  diff_x(x)^2 + diff_y(x)^2

#' @noRd
distance_with_diff <- function(xd, yd) {
  c(NA, sqrt((xd)^2 + (yd)^2))

# steps -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @rdname steps
steps_by_burst <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("steps_by_burst", x)

#' @rdname steps
#' @export
steps_by_burst.track_xyt <- function(x, lonlat = FALSE,
                                     keep_cols = NULL, ...) {

  togo <- cumsum(rle(x$burst_)$lengths)
  ss <- suppressWarnings(steps(x, lonlat = lonlat, keep_cols = keep_cols, ...))

  if (!"burst_" %in% names(ss)) {
    ss <- tibble::add_column(ss, burst_ = x$burst_[-1], .before = 1)

  ss[head(togo, -1) + 1, "ta_"] <- NA
  ss <- ss[-togo, ]
  class(ss) <- c("bursted_steps_xyt", "steps_xyt", "steps_xy", class(x)[-(1:2)])
  attr(ss, "crs_") <- attr(x, "crs_")

#' @export
#' @rdname steps
steps <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("steps", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname steps
steps.track_xy <- function(x, lonlat = FALSE,
                           keep_cols = NULL, ...) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  xx <- steps_base(x, n, lonlat = lonlat, keep_cols = keep_cols)

  class(xx) <- c("steps_xy", class(x)[-1])
  attr(xx, "crs_") <- attr(x, "crs_")

#' @export
#' @param diff_time_units `[character(1)='auto']` \cr The unit for time differences, see `?difftime`.
#' @rdname steps
steps.track_xyt <- function(x, lonlat = FALSE,
                            keep_cols = NULL,
                            diff_time_units = "auto", ...) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  if ("burst_" %in% names(x)) {
    warning("burst's are ignored, use steps_by_burst instead.")
  xx <- steps_base(x, n, lonlat, keep_cols = keep_cols)
  xx$t1_ <- x$t_[-n]
  xx$t2_ <- x$t_[-1]
  xx$dt_ <- difftime(xx$t2_,  xx$t1_, units = diff_time_units)

  class(xx) <- c("steps_xyt", "steps_xy", class(x)[-(1:2)])
  attr(xx, "crs_") <- attr(x, "crs_")

steps_base <- function(x, n, lonlat, zero_dir, keep_cols) {
  out <- tibble(
    x1_ = x$x_[-n],
    x2_ = x$x_[-1],
    y1_ = x$y_[-n],
    y2_ = x$y_[-1],
    sl_ = step_lengths(x, lonlat = lonlat, append_last = FALSE),
    direction_p = direction_abs(x, lonlat = lonlat, zero_dir = "E", append_last = FALSE),
    ta_ = direction_rel(x, lonlat = lonlat, zero_dir = "E", append_last = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(keep_cols)) {

    if (keep_cols == "start") {
      out <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        x[-n, base::setdiff(names(x), c("x_", "y_", if (is(x, "track_xyt")) "t_"))])
    } else if (keep_cols == "end")  {
      out <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        x[-1, base::setdiff(names(x), c("x_", "y_", if (is(x, "track_xyt")) "t_"))])
    } else if (keep_cols == "both") {

      c_start <- x[-n, base::setdiff(names(x), c("x_", "y_", if (is(x, "track_xyt")) "t_"))]
      base::names(c_start) <- paste0(base::names(c_start), "_start")
      c_end <- x[-1, base::setdiff(names(x), c("x_", "y_", if (is(x, "track_xyt")) "t_"))]
      base::names(c_end) <- paste0(base::names(c_end), "_end")

      out <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        out, c_start, c_end

# Support for dplyr -------------------------------------------------------

steps_transfer_attr <- function(from, to) {
  from <- attributes(from)
 # attributes(to)$class <- from$class
   attributes(to)$class <- c(setdiff(from$class, class(to)), class(to))
  attributes(to)$sl_ <- from$sl_
  attributes(to)$ta_ <- from$ta_
  attributes(to)$crs_ <- from$crs_

#' @export
`[.steps_xy` <- function(x, i, j, drop = FALSE) {
  xx <- NextMethod()
  steps_transfer_attr(x, xx)

# see here: https://github.com/hadley/dplyr/issues/719
#' @export
arrange.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
  xx <- NextMethod()
  steps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)

count.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {

#' @export
filter.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
  xx <- NextMethod()
  steps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)

#' @export
group_by.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
  xx <- NextMethod()
  xx <- steps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)

  # Add grouped_df
#  cl <- class(xx)
#  lcl <- length(cl)
#  class(xx) <- c(cl[1:(lcl - 3)], "grouped_df", cl[(lcl - 3):lcl])

#' @export
mutate.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
  xx <- NextMethod()
  steps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)

#' @export
nest.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {

#' @export
select.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
  xx <- NextMethod()
  steps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)

#' @export
summarise.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {

#' @export
summarize.steps_xy <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {

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