
Defines functions saveVideo

Documented in saveVideo

#' Convert a sequence of images to a video by FFmpeg
#' This function opens a graphics device to record the images produced in the
#' code \code{expr}, then uses FFmpeg to convert these images to a video.
#' This function uses \code{\link{system}} to call FFmpeg to convert the images
#' to a single video. The command line used in this function is: \command{ffmpeg
#' -y -r <1/interval> -i <img.name>\%d.<ani.type> other.opts video.name}
#' where \code{interval} comes from \code{ani.options('interval')}, and
#' \code{ani.type} is from \code{ani.options('ani.type')}. For more details on
#' the numerous options of FFmpeg, please see the reference.
#' Some linux systems may use the alternate software 'avconv' instead of 'ffmpeg'.  The package will attempt to determine which command is present and set \code{\link{ani.options}('ffmpeg')} to an appropriate default value. This can be overridden by passing in the \code{ffmpeg} argument.
#' @param expr the R code to draw (several) plots
#' @param img.name the file name of the sequence of images to be generated
#' @param video.name the file name of the output video (e.g.
#'   \file{animation.mp4} or \file{animation.avi})
#' @param ffmpeg the command to call FFmpeg (e.g.
#'   \code{'C:/Software/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe'} under Windows or 'avconv' on some linux machines); note the full
#'   path of FFmpeg can be pre-specified in \code{\link{ani.options}('ffmpeg')}
#' @param other.opts other options to be passed to \code{ffmpeg}, e.g. we can
#'   specify the bitrate as \code{other.opts = '-b 400k'} (The default \code{"-pix_fmt yuv420p"} is a work-around for a bug in some versions of ffmpeg.)
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{ani.options}}
#' @return An integer indicating failure (-1) or success (0) of the converting
#'   (refer to \code{\link{system}}).
#' @author Yihui Xie, based on an inital version by Thomas Julou

#'   \email{thomas.julou@@gmail.com}
#' @note There are a lot of possibilities in optimizing the video. My knowledge
#'   on FFmpeg is very limited, hence the default output by this function could
#'   be of low quality or too large. The file \file{presets.xml} of WinFF might
#'   be a good guide: \url{http://code.google.com/p/winff/}.
#' @references Examples at \url{https://yihui.org/animation/example/savevideo/}
#'   To know more about ffmpeg, please see \url{http://ffmpeg.org/documentation.html}
#' @family utilities
#' @export
saveVideo = function(
  expr, video.name = 'animation.mp4', img.name = 'Rplot', ffmpeg = ani.options('ffmpeg'),
  other.opts = if (grepl('[.]mp4$', video.name)) '-pix_fmt yuv420p', ...
) {
  oopt = ani.options(...)


  owd = setwd(tempdir())
  on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)

  # default ffmpeg command to 'ffmpeg' if not specified
  if (is.null(ffmpeg)) {
    ffmpeg = 'ffmpeg'
  if (!grepl('^["\']', ffmpeg)) ffmpeg = shQuote(ffmpeg)

  version = try(system(paste(ffmpeg, '-version'), intern = TRUE))
  if (inherits(version, 'try-error')) {
    warning('The command "', ffmpeg, '" is not available in your system.',
            ' Please install FFmpeg or avconv first: http://ffmpeg.org/download.html')

  ani.dev = ani.options('ani.dev')
  file.ext = ani.options('ani.type')
  interval = ani.options('interval')
  if (is.character(ani.dev)) ani.dev = get(ani.dev)

  num = ifelse(file.ext == 'pdf', '', ani.options('imgnfmt'))
  unlink(paste(img.name, '*.', file.ext, sep = ''))
  img.fmt = paste(img.name, num, '.', file.ext, sep = '')
  img.fmt = file.path(tempdir(), img.fmt)
  ani.options(img.fmt = img.fmt)
  if ((use.dev <- ani.options('use.dev'))) {
    if ("res" %in% names(formals(ani.dev))){
      ani.dev(img.fmt, width = ani.options('ani.width'),
              height = ani.options('ani.height'), res = ani.options('ani.res'))
    } else {
      ani.dev(img.fmt, width = ani.options('ani.width'), height = ani.options('ani.height'))
  in_dir(owd, expr)
  if (use.dev) dev.off()

  ## call FFmpeg
  ffmpeg = paste(ffmpeg, '-y', '-framerate', 1/ani.options('interval'), '-i',
                 basename(img.fmt), other.opts, basename(video.name))
  message('Executing: ', ffmpeg)
  cmd = system(ffmpeg)

  if (cmd == 0) {
    if(!grepl(tempdir(),video.name,fixed = T))
      file.copy(file.path(tempdir(), basename(video.name)), video.name, overwrite = TRUE)
    message('\n\nVideo has been created at: ',
            output.path <- normalizePath(video.name))


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animation documentation built on Oct. 7, 2021, 9:18 a.m.